How to determine if a point belongs to a region in jvectormap? - jvectormap

Is there any way to determine that a given point (either [x,y] or [latitude, longitude]) is a member of a jvectormap region?
I already know how to convert them from one format to another, but I can't figure out how this would be approachable.

Let say you created a map like in the jVectorMap samples, in a div called "world-map".
Inside your div, jVectorMap will put another div which has class "jvectormap-container", inside this container you will find the svg and inside the svg there are all the region paths.
My example is in plain javascript, but you can find this paths with whichever method you like, for example with jQuery selectors, and so on.
You should search the paths starting with the div you created specially for the map you want to search inside, because you can have more than just one jVectorMap in a page.
In my example, i use the onmousemove event to display the region code and the underlying x,y coordinates.
var paths = document.getElementById("world-map").firstElementChild.firstElementChild.getElementsByTagName("g")[0];
var path = document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX,e.clientY);
console.log('Region: ' + path.getAttribute("data-code") + ' at point: ' + e.clientX + ','+ e.clientY);
Pay just only attention, if the point you are searching for is relative at 0,0 e.g. leftmost,topmost corner of the map, you should then add this element offset, just look at the console log of my sample - or better, provide a code sample ;-)


Alignment and Colors of Data Point Outliers of Box Plot

Is it possible to align the data points and outliers of box plot in one straight line like in center of box plot?
Additionally, can I color the data points?
The current and the desired screen shot are attached with it.
You can use
to not spread the points out at all. Documentation.
General advice on changing the color or style of anything, if there is no accessor for it:
Look for the chart in the chart selectors wiki, or if it's not there, inspect the item you want to change in the developer tools and find out what SVG tag and CSS class the item has. In this case, it's
Add a pretransition handler which selects the items you want, and changes them:
var cc = d3.scaleOrdinal().range(d3.schemeDark2);
bp02.on('pretransition', chart => {
chart.selectAll('').attr('fill', function(d) {
const boxDatum =;
return cc(boxDatum.value[d]);
In this case, we're creating an ordinal scale to map the available data to the colors in a color scheme.
The interesting question is here is what data to bind to the color of the dots, and how to get that data.
A box plot's data consists of an array of key/value pairs where each value is a Y value. When the box plot draws it will bind each element to the index of the data in the array.
So we need to get the array that is bound to the box. Luckily will give us the key/value pair for the box.
For this example, we are encoding the color based on the Y value, which we get by looking inside boxDatum.value. You don't specify how you want the dots colored but this shows the data that is available.

Accessing dimensions of SVG component in Aurelia

I'm porting over a d3 application into Aurelia and need to access the width and height of the chart's SVG parent in order to fit the chart properly to the current screen dimensions.
Before porting, it looked like this, filling up the whole container properly:
This is what it looks like in Aurelia:
It sets its dimensions by calling'#timeline-svg').style('width') and'#timeline-svg').style('height'). But now, in Aurelia, whenever I call those it returns dimensions of 300 x 150, no matter what the dimensions of the SVG actually are. I tried calling the same code on the SVG's div parent (which has identical dimensions) and that didn't help either.
So then I thought to try two-way data binding and changed my SVG tag to <svg id="timeline-svg" width.two-way="width"></svg> (and declared a corresponding width variable in my view-model), but I get the error: Error: Observation of a "svg" element's "width" property is not supported.
I've even tried using aurelia-pal, injecting it as DOM and calling:
attached() {console.log(this.DOM.getElementById("timeline-svg").style.width);} but all that gives me is an empty string.
There's a gist here (minus the d3 code, but all I want to figure out is how to access the dimensions of the SVG element in app.html from within app.js). What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but you could use the ref custom attribute to get a reference the svg element itself.
<svg ref="svgElement"></svg>
Then use the getBBox() function. The result of that function will have a width property you can use.
Here's a simple gist example:

Arrows on Line Segments

I'm using Segment Plot to show multiple lines on the chart. How can I make these lines have arrows on their ends?
You can do this with some SVG + DOM hacking. You can define a "marker element" that can be placed at the beginning, middle or end of a line (see for details on markers).
This means manipulating the SVG generated by Plottable. To get the underlying DOM elements, you need to get hold of the d3 "selection" representing each line.
Add a marker definition to the <svg> element where you are rendering the plot. I am pretty sure plottable won't overwrite entities already inside, but if it does you can always add it after rendering the plot.
Use Segment#entities to get all "PlotEntity" objects from the plot (
Use the PlotEntity#selection property ( to get the set of DOM elements representing each segment.
The "Selection" interface is just a d3 selection ( You can then add the appropriate "marker-end" attribute to each element, which should give you the arrow heads you want.
On the off-chance these lines are vertical, I have a super easy hack. Use .symbol() to create a scatter plot where the points are either up or down arrows, and place them at the ends of the segments.
Otherwise, you may have to draw the arrows yourself. You can get the pixel locations of the ends of the segments like this:
locX = xScale.invert(endpointXValue)
locY = yScale.invert(endpointYValue)
And then you could append an arrow shape to the foreground (see the crosshair container in this example)

How to connect circle from one svg file to another svg file on same html page in d3 using any layout

I have two div on html page having id container1 and container2 i have created svg for each div and each svg contain circle, Now i want to connect two circle
Is it possible to connect two circle from two svg file on same page (cx,cy of both circle should genrate automatically)
My code snnipet..
<div id="container1 " style="width:900px;height:800px;border:solid;"></div>
<div id="container2 " style="width:900px;height:100px;border:solid; margin-top: 25px;"></div>
created svg for container1 ,container2 using below code
var svg ="#"+id).append("svg")
.attr("width", $("#"+id).css("width"))
and draw circle for each container using force layout
Now I want to connect these two circle using line
How is it possible ???
For your general question "how is it possible?", here is a general approach to get you started:
Super-impose a third, mostly transparent SVG over the whole page using absolute positioning. Draw the line inside this SVG.
Use .getScreenCTM() (get screen cumulative transformation matrix) to calculate the position of each circle on the page.
Use the same function to figure out the transformation from the screen to your overlay SVG, and multiply one screen CTM by the inverse of the other to get the net transformation so you can figure the start and end coordinates of your lines from the coordinates of your circles.
Add a listener to the web page as a whole for any re-layout events, and re-do the calculations above as necessary.
If all of that sounds too confusing, you might want to come up with an alternate web page design that puts all the graphics in one SVG. Or one which allows for a different way to indicate that elements are connected (same colour, or hover over one causes highlight on the other).
P.S. You might be able to use .getTransformToElement() to replace steps 2 and 3, but you'll want to test that out thoroughly. I've never tried using it to find the transformation between elements in different SVGs on the same web page.

d3 center bar chart's x-axis on arbitrary value

I have a bar chart that is wider than the svg element but, with panning, you're able to drag left and right. The x-axis is time based (I use d3.time.scale()).
After building the chart, I'd like to be able to pan to a specific point on the x-axis. For example, the user may have already panned to a certain point and shut down their session - I'd like to put them back where they were when they return.
I've been looking at doing something like:
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + savedXaxisLocation + ',0)';
Is that the right idea? I'm assuming I also need to do that to the x axis itself?
As you can tell I'm feeling my way around this - I'd be happy to include any other code or screenshots if y'all feel it relevant.
In general, you would have a top-level g element that contains everything else and would translate that. This saves you from having to translate all the elements individually. When you do that, you may want to apply a clipPath to hide the elements that have been panned out of view.
This example should help you to get a better idea of what you can do and how.
