How to stop Visual Studio from setting a new project to build in all configurations - visual-studio-2013

I have a solution with a large number of solution level build configurations. Whenever I add a project to this solution, Visual stuido changes all of my configurations to build the new project. Is there a way to stop VS from doing this, or am I stuck reconstructing all my build configurations every time I add a new project to the solution?

I don't know of any solution within visual studio but you could do it by hand rather easily. Project files are simply xml files and solution files are text-based as well (and rather simple structured).
If you know how to handle MSBuild files (i.e. project files) you can even simplify them if you have many configurations.
This is the msdn article for MSBuild:


Is there a way to execute a target for all projects in a solution within the IDE (no command line)?

Please hear me out as this question has been modified extensively.
I have an msbuild target that I want to execute after each project in my solution is built from the IDE. I can easily do this by creating an msbuild replica of my solution, but you can't use it within visual studio. You can go through the projects properies as specify an after build process, but this is quite tedious, especially if you have more than 2 projects.
Is there a better way to execute a target for all projects in a solution within the IDE? I just can't believe that VS2010 doesn't give you an easier option.
BTW, does VS 2012 Beta support a full MsBuild file instead of the brain dead solution file?
What I get from your question is that you've extended the build process and then created a 'shadow' msbuild file that does what the solution file normally ends up doing during build. As you are aware, solution files are a rather unfortunate visual studio only concept. That issue is nearly impossible to work around.
The idiomatic approach to this problem is leave the solution file alone and modify the individual .csproj files to include the custom build steps that each project would need to be completed according to your process. NuGet does this when you use it, so does NotifyPropertyWeaver. (NuGet works around the solution issue by introducing a '$(SolutionDir)' property)
As an aside, I'm not sure how valuable 'building an installer' is to the individual developer on your team and including in the build seems like it adds friction rather than removes it.
If this is for a custom build server, there's no need to use the solution file at all if you don't mind keeping the two in sync and I'd wholeheartedly recommend that approach.
You can debug msbuild using the visual studio IDE.
There is an undocumented registry switch to enable. See this thorough msdn article:

Build a solution folder with MSBuild

We have a solution file that contains some solution folders: libraries, unit-tests, applications, etc.
With Visual Studio 2010 we can build only the projects of a given folder by right-clicking on it and using "build" or "rebuild".
This is perfect on the developers' workstations, and we'd like to do the same on the continuous-integration server which uses MSBuild.
So, can we build a solution folder with MSBuild?
Or will we have to create a dedicated solution for each folder?
The conclusion of the below responses is that there isn't any built-in way to do that, but some workarounds:
create a dedicated solution with only the selected projects,
use a dedicated csproj that will build the selected projects,
add a new project which will reference the selected projects in the existing solution file.
I've chosen to use a dedicated solution file as it is the less intrusive and tricky way, though not the more flexible (the dedicated .csproj solution should offer full control).
Yes, you can build Solutions folders using MSBuild.
msbuild "framework.sln" /t:First\Project:Build
will build the project in the folder called First. However, disk folders and solutions folders must match (I tried it for my solution where they don’t first).
So all you'd have to do is choose a project that has all the other projects in that folder as dependencies.
Also see:
MSBuild command-line reference
The short answer is:
Yes, if you want to build specific set
of projects (grouped together in a VS
solution) with plain MSBuild you will
have to create a dedicated MSBuild
.proj for each specific set of
projects you want to build.
You will not have to create (and maintain) Visual Studio solutions to support your build, but in the end it's the same (an MSBuild .proj vs. a Visual Studio solution).
I have a similar scenario with a set of 60+ .NET projects (.btprpj BizTalk). For developing in Visual Studio, these projects are currently organized in 12 Visual Studio solutions.
For automated build and deploy I created a set of 50+ MSBuild .proj scripts to target every single component (or set of components) I need.
MSBuild offers a lot of possibilities for automating all the stuff around the actual build of the Visual Studio projects (export from version control systems, etc.).

what can cause Visual Studio to rebuild my entire solution all the time?

I have a largeish solution in Visual Studio 2008 (around 30 projects, all C# and Script#), including some test projects.
When I start the application or run my tests, way to often Visual Studio rebuilds everything rather than just the changed parts and their dependencies.
If I don't change anything at all, it will not rebuild, but as soon as I change any file in any project, everything in the entire solution will be rebuilt, even the 90% of projects which were not affected at all.
Does anyone have an idea of what the problem can be, or provide me a hint of where I can start troubleshooting it?
Edit: To clarify, all projects in the solution are rebuilt, even those which are not directly or indirectly dependent on the project that has actually been modified. Even those which the modified project depends on, so it can't be a simple project reference issue.
The build sequence is determined by the project references (dependencies).
To avoid to build the projects depending on the project you've edited, you can use Build Current under the menu Build.
I setup CTL+B as shortcut to Build Current which saved me a lot of time than F6. Everytime I just use CTL+B after I save a file.
Hopefully this will help.
You can use the configuration manager to set up a specific config for your sln that will only build the projects you specify. You can find it under Build->Configuration Manager

Integrating MSBuild into Visual Studio

I'm a solo developer running Visual Studio 2008 and looking into MSBuild to improve my build process.
Almost all of the tutorials I've found so far have plenty of information about writing a build file. However I'm having a lot of trouble finding out how to integrate MSBuild into Visual Studio. Maybe MSBuild is only used with something like CruiseControl but that's overkill for me as a single developer.
Where should the build file live in a Visual Studio project and how can I run it from within the IDE?
Visual Studio executes MSBuild automatically for projects it supports.
If you right click on a project and unload it, you can then edit it in Visual Studio. Reload (right click on project again), force a (re)build to test your changes. An alternative is to edit the project file in an external editor and Visual Studio will detect saves and offer to reload the project for you.
Sounds like you're on the right track, and if you are considering writing Targets or custom MSBuild Tasks, take the time to separate them from your current project so that you can re-use them. Don't re-invent the wheel though, the two main complementary MSBuild projects are MSBuild Community Tasks and MSBuild Extension Pack.
Update: Judging from your comment on Mitch's answer, you might also want to consider adding a new Configuration element or custom properties to a project. A new MSBuild Configuration (something other than the default Debug/Release) could run unit tests, build documentation, or whatever you want automated. A custom MSBuild property would allow you to use normal Debug/Release Configuration and extend it to automate more of your build process, just depends on what you want. Either approach could also be driven from the command line.
As others have noted, MSBuild is already available when you install Visual Studio.
If you want to integrate into VS2008: Running MSBuild from Visual Studio
MSBuild is the build engine used by Visual Studio to process the files included in a project.The Visual Studio project files themselves (**.csproj* for C#, and .vbproj for VB, for example) are in fact MSBuild scripts that are run every time you build a project.
Your .csproj file is a MSBuild file. So you are actually using it already.
You may of course wish to create a separate build file to have more control, especially within a continuous integration or nightly build say.
If you simply wish to edit your project build file then you can use the IDE to edit some settings such as pre and post build actions or edit the Xml itself by unloading project and right click and editing.
You can use your current .vcproj files to build your project with MSBuild. However, as MSBuild is not directly supported (at least for vc++) vcbuild is used instead (internally).
In VS2010 all project files are MSBuild based...
This is an older article about some simple extension points from the msbuild team
How To: Insert Custom Process at Specific Points During Build
Also, don't forget you can use the MSBuild SideKick for developing and debugging your (local) msbuilds, available for free at
I'd suggest you call msbuild as a post build step. Then you can put your build script somewhere in your solution and call it.
<windowsdir>\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe c:\temp\MyProject\mybuildfile.proj
The easiest way is probably to invoke your custom build script using a post-build step. Right click project, choose "Build Events" and call msbuild with your custom msbuild file from there.
I use the msbuild template to intergrate with visual studio

Solution file vs. Project file in Visual Studio

Can someone briefly explain to me the difference between Visual Studio's solution file (.sln) and project file (.vcproj).
It seems to me opening either one open the correct solution/project in Visual Studio. Is one the super-set of the other?
Note: I am currently using Visual Studio 2008 working on a project that was brought forward from Visual Studio 2005 (I believe).
A solution is a set of projects. If you need more than one project in your software, then go with solutions. I.E.: A Class Library Project + A Web Application Project.
A project file typically corresponds to a single module: EXE or DLL or LIB. A solution manages a collection of project files.
A solution is a collection of projects. Visual Studio is made so that it cannot function without a solution, so if you open a bare project, it will generate the solution automatically (or try to find one).
One solution can contain zero or more projects. Everything is in projects, so a solution with zero projects doesn't contain anything at all besides the solution properties.
Visual studio keeps track of where the projects are used, so if you open a project file, it will open (IIRC) the last solution where it was used.
When you create a project from scratch, a solution is also created, but it's not shown until you add another project to it. It looks like you have only the project open, but it's actually a solution containing the project that is open.
Specifically project files are intended to contain the data required to build the files in the project into an exe or dll. This file is utilized by the local compilers or with systems such as Team Foundation system and server side build agents.
Solutions are a client (IDE) construct designed to manage collections of projects, which in effect is a collection of different build definitions and associated files.
Solution files are typically made up of multiple project files.
