Three.js LineBasicMaterial linewidth issue - three.js

When I working with CanvasRendereer then linewidth of LineBasicMaterial working fine but when I switch to WebGL then its not working only default linewidth is applied in material. I found some post regarding this issue and I got idea that its not working in windows for ANGLE issue.
Is this problem still there?
If this problem is solved then how to use it or if not solved then is there any other way to implement linewidth in WebGL?
Thank you.

WebGL does not support line width for three js
WebGL renderer on Windows platforms linewidth will always be 1
regardless of the set value.
You could use TubeGeometry
var line=new three3DExtras.tubeLine([-1,-1,0],[1,1,0],0.02,'#FFF');
var line2=new three3DExtras.tubeLine([-1,0,0],[1,0,0],0.02,'#E3DC1C');
var line3=new three3DExtras.tubeLine([-1,0,1],[1,0,1],0.02,'#B02735');


How to fix gaps between seamless objects in Three.js?

I am trying to achieve seamless objects next to each other in Three.JS which currently works fine on most devices / browsers but in some cases i'm experiencing difficulties. For example while using MacOS with the latest version of Google Chrome (and also Safari) the objects render with pixelated gaps in between that should not be there.
Bug occurs with all 3D Objects, GLTF models (left) and BoxGeometry (right):
While using the same Mac device but using Firefox everything renders as expected:
Sizes are exactly (1, 1, 1) and should fit exactly next to each other. I've also tried to scale it up to (1.05, 1.05, 1.05) but this didn't fix the problem, in fact it only got worse as applying scaling results in Z-fighting when textures are enabled.
I'm currently using R137 of Three.JS and made sure my application correctly applies window.devicePixelRatio so that should not be the problem either - is there any other renderer setting that i'm forgetting which could help resolve this rendering issue?
The behaviour for Android and Windows devices also works correctly. The used Android device has a devicePixelRatio greater than 2 and everything looks smooth there. I doubt it's a problem with my Mac GPU as it renders correctly with Firefox; is this a bug of the browser maybe, and is there something we can do about it ourselves?
Hopefully this is not a duplicate, i couldn't find any solutions/answers to this.
I've found out that EffectComposer (for FXAA) are causing these problems for Google Chrome / Safari on Mac devices. Which is weird because it works completely fine on all other devices. I'm currently still looking for a way to fix this. If anyone had problems in the past with EffectComposer for Mac and managed to fix them please share your solution with us. When replacing FXAA shader with for example Sepia shader the same bugs occur, it doesn't seem to matter which shaders are being passed, anything pass from EffectComposer causes this.
I've made a fiddle:
Note how the right side (EffectComposer) has buggy edges while the left side (Renderer) looks good (for Mac).
Somehow the code below is responsible for this buggy behaviour:
const renderPass = new RenderPass( scene, camera );
fxaaPass = new ShaderPass( FXAAShader );
composer2 = new EffectComposer( renderer );
composer2.addPass( renderPass );
composer2.addPass( fxaaPass );

Three js line thickness

I am using three js and need a way to draw lines that have a thickness greater that 1px. Whenever I use LineBasicMaterial and try to change the lineWidth property, nothing happens. There is already a reason related to Windows Chrome versions so I am asking if there are any good, working alternatives that can help me achieve thick lines.
Here is the material:
const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
color: "red",
lineWidth: 20
As in the above link said :
.linewidth : Float
Controls line thickness. Default is 1.
Due to limitations of the OpenGL Core Profile with the WebGL renderer on most platforms linewidth will always be 1 regardless of the set value.

Three.js shadowCasting r88

I'm working from the most recent examples I can find, and I still can't get shadowCasting to display.
barebones jsFiddle:
The point light should cast a shadow from the first mesh to the second.
According to
shadowMap.enable = true/false is correct syntax. support that.
However, I get a syntax error if I use that label. Am I missing something?
Enable shadows like so:
renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
And yes, if you are trying to update an outdated example, the Migration Guide can be helpful.
Other good resources are the three.js examples, as they are consistent with the latest three.js release.
three.js r.88

three.js cube: wires show over textures on Safari and Firefox, not Chrome

I'm just a 3D newbie, and this is my first experiment with Three.js:
Any idea why the side textures show these wires?
You are probably using the canvas renderer. Although you seem to try to use WebGL, it falls back to Canvas. Try to update for more recent version first.
CanvasRenderer has this wireframe behaviour. To work around it, you can set material.overdraw to true. In r59 this parameter was changed from boolean to number.
WebGLRenderer should not have this problem, if you manage to get this to work.

ThreeJS texture issue

I have a problem with my Three.js 3D application - at least according to some people I know.
My application rests at []. Some people who supposedly have the most recent version of Chrome and Firefox, can not see the textured areas. For example, they do not see the roof or front of the 3D house. They do, however, see the non-textured stuff like the tree or the floor.
What's weird is that I don't have that problem and most of the other people I asked do not have it as well. Here is what it should look like and does look like for me: []
Does anyone have an idea what could cause this? Could it be some client-side settings? Or maybe some access control policy?
I'm loading the textures like this:
var myTexture = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('gfx/textures/texture.jpg');
And then I just create meshes with lambert material that have this texture as their map.
If you read this and do not know what could cause this error, it would be nice if you could at least tell me if you see the textured areas or not, given you have a recent version of Chrome or Firefox.
I can see the textures on current chrome on mac. I had a similar problem with the canvas renderer (anything textured was invisible). For me I changed from using the ImageUtils.loadTexture to a texture and texture loader and it works.
var texture = new THREE.Texture();
var texLoader = new THREE.ImageLoader();
texLoader.addEventListener( 'load', function(event){
texture.image = event.content;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
} );
I do however still have problems with a canvas renderer in safari but you appear to only be using the webgl renderer. Hope this helps.
