PhoneGap build - gap:platform not excluding files from each platform build - phonegap-build

Per the documentation:
If you do not supply the gap:platform attribute, the referenced image will be copied to ALL platforms, increasing the size of their application packages.
I have icons and splash screens that reference each iOS and Android, for example:
<icon src="res/icon/android/icon-xxhdpi.png" gap:platform="android" gap:qualifier="xxhdpi" />
Why is it when I upload my zip to PhoneGap Build, the resulting IPA and APK include these files for both platforms? I was hoping the gap:platform would NOT include the files in the resulting platform build. I have been trying to use the .pgbomit file without any luck, so far.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

I figured it out by using the .pgbomit file.


Qt application doesn't load qsvg.dll

I'm trying using svg images in my Qt(5.6.3) app (on Windows 10). But it's so weird that my qt app doesn't even load qsvg(d).dll while other dlls in imageformats(qtiff(d).dll, qico(d).dll, qjpeg(d).dll, etc.) were already loaded correctly after started...
I was using svg image as image/border-image/background-image in .ui file through QStyleSheet property.
Do I need extra configurations in Visual Studio projects or qt.conf?
Does anyone can help? I'm kinda desperate.
I found a solution. I need to include some header files in QtSvg(I used qtsvgglobal.h, and qsvgwidget.h has been verified working) to make the binary load qtsvg.dll even I didn't code any svg related lines. .ui file won't tell qt maker 'I need svg capabilities'.

Download and use FontFamily in Xamarin Android app

I am trying to download and use the Montserrat font family but I can't understand how to use the ttf file in my xamarin android project. I am downloading the ttf from this site . Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot.
You can work with fonts in android using Typeface.
To use your custom downloaded fonts put them in your assets folder (better to make a subfolder named Fonts) then make a typeface using:
Typeface.CreateFromAsset(Application.Context.Assets, "Fonts/yourfontname.ttf");

Why cant i use .mp4 and .jpg files in my Xamarin Forms Android project?

In my project (under Drawables) I have .png, .jpg and .mp4 files but when I run my project the .png files are the only ones who are successfully being used in the app. If I screenshot how for instance a .mp4 looks compared to the .png file it looks like this. The .jpg file is also looking like the .mp4 file (white).
When I right-click the files and check the build action they are all set on "AndroidResource". I add the resources both through my XAML file and code directly with the same outcome.
I am following this guide where I try to implement a video-background in
Any idea why it isn't working and why the solution cannot recognize/find these files?
It is right on the tutorial you referenced:
...remember that video file on Android need to be stored under Assets directory...
You are adding your .mp4 as a Resources/Drawables, you need to add it within the Android Assets
Xamarin Guilde to Using Android Assets

how to extract the html and css of installed app from mobile

We can get the source HTML, JS and CSS for a website by right-click and getting the source code. Is there any way we can get the same for installed Mobile app?
It is for my app. I developed a UI and installed it in my mobile to test it. Later I made some changes to my UI and couldn't recover my old changes. So I'm trying to recover it from my mobile. Any help would be appreciated.
Change file extension from ipa or apk to zip.
Then extract it somewhere. By skimming through those files you could find those html, js and css files.

Silverlight app Image not showing at runtime

In Visual Studio 2010 I have created a new project with the Silverlight Business Application template. I added an Images folder under the Assets folder. The png files in this folder have Build Action set to Resource, and Copy To Output Directory set to Always. In the header section I added an <Image Source="Assets\Images\logo.png" /> element. In design time it displays my image. At runtime it does not.
Any idea as to why my image is missing at runtime?
I had a similar problem with images showing in design-time, but not at runtime. Mine was using a pack URI so I wanted to post that fix as well:
Does not work at runtime, does work at design-time:
<Image Source="TelerikDemo;component/Images/logo.png" />
Works at both design and runtime:
<Image Source="/TelerikDemo;component/Images/logo.png" />
Note the extra '/' before the Pack URI starts.
hmf! Turns out my backslashes needed to be forward slashes!
