I want to add AD security group to yammer private group. But When I am adding AD security group nothing is showing there. We have a yammer subscription for our organization. Please help.
Yammer does not support synchronization of Security Groups from Active Directory. Group Management (adding, removing users) happens directly in Yammer or via the REST API. Please see https://developer.yammer.com
Trying to create a SCIM application in Okta that would provision both users and groups.
Users seem to work as expected and I am able to push custom attributes for users to our app and also do the proper mappings.
However, I have some issues with Groups. I am using Push Group mechanism.
After I enabled the feature called Group Profiles for Universal Directory an Okta Group Profile was added to the Directory -> Profile Editors, to which I added some new attributes for groups (e.g. email, okta id).
If I create groups with these custom attributes and push them, the only information I get sent to our app is displayName and members.
This is the POST body:
{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"],"displayName":"name of group","members":[]}
So no email or other custom attributes.
It is not clear to me how to differentiate our SCIM app attributes for users vs the ones for groups. In the attribute mappings I only see “From Okta user to My app”, and no “From Okta group to My app” and I can only choose user.attribute and not group.attribute.
Any help is very much appreciated!
I got an answer from support saying that provisioning through SCIM custom group attributes is not supported yet. The option might be available later this year, but there is no ETA.
We are trying to implement a "Login With Google" feature for an internal admin dashboard web app connected to our GSuite account. We want to limit login to this dashboard in two ways.
Only members of our GSuite domain can login to the dashboard
Only users in our domain belonging to a specific group within our domain can login to the dashboard
So far we have been able to accomplish number 1 above but not 2. Using a query param to the oauth2 API we can limit the domain. What we have in mind to accomplish number 2 is after the user within our domain is logged in, get their group information and validate that they are in the proper internal group or log them out. The issue with this is it seems only GSuite admin accounts are allowed to make API calls to the Directory API for this information. Is there no way to get the group information for a user with their own access token or using a service account? Ideally we don't want to have to provide a specific admin user within our GSuite account's personal credentials in our application to get this working. Is there a better way to proceed?
Thank you in advance for any help!
I need to create groups and manage users in this groups using the yammer API.
I created groups and add some users with the API but i don't find any solution to add admin on the groups.
Is that possible ?
Please let me know, if any Inputs on how to make a Yammer Group Admin, or add user as group admin.
There is an api endpoint which is not in the documentation bu being used by the Yammer App itself.
User must be in the group before, it will not add the user itself.
Make Admin:
Revoke Admin:
Hope this is still helpfull, since the posting date is really old.
Is it possible to programmatically remove a user(s) from a yammer group via the API? Think of employee off boarding or department change scenarios and the system needs to remove the user from one group and add them to another.
Yes it is. Obtain the user's access_token using the impersonation endpoint, then send a DELETE request to: https://api.yammer.com/api/v1/group_memberships.json?group_id=
See this blog post for further details.