Mailchimp Webhooks API v3 - mailchimp

I am new to mailchimp API and i need to work on v3, everything is going good as expected. I need to create a webhook for a list similar to webhook-add in v2 But i could not find the resource for webhooks in API v3. I have tried multiple collections like lists/<list_id>/webhooks-add and lists/<list_id>/webhooks etc and i am getting The resource could not be found.
Is mailchimp webhooks APIs deprecated in v3 ? OR they have been renamed in v3 ? Any help will be highly appreciated.

Webhooks are not yet implemented in API v3.

I just want to update this thread, may be this could help some one out there.
At the time of this post there were no webhooks in Mailchimp API V3 but they have added now. Here is the link for webhooks in Mailchimp API V3.

webhooks has not been implemented yet in v3. i have used v2 for implementing webhooks


Can we use the Yammer search API v2? Is it official?

When searching in Yammer it uses an /api/v2/search endpoint like this:
Compared to the v1 search endpoint this returns more data. We need this data. And we successfully tested using this v2 endpoint.
Now the question: Is this v2 search endpoint safe to use? Is it "official"? Maybe somebody from Yammer reads along - on their Help page it says:
We encourage you to post all programming questions to StackOverflow
with a #yammer hashtag
So here we are. Any help is appreciated.
The Yammer v2 search API endpoint is not yet officially supported for third-party use. This is because we anticipate the need to make changes to it as we build it out. There are no plans to lock developers out of experimenting with the v2 search API. However, when developing any important functionality against this API, automated testing should be used to detect any unannounced breaking changes that we make while we continue to build it out.

In mailchimp API v3 whats the alternative for user invite api from v2?

Heres the corresponding API spec in v2 :
Does v3 not support this?
I was not able to find it in documentation at :

MailChimp send email v3.0

The version 2.0 of MailChimp APIs has a campaign send API. However I don't find any similar API on v3.0. I do find an automation API where in I can start a workflow, however it appears from the documentation that workflows can't be created using APIs and can be created only using the GUI.
The requirement is to be able to send emails using MailChimp API. Please advise.
It's now possible to both create and send a campaign through the V3.0 API.
See the 'Action' tab here
You can send to a saved segment, but as far as I can tell, there's no way to create a saved segment via the API.
You actually cannot send one on one email with APIv3.0. Mandrill now takes over for the transactional emails.
It's not yet possible to edit or create campaigns in API v3.0. See the API v3 roadmap.

Mailchimp api v3 - replicate campaign

How can you replicate an existing campaign
according to v3 of the MailChimp API - programmatically? (I know you can do it via the frontend.)
It's not yet possible to create or replicate campaigns in API v3.0. See the API v3 roadmap.
The replicate API has now been implemented.

Deprecation of Google API

Can you please let me know if the following can still be used? after 4/20:;;;;;;;
I believe these will work after 4/20. Can you please confirm if this needs to be replaced? I checked my jar for contacts and it is using v3.
Spread sheets API v3 and contacts API v3 are available and are not deprecated which are still on gdata. check this link1 and link2.So, you can use the above libraries but you should use Oauth2 as Oauth 1 is deprecated and is not supported by Google after May 5,2015.
