Iterate through a treeview in VB6 - vb6

I have a treeview control on the form which looks like:
I want to iterate the treeview and write the contents of the treeview to ini file. So the ini file for the given tree would look like:
Here is the code that I have written:
Private Sub TvSaveToIniBtn_Click()
Dim nodx As Node
Dim i As Long
Dim sectionCount As Integer
sectionCount = TreeView1.Nodes(1).Children
Set nodx = TreeView1.Nodes(1).Child.FirstSibling
For i = 1 To sectionCount
SaveNodesToIni (nodx.Text)
Set nodx = nodx.Next
End Sub
Sub SaveNodesToIni(sName As Variant)
Dim tvn As Node
Set tvn = TreeView1.Nodes(sName)
Dim chil As Integer
Dim a As Integer
Dim ret As Integer
Dim keyValuePair() As String
Dim nElements As Integer
chil = tvn.Children: If chil = 0 Then Exit Sub ' if no children the exit
Set tvn = tvn.Child.FirstSibling
For a = 1 To chil
keyValuePair = Split(tvn.Text, "=")
nElements = UBound(keyValuePair) - LBound(keyValuePair) + 1
If nElements > 0 Then
ret = WritePrivateProfileString(sName, keyValuePair(0), keyValuePair(1), "C:\\MyPrograms\\config.ini")
End If
Set tvn = tvn.Next
End Sub
It is not giving the correct output, it gets stuck at the second section of reflection and is not able to read the third one. Something wrong with the code.


How to extract Defects with linked TCs using QC OTA

I am successfully able to download the defects using the below code, but how to get the count of linked TCs with status 'Failed or Blocked' against each defect?
Sub GetDefectsByFilter()
On Error Resume Next
Dim a
Dim intIndex As Integer
Dim sngPercent As Single
Dim BugFactory, BugList, BgFilter
Dim Response As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim DefectID As String
If TDC Is Nothing Then ConnecttoQC
Set BugFactory = TDC.BugFactory
Set BgFilter = BugFactory.Filter
DefectID = frmDefectFilter.txtDefectID
BgFilter.Filter("BG_BUG_ID") = DefectID
Set BugList = BgFilter.NewList
Dim Bug, Row, Count As Integer
Count = 1
Row = 2
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Defect ID"
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value = "Application"
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 3).Value = "Status"
For Each Bug In BugList
ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 1).Value = Bug.Field("BG_BUG_ID")
ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 2).Value = Bug.Field("BG_USER_06")
ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, 3).Value = Bug.Field("BG_STATUS")
Row = Row + 1
Count = Count + 1
End Sub
Thanks #Roland. The below code snippet helped me.
Sub ViewLinks()
' Output all bug links.
Dim BugF As BugFactory, bList As List
Dim aBug As Bug
Dim bugL As ILinkable, LinkList As List, linkF As LinkFactory
'tdc is the global TDConnection object.
Set BugF = tdc.BugFactory
Set bList = BugF.NewList("")
For Each aBug In bList
'Cast the Bug object to an ILinkable reference
' to get the link factory.
Set bugL = aBug
Set linkF = bugL.LinkFactory
Set LinkList = linkF.NewList("")
Dim SourceObj As Object, TargetObj As Object, InitObj As Object, lnk As Link
Debug.Print: Debug.Print "---------------------------------"
Debug.Print "Source Type"; Tab; "ID"; Tab; "Target Type"; _
Tab; "ID"; Tab; "Initiated by"
For Each lnk In LinkList
With lnk
Set SourceObj = .SourceEntity
Set TargetObj = .TargetEntity
Set InitObj = .LinkedByEntity
Debug.Print TypeName(SourceObj); Tab; CStr(SourceObj.ID); _
Tab; TypeName(TargetObj); Tab; CStr(TargetObj.ID); _
Tab; TypeName(InitObj); Spc(3); InitObj.ID
End With
Next lnk
Next aBug
End Sub

"integer out of range" error in a for next statement

I've gone nuts on this, and I'm sure the error is right in front of me, I just cant see it. appreciate all the help in debugging the statements below.
I have multiple slides in a ppt presentation. in some of the slides, there is a star shape, and a textbox with text "Hold" or "Yearly". I want to change the color of the star only if there is no textbox with "Hold" or "Yearly".
Sub Set_Star_Shape_Color_Green_Test()
Dim PPApp As Object ' As PowerPoint.Application
Dim PPPres As Object ' As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim PPSlide As Object ' As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim iShpCnt1 As Integer
Dim iShpCnt2 As Integer
Dim iShpCnt3 As Integer
Dim iSlideCnt As Integer
Dim iBoxTopPos As Integer
Dim sHold As String
Dim sStar As String
Dim sTbox As String
Dim sTColor As String
Dim oShp As Shape
Set PPApp = GetObject(, "Powerpoint.Application")
Set PPPres = PPApp.ActivePresentation
Set PPSlide = PPPres.Slides _
iShpCnt0 = PPSlide.Shapes.Count
For iShpCnt1 = 1 To iShpCnt0 'PPSlide.Shapes.Count
iBoxTopPos = 260
' iSlideCnt = 2 removed
sHold = ""
sStar = ""
iShpCnt1 = 1
For iShpCnt1 = 1 To PPSlide.Shapes.Count
If iShpCnt1 <= PPSlide.Shapes.Count Then
**Set oSh = PPApp.ActivePresentation.Slides(iSlideCnt).Shapes(iShpCnt1) ' this is where i am getting the integer out of range error**
If oSh.Name.Text Like "*Hold*" Or oSh.Name.Text Like "*Yearly*" Then
sHold = oSh.Name
End If
If oSh.Name Like "*Star*" Then
sStar = oSh.Name
End If
End If
For iShpCnt2 = 1 To iShpCnt0 ' this fixed the error
Set oSh = PPApp.ActivePresentation.Slides(iSlideCnt).Shapes(iShpCnt2)
If oSh.Name Like "*Star*" And sHold = "" Then
oSh.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(50, 205, 50) ' change the color to green
End If
' go to next slide
If PPSlide.SlideIndex + 1 < PPPres.Slides.Count Then
PPApp.ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide PPSlide.SlideIndex + 1
Set PPSlide = PPPres.Slides _
(PPApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex + 1)
End If
' Clean up
Set PPSlide = Nothing
Set PPPres = Nothing
Set PPApp = Nothing
End Sub
You are setting the iterator to two.
For iSlideCnt = 1 To PPPres.Slides.Count
iBoxTopPos = 260
iSlideCnt = 2 <--- right here
It will go out of bounds if you have just one slide.

Mouse Move Handle on a ListBox

I have a ListBox on which I want to handle the mousemove event; And for that reason I'm using the following code
Private Sub AreaLB_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles AreaLB.MouseMove
Dim ListMousePosition As Point = AreaLB.PointToClient(Me.MousePosition)
Dim itemIndex As Integer = AreaLB.IndexFromPoint(ListMousePosition)
Dim AreaToolTip As ToolTip = ToolTip1
Dim myLB As ListBox = AreaLB
AreaToolTip.Active = True
Dim g As Graphics = AreaLB.CreateGraphics()
If itemIndex > -1 Then
Dim s As String = myLB.Items(itemIndex)
If g.MeasureString(s, myLB.Font).Width > myLB.ClientRectangle.Width Then
AreaToolTip.SetToolTip(myLB, s)
AreaToolTip.SetToolTip(myLB, "")
End If
End If
End Sub
My problem is... When I'm not moving the mouse this procedure runs always when the
g.MeasureString(s, myLB.Font).Width > myLB.ClientRectangle.Width
Why that happens and how can I avoid it.
What you can do is only set the ToolTip if it isn't already the value you want it to be:
Private Sub AreaLB_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles AreaLB.MouseMove
ToolTip1.Active = True
Dim itemIndex As Integer = AreaLB.IndexFromPoint(e.X, e.Y)
If itemIndex > -1 Then
Using g As Graphics = AreaLB.CreateGraphics()
Dim s As String = AreaLB.Items(itemIndex)
If g.MeasureString(s, AreaLB.Font).Width > AreaLB.ClientRectangle.Width Then
If ToolTip1.GetToolTip(AreaLB) <> s Then
ToolTip1.Show(s, AreaLB)
End If
ToolTip1.Show("", AreaLB)
End If
End Using
End If
End Sub

Visual Studio macro to collapse custom nodes

If I were to have something like:
namespace SomeNameSpace
#region Usings
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security;
/// <summary> Implements a dictionary with several keys. </summary>
/// <typeparam name="Value"> What type of elements we will be storing in the dictionary</typeparam>
public class MultiKeyDic<Value>
/// <summary> a very long summary that can be
/// collapsed and expanded. </summary>
public int SomeInt {get;set;}
public void someMethod()
How can I create a macro that will find all the places that can be expandable (Nodes). If I would like to collapse all the nodes I will have to collapse the nodes in the order of someMethod(), summary of SomeInt , class MultiKeyDic, summary of class MultiKeyDic, #region Usings and finally namespace.
I know the command ctrl+M+O collapses everything, but I do not want to collapse everything. For example I might not want to collapse the comments. If I collapse everything and then expand the comments that expands the parent node too.
So far I have created this macro that will find most of the nodes:
Sub VisitAllNodes()
Dim i As Integer
Dim fileCM As FileCodeModel
Dim elts As EnvDTE.CodeElements
Dim elt As EnvDTE.CodeElement
fileCM = DTE.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.FileCodeModel
elts = fileCM.CodeElements
For i = 1 To elts.Count
elt = elts.Item(i)
CollapseE(elt, elts, i)
End Sub
'' Helper to OutlineCode. Recursively outlines members of elt.
Sub CollapseE(ByVal elt As EnvDTE.CodeElement, ByVal elts As EnvDTE.CodeElements, ByVal loc As Integer)
Dim epStart As EnvDTE.EditPoint
Dim epEnd As EnvDTE.EditPoint
epStart = elt.GetStartPoint(vsCMPart.vsCMPartWholeWithAttributes).CreateEditPoint()
epEnd = elt.GetEndPoint(vsCMPart.vsCMPartWholeWithAttributes).CreateEditPoint() ' Copy it because we move it later.
If ((elt.IsCodeType()) And (elt.Kind <> EnvDTE.vsCMElement.vsCMElementDelegate)) Then
Dim i As Integer
Dim mems As EnvDTE.CodeElements
mems = elt.Members
For i = 1 To mems.Count
Dim temp As EnvDTE.CodeElement = mems.Item(i)
Dim t As String = [Enum].GetName(GetType(EnvDTE.vsCMElement), temp.Kind)
MsgBox("Found member (" & t & ") at line# " & temp.StartPoint.Line)
CollapseE(mems.Item(i), mems, i)
ElseIf (elt.Kind = EnvDTE.vsCMElement.vsCMElementNamespace) Then
Dim i As Integer
Dim mems As EnvDTE.CodeElements
mems = elt.Members
For i = 1 To mems.Count
Dim temp As EnvDTE.CodeElement = mems.Item(i)
Dim t As String = [Enum].GetName(GetType(EnvDTE.vsCMElement), temp.Kind)
MsgBox("Found member (" & t & ") at line# " & temp.StartPoint.Line)
CollapseE(mems.Item(i), mems, i)
End If
' collapse the element
If (epStart.LessThan(epEnd)) Then
loc = loc + 1
If (loc <= elts.Count) Then
End If
End If
End Sub
It looks more complicated than what it is. Run it on any document and it will display all the properties, classes, enums, etc., but for some reason it does not find the comments nor regions.
the first Function IncludeMember is used to determine what type of members to exclude. for example in this example I do not collapse namespaces and using directives:
' filter some mebers. for example using statemets cannot be collapsed so exclude them.
Function IncludeMember(ByVal member As EnvDTE.CodeElement)
If member.Kind = vsCMElement.vsCMElementIDLImport Then
Return False
ElseIf member.Kind = vsCMElement.vsCMElementNamespace Then
Return False ' I do not want to colapse enums
End If
Return True
End Function
Sub CollapseNodes()
' activate working window
' expand everything to start
End Try
End Try
' get text of document and replace all new lines with \r\n
Dim objTextDoc As TextDocument
Dim objEditPt As EnvDTE.EditPoint
Dim text As String
' Get a handle to the new document and create an EditPoint.
objTextDoc = DTE.ActiveDocument.Object("TextDocument")
objEditPt = objTextDoc.StartPoint.CreateEditPoint
' Get all Text of active document
text = objEditPt.GetText(objTextDoc.EndPoint)
text = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace( _
text, _
"(\r\n?|\n\r?)", ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) _
' add new line to text so that lines of visual studio match with index of array
Dim lines As String() = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(vbCrLf & text, vbCrLf)
' list where whe will place all colapsable items
Dim targetLines As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
' regex that we will use to check if a line contains a #region
Dim reg As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(" *#region( |$)")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To lines.Length - 1
If reg.Match(lines(i)).Success Then
End If
Dim fileCM As FileCodeModel
Dim elts As EnvDTE.CodeElements
Dim elt As EnvDTE.CodeElement
Dim projectItem = DTE.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem
Dim temp = projectItem.Collection.Count
Dim b = DirectCast(DirectCast(projectItem.Document, EnvDTE.Document).ActiveWindow, EnvDTE.Window).ContextAttributes
fileCM = projectItem.FileCodeModel
elts = fileCM.CodeElements
For i = 1 To elts.Count
elt = elts.Item(i)
CollapseE(elt, elts, i, targetLines)
' now that we have the lines that we will plan to collapse sort them. it is important to go in order
' go in reverse order so that we can collapse nested regions
For i = targetLines.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
DTE.ExecuteCommand("Edit.Goto", targetLines(i))
End Sub
'' Helper to OutlineCode. Recursively outlines members of elt.
Sub CollapseE(ByVal elt As EnvDTE.CodeElement, ByVal elts As EnvDTE.CodeElements, ByVal loc As Integer, ByRef targetLines As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer))
Dim epStart As EnvDTE.EditPoint
Dim epEnd As EnvDTE.EditPoint
epStart = elt.GetStartPoint(vsCMPart.vsCMPartWholeWithAttributes).CreateEditPoint()
epEnd = elt.GetEndPoint(vsCMPart.vsCMPartWholeWithAttributes).CreateEditPoint() ' Copy it because we move it later.
If ((elt.IsCodeType()) And (elt.Kind <> EnvDTE.vsCMElement.vsCMElementDelegate) Or elt.Kind = EnvDTE.vsCMElement.vsCMElementNamespace) Then
Dim i As Integer
Dim mems As EnvDTE.CodeElements
mems = elt.Members
For i = 1 To mems.Count
CollapseE(mems.Item(i), mems, i, targetLines)
End If
If (epStart.LessThan(epEnd)) Then
If IncludeMember(elt) Then
End If
End If
End Sub

Treeview Excel 2007 programatically select check boxes

I have a TreeView in excel 2007 with checkboxes.
I want the checkboxes to be all selected when the tree is populated
I want that when I select/unselect a parent node of the list, all its children are selected/unselected
Here is the code I have written so far:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Set control defaults
With Me
.CommandButton1.Caption = "Close"
.Label1 = vbNullString
.ZonesTree.LineStyle = tvwRootLines
End With
'Populate the Treeview
Call TreeView_Populate
End Sub
Private Sub TreeView_Populate()
Dim wbBook As Workbook
Dim wsZones As Worksheet
Dim rngZones As Range
Dim rngCinemas As Range
Dim lngRows As Long
Set wbBook = ThisWorkbook
Set wsZones = wbBook.Worksheets("Cinemas")
'lngRows = wsZones.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).row
lngRows = wsZones.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Set rngZones = wsZones.Range("A1:A" & lngRows)
Dim rngBC As Range
Set rngBC = wsZones.Range("B1:C" & lngRows)
Dim rCell As Range
Dim lastCreatedKey As String
Dim rowCount As Integer
Dim currentRowRange As Range
rowCount = 1
lastCreatedKey = ""
With Me.ZonesTree.Nodes
'Clear TreeView control
For Each rCell In rngZones
If Not rCell.Text = "" Then
.Add Key:=rCell.Text, Text:=rCell.Text
lastCreatedKey = rCell.Text
Set currentRowRange = rngBC.Rows(rowCount)
.Add Relative:=lastCreatedKey, relationship:=tvwChild, Key:=currentRowRange.Cells(, 2).Text, Text:=currentRowRange.Cells(, 1).Text
End If
rowCount = rowCount + 1
Next rCell
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Treeview1_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
Me.Label1.Caption = Node.Key
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
This tree picks data from a sheet in this manner:
etc... (you get the idea, its an excel sheet...)
What is the vba code to select/unselect the boxes?? I have been searching a lot and couldn't find an answer to this easy problem....
Thx in advance!
On access which I assume uses the same control the property you use is .checked
Just set that to true for the boxes you want ticked
Here is a code sample
Set iNode = objTree.Nodes.Add(strParent,tvwChild, strKey, strText)
iNode.Checked = true
You should be to adapt it to work in excel
