Uncaught TypeError: no implicit conversion of NilClass into Hash when loading page Ruby Volt - voltrb

When loading a page, I am getting the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: no implicit conversion of NilClass into Hash
I am using the volt framework for ruby. My routes file inside of the component is as follows:
client '/summary_reporting/daily_reports/new', component: 'summary_reporting', controller: 'daily_reports', action: 'new'
My controller and view are correctly made and declared and the component was generated using:
bundle exec volt generate component summary_reporting
Can anyone offer some insight?

I think I just fixed an issue that was similar to this. Are you loading the url with a #fragment ? If thats not it, any chance you can post the code somewhere so I can try it and figure out what the issue is?

I figured it out, just needed to include the new component in the main dependencies file.


Error : Call to undefined method phpDocumentor\Reflection\Project::where()

Doing the Larcast tutorial for "Build a laravel App with TDD" and when i added the $response->assertRedirect(Project::where($attributes)->first()->path());
i started getting the following:
Error : Call to undefined method phpDocumentor\Reflection\Project::where()
How do i resolve this, struggling to find the resolution anywhere else, i have added it to the laracast tutorial itself but no answer.
Tried chasing the answer on the laracasts site.
My tests should pass. (the functionality actually works but i want the test in place to prove it does)
You are using the wrong import for the Project so on top of the test class put this:
use App\Project;

Nativescript error context is not fully stringified

It makes development really hard when you can't see stacktrace and the context of the error. Is there any way to make nativescript errors more transparent? How I can manage to stringify the error context?
JS: ERROR TypeError: format.replace is not a function
JS: ERROR CONTEXT [object Object]
It is really hard to search for that null variable. A needle in the haystack...
I found a workaround solution but still we should spend time to view the error context.
If you are using Angular with Nativescript probably your error is being thrown from core.umd.js (#Angular). Without Nativescript every field of the error is visible. I found two solutions that still take time:
Method 1: You can easily debug your error by placing a breakpoint to callWithDebugContext function.
Method 2: You can catch any throw on any level using try...catch, you may wrap your method and stringify your err.context.
I am not considering top most level try...catch as a solution.
But these are still not the best way. Nativescript team should fix this console logging issue.

CakePHP 3.2: DebugKit error when opening panel

When I try to open any panel in DebugKit, CakePHP logo just keeps spinning and I can see there is an error in console. This is the error that I get :
Call to undefined method App\Controller\Component\MyComponent::configKey()
Which is strange because this component works totally fine and it doesn't show any errors when I use it in the application.
I figured out what was causing the error. My components name was Cookie and DebugKit plugin uses component with this name as well, so plugin was trying to call function configKey, which of course could not be found in my component.

Including kendo.all.min.js in karma.conf.js for unit testing

I have a project in angular js using kendo.directives that need to be tested. But whenever I tried to load kendo.all.min.js in karma.conf.js file I get the following error:
require.js:168 Uncaught Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module: function (){"bundle all";!function(e,t,n){function i(){}function r(e,t)
not getting any clue what to do? so please help.
I've found a solution in this way:-
I opened kendo.all.min.js and replaced the keywords define by definex. The problem occurs because of the conflicting define keyword of kendo.all.min.js and Require.js

Fatal error: Call to undefined method DOMPDF::loadHtml() i

I'm trying out DOMPDF and include this file as instructed: dompdf_config.inc.php. But when I go to the page, I get a fatal error, as in the title. It appears the file with classes isn't be loaded or something is going on. Any suggestions?
Since you're using 0.6.x (based on the presence of the dompdf_config.inc.php file) the correct method is $dompdf->load_html(); [wiki].
