Apple pay from Braintree - braintree

I use apple pay via Braintree, and I got a error when I created a sale. The error code is 91577(Payment instrument not supported by merchant account).

I work at Braintree. For questions like this that are very specific to the Braintree platform, your best bet is to get in touch with our support team.
This error means your merchant account is not set up to accept Apple Pay. If this happens you need to contact Braintree support with the details of how to trigger the problem and your account info.


Braintree's showing X-FRAME-OPTION error for one of its dependencies

I am facing with an error as below while my site tries to invoke the Braintree for the user's payment. This started happening earlier this morning and persists till now! (To see the error please click on the image below.)
Is there anything I can do, or the problems relies on CardinalCommerce and the Braintree's shoulders?
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
In order to link a PayPal sandbox test account to your Braintree sandbox account, you will need the API credentials for that PayPal sandbox test account. Please follow these steps to create a PayPal sandbox test account and update the credentials in your Braintree sandbox.

How can we implement future or split payment using Braintree?

We are working on one website solution for which we require to implement future and/or split payment using the Braintree payment gateway. Is it any possible solution for the same? How can it be implemented?
We also tried to create sub-merchant for splitting a payment but we are getting the following error.
"Master merchant account ID is invalid.".
Any help would be appreciated.
Braintree does not offer a marketplace/split-payment function. You would only be able to apply for/use Braintree Direct and any funds would go directly to your bank account. There is no ability to have sub-merchants.
Similarly, PayPal has deprecated their original split-payment/pay-forwarding solution.
I suggest you go with PayPal Marketplace.
PayPal Marketplace is an entirely separate solution and you would need to speak with the PayPal team for specific details.

What are CreateToken and StoreToken in SagePay Server V3.0?

We are upgrading our SagePay protocol from v2.23 to 3.0 to support surcharge fees. In v3.0 transaction registration post there are CreateToken and StoreToken which was not in the earlier version. What is the reason for create and store tokens? I went through the document but couldn't find a clue.
The link provided in the above post links to advice by one of our Sage Pay Partners so take a look at it.
Token allows shoppers the option of storing their card details (as a token) to their account on the payment page during their first purchase instead of having to set it up manually afterwards. Single click purchases for repeat customers will become much simpler and quicker to set up.
To view the Token Guide go to here, scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the Download the Documents option within your preferred method of integration (server, server inframe, direct). Within the guide it explains creating and storing a token.
If this is a service you would like enabled on your Sage Pay account our New Business team are available 0900-1800 on 0845 111 4466. Prices for Token are available via here. If you have any other questions, our 24/7 Support team can assist to on 0845 111 4455.
Sage Pay Support.
I believe this is related to their token system, allowing you to store and send card details as a token.
If you don't use their token system you don't need to worry about it.
Sage Pay have destroyed their content recently so it's hard to find anything, here's a quick article on their token system -

Steps for billing at Marketplace

I am planning to list a Gmail Contextual Gadget on Google Apps Marketplace. More than a year ago I created a vendor profile and a listing (so I am familiar with those steps), but I never made the gadget commercial. Now I'm ready for setting up the gadget for sale but I am wondering about the billing is implemented. As I've read in the Marketplace billing documentation, Google does not provide any solution for this, but recommends that I implement it myself or use a third-party billing product.
So my questions are:
- Which are the basic steps to create a billing solution for your listing?
- Is there any way keep the payment "manual", in that sense that I enable the product for installation manually (with a token etc) for a customer when the payment is received?
- How long time do I have to estimate for this?
Really appreciate an answer!
You need to use the Licensing api

windows phone ApplicationPolicy for in app payment

I was wonder if it's possible to use PayPal mobile checkout directly in my wp7 app, as in-app payment gateway.
My concern it’s Microsoft marketplace application policy 2.1:
“Your application must be fully functional when acquired from Windows
Phone Marketplace (except for additional data as permitted below).
Unless you have a pre-existing billing relationship with the user,
your application may not require the user to provide payment
information,within the application experience, to activate, unlock, or
extend usage of the application. “
Does this means I’m not allowed to use PayPal to make in-app purchasing?
Thank you,
I think this policy only applies to your app. If you want to use PayPal
to activate, unlock, or extend usage of the application
than it's not allowed. If you want to do other things which require PayPal the policy allows you to do so.
The marketplace requirement menas that you must have that "pre-existing billing relationship with the user". It doesn't put any restriction on how you bill your users. You could, therefore use PayPal or any ither method available to you.
This requirement is partly to enforce the prevention of apps which have no functionality when downloaded from the marketplace, without paying for the content.
I would suggest contacting app hub support to further discuss your specific requirements if you need to or to confirm the exact meaning around what qualifies as a "pre-existing billing relationship".
You can use Paypal. If you study the clause carefully, it states "Unless you have a pre-existing billing relationship with the user, your application may not require the user to provide payment information,within the application experience, to activate, unlock, or extend usage of the application."
f you do not have a pre-existing billing relationship with new users, all they need to do is to complete the payment information outside the app, for example get redirected to an external browser (Paypal) to input their details.
Hope this helps.
