Run an AppleScript from a server/in the cloud - applescript

Is there a possibility to run AppleScripts from a server or from a cloud service?
I want to have some scripts that can run if my computer is sleeping/off.
I looked around a bit on Google, but haven't found anything promising.
If this doesn't exist I basically need to remove the password from my computer and wake up the computer whenever the script needs to run.

It largely depends on what you want to do with the script. There are a few options.
You can use 'stay open' script bundles that, for example, check a certain folder and run when you interact with this folder
You can launch certain scripts when the server boots.
You need to have a server that is always on for this to work. I have this running myself and it works just fine. However, as I said before, it largely depends on what you want to do with your scripts.


Run process via BAT file as super user

My Scenario looks like:
There is a Appache Tomcat 8 Server where a Schedular-application runs on. Via a browser i can start tasks there and configure the parameters for these tasks.
The tasks itself containing jobs which are like a single command line execution with needed parameters. Therefore i usually call bat files in there.
The problem in a special case the job-process need to have administrator rights.
I know how to use runas and i know how to run processes as administrator. But i dont know how to automate the authentication via a bat.
What could be a way to do this?
p.s.: all articles i found need at least one click to go ahead with authentication however thats not possible in the given scenario.
I found a solution that works for me. I just create link to the batch file by doing these i can set the default run as administrator. In addition to lower the uac of level in windows the execution works with no interupts.

VBScript to close windows, log off and log back on

I realize that this might sound ambiguous at first, but just hear me out.
I need a vbscript to either run locally or remotely to close some windows (I have already done it locally with sendkeys) and I can log it off too. However, since a vbscript can't run w/ out it being logged in to the same account that ran it, I'm curious if anyone has any ideas. I've thought about starting a script on my local machine to run the script on the server, then having a seperate script run to log it in again, but that is tedious and I need it done hopefully with just one click on my local machine (as many scripts as need be can be run on the server). Anyone have ideas?

Script to automatically sync on directory/file modification in between Mac OSX machine and Linux machine

I have some source code on my Mac, and in order to test I'm interested in synchronizing it with a VM containing a similar web server setup to the production environment. Therefore I need to be able to automatically copy files over to the VM every time there are changes.
I know I can use rsync to do this manually whenever a script is run but I need some way of getting it to run in the background every single time a file in a particular directory or one of its sub-directories is modified.
I know inotifywait exists on Linux machines and could solve this problem. I've also read about the FSEvents API and kqueue. However, none of these seem to be accessible from the command line and I really don't want to spend a long time making something to do this...
I guess I could use a cronjob but a minute is a pretty long time to wait to see changes on a website...
Any ideas?
I do this all the time, developing on a Windows/Linux/Mac workstation, and saving changes to a remote Linux server where they're immediately served back to my workstation's browser for testing. You've got a couple options:
You could mount the remote files locally (like via sshfs) and make changes directly to them. I.e., your Mac thinks the files are local, so you can edit them with your GUI editor, but when you File->Save, it actually saves the file remotely. The main downside to this is that you can't work when disconnected from the server.
Mount the local files remotely. This would allow you to work locally while disconnected but won't allow the test site to work when disconnected -- which may not be a big deal. This option might not be doable if you don't have the right tools/access on the remote server.
(My preference.) Use NetBeans IDE, which has a very nice "copy to remote" feature. You maintain a full copy of all files locally, and edit them directly. When you hit File->Save on a file, NetBeans will save it locally and transparently scp/ftp it to your remote server.
How about using a DVCS like git or mercurial, and having the local repo run post-commit hooks to run the rsync and then the test itself?
I'm a bit confused about why you can't just run rsync from the same script that runs the test. If you run rsync -e ssh you can set up automatic public key authentication between the VM and the Mac. There won't be anything manual about the rsync in that case.
You might be able to set up a launchd agent to do what you want for a simple setup. See this question and the man page for launchd.plist for more information about the launchd WatchPath key. But it looks like WatchPath may not work for changes within sub-directories.

How to ask a remote windows machine to automatically launch an application?

I have a windows server 2003 up in the internet.
But sometime I need to restart it.
After restart, I want one of the applications to run.
I want to do this all programatically.
I can now remotely restart the server.
But the question is how can I ask that piece of software to be executed (more precisely, I want to execute a .BAT file to ask a tomcat to run)?
Because I don't want to manually log in to the machine and start that application. That is time consuming. Is there any possible way, once the machine is started, my application will be run as well?
If you're developing an application that should always be running on the server, you probably need to implement it as a Windows service. For C#, see the classes in the System.ServiceProcess namespace -- you will need to inherit from ServiceBase.
Alternatively, you can set the program to be run as a scheduled task on boot. See the Task Scheduler API to do this.
You can install Cygwin and then do it the same way we'd do it on a Linux box: via ssh, using keys.
OpenSSH is not part of the default Cygwin install, so be sure to select it. It's in the Net category.
Then, after you've installed Cygwin and sshd, read /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README to learn how to set up sshd as a service, so it will answer requests automatically, without you having to start the ssh daemon manually.
Finally, set up keys, as described in the link above.
Part of the ssh protocol is a way to ask a remote machine to launch a program. Setting it up with keys lets you do it without needing a password.
You could try xCmd, which is a freeware app to run a command on a remote machine.

Powershell script running more slowly in a runspace than in the shell

I've a PS script which I use to keep track of my VMWare ESX servers. I need to run it as a service so that I'm not permanently logged on. Unfortunately, the script runs more slowly if I use a runspace inside a service rather than just running the script through the powershell console. It's taking 2-5 minutes to make calls to the VMWare web service instead of a second or so.
Is there some sort of magic I should be using when I invoke the runspace?
You can run the script as a scheduled task.
Without seeing what you're doing, I can't think of many things that would make that big of a difference:
Do you have profile customization that might be helping it out when it runs in PowerShell (test with PowerShell -noprofile)
Are you counting the time it takes to initially import a module or snapin in your service, but not in PowerShell.
Are you re-creating the whole runspace each time in your service?
Have you tried using the 2.0 API of PowerShell with PowerShell.Create() to run it?
Finally, you could also take a look at some of the open source PowerShell hosts like PoshConsole or bgHost on CodePlex ... if they don't run it slowly, then you could follow the process they use for creating their runspace.
Does the service authenticate as a user with the same rights you do? I suspect something is timing out when it runs as the service, which you don't see when you run the script yourself.
The script in question runs equally slowly whether it runs in a service using its
usual service account, or if I run as myself in a very basic console app (create
runspace, add script, execute).
Apart from the usual suspects (account rights, Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned, and firewall configuration) I can't think of a good reason why PowerShell shouldn't work exactly the same in a Windows Services as it does in a console application, which makes me think it might be something environmental. It's not something silly like poor DNS resolution, is it? Assuming you're running this on a server, does it also perform slowly on your development machine too?
PS: I wonder if this question might be more appropriate for ServerFault?
