Example or Tutorial for creating for cloud code - parse-platform

I am doing coding with rest api method call for website which is using parse app (parse database). I need an example or
tutorial steps for creating hello world example in parse cloud code.
Can anyone help me for this?

Did you read there Documentation? I find it very useful, have a look:


Where to find complete documentation for Cloud code?

Parse cloud code guide provides a start but Where to find complete documentation?
Thanks to flovilmart from Parse community to point out http://parseplatform.org/Parse-SDK-JS/api/v1.11.0/index.html
Why i might have missed it because it is JS SDK so i thought may be develop Parse in JS front end !!
Taking closer look at methods i realized it is cloud code.

What is the "annotate" method in Google Vision API?

I am reading the Google Vision API documentation:
It says something like the follwing:
Currently, the Vision API consists of one collection (images) which supports one HTTP Request method (annotate):
POST https://vision.googleapis.com/v1/images:annotate
My question is what does it mean by the method "annotate"? Also, how do I read this syntax with the colon ":"? Is this just a notation that Google uses or some kind of industry standard where you use the colon and calling the stuff after a "method"?
I am a financial Java developer but noob to Web/HTTP technology (I have read some basic of GET/POST but that did not seem to help me with this question). If it seems to you that I am totally lacking in some fundamentals, is there any pointer for me to read up some related books/website/tutorial/documentation that can help me understand this better? Any help is appreciated!

Chat Application like Hangout/facebook

I am now to coding so may be it's a there is obvious answer of this question. can we embed google hangout in out Spring/Hibernate web application for chatting? Or i have to start from beginning to develop a new one. I can make a simple application using spring,hibernate, jQuery,AJAX, Mysql but I want a standard one in which video call is also there and smileys . Please input your suggestions! Cheers !!

Difference between $reactive(this).attach($scope) and $scope.viewModel(this)

In Angular "Todo App" tutorial on official meteor.com website in constructor there's:
In "Socially" tutorial on angular-meteor.com it looks like the very same thing is achieved by:
What's the difference?
Ok, so I did some research on the subject and here is what I found out.
Regarding $reactive(this).attach($scope):
"$reactive is a service that takes care of the reactivity of your
Meteor data, and updates your AngularJS code."
"This service wraps context (can be used with this or $scope) - so you
can use it with any context as you wish."
Read details about it here.
Regarding $scope.viewModel(this):
It looks like it is a package, a library:
"ViewModel is a view layer for Meteor. You can think of it as Angular,
Knockout, Aurelia, Vue, etc. but without the boilerplate code required
to make those work."
More information about it here.

How can I generate an API Key in My own Controller in Codeigniter

Just want to mention that I am really a newbie in API development (concepts, structure, best practices) I am not nearly familiar with it at all, so please excuse my pathetic stupid question if you find it to be, I'm using Phil Sturgeon's REST API server, Curl Library, and REST API client here's my code:
in my controller application/controllers/make_key
function index(){
- no response at all
where apifolder/key is the location of my key.php (from Phil Sturgeon's default example):
and note that I've also tried this via address bar:
- returns ({"status":false,"error":"Invalid API Key."})
- returns ({"status":false,"error":"Unknown method."})
and tried quite a lot more queries but none seem to be working, my only question is...
How can make this key.php work? my apologies for such a simple minded question thank you in advance
see my self-accepted answer on my own qeuestion... Phils documentation does not provide this information. I had to dig into the library myself.
i ended up finding out the 403 forbidden was because i was not providing an api key to generate keys..
Kind of abiguous as Phil's documentation doesn't state that an existing api key is required before you can generate keys..
I simply created a bogus key in the table in the db and referenced that when calling /key/index?X-API-KEY=boguskey
CodeIgniter REST API Library Ajax PUT throwing 403 Forbidden
