Is there a way to configure HAProxy to stop sending queries to one of the nodes in a percona xtradb cluster if that node is running a very slow query i.e, bypassing the node processing the extremely slow query and send only to the other nodes until the node processing the extremely slow query becomes free?
You would have to modify the HAProxy monitoring script to consider long running queries in it's decision making process. This is not something that can be done via any built-in means; it would be completely custom written.
Elastic on single node it can be faster than cluster, but what are the advantages and disadvantages of using it in a production environment with only one node.
I have a problem because my DBA wants to use elastic in single node with the justification of speed, but he is not taking into account availability, redundancy and failures against disaster the system is not slow, but all documentation I read about elastic says that in production environment it needs to run in cluster with his nodes/shard, We are an information bureau, we provide data for banks, credit analysis, and numerous large customer applications. Help me with arguments that prove that I am sure that the information we are dealing with needs high availability and redundancy. The index size is about 2.2TB I wanted to run on cluster as the information is very sensitive, but my DBA wants to run on single node, on production environment Help me give him an answer, if he's right or I'm wrong.
You should run a benchmark of the potential workloads if he needs proof.
It isn't really viable to run any real production load on a single system because the shards are what really create the speed of elasticsearch: Queries are run on many shards and partial results are returned to form the full result. If you use a single node to scan the entire dataset it will take a very long time for that single node to process everything.
I guess the issue really comes down to how much your data is getting updated and how many queries are running in parallel.
Without any network traffic it could seem faster on a small workload, but if your search cluster needs to do continuous indexing and run parallel queries it will just get stuck and stop returning results.
If a single-node cluster will be faster or slower than a multi-node cluster depends on the use case and many other factors, the argument that a single-node is faster is not valid without a comparative benchmark of the real use case.
For example, If your use case has more indexing than searchs, a single-node cluster can be faster, if your use case has more searchs than indexing, then a single-node cluster can be slower.
But even if it is faster in a specific use case, running a single-node cluster in production is not recommended and it is very risky.
The main issue is that a single-node has no resilience to failure, if your node is down, your entire cluster is down and until your node is back up running, the data in your elasticsearch cluster is unavailable.
Depending on how you will ingest the data, this can also lead to data loss.
If for some reason the data in your node gets corrupted or lost, you will need to restore it from a previous snapshot. On a multi-node cluster if a node is lost, you can spin-up another one and the cluster will take care of replicating the data, assuming you use replicas for your index.
There are also some limitations on how many shards you can have on a node and how many memory you should use for the java heap memory, the recomendations by elastic in those cases is to try to keep the number of shards per GB of heap memory below 20 and do not use more than 30 GB for the heap memory, so for a single-node this will give you a maximum of 600 shards.
If this is enough, depends on the use case and your indexing/shard strategy.
You should ask yourself if you can afford downtime and lose data, if the answer is no to both, then you should not use a single-node cluster.
Bear with me here. I have spent the last week or so familiarising myself with the ELK Stack.
I have a working single box solution running the ELK stack, and I have the basics down on how to forward more than one type of log, and how to put them into different ES indexes.
This is all working pretty well, I would like to expand operations.
My question is more how to scale the solution out to cover more data needs/requirements.
The current solution is handling a smaller subset of data, and working fine, but I would like to aggregate a lot more data. For example I am currently pushing message tracking logs from 4 mailbox servers, I want to do the same but for 40 mailbox servers, and much, much busier ones.
I would also like to push over IIS Log files from the Client Access servers, there are 18 CAS servers, and around 30 mins of IIS logs per server during peak time were 120MB in size, with almost 1 million records.
This volume of data would most likely collapse a single box running ELK.
I haven't really looked into it but I read that ES allows for some form of clustering to add more instances, does the same apply to Logstash as well? Should Kibana be run on more than one server? or a different server to both Logstash and ES?
You will hit limits with logstash if you're doing a lot of processing on the records - groks, conditionals, etc. Watch the cpu utilization of the machine for hints.
For elasticsearch itself, it's about RAM and disk IO. Having more nodes in a cluster should provide both.
With two elasticsearch nodes, you'll get redundancy (a copy on both machines). Add a third, and you can start to realize an IO benefit (writing two copies to three machines spreads the IO).
The ultimate data node will have 64GB of RAM on the machine, with 31GB allocated to elasticsearch.
You'll probably want to add non-data nodes, which handle the routing of data to be indexed and the 'reduce' phase when running queries. Put two of them behind a load balancer.
As Alain mentioned, adding more ES nodes will improve performance (and give you redundancy).
On the logstash front, we have two logstash servers feeding into ES - at the moment we just direct different servers to log to the different logstash servers, but we're likely to be adding a HA-Proxy layer in front to do this automatically, and again provide redundancy.
With Kibana, I wouldn't worry too much - as far as I'm aware most of the processing is done in the client browser, and that that isn't is more dependent on the performance of the ES cluster.
I am using client side partitioning on a 4 node redis setup. The writes and reads are distributed among the nodes. Redis is used as a persistence layer for volatile data as well as a cache by different parts of application. We also have a cassandra deployment for persisting non-volatile data.
On redis we peak at nearly 1k ops/sec (instantaneous_ops_per_sec). The load is expected to increase with time. There are many operations where we query for a non-existent key to check whether data is present for that key.
I want to achieve following things:
Writes should failover to something when a redis node goes down.
There should be a backup for reading the data lost when the redis node went down.
If we add more redis nodes in the future (or a dead node comes back up), reads and writes should be re-distributed consistently.
I am trying to figure out suitable design to handle the above scenario. I have thought of the following options:
Create hot slaves for the existing nodes and swap them as and when a master goes down. This will not address the third point.
Write a Application layer to persist data in both redis and cassandra allowing a lazy load path for reads when a redis node goes down. This approach will have an overhead of writing to two stores.
Which is a better approach? Is there a suitable alternative to the above approaches?
A load of 1k ops/s is far below the capabilities of Redis. You would need to increase by up to two or more orders of magnitude before you come close to overloading it. If you aren't expecting to exceed 50-70,000 ops/second and are not exceeding your available single/0-node memory I really wouldn't bother with sharding your data as it is more effort than it is worth.
That said, I wouldn't do sharding for this client-side. I'd look at something like Twemproxy/Nutcracker to do it do you. This provides a path to a Redis Cluster as well as the ability to scale out connections and proved transparent client-side support for failover scenarios.
To handle failover in the client you would want to set up two instances per slot (in your description a write node) with one shaved to the other. Then you would run a Sentinel Constellation to manage the failover.
Then you would need to have your client code connect to sentinel to get the current master connectivity for each slot. This also means client code which can reconnect to the newly promoted master when a failover occurs. If you have load Balancers available you can place your Redis nodes behind one or more (preferably two with failover) and eliminated client reconnection requirements, but you would then need to implement a sentinel script or monitor to update the load balancer configuration on failover.
For the Sentinel Constellation a standard 3 node setup will work fine. If you do your load balancing with software in nodes you control it would be best to have at least two sentinel nodes on the load Balancers to provide natural connectivity tests.
Given your description I would test out running a single master with multiple read slaves, and instead of hashing in client code, distribute reads to slaves and writes to master. This will provide a much simpler setup and likely less complex code on the client side. Scaling read slaves is easier and simpler, and as you describe it the vast majority if ops will be read requests so it fits your described usage pattern precisely.
You would still need to use Sentinel to manage failover, but that complexity will still exist, resulting in a net decrease in code and code complexity. For a single master, sentinel is almost trivial so setup; the caveats being code to either manage a load balancer or Virtual IP or to handle sentinel discovery in the client code.
You are opening the distributed database Pandora's box here.
My best suggestion is; don't do it, don't implement your own Redis Cluster unless you can afford loosing data and / or you can take some downtime.
If you can afford running on not-yet-production-ready software, my suggestion is to have a look at the official Redis Cluster implementation; if your requirements are low enough for you to kick your own cluster implementation, chances are that you can afford using Redis Cluster directly which has a community behind.
Have you considered looking at different software than Redis? Cassandra,Riak,DynamoDB,Hadoop are great examples of mature distributes databases that would do what you asked out of the box.
We are exploring memcached for server-side caching.
If we setup a cluster of memcached nodes, as I understand from online resources, it looks like a given key will be present in only one of the available nodes.
This essentially means that if that particular memcached node goes down, all the cache present on that node, at that point in time, is lost.
Is there any way the cache can be distributed across more than one memcached server nodes, so that we don't have a single point of failure?
We got around this issue by grouping memcache servers into logical clusters within our client (2 or 3).
While performing a cache "put", we put into all the clusters (which would save it on a single node within the logical cluster).
However while performing a "get", we perform a get from subsequent cluster, only if the previous one fails.
With this setup, a memcache server does not act as a single point of failure and if a random memcache server does go down, we can always find the cache from another logical cluster
Probably not the best approach to solve this, but if there is any other better approach, please let me know.
There is a great tutorial elasticsearch on ec2 about configuring ES on Amazon EC2. I studied it and applied all recommendations.
Now I have AMI and can run any number of nodes in the cluster from this AMI. Auto-discovery is configured and the nodes join the cluster as they really should.
The question is How to configure cluster in way that I can automatically launch/terminate nodes depending on cluster load?
For example I want to have only 1 node running when we don't have any load and 12 nodes running on peak load. But wait, if I terminate 11 nodes in cluster what would happen with shards and replicas? How to make sure I don't lose any data in cluster if I terminate 11 nodes out of 12 nodes?
I might want to configure S3 Gateway for this. But all the gateways except for local are deprecated.
There is an article in the manual about shards allocation. May be I'm missing something very basic but I should admit I failed to figure out if it is possible to configure one node to always hold all the shards copies. My goal is to make sure that if this would be the only node running in the cluster we still don't lose any data.
The only solution I can imagine now is to configure index to have 12 shards and 12 replicas. Then when up to 12 nodes are launched every node would have copy of every shard. But I don't like this solution cause I would have to reconfigure cluster if I might want to have more then 12 nodes on peak load.
Auto scaling doesn't make a lot of sense with ElasticSearch.
Shard moving and re-allocation is not a light process, especially if you have a lot of data. It stresses IO and network, and can degrade the performance of ElasticSearch badly. (If you want to limit the effect you should throttle cluster recovery using settings like cluster.routing.allocation.cluster_concurrent_rebalance, indices.recovery.concurrent_streams, indices.recovery.max_size_per_sec . This will limit the impact but will also slow the re-balancing and recovery).
Also, if you care about your data you don't want to have only 1 node ever. You need your data to be replicated, so you will need at least 2 nodes (or more if you feel safer with a higher replication level).
Another thing to remember is that while you can change the number of replicas, you can't change the number of shards. This is configured when you create your index and cannot be changed (if you want more shards you need to create another index and reindex all your data). So your number of shards should take into account the data size and the cluster size, considering the higher number of nodes you want but also your minimal setup (can fewer nodes hold all the shards and serve the estimated traffic?).
So theoretically, if you want to have 2 nodes at low time and 12 nodes on peak, you can set your index to have 6 shards with 1 replica. So on low times you have 2 nodes that hold 6 shards each, and on peak you have 12 nodes that hold 1 shard each.
But again, I strongly suggest rethinking this and testing the impact of shard moving on your cluster performance.
In cases where the elasticity of your application is driven by a variable query load you could setup ES nodes configured to not store any data ( = false, http.enabled = true) and then put them in for auto scaling. These nodes could offload all the HTTP and result conflation processing from your main data nodes (freeing them up for more indexing and searching).
Since these nodes wouldn't have shards allocated to them bringing them up and down dynamically shouldn't be a problem and the auto-discovery should allow them to join the cluster.
I think this is a concern in general when it comes to employing auto-scalable architecture to meet temporary demands, but data still needs to be saved. I think there is a solution that leverages EBS
map shards to specific EBS volumes. Lets say we need 15 shards. We will need 15 EBS Volumes
amazon allows you to mount multiple volumes, so when we start we can start with few instances that have multiple volumes attached to them
as load increase, we can spin up additional instance - upto 15.
The above solution is only advised if you know your max capacity requirements.
I can give you an alternative approach using aws elastic search service(it will cost little bit more than normal ec2 elasticsearch).Write a simple script which continuously monitor the load (through api/cli)on the service and if the load goes beyond the threshold, programatically increase the nodes of your aws elasticsearch-service cluster.Here the advantage is aws will take care of the scaling(As per the documentation they are taking a snaphost and launching a completely new cluster).This will work for scale down also.
Regarding Auto-scaling approach there is some challenges like shard movement has an impact on the existing cluster, also we need to more vigilant while scaling down.You can find a good article on scaling down here which I have tested.If you can do some kind of intelligent automation of the steps in the above link through some scripting(python, shell) or through automation tools like Ansible, then the scaling in/out is achievable.But again you need to start the scaling up well before the normal limits since the scale up activities can have an impact on existing cluster.
Question: is possible to configure one node to always hold all the shards copies?
Answer: Yes,its possible by explicit shard routing.More details here
I would be tempted to suggest solving this a different way in AWS. I dont know what ES data this is or how its updated etc... Making a lot of assumptions I would put the ES instance behind a ALB (app load balancer) I would have a scheduled process that creates updated AMI's regularly (if you do it often then it will be quick to do), then based on load of your single server I would trigger more instances to be created from the latest instance you have available. Add the new instances to the ALB to share some of the load. As this quiet down I would trigger the termination of the temp instances. If you go this route here are a couple more things to consider
Use spot instances since they are cheaper and if it fits your use case
The "T" instances dont fit well here since they need time to build up credits
Use lambdas for the task of turning things on and off, if you want to be fancy you can trigger it based on a webhook to the aws gateway
Making more assumptions about your use case, consider putting a Varnish server in front of your ES machine so that you can more cheaply provide scale based on a cache strategy (lots of assumptions here) based on the stress you can dial in the right TTL for cache eviction. Check out the soft-purge feature for our ES stuff we have gotten a lot of good value from this.
if you do any of what i suggest here make sure to make your spawned ES instances report any logs back to a central addressable place on the persistent ES machine so you don't lose logs when the machines die