Team city template missing - teamcity

I was going to reuse teamcity configuration to new environments. Looks like the configuration is based on a template, but actually there is no clickable link to teamplate and I can't find it in the root project. I was thinking that the template was deleted but team city doen't allow to remove templates which are used at least in one configuration
Could you advice why how is it possible to reach and reuse the template?

According to the sanpshot you pasted, your template is created in the root project. If you don't get a clickable link , you probably don;t have access to the root project
If you do have access to create target, you can copy the target to a new target. Templated settings are preserved when you copy over targets. You just need t change the target variables and if required any triggers or dependencies


Purpose of linked file vs class project?

What is the purpose of "Linked" Files in visual studio, and when I would use them versus simply including the class project that contains the file to my current project.
Project + Add Existing Item, arrow on the Add button, select "Add as Link".
Visual Studio strongly favors copying the item you select in this dialog into your project directory. This will keep you out of trouble, like accidentally modifying a source code file or resource that's also used in another project. Or forgetting to check-in the file into source control, by far the most dangerous mishap. Something you'll discover only a year or more from now, far too late to do anything about it.
The Add as Link option overrides that behavior, the file stays in its original location and the project file records the relative path of the file.
Good reasons to use this feature are very hard to come by. Trying to come up with some:
You may want to maintain a single source code file that's included in multiple projects, using Add as Link ensures you'll only ever edit that one single source file.
You may have a project that uses the same source code files as another project but with very different build settings, in which case you'd make all of the project items a link.
You may have a humongous resource that you don't want to have copied repeatedly in multiple projects
You may have a deployable item, like an unmanaged DLL, that you keep in a single directory but is used in multiple unrelated projects.
Digging yourself a deep source control hole is a high risk, be sure to think this through before you commit to using the feature.
Linked files are for when you want the code to be included in that project assembly.
"Wow Jimmy, thanks for pointing out the obvious. But why would I want to do this?"
Well, there can be several reasons, but for now I'll just list one example. Consider the scenario that your company|team requires every assembly to have certain constants or assembly attributes defined. Instead of creating a duplicate class in every single project, you could just have one copy of the file and link it into each project. Update the file once, and every assembly gets the changes.

Add files as read-only to project?

I have the following problem: I need to create a VS project (database project) and I want to make it deployable. To do that I need to add a single SQL function, which belongs to a pool of global functions, to the project. If I now deploy the project, I have all the files that I need.
Problem: I don't want anyone to change the global function inside of my project, so I would like to set it to readonly (not the file itself on the filesystem, it's checked in tfs anyway), so that the file can be deployed, but no one can change it inside the project (at least not by accident).
Is it possible to add a file as read-only to a VS2010 project?

How do I create a Visual Studio project template that includes linked files?

In Visual Studio 2010, I want to create a project template that includes links to two files that should exist on the system. One of them is a common AssemblyInfo.cs file. Another is the strong name key file (*.snk).
I need these references to be relative, because each developer's workspace will be set up differently. Is it possible for the project template to somehow figure out where these files reside in each developer's environment?
From reading about templates, it sound like they're pretty static so I wonder if tricks can be done to do something like this. If nothing else, I can add bogus references that will cause compilation errors and force the developer to hook these files in. But if I can do it for them, that would be better.
You should set the CreateInPlace property to true in the vstemplate. The documentation says
Specifies whether to create the project and perform parameter replacement in the specified location, or perform parameter replacement in a temporary location and then save the project to the specified location.
If you want relative paths to work, you need the parameter replacement to occur in the place where you're creating the project, not in a temporary location.
Microsoft have confirmed that this is a bug with the extensibility model and project templates. I managed to get round this by using IWizard. I added the following code in the RunFinished method of my IWizard implementation:
//Get linked file directory
string coreDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(MyProject.FullName);
//Data folder
ProjectItem propertiesProjectItem = slSharedProject.ProjectItems.Cast<ProjectItem>().Where(p => p.Name == "Data").First();
propertiesProjectItem.ProjectItems.AddFromFile(coreDir + #"\Service\TheFileIWantToLink.cs");
This code links in a copy of TheFileIWantToLink.cs file to my shared Silverlight project (slSharedProject).
You could try to integrate a Wizard into your Project Template and set the Paths to the linked files. If i remember right you don't have to create an User Inteface; you only have to specify the correct replacements in the replacementsDictionary and VS will replace the values in your Template File. See this or this for further information.

How can I share Configuration Settings across multiple projects in Visual Studio?

I have a Visual Studio web application solution. I have three projects as UserInterface, BusinessLogic and DataAccess.
I had to store some user defined settings and I created configSections in the config file.
I access these configSections through classes which inherit from .NET's ConfigurationSection base class.
So in short for every project I had a separate configSection and for that corresponding configSection I had a class in that project inheriting from ConfigurationSection to access the config section settings.
This works all sweet. But the problem arises if there is any setting which I need to use across multiple projects. So If I need to use a setting defined in UserInterface project configSection in, let say, BusinessLogic project I have to actually make a copy of that setting in the BusinessLogic's configSection. This ends up having the same setting copied across multiple configSections.
Isn't this a bit too redundant?
Never actually done this, but in theory it might work...
When you define your custom configuration section, set its configSource to an external file (whatever.config). This external file should be added to the SOLUTION and not the project. It will appear under "Solution Items". In each project, Add an Existing File, browse to whatever.config, click the dropdown on the Add button and select "Add as Link."
Whatever.config will be a single file you can edit under Solution Items, and it gets copied into each application at compile time.
Using your example:
Just create the setting in the Business Logic project and then expose a Getter to the User Interface project.
Then the UI can query the BL for the value. Your configuration setting is only in one place - the lowest level it can be.
However, if you replace a lower level project with a new one you'll have to make sure that the setting is replicated too. This is only likely to be an issue if the setting is in the Data Access level as that's the one most likely to get changed (different database provider for example).
There is a much better way of doing this using "Shared Projects" see my Answer on a very similar question here.

Visual Studio Solution Template - Link Source Control Projects

My team is creating some standard VS solution templates. We have a well-defined project structure, resources, etc. that we need to use every time we start a new project and this is the perfect solution. The basics work nicely.
However, as well as defining folder structure (etc.) it would be nice to be able to import a number of projects from VSS/TFS. We have a number of shared assemblies that will be used by all projects and it would be awesome to add a reference to these projects when creating a new project via our template. Can anyone tell me if this is possible and, if so, how it can be achieved?
I think there are 3 types of items you might want to templatize (is that a word?).
New Solution
New Project added to a solution
New item added to a project
I'm not sure whether its possible to add existing projects to the solution that is created when a project template is run. shows how to create multiple project templates. You may have to either manually add them to the solution or create a script that modifies the .sln file to do that part.
Adding an assembly reference to either a project or item template is easily doable. The project template is pretty simple since you just need to modify your .vstemplate file for the project template(s). See for reference.
Adding a new assembly reference when you add a new item from a template is a bit harder but can also be done. See for more.
Have fun!
