Can't force psexec to use the given user account - cmd

I used to use runas for running my app under another user account. Now I need to pass the password through as well. I found that psexec is an easy way to do it.
So the batch file contains:
#echo off
psexec my.exe -u hostname\user -p password
The problem is my.exe is still being initiated under the user I'm currently logged onto the system with and not under the one declared in the cmd above.

the program must be the last argument
try this :
psexec -u hostname\user -p password my.exe


PsExec works only with "runas /netonly", not with -u and -p parameters

What I mean:
If I...
run runas /netonly /user:computername\username cmd
enter the password for the local admin account "username"
then type psexec \\computername cmd
I now have a working shell and can run commands as the local admin user on the remote machine.
However, trying to run this without the runas... and instead with the username and password arguments of psexec returns an access denied error.
Example below:
psexec \\computername -u username -p password cmd
Access Denied
Note: Others seem to also have this issue. My refined questions:
Is this intended behavior?
Why even have the -u and -p?
I have also tried disabling the firewall on both my machine and the target machine, and adding the registry key listed here.
When you initiate a connection with PsExec.exe, it tries to use the credentials you are currently authenticated with to copy the PSEXESVC to the \\$machine\ADMIN$\System32 share VIA SMB, which enables the communication with your PsExec.exe and the $machine's service.
If your currently logged in user account does not have access to \\$machine\ADMIN$\System32 and the ability to install/start services, then this won't work.
I'm assuming if you have access with your user account that this would work.
Here is a very interesting article from 2004 on reverse-engineering of the original implementation. I am pretty sure it has changed in that time with Windows 7 & Windows 10.

Using psexec on a bat file that contains psservice

I have a bat file that tries to stop a service on a remote machine, the file contains the following
psservice \\remoteServerName -u domainName\userName -p password stop serviceName
where userName is a name of a user with Admin privileges on the remote machine.
If I run the last line using cmd then the requested service does stop.
I, however, run the bat file using psexec, since it contains more operation than just stopping the service. This is where my problem occurs:
If I run
psexec -u domainName\userName -p passsword batFilePath
the cmd window seems to get stuck.
But if I run
psexec batFilePath
then the psservice executes correctly.
My problem is that I need the user "domainName\userName" to be able to run the other commands in the bat file.
What can I do ? Why does the cmd got stuck when I gave psexec the parameters of the userName and password ?

Automatic login using PUTTY.EXE with Sudo command

I am using below command to open putty through windows command prompt:
PUTTY.EXE -ssh -pw "mypass" user#IP -m C:/ -t
Where mentioned in above command file contains:
sudo su - rootuser
After executing the command, putty console is opened and it prompts for password.
Is there any way where I can provide this password automatically without typing it?
There's a bit of a horrible workaround using Expect and embedding a password.
This is a bad idea.
As an alternative:
Configure sudo to allow NOPASSWD.
Login directly as root using public-private key auth.
Both these introduce a degree of vulnerability, so should be used with caution - but any passwordless auth has this flaw.
Finally, after struggling for almost whole day, I got the way to get this working.
Below command can be executed from windows machine:
PLINK.EXE -t -ssh -pw "password" user#IP /home/mydir/ file is located on remote machine. And this file contains below command to execute script with sudo command without prompting password.
echo password | sudo u user -S
Here, password should be replaced with your password. user should be replaced with your actual user and is the script on remote machine that you want to fire after sudo login.

psexec giving the system cannot find the file specified

I'm trying to run this from my win7 CMD (as Admin):
psexec IpAddress -u domain\user -p pword c:\Autobatch\ClientJobSender.exe c:\AutoBatch\backup\trigger.xml
but am getting a "the system cannot find the file specified" error.
I've also tried it this way:
psexec IpAddress -u domain\user -p pword c:\Autobatch\ClientJobSender.exe c:\AutoBatch\backup\trigger.xml
but get a unknown user or bad password.
What's weird is that I can connect via Remote desktop with the same IP address and user/pass.
Make sure the server has the settings below:
a) Admin share is enabled: run services.msc and check the Service "Server" is enabled
b) Add the key for the share in the registry and restart:
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters" /v AutoShareServer /t REG_DWORD /d 1
And then use:
psexec \\IpAddress -u domain\user -p pword -w "c:\Autobatch" "ClientJobSender.exe c:\AutoBatch\backup\trigger.xml"
Actually, I don't see a difference between your 2 command lines. However, the error from the first command is because your syntax is incorrect. You must use
PsExec \\a.b.c.d ...
instead of
PsExec a.b.c.d ...
I got it to work by elevating the local batch file to execute with administrator privileges, that is to say, the terminal window was operating with administrator privileges.
If you're trying to use automation services, you can use the ClientJobSender.exe on the local machine (or on the machine where you set up the scheduling). Just copy the ClientJobSender.exe and the related config file from the install pack to the scheduler server and refer it locally.
You might have the directory path wrong. Try change the .exe path into cmd.exe and cd into your intended path to see if it is actually the correct path.

Single line command for Run as a different user on Windows 7 that contains a password also

Is there any single line command for Run As Different User in Windows 7.
I am using following command but then it ask for password
runas /user:USER-NAME "C:\full\path\of\Program.exe"
Is there any way to supply password also in above line ? Actually i am launching application from other application so I don't want any user interaction But in above command it ask user for PASSWORD
PsExec in the MS SysInternals suite:
psexec -user Administrator -p Passwd "xcopy a.xml \\server_over_there\c$\A.xml"
In case the local user is NOT what you need and a specific DOMAIN user is, use:
/user Username in form USER#DOMAIN or DOMAIN\USER
(USER#DOMAIN is not compatible with /netonly)
