How to edit objects in Volt framework 0.9.3? - voltrb

I started playing around with the blog5 example ( from the Volt documentation website and tried to upgrade to Volt 0.9.0 to 0.9.3.
After changing the version number in the Gemfile, the edit functionality seems to be broken, clicking on the "Edit" link (see edit controller below) blocks the app. The same behaviour persists after changing the deprecated _id to id. Can anyone advise, what's wrong with the controller below, or what else may have changed between these Volt versions?
def new
self.model = store._blog_posts.buffer
def edit
self.model = store._blog_posts.where(_id: params._id).fetch_first.then(&:buffer)
def show
self.model = store._blog_posts.where(_id: params._id).fetch_first
def post
# Save the post
def save! do
redirect_to '/' do |errors|
flash._errors << errors.to_s
Many tanks.

.fetch_first was replaced with just .first (though it should still work on .fetch_first, just with a deprecation warning, so maybe there's another issue)


poltergeist doesn't seem to wait for phantomjs to load in capybara

I'm trying to get some rspec tests run using a mix of Capybara, Selenium, Capybara/webkit, and Poltergeist. I need it to run headless in certain cases and would rather not use xvfb to get webkit working. I am okay using selenium or poltergeist as the driver for phantomjs. The problem I am having is that my tests run fine with selenium and firefox or chrome but when I try phantomjs the elements always show as not found. After looking into it for a while and using page.save_screenshot in capybara I found out that the phantomjs browser wasn't loaded up when the driver told it to find elements so it wasn't returning anything. I was able to hack a fix to this in by editing the poltergeist source in <gem_path>/capybara/poltergeist/driver.rb as follows
def visit(url)
if #started
sleep_time = 0
sleep_time = 2
#started = true
sleep sleep_time
This is obviously not an ideal solution for the problem and it doesn't work with selenium as the driver for phantomjs. Is there anyway I can tell the driver to wait for phantom to be ready?
I was able to get it to run by changing where I included the Capybara::DSL. I added it to the RSpec.configure block as shown below.
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Capybara::DSL
I then passed the page object to all classes I created for interacting with the webpage ui.
An example class would now look like this
module LoginUI
require_relative 'webpage'
class LoginPage < WebPages::Pages
def initialize(page, values = {})
def visit
def login(username, password)
def set_username(username)
edit = browser.find_element(#selectors[:login_edit])
def set_password(password)
edit = browser.find_element(#selectors[:password_edit])
def sign_in_button
Webpage module looks like this
module WebPages
require_relative 'browser'
class Pages
def initialize(page)
#page = page
#browser =
def browser
def sign_out
The Browser module looks like this
module Browser
class Browser
include Capybara::DSL
def refresh_page
def submit(locator)
def find_element(hash)
page.find(hash.keys.first, hash.values.first)
def find_elements(hash)
page.find(hash.keys.first, hash.values.first, match: :first)
page.all(hash.keys.first, hash.values.first)
def current_url
return page.current_url
While this works I don't want to have to include the Capybara::DSL inside RSpec or have to include the page object in the classes. These classes have had some things removed for the example but show the general structure. Ideally I would like to have the Browser module include the Capybara::DSL and be able to handle all of the interaction with Capybara.
Your update completely changes the question so I'm adding a second answer. There is no need to include the Capybara::DSL in your RSpec configure if you don't call any Capybara methods from outside your Browser class, just as there is no need to pass 'page' to all your Pages classes if you limit all Capybara interaction to your Browser class. One thing to note is that the page method provided by Capybara::DSL is just an alias for Capybara.current_session so technically you could just always call that.
You don't show in your code how you're handling any assertions/expectations on the page content - so depending on how you're doing that you may need to include Capybara::RSpecMatchers in your RSpec config and/or your WebPages::Pages class.
Your example code has a couple of issues that immediately pop out, firstly your Browser#find_elements (assuming I'm reading your intention for having find first correctly) should probably just be
def find_elements(hash)
page.all(hash.keys.first, hash.values.first, minimum: 1)
Secondly, your LoginPage#login method should have an assertion/expectation on a visual change that indicates login succeeded as its final line (verify some message is displayed/logged in menu exists/ etc), to ensure the browser has received the auth cookies, etc before the tests move on. What that line looks like depends on exactly how you're architecting your expectations.
If this doesn't answer your question, please provide a concrete example of what exactly isn't working for you since none of the code you're showing indicates any need for Capybara::DSL to be included in either of the places you say you don't want it.
Capybara doesn't depend on visit having completed, instead the finders and matchers will retry up to a specified period of time until they succeed. You can increase this amount of time by increasing the value of Capybara.default_max_wait_time. The only methods that don't wait by default are first and all, but can be made to wait/retry by specifying any of the count options
first('.some_class', minimum: 1) # will wait up to Capybara.default_max_wait_time seconds for the element to exist on the page.
although you should always prefer find over first/all whenever possible
If increasing the maximum wait time doesn't solve your issue, add an example of a test that fails to your question.

Use with Excel data to display on Dashing Dashboard?

I'm trying to get an example of the following code from github that looks to be a dead topic for my Linux/Ubuntu install. I have been trying to scrape data from my company intranet using "mechanize" see stack question for details. Since I'm not smart enough to figure a way around my login issue I thought I would try and feed data from an excel sheet as a work around until I can figure out the mechanize route. Once again I'm not smart enough to get the provided code to work on Linux because I'm getting the following error:
`kqueue=': kqueue is not supported on this platform (EventMachine::Unsupported)
If I'm understanding correctly from the information provided in the original source, the problem is that kqueue isn't supported in Linux. The OP states that inotify is an alternative but I've had no luck finding a similar example using it to display Excel in a widget.
Here is the code that is shown on GitHub and would like help converting it to work on Linux:
require 'roo'
EM.kqueue = EM.kqueue?
file_path = "#{Dir.pwd}/spreadsheet.xls"
def fetch_spreadsheet_data(path)
s =
send_event('valuation', { current: s.cell(1, 2) })
module Handler
def file_modified
EM.next_tick do
EM.watch_file(file_path, Handler)
Okay, so I was able to get this working and to display my data on a Dashing Dashboard widget by doing the following:
First: I uploaded my spreadsheet.xls to the root directory of my dashboard.
Second: I replaced the /jobs/sample.rb code with:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'roo'
SCHEDULER.every '2s' do
file_path = "#{Dir.pwd}/spreadsheet.xls"
def fetch_spreadsheet_data(path)
s =
send_event('valuation', { current: s.cell('B',49) })
module Handler
def file_modified
Third: Make sure the /widgets/number is in your dashboard "this is part of the sample install".
Fourth: Add the following code to your /dashboards/sample.erb file "this is part of the sample install as well".
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
<div data-id="valuation" data-view="Number" data-title="Current Valuation" data-prefix="$"></div>
I used this source to help me better understand how Roo works. I tested my widget by changing my values and re-uploading the spreadsheet.xls to server and seen instant changes on my dashboard.
Hope this helps someone and I'm still looking for help to automate this process by scraping the data. Reference this if you can help.
Thanks for sharing this code sample. I did not manage to make it work in my environment (Raspberry/Raspbian) but after some efforts I managed to come up something that works -- at least for me ;)
I had never worked with Ruby before this week, so this code may be a bit crappy. Please accept apologizes.
-- Christophe
require 'roo'
require 'rubygems'
require 'rb-inotify'
# Implement as described here:
file_path = "#{Dir.pwd}/datasheet.csv"
def fetch_spreadsheet_data(path)
s =
send_event('csvdata', { value: s.cell(1, 1) })
SCHEDULER.every '5s' do
notifier =, :modify) do |event|
event.flags.each do |flag|
## convert to string
flag = flag.to_s
puts case flag
when 'modify' then fetch_spreadsheet_data(file_path)
## loop, wait for events from inotify

Get Post Full Path in Jekyll/Octopress

In Octopress, I'm trying to get a post's full file path (something like ~/projects/site/source/_posts/2012-01-01-something.markdown) by extending the Jekyll:Post class.
module Jekyll
class Post
alias_method :original_to_liquid, :to_liquid
def to_liquid
# test if this function is actually called
puts "hello"
'full_path' => File.join(#base,#name)
I name this file as full_path.rb and put it in the plugins folder. Oddly, my to_liquid function never get called, since the hello message didn't show up.
Even more strange, I find the date.rb shipped with Octopress also defines to_liquid method of class Post, so I add the full_path => File.join(#base,#name) line there and it works! I'm soooo confused.
So my question is, why my to_liquid method didn't get called?
After upgrading jekyll from 0.12.0 to 1.2.1, it magically works......
You might take a look at the Post#permalink documentation. It should do what you want without having to create new plugins.
(if I misunderstood you, maybe containing_dir is the method you're looking for)

Using SitePrism with Rspec and Capybara feature specs

I recently discovered SitePrism via the rubyweekly email.
It looks amazing. I can see its going to be the future.
The examples I have seen are mostly for cucumber steps.
I am trying to figure out how one would go about using SitePrism with rspec.
Assuming #home_page for the home page, and #login_page for the login_page
I can understand that
#home_page.load # => visit #home.expanded_url
however, the part I am not sure about, is if I think click on for example the "login" link, and the browser in Capybara goes to the login page - how I can then access an instance of the login page, without loading it.
#home_page =
# Here I know the login page should be loaded, so I can perhaps do
#login_page =
#login_page.should be_displayed
That seems like it might work. So, when you know you are supposed to be on a specific page, you create an instance of that page, and somehow the capybara "page" context, as in page.find("a[href='/sessions/new']") is transferred to the last SitePrism object?
I just feel like I am missing something here.
I'll play around and see what I can figure out - just figured I might be missing something.
I am looking through the source, but if anyone has figured this out... feel free to share :)
What you've assumed turns out to be exactly how SitePrism works :) Though you may want to check the epilogue of the readme that explains how to save yourself from having to instantiate page objects all over your test code. Here's an example:
# our pages
class Home < SitePrism::Page
class SearchResults < SitePrism::Page
# here's the app class that represents our entire site:
class App
def home
def results_page
# and here's how to use it:
#first line of the test...
#app =
#app.home.search_field.set "sausages"
#app.results_page.should be_displayed

How to force Kaminari to always include page param?

Kaminari's URL generation omits the page param if it is generating the link back to the first page. However, the application is designed to select a random page if the page parameter is omitted. Kaminari's default behaviour, then, precludes paginating back to the first page in a reliable way.
I've resolved this issue, and will post my solution below a bit later, but I wanted to post this question for posterity, and I'm also pretty new to Rails, thus I'm not sure my solution is the best or most elegant, and I'm interested in improvements and refinements, if just for my own selfish edification!
The line of code in Kaminari that implements the behaviour we want to change is in lib/kaminari/helpers/tags.rb, in the method Kaminari::Helpers::Tag::page_url_for.
def page_url_for(page)
#template.url_for #template.params.merge(#param_name => (page <= 1 ? nil : page))
To override this behaviour, I created a file lib/kaminari/helpers/tag.rb, containing the following:
module Kaminari
module Helpers
class Tag
def page_url_for(page)
#template.url_for #template.params.merge(#param_name => (page < 1 ? nil : page))
I then patched in the file by adding the following line to config/initializers/extensions.rb:
require "lib/kaminari/helpers/tag.rb"
My apologies for any awkwardness with the Ruby/Rails terminology, I'm still fairly new to Ruby. Comments and criticisms are welcome.
The new version of the kaminari source will require this as the updated line:
#template.url_for #params.merge(#param_name => (page))
Otherwise you will lose other params passed into your pagination call.
For clairity sake here is the full output of the new code:
module Kaminari
module Helpers
class Tag
def page_url_for(page)
#template.url_for #params.merge(#param_name => (page))
You will still place this inside an initializers file as Daniel suggested.
As of today (July 2016), the Kaminari master branch includes a config option params_on_first_page, which is false by default.
Setting this config option to true will include page params for all pages, including page 1.
Note that the master branch isn't a stable release, so use with caution!
This is the answer for 2018 as am writing this :
Like it's stated in the kaminari github home page
Run this to create a config file for kaminari :
rails g kaminari:config
This will create a file kaminari_config.rb in your config/initializers folder
Uncomment the line : config.params_on_first_page = false and replace false by true :
config.params_on_first_page = true
Restart your server if necessary. That's it :)
