Possible to use Spring 4 with Tiles 2 ? - tiles

Is it possible to use spring 4 with tiles 2 ?
I can't seem to find any documentation on how to configure tiles with spring web, and many of the classes have changed in tiles 3 vs tiles 2.

You can basically follow the section about Tiles 3 in Spring's reference documentation - and just change package names org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles3 into org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles2.
Note that Tiles 2 support in Spring has been deprecated as of Spring 4.2


How to make existing apache tiles configuration to work with Spring6, since Spring6 has no tiles support. Is there any alternative to keep jsp as view

I have apache tiles used in my Spring MVC project that is currently using Spring 4, but I need to migrate to Spring 6. While migrating I need to keep my views same as it will take a lot of efforts, but Spring 6 does not have Tiles support. Please suggest way out.
Will the jsp support with import or include work in this case.

Spring Security 5 + Spring 4 - Is this supported?

We have a need to use the new Spring Security 5 OAuth 2 libraries in one of our apps but it is using spring 4. Do we have to upgrade the Spring Core libraries to version 5 to match the Spring Security 5 version? Pretty certain that we have to do this, but its a non trivial effort so trying to understand if it is necessary.

Mixing spring 3 and 4

I have a legacy application that uses Spring 3.x. It's built using Maven and creates a war file. It's big, perhaps what would be called a monolith nowadays.
I'm slowly moving to a micro services architecture and as a first stage I'd like to create Maven sub-projects built as JAR files (within the web application) that contain Spring controllers that use the newer #RestController annotations of Spring 4.
Will there likely be problems do you think of mixing version 3 and 4 of Spring? I'd like to scan the package structure of the jar file from the existing Spring 3 app in order to detect the Spring 4 annotations.
Thanks in advance.

how does actually spring integrates with struts 2

I am new to Struts and searched online for tutorial and examples that shows integration
of spring with struts 2.
Some examples talk about using struts spring plugin in struts-config.xml and some dont even have struts-config.xml file.
This is making me confused.
So if any one can tell me whats the latest way for this.
Check the docs, it has a dedicated chapter on Spring <=> Struts 1 & 2 integration
First you need to clarify if you're using Struts 1 or Struts 2--the answers are very different on the Struts side.
On the Struts 2 side, there's a Spring plugin which essentially delegates all Struts 2 object creation to Spring, so you get all of the Spring wiring and so on without having to change any of your application's code or config.
In Struts 1, you'd generally declare your actions to be of the org.springframework.web.struts.DelegatingActionProxy class in your Struts 1 config file. In the Spring config you define a bean whose name matches the path, and is a Struts 1 Action subclass.
Struts 2's config file is "struts.xml" by default, but is configurable. Struts 1's config file is (again by default) "struts-config.xml". Either can have multiple config files.

spring 3 with tiles 2.2.2 and velocity integration

I need to configure Tiles and Velocity with springMVC 3.0, I think I need a complete example
on how to configure them together.
I recently went through this and described all my findings on my blog. See Integrating Spring, Velocity and Tiles
