How to use package manager, gopm - go

I am in the process of experimenting with the various package manager offerings on, well, offer for Go. I like what I read in gopm - simple. However, thus far I cannot get past the very first hurdle. Here is what I am doing
Install gopm from source via go get
Check that it did install. whereis gopm returns /opt/gopkg/bin/gopm
For good measure check my environment variables. echo $GOPATH returns /opt/gopkg.
Create main.go under /var/www/html/rest. The code reads
package main
func main(){
println("Beego version:beego.VERSION)
Create the .gopmfile. It reads
Switch to the /var/www/html/rest folder. At this point it contains
root root 20 Jun 25 09:13 .gopmfile
root root 107 Jun 25 09:13 main.go
Now issue a gopm build. which comes back with
[GOPM] 15-06-25 09:28:13 [FATAL]: package not installed
Examine the /var/www/html/rest folder. It now contains an additional folder .vendor which in turn contains the folder src which in turn has a symlink to the /var/www/html/rest folder.
What am I doing wrong here?

You did not include the dependencies section in your .gopmfile file, which should look something like this:
path = rest
[deps] = tag:v0.9.0


Universal scope and importing variables from one file to another

I am new at Golang. I am learning about universal scope and importing variables from one file to another.
System: Windows 11 x64
IDE: VS code
Language: GoLang
According to the universal scope I should be able to import variables from one file to another easily. Primary file: "main.go" and secondary file ""uniscope.go
Importing from uniscope.go into main.go
If the files are kept in the same folder directory then I can easily import using command: "go run main.go uniscope.go"
This runs without any error but until this command I get the error in main.go, "undeclared name", that is still not the main issue.
When I move the uniscope.go to another folder and then I run "go run main.go uniscope.go", it doesn't work, which is understandable as directory has been changed. So then I copy the path and paste it in import which in turns resolves the previous error, change the command to "go run main.go" but it throws out a new one.
"main.go:6:7: illegal character U+0073 's' in escape sequence"
I am not sure how I am wrong here. The video I am learning from is:
He is using itelliJ but I don't think that should be an issue.
I have tried the mentioned above and also tried finding the exact error on google. Just found a similar question posted on some Portuguese forum with no answers.
package main
import "hello/world"
func main() {
package world
const Value = 1
and run:
go mod init hello
go run .

Go get is pulling the wrong repository

My module is
My repository is
When I run go get, I get the message below.
Scotts-Mac-mini:seeding syacko$ go get
go get module git ls-remote -q origin in /Users/syacko/workspace/sotesoft/golang/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/80b3644beae1b986f1c659355360479e2463820660aa328d2edb1e571aba259b: exit status 128:
remote: The project you were looking for could not be found.
fatal: repository '' not found
Scotts-Mac-mini:seeding syacko$
The is a sub-directory and not a repository. I don't understand why go get is going to the utilities as a repository?
Directory Structure:
go.mod file
module slogger or -> still gets the error below
go 1.14 contains repository slogger.git
I have run a test to see if the issue is the number of nodes in the path. So, I create a new repository with no sub-directory and pushed the slogger code. Then ran go get which generate a different error message.
GOPATH/ -> create new directory and added slogger files listed above -> new repository with one less level
Scotts-Mac-mini:test-go-mod syacko$ go get
go: downloading v0.0.0-20200409023538-794310bf7cf9
go get verifying module: reading 410 Gone
server response:
not found: invalid version: git fetch -f origin refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* in /tmp/gopath/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/7753c92c9bd1419156d8120684b7f3707fd207e01a2947ba89e2acfd2ecfb4d0: exit status 128:
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled
Scotts-Mac-mini:test-go-mod syacko$
This is still getting the status error of 128 for the missing version. Additionally, it is looking in the right location for the code. If this is true, then I just need help with the version missing. Moving to a shorted directory structure is doable.
Newest Update
#praveent > The solution at didn't work for me. So I started from scratch to see how to resolve the issue.
The reason is because for a git repository it assumes that utilities is the repo and not utilities/slogger
There is a way to override this behavior by implementing go get API. But, gitlab is yet to implement the same due to security concerns. You can read more here. Gitlab issue
Update: Add reference to gitlab issue tracking this problem.
So, here is how I got this to work using I'm not saying other ways will not work, they just didn't for me and my setup. First, since I don't care if the code is available to the public, I created a new group at This new group is public from the start, so no need to adjust permissions. Then I create a repository called packages and cloned the repository to my local machine with the same directory structure that is in, with ~/workspace/soteapps/packages on my machine. Both of these are out side the GOPATH. I'm not sure this matters, but it is working this way, so I'm putting it here.
Under packages, I copied the slogger directory and code.
cp -R slogger ~/workspace/soteapps/packages/.
Edited the go.mod file to match the repository structure, which is in the packages directory. There is no go.mod file in the slogger directory.
go 1.14
Edited the hello.go import to match the package.
package main
import (
func main() {
slogger.Info("Test message")
Built the program using go build -o hello and then ran it hello with the following results:
Scotts-Mac-mini:hello syacko$ hello
Hello, world.
INFO:2020/04/10 21:11:33 Test message
Scotts-Mac-mini:hello syacko$
Worked! Thank you all that helped. This wouldn't of gotten solved without your help.
Note: This only works for public repositories.

Go install exclude file

I have created a go script that compiles, starts, checks the status, and ends a web service I created (that is also in go). However, I have come to a road block.
With the compile feature I run the following command:
go install .
Which gives the following error:
./script.go:55: main redeclared in this block
previous declaration at ./hello.go:8
Which makes sense as I have two different files, both with the main func and main package. I also tried moving the script to another folder and then changing the command ran to:
go install {path}
Where {path} is equal to the path I want installed/compiled. Which I then got the following error:
exit status 1: can't load package: package /var/www/ import "/var/www/": cannot import absolute path
So in conclusion I have thought of only one solution (and I am up to hear others if mine isn't the best approach). My idea is to exclude the script file from compiling with the rest of the files, but I am unsure how to.
I did some research and couldn't find an easy way to do it (such as an --exclude flag with the go install command). Does anybody know how to accomplish what I am trying to achieve?
Thank you.
you could give the hello.go a different package name, that should work. Or i am missing something?

How to package a Kivy app with Pyinstaller

I have a lot of troubles following the instructions form the Kivy website, many steps aren't explained like what should I answer to the warning.
WARNING: The output directory "..." and ALL ITS CONTENTS will be REMOVED! Continue? (y/n)
Even if I choose y, the folder isn't removed.
Also should I always add these lines:
from kivy.deps import sdl2, glew
*[Tree(p) for p in (sdl2.dep_bins + glew.dep_bins)]
in the .spec file? Why are they necessary?
Not many info is available for Kivy.
Because I spent a lot of time understanding how I should package my app, here are some instructions that would have really helped me.
Some info are available at
Python 3.6 as of march 2017
Because packaging my app gave me the error IndexError: tuple index out of range, I had to install the developement version of PyInstaller:
pip install
Step 1:
I moved all the files of MyApp in a folder "C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\MyApp": the .py, the .kv and the images and I created an icon.ico.
I created another folder C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\MyPackagedApp. In this folder I press Shift+right click and select open command window here.
Then I pasted this:
python -m PyInstaller --name MyApp --icon "C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\MyApp\icon.ico" "C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\MyApp\"
This creates two folders, build and dist, and a .spec file. In dist/MyApp, I can find a .exe. Apparently, if my app is really simple (just one label), the packaged app can works without the Step 2.
Step 2:
The second step involves editing the .spec file. Here is an exemple of mine.
(cf Step 3, for the explanations about my_hidden_modules)
I go back to the cmd, and enter
python -m MyApp myapp.spec
I then got this warning:
WARNING: The output directory "..." and ALL ITS CONTENTS will be REMOVED! Continue? (y/n)
I enter y and then press enter.
Because I choosed y, I was surpised that the folder build was still there and that the dist/MyApp was still containing many files. But this is normal. PyInstaller can output a single file .exe or a single folder which contains all the script’s dependencies and an executable file. But the default output is a single folder with multiple files.
Step 3: adding hidden modules
When I click on the myapp.exe in dist/MyApp, the app crashed. In the log C:\Users\.kivy\logs\ I could find 2 errors: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32timezone' and SystemError: <class '_frozen_importlib._ModuleLockManager'>.
Because of this I had to edit the .spec file and add these lines:
my_hidden_modules = [
( 'C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python36\\Lib\\site-packages\\win32\\lib\\', '.' )
in a = Analysis I changed datas = [] to datas = my_hidden_modules,
Apparently this is because I used a FileChooser widget.
So, the line:
yes, it will be removed AND replaced later with new files. Check the date. I think it prints permission denied if it can't do such a thin both for files and the whole folder, so you'd notice it. It's important though, because you need to add additional files into your folder.
Those additional files of two types:
kivy dependencies
application data
Dependencies are just binaries (+/- loaders, licenses, or so), you get them through the *[Tree(p) ...] piece of code, which is just a command for "get all files from that folder". Without them Kivy won't even start.
Similarly to that, the second Tree(<app folder>) does the same, but for your own files such as .py files, .kv files, images, music, databases, basically whatever you create.
Obviously if you remove the deps, app won't start and if you remove app data, you'll get some path errors and most likely crash. You don't want any of that :P
It also works if in the 'a = Analysis...' block in the spec file one substitutes
hiddenimports=['win32file', 'win32timezone']
for win32file, win32timezone or for whatever files are missing

J language's "load" command

I'm working through the J primer, and getting stuck when it comes to the load command.
In particular, there are times when the next step in a tutorial is load 'foo' and I'll get an error like the following:
load 'plot'
not found: /users/username/j64-801/addons/graphics/plot/plot.ijs
|file name error: script
| 0!:0 y[4!:55<'y'
When I do ls /users/username/j64/addons/ I only have config and ide in there, so it's sensible that graphics is not found.
My question:
if given an example that says load 'foo', how do I go about finding and installing foo?
I'd recommend simply installing all the JAL packages ("Addons"). There aren't too many, so the download won't take long, and you'll have access to everything you need to run the Labs, Wiki examples, and any code posted by the community (e.g. on the J Forums).
To install all available Addons, type the following into Jconsole (you could theoretically type it into JHS or JQT instead, but since those are distributed as Addons, you might not be able to upgrade them while they're running):
load'pacman' NB. J PACkage MANager
The package manager will start running, and you'll see output like:
Updating server catalog...
Installing 52 packages
Downloading base library...
Installing base library...
Downloading api/gl3...
Installing api/gl3...
Downloading api/ncurses...
Installing api/ncurses...
Then stop and restart Jconsole, and run:
load 'pacman'
'update' jpkg 'all'
To make sure all recursive dependencies were satisfied and all packages are up to date (in particular, the base library). Ultimately, you want to see something like:
Updating server catalog...
Local JAL information was last updated: <datetime>
All available packages are installed and up to date.
Then stop & restart J one last time. When that's done, you should have everything you need to run the Labs.
To answer your final question, if you see a line like:
The first thing you should do is run getscripts_j_ 'foo'. In your example:
getscripts_j_ 'plot'
Here, you can see the fully-qualified path of where J expects the package to live.
In particular, you can see it where it is relative to the addons directory, which will always be in the form addons/category/module/foo.ijs. The category and module name indicate which addon you need to install, so all you have to do pick the desired entry from the catalog visible in the package manager.
