I have build the jar file of volley library and I included that in my project's libs folder. Even though I'm getting an error
cannot symbol request
import com.android.volley.Response;
import com.android.volley.VolleyError;
import com.android.volley.toolbox.StringRequest;
please, someone help me..
I'm guessing you are making a child of StringRequest. The child needs to have a constructor super call before the error message will go away. Try it and let me know what happens.
I am faced with a strange issue. I recently rebuilt my Xcode project file using a tool called Xcode gen, I now have hundreds of errors in my files related to imports, for example:
import Foundation
struct BillingHistoryDetailTableCellViewModel {
let contentColor: UIColor?
// Implementation
error: Cannot find type 'UIColor' in scope
Why am I suddenly faced with this error now? Xcode had no issue compiling this kind of file before.
Is there some kind of setting or flag required to fix this?
Answering this for others:
If your project happens to include objective-c code and the bridge file includes imports to frameworks that use UIKit then this will be imported globally across your project, hence Xcode not asking for the import in files where you reference objects in UIKit.
This seems kinda like a bad side effect of using an objective c bridge as it's easy to miss the adding the import statements.
I have a package collision where I get the following error:
mockgen -package=mocks -source=myproto.pb.go -destination=mocks/my_mocks.go
imported package collision: "foo" imported twice
I see one import that is obvious:
import foo "blah/blah/foo"
But I don't know where to start tracking down the duplicate import (nor where it is coming from). It seems strange to me that this is an issue as I am importing myproto.pb.go just fine, so I'm wondering if there is really an issue w/duplicate imports. Also, GoLand isn't showing any issues.
I'm hoping someone can point me in the direction of getting more information about where the duplicate import is coming form, checking if there is some issue and/or working around the issue.
This seems to be an ongoing issue. I just ran into it with it claiming "rand" was imported twice (even though my code doesn't import "rand").
The following workaround worked for me: Write down the list of interfaces in myproto.pb.go you wish to mock, and use "reflect mode" instead of "source mode"
mockgen -package=mocks -destination=mocks/my_mocks.go path.to/package/containing/myproto/pb/go [space-separated interface names]
should be equivalent to your previous invocation:
mockgen -package=mocks -source=myproto.pb.go -destination=mocks/my_mocks.go
but for some reason is more robust and does not trigger the double-import error.
I'm working on a veins project at the moment and everything went fine till today.
I had the need to add a new module to the ' veins/src/veins/modules ' directory so I simply created a new folder and put some .ned files and relative header/source files in there. I got some errors after doing that but nothing special (I was probably doing something wrong and compiler didn't like it). I then decided to delete the folder and try again maybe the day after.
After doing so I re-run the same exact simulation and omnet/IDE started showing this, not being able to launch:
<!> Error: Cannot load library '../../src//libveins.so': ../../src//libveins.so: undefined symbol: _ZN8Flooding6finishEv
Simulation terminated with exit code: 1
I've tryed a fresh clean and rebuilt the whole veins project but that didn't help.
I googled this error but couldn't find anything similiar to my case.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards.
c++filt _ZN8Flooding6finishEv shows that the missing symbol is
Flooding::finish(). It seems that you have a deceleration of this
method but missing a corresponding implementation. I'd assume your
module was called Flooding and you did not delete all of it when
starting over.
Julian Heinovski
Running the same configuration on Windows showed that it was indeed Flooding::finish() not implemented (that's probably because it's automatically demangled on Windows). I just deleted the declaration and solved my little inattention.
I am trying to use path-dialog% from mrlib/path-dialog in a typed/racket program, but it is complaining that I need to use require/typed to import it.
I'm sure this is an easy one for someone familiar with require/typed, but I am not that person. The main gui library and the main db library are available in typed versions, but it seems that the mrlib extensions are not available in typed versions.
Could someone please be so kind as to explain how to fix this error?
Thank you.
The exact error message is:
Type Checker: missing type for identifier;
consider using `require/typed' to import it
identifier: path-dialog%
from module: mrlib/path-dialog in: path-dialog%
I was studying SDL2 with LazyFoo's tutorial, everything was ok before I came to import the SDL2_ttf library, I import this library into my vs2015 the same way as I import SDL2_image library, but it seems not to work...
When I tried to run the problem I wrote that contains the SDL2_ttf, I got an error window that shows the mistake The procedure entry point interlockedcompareexchange#12 could not be located in the dynamic link library libfreetype-6.dll, how can I fix it ?
Finally I fixed it, I just put all the .dll file into the vs working directory, then it works. I don't why other .dll can work as long as I set the path into where they are, but SDL2_ttf.dll can not...