When using Golang's Oauth2 library:
I exchange the authorisation code for access token and I get back this struct:
type Token struct {
// AccessToken is the token that authorizes and authenticates
// the requests.
AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
// TokenType is the type of token.
// The Type method returns either this or "Bearer", the default.
TokenType string `json:"token_type,omitempty"`
// RefreshToken is a token that's used by the application
// (as opposed to the user) to refresh the access token
// if it expires.
RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token,omitempty"`
// Expiry is the optional expiration time of the access token.
// If zero, TokenSource implementations will reuse the same
// token forever and RefreshToken or equivalent
// mechanisms for that TokenSource will not be used.
Expiry time.Time `json:"expiry,omitempty"`
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Now when I am using this access token in my application, I need to know the scope for which the token was granted.
But I don't see any property or method to get the scope?
How to get the token's scope so I can limit user's permissions based on it?
I can see that the Config struct has Scopes slice:
type Config struct {
// ClientID is the application's ID.
ClientID string
// ClientSecret is the application's secret.
ClientSecret string
// Endpoint contains the resource server's token endpoint
// URLs. These are constants specific to each server and are
// often available via site-specific packages, such as
// google.Endpoint or github.Endpoint.
Endpoint Endpoint
// RedirectURL is the URL to redirect users going through
// the OAuth flow, after the resource owner's URLs.
RedirectURL string
// Scope specifies optional requested permissions.
Scopes []string
It seems to me there is no way to get scope from a token though?
Surely the point of scope is that it should be part of the access token in order to validate permissions?
See the spec: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749#page-23
this should do the trick
func GetTokensScope(tokUrl string, clientId string, secret string) (string,error){
body := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte("grant_type=client_credentials&client_id="+clientId+"&client_secret="+secret+"&response_type=token"))
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST",tokUrl,body)
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return "",err
defer resp.Body.Close()
rsBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
type WithScope struct {
Scope string `json:"scope"`
var dat WithScope
err = json.Unmarshal(rsBody,&dat)
if err != nil {
return "",err
return dat.Scope,err
I'm having a problem with the google/Oauth2 package when attempting to authenticate through the service account using a server to server authentication. Google responds with a token struct with an empty refresh token string, and the token expires in 1h, which I can't refresh as I don't have a refresh token.
Here is the code snippet I'm using:
gcr "github.com/google/go-containerregistry/pkg/name"
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", path, serviceAccountFilePath))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to read GCP service account key file: %s", err)
ctx := context.Background()
creds, err := google.CredentialsFromJSON(ctx, data, scopes...)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to load GCP service account credentials: %s", err)
t, _ := creds.TokenSource.Token()
fmt.Println(t.Expiry.Sub(time.Now()).String(), t.RefreshToken, ">>>")
r, err := gcr.NewRegistry("https://gcr.io")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to ping registry: %s", err)
authToken := authn.FromConfig(authn.AuthConfig{
RegistryToken: t.AccessToken,
repo, err := gcr.NewRepository(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", urlPrefix, imageName))
repo.Registry = r
list, err := remote.List(repo, remote.WithAuth(authToken))
I tried different ways while using the service account for authentication, such as the config and JWT but I still got the same result.
Service accounts don't need / use refresh tokens.
Refresh tokens are used for offline access by standard Oauth2 authorization. If the user is offline then the application can use the refresh tokens to get an new access token and make requests on behalf of the user.
With service accounts they are already preauthorized and have access to the data they have. A request should return an access token once that access token expires after an hour you just make a new authorization request to get a new access token.
Refresh tokens are unnecessary in the case of service accounts. When the access token expires just run your auth code again to get a new one. Its saving you a step.
Thanks to #DalmTo's hints, I solved the problem.
So the fix for the such problem was by not using the credentials out of google.CredentialsFromJSON() func will return the token source without refreshing the token in case of passing the service account to that function, which means that you can't refresh your token when it expires again later. Also, anticipating and re-authenticating to generate a new token didn't work for me (no clue why).
So I had to convert the JSON of the service account into JWT through this func instead
scopes := []string{"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"}
tokenSource, err := google.JWTAccessTokenSourceWithScope(serviceAccountFileBytes, scopes...)
The reason that this one works, is because it creates the JWT token internally through the service_account's properties such as client email and client_id and private_key as GCP allows us to create our local JWT tokens and encode them.
My problem in short is:
I send my auth token as a parameter to my destination api and it seems like middleware can not access that. How can I access the parameter since the middleware needs that to check the auth conditions?
I am trying to implement a simple authentication/authorization application.
I know that it is common to set auth token in coockies, however, in my use-case, I need it to be implemented differently.
The implementation is: login returns auth token in response body and anytime authentication token is required, it is sent as a parameter "authorization" to the application.
here is the code for my user routers :
func UserRoute(router *gin.Engine) {
user := router.Group("/user")
user.POST("/signup", controllers.SignUp)
user.POST("/login", controllers.Login)
user.GET("/validate", middleware.RequireAuth, controllers.Validate)
validate function in usercontrollers.go:
func Validate(c *gin.Context) {
user, _ := c.Get("user")
c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"message": user,
here is the request I send
Now when I try to read my auth parameter and use it in my middleware it seems like it does not actually exist:
func RequireAuth(c *gin.Context) {
confs, _ := configs.LoadConfig()
tokenString := c.Param("authorization")
if tokenString == "" {
// this abort case always happens
1. ctx.Request.URL.Query().Get("authorization")
2. ctx.Query("authorization")
I am currently building a backend Rest API with Golang to handle HTTP requests from a mobile application. One of the features that I am now implementing is a signup/login by using an external provider, e.g., Google, Apple, etc.
For Google, I've read this article on how to authenticate with a backend server. The main idea is to send a token id to the backend via a POST endpoint and validate the content of the Token. Once the Token is validated, I can retrieve the user information from the backend and create an account (if it does not exist).
So far, with the oath2 Golang package, I can validate the Token like so:
func verifyIdToken(idToken string) error {
ctx := context.Background()
oauth2Service, err := oauth2.NewService(ctx, option.WithoutAuthentication())
if err != nil {
return err
tokenInfoCall := oauth2Service.Tokeninfo()
tokenInfo, err := tokenInfoCall.Do()
if err != nil {
e, _ := err.(*googleapi.Error)
return e
return nil
PLEASE NOTE: To obtain the token Id, I am using the Oauth playground, and I set these scopes:
After searching on oauth2, I noticed a type UserInfo containing all the info I need. However, the tokenInfo object does not return all the information from the user, such as first name and last name. But, I'm having some difficulty on how to get UserInfo.
In short, I created a function called getUserInfo like so:
func getUserInfo(service *oauth2.Service) (*oauth2.Userinfo, error) {
userInfoService := oauth2.NewUserinfoV2MeService(service)
userInfo, err := userInfoService.Get().Do()
if err != nil {
e, _ := err.(*googleapi.Error)
return nil, e
return userInfo, nil
NOTE: I called the getUserInfo within the verifyIdToken
userInfo, err := getUserInfo(oauth2Service)
However, I'm always getting this 401 error:
googleapi: Error 401: Request is missing required authentication credential.
Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential.
See https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project.,
With that, I'm not sure what to do.
I think you have found the answer to your question for a long time, but I still leave my solution here.
The UserinfoService doesn't actually pass a token inside. To do this, you can use code like this:
import "google.golang.org/api/googleapi"
token := "ya29.a0Aa4xrXMAp..."
userInfo, err := userInfoService.Get().Do(googleapi.QueryParameter("access_token", token))
if err != nil {
e, _ := err.(*googleapi.Error)
return nil, e
TLDR: I am looking for a way to update headers on an open stream for each call to stream.Send(msg) without closing the stream and opening a new one.
I have a GRPC client and server built to handle bidirectional streams. To authenticate with the server the client must send a JWT in the request headers, set as "authorization". The token is valid for 30 minutes. After the token has expired, the server will terminate the connection.
I am looking for a way to refresh my authorization token from the client, and keep the stream open. The client should run in a loop executing a new request every 30 minutes with the updated token, and the updated payload. I have not seen a way to update a header from the client side for an already opened stream.
Let's look at some code to get an idea of what the client side looks like. The code below has a function to create a new instance of the client, and another function to establish the connection to the GRPC server.
func NewWatchClient(config *Config, logger *logrus.Logger) (*WatchClient, error) {
cc, err := newConnection(config, logger)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
service := proto.NewWatchServiceClient(cc)
return &WatchClient{
config: config,
conn: cc,
logger: entry,
service: service,
}, nil
func newConnection(config *Config, logger *logrus.Logger) (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", config.Host, config.Port)
// rpcCredential implements credentials.PerRPCCredentials
rpcCredential := newTokenAuth(config.Auth, config.TenantID)
return grpc.Dial(
Looking at the newConnection function above I can see that there is a call to another function, newTokenAuth, to create an auth token. This func returns a struct that implements the PerRPCCredentials interface.
There are two ways to set the authorization for a request.
Use grpc.WithPerRPCCredentials to add the authorization at the time of creating the connection to the server.
Use grpc.PerRPCCredentials to add the authorization to each stream opened on the connection to the server.
In this case, I am using grpc.WithPerRPCCredentials to attach the token at the time of creating the connection to the server.
Now, let's take a look at the definition of PerRPCCredentials.
type PerRPCCredentials interface {
// GetRequestMetadata gets the current request metadata, refreshing
// tokens if required. This should be called by the transport layer on
// each request, and the data should be populated in headers or other
// context. If a status code is returned, it will be used as the status
// for the RPC. uri is the URI of the entry point for the request.
// When supported by the underlying implementation, ctx can be used for
// timeout and cancellation. Additionally, RequestInfo data will be
// available via ctx to this call.
// TODO(zhaoq): Define the set of the qualified keys instead of leaving
// it as an arbitrary string.
GetRequestMetadata(ctx context.Context, uri ...string) (map[string]string, error)
// RequireTransportSecurity indicates whether the credentials requires
// transport security.
RequireTransportSecurity() bool
The interface requires that you define two methods. The documentation of GetRequestMetadata says
GetRequestMetadata gets the current request metadata, refreshing tokens if required
So, it looks like my implementation of PerRPCCredentials should be able to handle a token refresh for my stream or connection. Let's take a look at my implementation of PerRPCCredentials.
// tokenAuth implements the PerRPCCredentials interface
type tokenAuth struct {
tenantID string
tokenRequester auth.PlatformTokenGetter
token string
// RequireTransportSecurity leave as false for now
func (tokenAuth) RequireTransportSecurity() bool {
return false
// GetRequestMetadata sets the http header prior to transport
func (t tokenAuth) GetRequestMetadata(_ context.Context, _ ...string) (map[string]string, error) {
token, err := t.tokenRequester.GetToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t.token = token
go func() {
time.Sleep(25 * time.Minute)
token, _ := t.tokenRequester.GetToken()
t.token = token
return map[string]string{
"tenant-id": t.tenantID,
"authorization": "Bearer " + t.token,
}, nil
As you can see, the call to GetRequestMetadata will establish a go routine that will attempt to refresh a token every 25 minutes. Adding a go routine right here is probably not the right way to do it. It was an attempt to get the auth header to refresh, which doesn't work.
Let's take a look at the stream.
func (w WatchClient) CreateWatch() error {
topic := &proto.Request{SelfLink: w.config.TopicSelfLink}
stream, err := w.service.CreateWatch(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return err
for {
err = stream.Send(topic)
if err != nil {
return err
time.Sleep(25 * time.Minute)
The client sends a message on the stream every 25 minutes. All I'm looking to get here is that when stream.Send is called, the updated token is also sent.
This function, GetRequestMetadata only gets called once, regardless if I am setting the auth through grpc.WithPerRPCCredentials or grpc.PerRPCCredsCallOption so there appears to be no way to update the authorization header.
If you have any idea what I have missed in my attempt to utilize the PerRPCCredentials for token refresh then please let me know.
Thank you.
Headers are sent at the beginning of an RPC, and cannot be updated during the RPC. If you need to send data during the life of a stream, it needs to be part of the request message in your proto definition.
I created a REST API in Go that is necessary an authorization layer, for this layer I am trying use Keycloak. The API will be consumed by a third-party backend service, anyone knows the workflow to integrate Go client and keycloak or already implemented it? I figured out an adapter called Gocloak but in its documentation there is not any example for this purpose.
Authorization is typically application specific, so I can't help much there, but here's some information on authenticating JWTs from Keycloak. After JWTs are authenticated, you can use their claims to authorize the request.
Keycloak exposes what's known as a JSON Web Key Set (JWKS). This resource should be used to authenticate JWTs. I've wrote a package for this purpose. It's an extension of github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4.
The package is called github.com/MicahParks/keyfunc. I've pasted the code example for Keycloak below.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Get the JWKS URL.
// This is a local Keycloak JWKS endpoint for the master realm.
jwksURL := "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/certs"
// Create the keyfunc options. Use an error handler that logs. Refresh the JWKS when a JWT signed by an unknown KID
// is found or at the specified interval. Rate limit these refreshes. Timeout the initial JWKS refresh request after
// 10 seconds. This timeout is also used to create the initial context.Context for keyfunc.Get.
options := keyfunc.Options{
RefreshErrorHandler: func(err error) {
log.Printf("There was an error with the jwt.Keyfunc\nError: %s", err.Error())
RefreshInterval: time.Hour,
RefreshRateLimit: time.Minute * 5,
RefreshTimeout: time.Second * 10,
RefreshUnknownKID: true,
// Create the JWKS from the resource at the given URL.
jwks, err := keyfunc.Get(jwksURL, options)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create JWKS from resource at the given URL.\nError: %s", err.Error())
// Get a JWT to parse.
jwtB64 := "eyJhbGciOiJQUzM4NCIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJMeDFGbWF5UDJZQnR4YXFTMVNLSlJKR2lYUktudzJvdjVXbVlJTUctQkxFIn0.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.Rxrq41AxbWKIQHWv-Tkb7rqwel3sKT_R_AGvn9mPIHqhw1m7nsQWcL9t2a_8MI2hCwgWtYdgTF1xxBNmb2IW3CZkML5nGfcRrFvNaBHd3UQEqbFKZgnIX29h5VoxekyiwFaGD-0RXL83jF7k39hytEzTatwoVjZ-frga0KFl-nLce3OwncRXVCGmxoFzUsyu9TQFS2Mm_p0AMX1y1MAX1JmLC3WFhH3BohhRqpzBtjSfs_f46nE1-HKjqZ1ERrAc2fmiVJjmG7sT702JRuuzrgUpHlMy2juBG4DkVcMlj4neJUmCD1vZyZBRggfaIxNkwUhHtmS2Cp9tOcwNu47tSg"
// Parse the JWT.
token, err := jwt.Parse(jwtB64, jwks.Keyfunc)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to parse the JWT.\nError: %s", err.Error())
// Check if the token is valid.
if !token.Valid {
log.Fatalf("The token is not valid.")
log.Println("The token is valid.")
// End the background refresh goroutine when it's no longer needed.