Paste HTML between <code><pre></pre></code> in Visual Studio 2013 - visual-studio-2013

I am developing HTML lessons for a youth summer camp and I would like to copy HTML snippets from source view then paste them in design view between <code><pre></pre></code> and have Visual Studio 2013 automatically replace < > with < > accordingly.
I researched and found the article Paste Operations in the HTML Designer of Visual Web Developer and it indicates there is an additional option in the edit menu called paste alternative but as you can see in this screenshot, there is no such option. Is it possible to change a setting or something to add such an option?

I'm not sure of your Visual Studio specific feature but Try this:

Will "Copy as HTML" vs2013 extension will help you?


How to Create Visual Studio 2013 Extension

I am interested to create a visual studio 2013 extension. I have gone through some of the msdn links. I am looking for adding one extra option when you right click on any .cs file/folder/project/solution, then on clicking that option some processing will be done on the .cs file/s. And lastly when the processing is done, the output should get print on a result window.
Edit -> Or May be Right Click -> Processing on .cs files -> open a windows form.
Similar to what happens when we do - Search/Replace in all files.
I know there are some options like - VSIX Project template, Editor templates, Visual Studio Package and Visual Studio Shell Isolated.
But i am not getting which one will help me out.
Any thoughts on this?
I got the answer - we have to create a new VS package

Disable Visual Studio code formatting in Razor

This has been asked before: Why doesn't Visual Studio code formatting work properly for Razor markup?
But that question is a couple years old. And Razor formatting is still completely unacceptable. I have given up on fixing it.
Can I disable ALL Visual Studio formatting for CSHTML files? If not, can I disable all Visual Studio formatting entirely? Any 3rd party hacks I can use? There's got to be something!
I've upgraded to 2013 and the formatting is just as bad.
[EDIT]: 2015 is god-awful as well. I REALLY wish they would fix this.
[EDIT]: 2017 is god-awful as well. I REALLY wish they would fix this.
[EDIT]: 2019 is god-awful as well. I REALLY wish they would fix this. That said, Microsoft released a new formatting engine for .Net Core only.
[EDIT]: 2022 is... Well you know. If they ignore this 12 more years I may retire before seeing it fixed!
Under Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> HTML -> Advanced
there is a key value item Paste which says "Format on paste" and has a boolean value next to it. Changing this to false has disabled formatting on paste for me in razor syntax.
I am using VS Professional 2013, Version 12.0.30110.00 Update 1
You cannot. This is built in "feature" of VS since the first .net version (visual studio 2002/2003).
There are tons of connect report about the formatting bugs, but Microsoft ignores them completly, or pushing the fix to the "next version". You can see an example Microsoft answer here.
You can post your own feedback to Microsoft Team here
The places to look:
Tools -> Options -> Web Essentials -> HTML -> Auto-format HTML on Enter
(Requires installation of Web Essentials extension)
Set to False
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> HTML -> Advanced -> Format on Paste
Set to False
With these settings I have no trouble in Visual Studio 2013.
I used to have to press Ctrl-Z far too often, and if you forgot untangling the mess once your code was written and tested was a huge pain. I feel Microsoft could do alot to help users configure this as well as make it more accessible.
What did the trick for me was pressing CTRL+Z after pasting, then the formatting is removed.
In my case R# ended up being the culprit, can be disabled here:
ReSharper > Options > Code Editing > Razor > Editor & Formatting
Unfortunately the only way to prevent autoformatting on paste is to comment out the location where you're going to paste some new code and after the pasting operation to remove the commenting instructions.
Search & Replace seems not to trigger auto-formatting. But pasting reformats the entire code block.
This is terrible beyond words. It makes Visual Studio IDE virtually unusable for Razor editing. One has to use an external editor for Razor files.
What's even worse, even the latest Visual Studio 2013 Update 1 crashes while editing Razor views all the time.
The fun part is, you can disable C# formatting and HTML formatting but not Razor formatting.
I've unchecked "Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Formatting > Automatically format on paste" and the same for HTML.
Which results in the following fun experience in cshtml files:
Paste HTML code: no format
Paste C# code: no format
Paste Razor code: format everything wrong
And since there is no option to change the Razor options, you have to live with this I guess.
My "solution": paste and ctrl-z to undo the auto format
I do not have a .Net Core project nor Blazor. So unfortunately I cannot test this. But a new formatting engine has been released by Microsoft for these languages.
Requires the latest edition of Visual Studio 2019.
I found these settings in Resharper 2019, which have improved my experience:
The below does not directly answer the posed question, but offers a potential fix that may be helpful.
In my situation, the auto formatting was only preforming exceptionally poorly for some files. This turned out to be related to the type of line feed used.
To resolve:
I enabled advanced save options
When saving the problematic files, I selected Windows (CR LF) as the line feed type
Supporting docs
After doing this, autoformat appeared to behave better

Shortcuts for web controls and HTML snippets in Visual Studio

Consider the feature in Visual Studio 2010 for snippets in the HTML Source view of a web page.
type a control name in plaintext with no markup or brackets!
... e.g. hyperlink.
Then hit Tab
Your web control has been auto-completed for you. It's up to you to fill in the other details that you need.
This works for form as well:
<form action="default.aspx" method="post">
This looks like a real time saver. This is supported in WebForms and ASP.NET MVC projects.
What other snippets are available in Visual Studio 2010 in the Source view of a page?
For the authoritative list of snippets, check out the VS2010 installation folders where the snippets are stored:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Web\Snippets\HTML\1033
There is one folder for ASP.NET and one for plain HTML snippets.
Also, if you use jQuery a lot, there is a set of jQuery snippets that you can add to Visual Studio as well.
Here are a ton (100's) of the short cuts in Visual Studio right from MSDN:
The one thing that has been around forever but a lot of people forget about is block selection done by holding down the ALT key and use the mouse to select a block of text. Great when you want to copy/cut/delete a bunch of code that is lined up but you don't want the whole line.
Yeah, this is a really cool new set of snippets in VS2010. Here are the articles I used to learn it:
Walkthrough: Using HTML
Using HTML Code Snippets in Visual
Studio 2010

Using the Visual Studio XML Editor on RDL files

When using Visual Studio to edit Reporting Services *.rdl files, the default designer used is from the "Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers" installed product.
When viewing the RDL code, this code is displayed as plain text and I want to take advantage of the XML Editor in visual studio.
Linking the *.rdl extension to the XML editor in Tools>Options>Text Editor>File Extension has the nasty side effect that while the rdl is now shown in the XML editor, the original report designer completely disappears.
Is there some other way to do this?
For any file you can click the arrow on the size of the open button in the open file dialog and select open with... From there you can select the XML editor. There are some other useful open with items in there as well.
You should be able to view and modify the XML by doing a view source on the RDL file. That way you'll still be able to use the designer when needed.
It would seem that the Report Designer for Visual Studio 2005 did not provide XML Editor support when you click "View Source"; where the 2008 version does.
While "solved", this is just a little inconvenient when you still need to develop RDL in 2005 compatibility mode.

How do I get triple click to work in Visual Studio's Text Editor

Go into Notepad, Internet Explorer or most other applications that display or edit text. Triple click on some text. Windows will select the entire paragraph under the cursor.
This doesn't work in Visual Studio 2005.
How do I get triple click support in the Visual Studio text editor?
do VS 2008 or VS 2010 solve this?
Is there a macro, setting or plugin that will solve this?
I wrote an extension for this for Visual Studio 2010 that you can download from the VS Gallery or directly from the extension manager in Visual Studio, by searching for "triple click" or my name.
You can also read the blog post I wrote about it and check out the source, on github.
I haven't used it, but CodeProject has an article on SmartHelp 3.04 which mentions that you can triple click to select a whole line.
Also, from Craig Shoemaker's blog.
About VS 2010.
Further enhancements include the
ability to triple-click an expansive
element like a table and the editor
selects the entire table’s markup.
Want to surround that table with some
additional markup? Just start typing
with the table selected and your
markup is inserted around the selected
