Why I can't use Cloud9 IDE on WP 8.1? - cloud9-ide

when i'm trying to login to Cloud 9 IDE on smartphone I get only "Dashboard loading" message. Why? What difference is between mobile and desktop browsers in this case? Mobile devices are fast anougth today and have gigabites of RAM and big High-res screens. Same browser engines.

Mobile devices typically require touch support and responsive layout, which can be more difficult when it comes to an IDE. Keyboard support can be another challenge.


It is possible to use chrome / chromium webview in Cordova application for Windows 8/8.1/10 Store App?

I want to build a cross platform application in Apache Cordova that uses a Chromium-based Webview component for Windows Store Apps.
Similar to Crosswalk https://github.com/crosswalk-project/cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
It's possible?
Windows Store apps cannot use Chrome and must use the default browser shipping with windows (you can't even put a none-Edge browser into the windows store). I guess the good news is that if you are patient, Blink (which is the rendering engine Chrome is based upon) is becoming the default rendering engine for Edge next year. BTW crosswalk is also dead, as Chrome is now the rendering engine for all modern Android phones..
Edit from 2020... Since Slack and other Electron apps are in the store and since Cordova now supports Electron - you might want to go with Electron instead of creating a Windows Store app.

Test Webforms Masterpages with Mobile browsers

What is a good way to test a Webforms website with a mobile master page from code? Electric Mobile Studio works but it is not free.
I use Chrome DevTools (Ctrl+Shift+I).
From DevTools you can toggle device tool bar (Ctrl+Shift+M).
Once open you can view as different:
network speeds
and change from portrait to landscape.
This is the best solution I have been able to find in the past year+
Chrome has an extension called "User-Agent Switcher for Chrome." It can be used to switch to iPad and other views that will invoke the mobile master page.
The main strength of this solution (for me) is that it can be used from code in debug mode.

Web app performance tracing on Mobile Safari?

We work on a web application (HTML5 / JS) where performance is critical (physics simulation).
There are a few great options to trace performance on desktops: Chrome Dev Tools timelines, chrome://tracing or the promising Web Tracing Framework. The last option seems like the most powerful one. It also supports remote control of Chrome for Android, but unfortunately Mobile Safari is unsupported.
Do you know any other tool that can be used to precisely measure performance on Mobile Safari?
I know I can debug pages on Mobile Safari with Mac Safari and perhaps access timeline and/or profile tools too. Is this the only option? Do you know other interesting ways of performance tracing a webapp on Mobile Safari?
Have a look into Weinre a fantastic remote debugging tool based on webkit's developer tools:
The timeline tool is still in the early stages but you can create your own timeline events.
For webapp's performance,with enough experience you can tell from the page's debug borders(Compositing Render Layers) and repaint counters,they are not powerful like Web Tracing Framework does,but in many case they help a lot.Web Tracing Framework already works on android chrome,for mobile safari,mac safari's develop tool also can enable to inspect mobile safari's debug borders and repaint counters,also if you dont got a mac,you can just try MIHTool which you can enable debug borders and repaint counters in the app on you iOS device.
Check out Mobile Web Thursday: Dev Tools to learn more about it.

Will asp.net mvc web site created using HTML5 work "out of the box" on mobile devices

i am building a new web site using asp.net mvc3 web application ,, and i found some free HTML5 templates in the web which i can add to my _layout view in my mvc3 web application. i read that HTML5 is able to automatically adapt to the screen size of any devices .
So does this mean that incase i use HTML5 inside my layout view , then my web site can be accessed using different mobile devices and the layout of my web site will automatically adapt to the screen size of the mobile devices?
Not so simple. You need to contend with
Big variety of mobile devices. Some support HTML5, some partially support it and some don't support it at all.
Even if a mobile device does support HTML5, a mobile screen is a lot smaller than a desktop so it may not be able to rearrange the view properly.
How a user interacts with a mobile web app is quite different to a desktop web app, so even if it did rearrange the view properly the user experience could be crap.
A mobile user may be connecting over a low bandwidth connection. What size are your web pages, and are they suitable for distribution over 2g, 2.5g or 3g ?
Well, no, not always. HTML 5 is a very broad term and there are many devices. There is no real guarantee that something you write in any version of HTML 5 will show up as you want it in every browser except via testing it and experience from testing.
That said, I think you are referring to CSS media queries, which are not really related to ASP.NET MVC 3 or HTML 5. From the caniuse site here, you can get an idea of which browsers support media queries.
If you use CSS 3 media queries properly, and the browsers which you are targeting support the feature, then the answer to your question will be yes.
Nothing works automatically but I'd give it a guarded "maybe". The MVC3 sites I've developed work well on iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Phone. For example link
Still needs to be valid HTML5, so I'd suggest using a validator though.
Screen size adaptation isn't a particular feature of HTML5 per se, it's a feature of a competent fluid design with HTML and CSS.
They should work out of the box on mobile devices (in the original iPhone demo, Steve Jobs showed how the iPhone did a good job of rendering existing websites), but there won’t be any automatic adaptation to screen size beyond what HTML already provides.
As far as HTML goes, <meta name="viewport"> can go a long way towards helping your site’s layout on Mobile WebKit-based devices (which is all iPhones, and I believe all Android devices). See e.g.

Blackberry and Windows phone 7 publishing of trivial app

We have a mobile version of our web site which works well on all mobile screen resolutions and sizes. Now, we would like to build a very simple app for Blackberry and Windows Phone 7. The app would be trivial - after you click on its icon, it opens a web browser and send you to our mobile web site. Just like a Windows OS shortcut that you place on your desktop.
Can you tell me if Blackberry and Windows Phone 7 policies allow such app be published? For example, Apple rejected us.
I can't speak for Blackberry, but Requirement 2.10 from the WP7 Application Certification Requirements:
Your application must have distinct,
substantial and legitimate content and
purpose other than merely launching a webpage.
So the answer seems to be no on the WP7 marketplace. Is there a reason you want to create an app like that anyway? On WP7, users can pin a tile to their home screen that will launch the website they've pinned. You could simply encourage users to do that on their WP7 and you'll get the same effect (except your site won't appear in the app list).
Seems this is okay for BlackBerry. See section 4.b of the App World FAQ.
Very strange. Our company has placed a similar application on Android Market and the Appstore and they have been resolved and now they available at stores. Also, I had a similar application for Windovs Phone, and it was also allowed.
P.S. Our application is not just a browser window, it has custom control panel in bottom. Also it has the communication protocol with the site - such a sending pictures from camera and phone and access to phone contacts.
