Possible to add page numbers and footer to docx WITHOUT specifying template? - pandoc

I've only startd looking into pandoc a few hours ago so there's still lots I don't know. I know that if I modify a generated docx and add footer and page numbers, then I can use that as a template, but I'm wondering if it's possible to use pandox without a template and generate a footer and page numbers?
I was thinking this would be possible
pandoc <args> --page_numbers --footer="Created by John Smith"
Or is that only doable with a template?

There is currently no default template for the docx format (see 1, 2, 3) so you cannot pass a footer file by command line.
You can use the reference-docx option to provide a footer but cannot override the footer variable:
pandoc -f markdown --reference-docx=template.docx -t docx input.md -o output.docx
Edit: Adding (from Word) page numbers on the template does work.


Add logo to title page when backend is docbook

I am trying to customise the title page where the backend output is docbook. title, subtitle etc are all output correctly. But I cannot seem to get the title logo to output.
I have tried:
:title-logo-image: image:images/titleimage.png[]
The only way I can get this to kind-of work is to directly embed the image in the title text. But that is not ideal.
Is this possible when using docbook?
Since you convert AsciiDoc to DocBook I am assuming you are writing a book. The parameter title-logo-image you are using is not for asciidoctor (conversion to HTML and DocBook) but for asciidoctor-pdf (conversion to PDF), see https://docs.asciidoctor.org/pdf-converter/latest/title-page/#logo. If you are okay with PDF instead of DocBook you should try asciidoctor-pdf, it also allows you to customize your page it is pretty nice.
I am not sure what you expect though, is it a big picture on the first page? are you talking about the cover? If so you might want to create your own DocBook cover element and inject it in your DocBook file. This is possible in AsciiDoc by using a DocInfo file. You create a docinfo.dbk file where you write the <cover> element and the file content will then be injected in the <info> Element in the resulting DocBook file.

How to include images from the epub template with pandoc?

I've altered the epub template to display more information. It works fine, except when I specify images that refer to a local file. e.g. <img src = "my_file.png">. The code is there in the epub, but the image file isn't.
Pandoc does not parse the template as HTML, so it misses the <img> element when collecting media elements for inclusion in the EPUB. A quick and simple work-around is to list the missing images in some unused metadata field. E.g.,
missing-images: |
Store the above in a file and pass it to pandoc via --metadata-file. This makes pandoc aware of the file, forcing its inclusion.
One could automate it by letting pandoc parse the template and extract the image information, e.g. with a pandoc Lua filter, but that's likely to be more trouble than it's worth.

Sphinx build rst to html single page

I need to build HTML from RST with sphinx-build. Now I use command:
os.system("sphinx-build -b singlehtml -T -D html_add_permalinks=None -D extensions='sphinx.ext.autodoc' -D master_doc='index' -C /my/doc /tmp/sphinx")
But as result it gives complicated HTML with css and JS. But I need only one HTML page with all combined RST files. Maybe even without table of content. Or if it is possible with table of content that works without JS.
I searched for such option in official documentation a lot but did not find what I need.
Please help if somebody knows how to do it.
To convert to pure HTML you better use https://pandoc.org/
Alternatively you could post-process the Sphinx generated HTML to remove all CSS and Javascript.

How to avoid img size tags on markdown when converting docx to markdown?

I'm converting docx files using pandoc and everything works great except right after each image, the size attributes are showing as text in teh
So it shows the image fine in the md but also the size tag as plain text right behind/after/below each image. The command I'm using is:
pandoc --extract-media ./media2 -s word.docx markdown -o exm_word2.md
I've read the manual as best I can but don’t see any flags to use to control this. Also most searches are coming up where people want to have the attributes and control them.
Any suggestions to kill the size attributes or is my markdown app (MarkdownPad2 - v-2.5.x) reading this md wrong?
Use -w gfm as argument in the command line to omit the dimensional of Images.
You could write a filter to do this. You'll need to install panflute. Save this as remove_img_size.py:
import panflute as pf
def change_md_link(elem, doc):
if isinstance(elem, pf.Image):
elem.attributes.pop('width', None)
elem.attributes.pop('height', None)
return elem
if __name__ == "__main__":
Then compile with
pandoc word.docx -F remove_img_size.py -o exm_word2.md
There are two ways to do this: either remove all image attributes with a Lua filter or choose an output format that doesn't support attributes on images.
Output format
The easiest (and most standard-compliant) method is to convert to commonmark. However, CommonMark allows raw HTML snippets, so pandoc tries to be helpful and creates an HTML <img> element for images with attributes. We can prevent that by disabling the raw_html format extension:
pandoc --to=commonmark-raw_html ...
If you intend to publish the document on GitHub, then GitHub Flavored Markdown (gfm) is a good choice.
pandoc --to=gfm-raw_html ...
For pandoc's Markdown, we have to also disable the link_attributes extension:
pandoc --to=markdown-raw_html-link_attributes ...
This last method is the only one that works with older (pre 2.0) pandoc version; all other suggestions here require newer versions.
Lua filter
The filter is straight-forward, it simply removes all attributes from all images
function Image (img)
img.attr = pandoc.Attr{}
return img
To apply the filter, we need to save the above into a file no-img-attr.lua and pass that file to pandoc with
pandoc --lua-filter=no-img-attr.lua ...

Pandoc: Is there a way to generate <kbd> tag?

I love Pandoc's way of creating inline <code> using back ticks. Is there a similar possibility to create <kbd> tags?
I don't know of any HTML <key> tag...
However, generally speaking: you can
either write raw HTML interspersed in the markdown.
or write a pandoc filter that changes pandoc code elements to some raw HTML (then you can just use backticks), or narrow it down on only those with a certain class (e.g. my text `my key contents`{.key})
