Sails.js and Waterline: dynamic validation by DB request - validation

I use Sails 11.1 and Waterline 2.11.2 with a MongoDB database.
I would like to validate data inserted in my "Article" model using a in validator for 1 attribute.
Before, I was doing the job with lifecycle callbacks (beforeCreate and beforeUpdate especially), but it makes double code.
Here you have the model, truncated with just the attribute in question :
module.exports =
schema: true,
autoCreatedAt: false,
autoUpdatedAt: false,
model: 'Theme',
required: true
I know how to define it statically:
in: ['something', 'something other']
I know how to call constants I defined in my constants.js file :
defaultsTo: function ()
return String(sails.config.constants.articleDefaultTheme);
But I would like to get all themes in my DB, to have a dynamic in validation. So, I wrote this :
model: 'Theme',
required: true,
in: function ()
.exec(function (err, themes)
if (err)
return next({ error: 'DB error' });
else if (themes.length === 0)
return next({ error: 'themes not found' });
var theme_ids = [];
themes.forEach(function (theme, i)
theme_ids[i] = theme.theme_id;
return theme_ids;
But it's not working, I have always the "1 attribute is invalid" error. If I write them statically, or if I check in the beforeCreate method with another DB request, it works normally.
If I sails.log() the returned variable, all the themes ids are here.
I tried to JSON.stringify() the returned variable, and also to JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) it. I also tried to convert the theme.theme_id as a string with the String() function, but nothing else...
What am I doing wrong? Or is it a bug?
You can also check my question here : Waterline GitHub issues

Models's configuration at your attributes scope at in field of course will throw an error, because it should not use a function, especially your function is not return anything, also if you force it to return something, it will return Promise that Theme.find()... did.
Try use different approach. There are exist Model Lifecycle Callbacks. You can use something like beforeCreate, or beforeValidate to manually checking your dynamic Theme, if it's not valid, return an error.
Or if it's achievable using standard DB relation, just use simple DB relation instead.


Is there a way to use a named function with Hapi validation?
I'd like to pass a function in to my validation block that checks for the presence of v as a source and confirms that account, profile and ipAddress are present. The docs say this is possible but don't have an example of using a function var to do it.
When I start up my API I get: Error: Invalid schema content: (account)
How can I use a named function to do validation in Hapi?
var validateQueryString;
validateQueryString = function(value, options, next) {
value: value,
options: options
// do some validation here
return next(null, value);
method: 'POST',
path: '/export/{source}/{start}/{end?}',
config: {
validate: {
query: {
account: validateQueryString,
profile: validateQueryString,
ipAddress: validateQueryString
params: {
source: joi.string().valid(['a', 'v', 't']),
start: joi.string().regex(utcDateTimeRegex),
end: joi.string().regex(utcDateTimeRegex)
handler: function(apiRequest, apiReply) {}
Tried other ways of calling this like:
account: function(value, options, next) {
return validateQueryString(value, options, next); }
with no luck.
I don't think you can have a single function to handle both at the same time.
Typically, the method for the full 'list' of query parameter. Here is a bit of code to illustrate:
function validateQuery(value, options, next){
console.log( 'validating query elements');
for (var k in value) {
console.log( k, '=', value[k]);
next(new Error(null, value);
And you set it as follow:
validate: {
query: validateQuery,
params: ...
Now, let's assume you hit http://server/myroute?a=1&b=2&c=3, you will get the following output:
validating query elements
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
If you want to throw an error, you have to call next() as follow:
next( new Error('some is wrong'), value );
So the 'proper' way is to have a method for query and params, it seems.
Hope this helps.
I would recommend what you are doing is out of bounds of Joi's intent. Joi is targetted for schema validation against a JS object. What you want is runtime validation against rules that exist outside of the schema itself. Hapi has something built for this called server method. Leveraging server methods, you can apply your business validations there while separating the concerns of input model and output model shape validation through Joi.

How to prevent validate function call while calling in backbone JS

I have a backbone view where I call to create/updated date submitted in the form. Before calling the save I explicitly call model.isValid(true) to validate the form fields then I process the form data to make it ready for API expected format (by adding or modifying additional fields) and then make call to function which is again triggering validate function where the validations are getting failed due to the modified data. As I have already called the isValid function explicitly, I want to prevent the call again during save. How can I do it in backbone. Here is sample code.
var data = Backbone.Syphon.serialize($(e.currentTarget).closest('form.my_form')[0]));
if(this.model.isValid(true)) {
data['metas'] = this.context.metaData;
data['metas'][0]['locale'] = this.parentObj.model.get('locale');
data['metas'][0]['name'] = data['name'];
delete data['name'];
var tempDynAttrs = [];
$.each(data['dynamicAttributes'], function(index,obj) {
if(obj['attributeValue'] !== null && obj['attributeValue'] !== undefined ) {
attributeName: obj['attributeName'],
attributeValue: [obj['attributeValue']],
locale: data['defaultLocale'],
status: 'active'
data['dynamicAttributes'] = tempDynAttrs;, {
url: this.model.url(),
patch: true,
success : function(model, response) {
$('#headerMessage').html('Data is updated successfully');
error : function(model, response) {
$('#headerMessage').html('Error updating data');
} else {
scrollTop: $('.has-error').first().offset().top-50
}, 100);
return false;
Try passing {validate:false} in the save options, like{author: "Teddy"}, {validate:false});
According to change log of version 0.9.10:
Model validation is now only enforced by default in Model#save and no longer enforced by default upon construction or in Model#set, unless the {validate:true} option is passed.
So passing {validate:false} should do the trick.

sails.js model validation in bootstrap function

I have a model in sails.js and before creating a new record, I want to validate the data that I wanna insert in model.
this is my model for example :
module.exports = {
attributes: {
levelNumber : {
type : 'string',
defaultTo : '',
required : true,
unique : true
and this is my code that I put in bootstrap.js to run :
levelNumber: 10
}, function(err){
if (err && err.invalidAttributes) {
} else {
// model is valid
it always return "validate" and never return error in validation!!!!
my questions is :
1 - how we can validate and input json for a model before creating it ?
Is there a reason to put application logic to bootstrap.js? The fact is sails executed it before the app is lifted, so it is not strange that something is not working correctly.
You can simply add beforeCreate function to your Model definition under api/models
your model will look like this
module.exports = {
attributes: {
beforeCreate: function(values, next) {
// Validate the values HERE!!

How to set mandatory route parameters

I want to make a route with has a mandatory parameter. If not, it should fall into
Current route:
function router($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state("settings", {
url: "^/settings/{id:int}",
views: {
main: {
controller: "SettingsController",
templateUrl: "settings.html"
Currently both the routes below are valid:
http://myapp/settings //Should be invalid route
Any ideas?
Use a state change start listener to check if params were passed:
function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
event.preventDefault(); //stop state change
if (
$state.go(toState, toParams);
The following solution is valid for ui-router 1.0.0:
.config(($stateProvider, $transitionsProvider) => {
//Define state
$stateProvider.state('verifyEmail', {
parent: 'portal',
url: '/email/verify/:token/:optional',
component: 'verifyEmail',
params: {
token: {
type: 'string',
optional: {
value: null,
squash: true,
//Transition hooks
to: 'verifyEmail',
}, transition => {
//Get params
const params = transition.params();
//Must have token param
if (!params.token) {
return'error', {
type: 'page-not-found',
The above will make the :token parameter mandatory and the :optional parameter optional. If you try to browse to the page without the token parameter it will fail the transition and redirect to your error page. If you omit the :optional parameter however, it will use the default value (null).
Remember to use squash: true on the trailing optional parameters, because otherwise you'll also get a 404 if you omit the trailing / in the URL.
Note: the hook is required, because if you browse to email/verify/ with a trailing slash, ui-router will think the token parameter is an empty string. So you need the additional handling in the transition hook to capture those cases.
In my app I had to make required parameters for a lot of routes. So I needed a reusable and DRY way to do it.
I define a constants area in my app to access global code. I use for other things as well.
I run this notFoundHandler at app config time. This is setting up a router state for handling errors. It is setting the otherwise route to this error route. You could define a different route for when a required parameter is missing, but for us this was defined as being the same as a 404 experience.
Now at app run time I also define a stateChangeErrorHandler which will look for a rejected route resolve with the 'required-param' string.
.constant('constants', constants)
// use for a route resolve when a param is required
function requiredParam(paramName) {
return ['$stateParams', '$q', function($stateParams, $q) {
// note this is just a truthy check. if you have a required param that could be 0 or false then additional logic would be necessary here
if (!$stateParams[paramName]) {
// $q.reject will trigger the $stateChangeError
return $q.reject('required-param');
var constants = {
requiredParam: requiredParam,
// define other constants or globals here that are used by your app
// define an error state, and redirect to it if no other route matches
notFoundHandler.$inject = ['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider'];
function notFoundHandler($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
//abstract state so that we can hold all our ingredient stuff here
.state('404', {
url: '/page-not-found',
views: {
'': {
templateUrl: "/app/error/error.tpl.html",
resolve: {
$title: function () { return 'Page Not Found'; }
// redirect to 404 if no route found
// if an error happens in changing state go to the 404 page
stateChangeErrorHandler.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$state'];
function stateChangeErrorHandler($rootScope, $state) {
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeError', function(evt, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, error) {
if (error && error === 'required-param') {
// need location: 'replace' here or back button won't work on error page
$state.go('404', null, {
location: 'replace'
Now, elsewhere in the app, when I have a route defined, I can make it have a required parameter with this route resolve:
routeConfig.$inject = ['$stateProvider', 'constants'];
function routeConfig($stateProvider, constants) {
$stateProvider.state('app.myobject.edit', {
url: "/:id/edit",
views: {
'': {
template: 'sometemplate.html',
controller: 'SomeController',
controllerAs: 'vm',
resolve: {
$title: function() { return 'Edit MyObject'; },
// this makes the id param required
requiredParam: constants.requiredParam('id')
I'd like to point out that there shouldn't be any problem with accessing the /settings path, since it doesn't correspond to any state, unless you've used inherited states (see below).
The actual issue should happen when accessing the /settings/ path, because it will assign the empty string ("") to the id parameter.
If you didn't use inherited states
Here's a solution in plunker for the following problem:
accessing the /state_name/ path, when there's a state with url /state_name/:id
Solution explanation
It works through the onBefore hook (UI router 1.x or above) of the Transition service, which prevents transitioning to states with missing required parameters.
In order to declare which parameters are required for a state, I use the data hash like this:
.state('settings', {
url: '/settings/:id',
data: {
requiredParams: ['id']
Then in I add the onBefore hook:
transitionService.onBefore({}, function(transition) {
var toState =;
var params = transition.params();
var requiredParams = (||{}).requiredParams || [];
var $state = transition.router.stateService;
var missingParams = requiredParams.filter(function(paramName) {
return !params[paramName];
if (missingParams.length) {
/* returning a target state from a hook
issues a transition redirect to that state */
return $"home", {alert: "Missing params: " + missingParams});
If you used inherited states
You could implement the same logic via inherited states:
function router($stateProvider) {
.state('settings', {
url: '/settings'
.state('", {
url: '/:id'
then you'd need to add the abstract property to the parent declaration, in order to make /settings path inaccessible.
Solution explanation
Here's what the documentation says about the abstract states:
An abstract state can never be directly activated. Use an abstract state to provide inherited properties (url, resolve, data, etc) to children states.
The solution:
function router($stateProvider) {
.state('settings', {
url: '/settings',
abstract: true
.state('", {
url: '/:id'
Note: that this only solves the issue with /settings path and you still need to use the onBefore hook solution in order to also limit the access to /settings/.
it is not very well documented, but you can have required and optional parameters, and also parameters with default values.
Here is how you can set required params:
function router($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state("settings", {
url: "^/settings/{id:int}",
params: {
id: {}
views: {
main: {
controller: "SettingsController",
templateUrl: "settings.html"
I never used params with curly brackets, just with the semicolon, like this url: "^/settings/:id", but from what I read, those are equivalent.
For other types of parameters, please see the other half of my answer here: AngularJS UI Router - change url without reloading state
Please note that when I added that answer, I had to build ui-router from source, but I read that functionality has been added to the official release by now.

Breeze client-side custom validation with server-side data

I created a custom validator that check if a username is used on a DB.
The whole process of validation works. What is not working is result.
function createExistingUsernameValidator() {
var name = 'existingUsernameValidator';
var ctx = { messageTemplate: 'Questa partita I.V.A. o codice fiscale sono giĆ  stati inseriti.', displayName: "Partita IVA o Codice Fiscale" };
var val = new Validator(name, valFunction, ctx);
return val;
function valFunction(value, context) {
var result = ko.observable(true);
require('services/datacontext').getIsUserByUsername(value, result)
.then(function () {
return !result();
The promise works: I know because it hits the debbugger line and the retunrnig value is correct.
But the validator always evaluate as false because I'm not returning anything when the validator is called. In other words: it won't wait for the promise.
Is it my bad javascript or something else?
Any help is welcome.
Thank you!
Edited after answer
I've come to a solution that involves Knockout Validation (very useful script).
function createIsExistingUserKoValidation() {
ko.validation.rules['existingUsername'] = {
async: true,
validator: function (val, params, callback) {
if (val) {
var result = ko.observable();
require('services/datacontext').getIsUserByUsername(val, result)
.then(function () {
message: ' Existing username.'
In the entity creation:
var createDitta = function () {
var ditta = manager.createEntity(entityNames.ditta,
id: newGuid(),
legaleRappresentante: createPersona(),
isAttiva: true
ditta.pivaCodFiscale.extend({ existingUsername: { message: ' Existing username.', params: true } });
return ditta;
ditta.pivaCodFiscale.isValidating(false); this is needed because isValidating is initialized with true.
The problem is that your valFunction as written will ALWAYS return 'undefined'. ( which is 'falsy'.
The 'return !result()' expression is NOT the return value of 'valFunction', it is simply the result of an anonymous function that executes AFTER valFunction has already returned. This is the async nature of promises.
What you are trying is to write an 'asynchronous' validation which is NOT supported out of the box with Breeze, but the idea IS a good one.
I think that you might be able to accomplish what you want by having your async callback actually 'set' a value on the entity and have that set operation itself trigger a seperate 'synchronous' validation.
This IS a good idea for Breeze to support more naturally so please feel free to add a feature request to the Breeze User Voice for something like "asynchonous validation". We use this to gauge the communities interest in the various proposed features/extensions to Breeze.
