Ajax validation callout extender with Behaviour ID validation - ajax

I have defined Ajaxvalidatoncalloutextender control with unique behaviour ID in my page for all the page controls.
<ajaxToolkit:ValidatorCalloutExtender ID="vceNotProgress" runat="server" TargetControlID="revInvalidNotClosedProgressValue" BehaviorID="b_vceNotProgress">
<ajaxToolkit:ValidatorCalloutExtender ID="vceProgress" runat="server" TargetControlID="revInvalidClosedProgressValue" BehaviorID="b_vceProgress">
I'm validating on client click of submit button like this
function ValidatePage()
if (typeof (Page_Validators) == "undefined") return;
var noOfValidators = Page_Validators.length;
var Page_Callout = new Array(2);
Page_Callout[0] = "b_vceNotProgress"; -- behaviour ID
Page_Callout[1] = "b_vceProgress"; -- behaviour ID
for (var validatorIndex = 0; validatorIndex < noOfValidators; validatorIndex++) {
var validator = Page_Validators[validatorIndex];
if (!validator.isvalid) {
return false;
return true;
My Problem: I donot want to hardcode the array like Page_Callout[0],Page_Callout[1]. I need to populate the array based
on the visible controls (i.e assign behaviour ID) in the page.

if (typeof (Page_Validators) == "undefined") return;
var noOfValidators = Page_Validators.length;
var count = 0;
var Page_Callout = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Page_Validators.length; i++) {
Page_Callout[Page_Callout.length++] = Page_Validators[i]._behaviors != null ? Page_Validators[i]._behaviors[0]._id : "";
for (var validatorIndex = 0; validatorIndex < noOfValidators; validatorIndex++) {
var validator = Page_Validators[validatorIndex];
if (!validator.isvalid) {
return false;
return true;
function hideValidatorCallout() {
function showValidatorCallout(currrentCallout) {
AjaxControlToolkit.ValidatorCalloutBehavior._currentCallout = currrentCallout;


Keeping Data between refreshes in Blazor server

I have a multiple page Web Application that needs to be refreshed after a user has entered in data to then display the data on the table. I have Scoped dependencies so my users do not see the same data table as they are unique to each user. After they enter the data and the page refreshes the page goes blank and the scope is empty. How would I go about keeping the data from the scopes after refresh? I essentially needs a Singlton dependency that isn't shared between users. This is a Blazor Server Side Application. EDIT: Accept Button Method
if (Controlled_Variables.Attendance != null)
if (_JBS.CheckFields(_JBF.JobID, _JBF.WorkCenter, _JBF.SetupRun) == false)
string prompted = await jsRunTime.InvokeAsync<string>("alert", "Please Verify Job ID, Work Center, and Setup/Run are selected!");
FilledOut = true;
_JBF.transactionData = Guid.NewGuid();
_JBF.jobOperationID = _JBF.WorkCenter;
DateTime recordDate = DateTime.Now;
JobOperationRecord JOR = await _JBS.GetJobOperationRecordByOperationID(_JBF.WorkCenter);
WorkCenterRecord SingleWorkCenter = await _JBS.GetWorkCenterInformation(JOR.Work_Center);
EmployeeRecord Employee = await _JBS.GetEmployeeRecord(Controlled_Variables.Employee_ID);
if (Check.IsThisAnActiveJob(_JBF.JobID))
bool Complete = await First_Article_Complete(_JBF.jobOperationID, _JBF.SetupRun);
if (Complete)
Controlled_Variables.Sessions = await _JBS.GetOpenJobOperationTimeSessionForUser(Controlled_Variables.Employee_ID);
bool activeNonGhostSession = false;
foreach (JobOperationSessionManager Session in Controlled_Variables.Sessions)
if (Session.ghost == "Y")
Controlled_Variables.ActiveSession = Session;
activeNonGhostSession = true;
_JBS.UpdateJobOperationStatus(JOR.Job_Operation.ToString(), JOR.Status == "C" ? "C" : "S");
if (!activeNonGhostSession && !_JBF.GhostedCheck)
_JBS.AddNewJobOperationTimeSessionForUser(Controlled_Variables.Employee_ID, "N", _JBF.transactionData.ToString(), JOR.Work_Center,
_JBF.jobOperationID, _JBF.JobID, recordDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), _JBF.jobOperationTime.ToString(), _JBF.SetupRun);
_JBF.sessionManagerCreated = true;
_JBS.InsertIntoTransactionDetail_NewEntry_JobOperation(_JBF.transactionData.ToString(), _JBF.jobOperationID, _JBF.jobOperationTime.ToString(),
JOR.Work_Center, _JBF.JobID);
_JBF.transDetailCreated = true;
_JBS.InsertIntoTransactionData_NewEntry_JobOperation(_JBF.transactionData.ToString(), Controlled_Variables.Employee_ID, recordDate.ToString());
_JBF.transDataCreated = true;
_JBS.InsertIntoJobOperationTime_NewEntry_JobOperationStart(_JBF.jobOperationID, Controlled_Variables.Employee_ID, recordDate.ToString(),
Employee.Hourly_Rate.ToString(), SingleWorkCenter.Labor_Burden.ToString(), SingleWorkCenter.Machine_Burden.ToString(), SingleWorkCenter.GA_Burden.ToString(),
_JBF.jobOperationTime.ToString(), JOR.Work_Center, _JBF.jobOperationTimeObjectID.ToString(), JOR.ObjectID.ToString(), Employee.ObjectID.ToString());
_JBF.jobOperationTimeCreated = true;
btnStartJob = true;
btnStopJob = false;
NavManage.NavigateTo(NavManage.Uri, forceLoad: true);
string prompted = await jsRunTime.InvokeAsync<string>("alert", "The job has been entered successfully.", "ERROR");
Sorry for the confusion for the use of refresh. I needed to reload the table to allow the data put in by users to be visable after they hit accept. To do this I added a navigation manager
NavManage.NavigateTo(NavManage.Uri, forceLoad: true);
Which force loads the page and displays the new data. If there may be another way to do this to keep the scope I am open to using a different method. As you can see I have tried to just recall the method in which the table data is loaded into to possibly get the new data populated but then the application never reiterates the loop to actually display the data on the page
#for (int i = 0; i < Controlled_Variables.TransactionData.Count; i++)
var TransacData = Controlled_Variables.TransactionData[i];
TransacData.index = i;
#for (int l = 0; l < Controlled_Variables.TransactionDetail.Count; l++)
var transacdetail = Controlled_Variables.TransactionDetail[l];
transacdetail.index = l;
TransactionDetailRecord selectData = Controlled_Variables.TransactionDetail[l];
#if (transacdetail.Transaction_Data == TransacData.Transaction_Data)
<div><input value="#selectData" type="radio" name="Select" onclick="#(() => ShowSelectedRecord(selectData, TransacData))"> </div>
if (TransacData.Transaction_Type == 10)
btnStartJob = true;
btnStopJob = false;
btnStartJob = false;
btnStopJob = true;

How to show duplicates in a UI when searched in google sheets?

I am developing a tracking system for candidates
Attached a search button.
But I want a UI to pop up which will show the duplicates if present.
And when one of the duplicates is clicked, it will fill the required details in the form
I have made this.
But the results are the first row which matches the search text in B4
function Search()
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var formS = ss.getSheetByName("Form");
var dataS = ss.getSheetByName("Data");
var str = formS.getRange("B4").getValue();
var values = dataS.getDataRange().getValues();
var valuesFound = false;
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
var rowValue = values[i];
if (rowValue[0] == str) {
formS.getRange("B7").setValue(rowValue[0]) ;
formS.getRange("B9").setValue(rowValue[1]) ;
formS.getRange("B11").setValue(rowValue[2]) ;
formS.getRange("B13").setValue(rowValue[3]) ;
formS.getRange("E7").setValue(rowValue[4]) ;
formS.getRange("E9").setValue(rowValue[5]) ;
formS.getRange("E11").setValue(rowValue[6]) ;
formS.getRange("E13").setValue(rowValue[7]) ;
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.alert("No record found!");
You could get all the first name matches and show them in a dialog, numbered so its easier to pick. Once the user picks the name you can fill out the form.
To use a dropdown and pick a name, that would require a custom dialog. Doable but more complex.
This script is executed from a menu item.
function search() {
try {
let spread = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let dataS = spread.getSheetByName("Data");
let str = "John";
let values = dataS.getDataRange().getValues();
let rowValue = values.filter( row => row[0] === str );
let ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
let prompt = "";
rowValue.forEach( (row,i) => prompt = prompt.concat((i+1).toString(),": ",row[0], " ",row[1],"\n"));
if( rowValue.length === 0 ) {
ui.alert("Name not found ["+str+"]");
else if( rowValue.length > 1 ) {
let response = ui.prompt("Pick a name",prompt,ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);
if( response.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK ) {
str = response.getResponseText();
str = parseInt(str)-1;
rowValue = rowValue[str];
else {
rowValue = rowValue[0];
// Now you can fill out your form with rowValue
catch(err) {
SpreadsheetApp Ui prompt
So I decided to show how a custom dialog can be used to display a list of names to pick from. First a Ui dialog is displayed to use a filter name. If no name is specified all names will be listed.
Using HTMLService a custom dialog is build using the the pushed variable option for an HTM Template.
Once a name is picked from the list google.script.run is used to return the name to the server and the form can be built from there.
function onOpen(e) {
var menu = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu("My Menu");
function showTest() {
try {
let ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
let response = ui.prompt("What name do you want to search for",ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);
if( response.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK ) {
var name = response.getResponseText();
if( name === "" ) name = "__All";
let spread = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let dataS = spread.getSheetByName("Data");
let data = dataS.getRange(1,1,dataS.getLastRow(),2).getValues(); // Get range A1:B
if( name !== "__All" ) {
data = data.filter( row => row[0] === name );
if( data.length === 0 ) {
ui.alert("No names mathcing ["+name+"] found");
let html = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('HTML_Test');
html.data = data;
html = html.evaluate();
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html,"Show Test");
catch(err) {
function pickName(name) {
try {
let spread = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let dataS = spread.getSheetByName("Data");
// Build your form here
catch(err) {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<select id="selectName">
<? for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { ?>
<option><?= data[i][0]+" "+data[i][1] ?></option>
<? } ?>
<input type="button" onclick="buttonOnClick()" value="Submit">
function buttonOnClick() {
let name = document.getElementById("selectName").value;
HTML Template

Filter on Tree or Nested Data

I have seen in one of the issues "Filter on Tree or Nested Data #1562" Oli has mentioned that
Hey #fr0z3nfyr
Filtering is supported on tree child nodes since version 4,2
Oli :)
I am unable to find any example or the code to search nested data.
My code works perfectly fine for flat tables, but with nested tables it only works for the root node.
//data - the data for the row being filtered
//filterParams - params object passed to the filter
var match = false;
for (var key in data) {
if (data[key] != null) {
if ((data[key]).indexOf(filterParams.value) != -1) {
match = true;
return match;
function updateFilter(){
if ($("#filter-field").val() == "All Columns") {
table.setFilter(matchAny,{ value: $("#filter-value").val()});
} else {
table.setFilter($("#filter-field").val(), "like", $("#filter-value").val());
//var filter = $("#filter-field").val() == "All Columns" ? matchAny : $("#filter-field").val() ;
Oli could you please point me to an example where Nested data filtering is supported
I was able to solve this, but by re-setting table data with filtered value and also the tree structure is not maintained in the filtered list. I can maintain the tree structure with some changes in code, but this flat looks more like what I needed once filtering is done.
// This method iterates through the dataRows and its tree children and call a recursive function which creates the filtered table data.
function updateFilter() {
var filtertableData = [];
table.getRows().filter(function (row) {
var rootData = row.getData();
rootData._children = [];
matchData(rootData, filtertableData);
var childRows = row.getTreeChildren();
while (childRows.length != 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < childRows.length; i++) {
var childrow = childRows[i];
var childData = childrow.getData();
childData._children = [];
childRows = childrow.getTreeChildren();
function matchData(rootData, filtertableData, childdata) {
if (typeof childdata === "undefined") {
for (var key in rootData) {
if (rootData[key] != null && typeof rootData[key] == 'string' && allVisibleCBSCols.includes(key)) {
if ((rootData[key]).indexOf($("#filter-value-Project").val()) != -1) {
} else {
for (var key in childdata) {
if (childdata[key] != null && typeof childdata[key] == 'string' && allVisibleCBSCols.includes(key)) {
if ((childdata[key]).indexOf($("#filter-value-Project").val()) != -1) {
function searchForChildRows(rootData,childRows,filtertableData) {
for (var i = 0; i < childRows.length; i++) {
var childrow = childRows[i];
var childData = childrow.getData();
childData._children = [];

Modifying sort columns in jqGrid

I'm having some difficulty figuring out how to programatically modify the sort definition that is sent to the server when a user clicks on a column to sort it. I have added a onSortCol function to my grid configuration. In that function, I need to check whether the "Id" column is in any sort position other than the last position. If it is, it should be removed.
Here is what I have tried:
onSortCol: function (index, iCol, sortOrder) {
var grid = $(this);
var rawSorts = index.split(",");
if (rawSorts.length > 1) {
var idFieldIndex = -1;
var processedSorts = [];
for (i = 0; i < rawSorts.length; i++) {
var currentSort = rawSorts[i].match(/[^ ]+/g);
if (idFieldIndex === -1 && currentSort[0].toUpperCase() === "ID") {
idFieldIndex = i;
field: currentSort[0],
direction: currentSort[1] || sortOrder
if (idFieldIndex !== -1) {
processedSorts.splice(idFieldIndex, 1);
for (i = 0; i < processedSorts.length; i++) {
if (i + 1 < processedSorts.length) {
grid.sortGrid(processedSorts[i].field + " " + processedSorts[i].direction);
else {
grid.setGridParam("sortorder", processedSorts[i].direction);
grid.sortGrid(processedSorts[i].field + " ", true);
return "stop";
The most simple implementation seems to me the following: you don't use any sortname in the grid initially and you sort by Id on the server side if sidx is empty. It seems the only what you need to do to implement your requirements.

Column sort reset of ascending/descending on 3rd click

Suppose we've a grid with sortable columns.
If a user clicks on a column, it gets sorted by 'asc', then if a user clicks the column header again, it gets sorted by 'desc', now I want similar functionality when a user clicks the column third time, the sorting is removed, i.e. returned to previous style, the css is changed back to normal/non-italic etc?
Today I was trying to achieve same thing. I've skimmed through SlickGrid code but didn't find any 'Reset' function. So, I've tweaked the slick.grid.js v2.2 a little bit.
Basically you just need to add a new array - 'latestSortColumns' which will store sort columns state (deep copy of internal SlickGrid sortColumns array).
var latestSortColumns = [];
Optionally add new setting to opt-in for sort reset.
var defaults = {
autoResetColumnSort: false
Change setupColumnSort to reset sort after third click on column's header.
function setupColumnSort() {
$headers.click(function (e) {
// temporary workaround for a bug in jQuery 1.7.1 (http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/11328)
e.metaKey = e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey;
if ($(e.target).hasClass("slick-resizable-handle")) {
var $col = $(e.target).closest(".slick-header-column");
if (!$col.length) {
var column = $col.data("column");
if (column.sortable) {
if (!getEditorLock().commitCurrentEdit()) {
var sortOpts = null;
var i = 0;
for (; i < sortColumns.length; i++) {
if (sortColumns[i].columnId == column.id) {
sortOpts = sortColumns[i];
sortOpts.sortAsc = !sortOpts.sortAsc;
**if ((e.metaKey || (options.autoResetColumnSort && latestSortColumns[i] != null && latestSortColumns[i].sortAsc === !column.defaultSortAsc)) && options.multiColumnSort) {**
if (sortOpts) {
sortColumns.splice(i, 1);
**latestSortColumns.splice(i, 1);**
else {
if ((!e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey) || !options.multiColumnSort) {
sortColumns = [];
if (!sortOpts) {
sortOpts = { columnId: column.id, sortAsc: column.defaultSortAsc };
} else if (sortColumns.length == 0) {
if (!options.multiColumnSort) {
trigger(self.onSort, {
multiColumnSort: false,
sortCol: column,
sortAsc: sortOpts.sortAsc}, e);
} else {
trigger(self.onSort, {
multiColumnSort: true,
sortCols: $.map(sortColumns, function(col) {
return {sortCol: columns[getColumnIndex(col.columnId)], sortAsc: col.sortAsc };
})}, e);
Store new state after every sort change in latestSortColumns:
function setSortColumns(cols) {
sortColumns = cols;
var headerColumnEls = $headers.children();
.removeClass("slick-sort-indicator-asc slick-sort-indicator-desc");
$.each(sortColumns, function(i, col) {
if (col.sortAsc == null) {
col.sortAsc = true;
var columnIndex = getColumnIndex(col.columnId);
if (columnIndex != null) {
.addClass(col.sortAsc ? "slick-sort-indicator-asc" : "slick-sort-indicator-desc");
**for (var i = 0; i < sortColumns.length; i++)
latestSortColumns[i] = { columnId: sortColumns[i].columnId, sortAsc: sortColumns[i].sortAsc };**
That's all, should work now.
This is a function I call to reset all columns back to their original order.
It requires one of columns to be set up as not sortable.
In the example below I use the first column of the table, columns[0], which has the field id "locus".
function removeSorting() {
columns[0].sortable = true;
columns[0].sortable = false;
// clear other sort columns
grid.setSortColumns( new Array() );
Then in the typical dataView.sort() function you make an exception for this column:
grid.onSort.subscribe(function(e,args) {
var cols = args.sortCols;
dataView.sort(function (dataRow1, dataRow2) {
for( var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++ ) {
var field = cols[i].sortCol.field;
// reset sorting to original indexing
if( field === 'locus' ) {
return (dataRow1.id > dataRow2.id) ? 1 : -1;
var value1 = dataRow1[field];
var value2 = dataRow2[field];
if( value1 == value2 ) continue;
var sign = cols[i].sortAsc ? 1 : -1;
return (value1 > value2) ? sign : -sign;
return 0;
Will the table always be sorted in some order on some column?
If not then you'll have to store a lot of state the first time a column is clicked just in case you want to restore it after a third click.
