Xcode simulator just show a quarter desktop - xcode

I create a simple single-view application project, then run it. The simulator shows a quarter desktop. so strange, I want to see a full-screen result.

Try hitting command 1. Or if that doesn't work then see if in the main file (very top of navigation bar) if the box is checked where it says something like require fullscreen or show in fullscreen


How do i make the simulator open onto the same screen as xcode?

I was wondering how to open the simulator on the same screen as Xcode. I've seen it done on the IOS bootcamp on Udemy, when simulator is opened it pops up on the same screen as Xcode as shown here does anyone know how to achieve this result?
Ive managed already to get the simulator to be in the same screen but its next to it in a different window like so.
Hello and welcome to Stack Overflow! Looking over your desired result and the screenshot labeled as undesirable, it appears that you only need to ensure the Simulator is the active element on your screen and select the Window menu at the top of the screen and select Stay on Top.

Xamarin MasterDetailPage menu on UWP

I implemented MasterDetailPage into my app, but on Windows 10 the behavior seems a bit weird.
When the app starts, the menu is showing as expected. But when I click an item, it disappears with no way to go back or show the menu again.
It's simple to reproduce.. Download the sample: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-forms-samples/tree/master/Navigation/MasterDetailPage
Run the UWP app on Windows 10 and click any menu item. Now you're stuck on that page, with no way to navigate further.
Yes, it's weird.
To somewhat fix this issue, you can use the MasterDetailsPage MasterBehavior property, and change the behavior to one that doesn't seem odd.
You could also use some code to change it only when running on Windows, since the menu works correctly on Android and iOS.

vscode on MacOS: getting navigation menu to show up in a full screen mode

Is there a way to get vscode show navigation menu i.e Code|File|Edit|... and the project name in a full screen mode on MAC. It's almost impossible to see the name of the project when having multiple instances of code open in full screen mode.
v1.42 has a new option that may help:
Controls if native full-screen should be used on macOS.
Disable this option to prevent macOS from creating a new space when going full-screen.
"window.nativeFullScreen": true,
I believe this is not what the full screen mode is made for. If you go full screen you are supposed to work almost exclusively in that application (only occasionally switching to other apps like mail, e.g. via command+tab). You can always have the menu bar (and the window title) appear when you move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen, however.
The name of the project is visible in the file explorer.
In this example, the project name (i.e. root folder) is testgit
You can always quickly show the file explorer using the keyboard shortcut Shift-Cmd-E.

XCode: debugging mac app window is always on top across applications

I am developing an Mac OS app, and have preference window presented as model. This works just fine as I want and I don't want to change that behaviour. The problem is: when the window is shown, and I debug on some breakpoints, the preference window is still there, however, Xcode's app is in focused now, but the preference window from the current app still shows on top. This is annoying. I have to drag it to somewhere to see the Xcode window. Is there anything that I can do so that if the app is in debug mode, then that preference window should also be gone away with my app in background and just Xcode is in foreground?
When a window is run as a modal window, its window level is set to NSModalPanelWindowLevel, which is above normal windows. As a hack just for debugging, you could do something like this just before running the window as modal:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSApp.modalWindow.level = NSNormalWindowLevel;
Another approach would be to just run your app on a separate desktop space from Xcode.

Don't show Xcode navigator on run

I have a dual-head setup for Xcode that I use for developing on iOS, with a split-pane editor and counterpart assistant on each screen. When I run a project it throws that away and takes over half my (active) screen with the debug navigator and console -- is there a way to have Xcode not show those on run? Or, even better, always show them on a particular screen?
Preferences->Behaviors. The default behaviour for "Running: Generates Output" is to switch to the debugger view and show the console - either turn that off or configure it to do something else.
