visual basic console application error: data source name not found and no default driver specified - visual-studio

I had a working visual basic console application on windows 2000 that read a local Microsoft SQL database and did inserts into a remote MySQL database using Microsoft.Data.Odbc.
Then I upgraded to Windows 7 and now I get data source not found.
When I try to install Microsoft.Data.Odbc based on the link is broken to the ODBC .NET MANAGED PROVIDER.
So I tried to use System.Data.Odbc but I get the same error.
How can I fix?

Try to install the ODBC driver
this is the link


How to configure SSRS report to access Oracle database on SQL Server machine where Report Server is installed?

I am sure that someone was successful to deployed SSRS report on the server where
SSRS is configured to access Oracle database.
I developed report on my machine where I have Visual Studio 2017,
ODTwithODAC122011 64-bit; 32-bit ODT withODAC122011. I connect to Oracle database and can run report.
After i deployed this report on Windows Server 2016. i got an error "An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
An attempt has been made to use a data extension 'ORACLE' that is either not registered for this report server or is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services. (rsDataExtensionNotFound".
I tried to complete the same ODAC install as on my machine.
1)Installed ODTwithODAC122011 64-bit - configured TNS name.
but with step
2) i tried to install 32-bit ODT - I received error that i need to install Visual studio to proceed with installation.
Do i really need VS on the server? What is the possible solution you can share?
thank you --Angelika--
with only the Oracla.DataAccess library should be enough, on the root of the service. Be aware the versions be the same as indicated in the project references

How to use Oracle connection in SSIS?

I must develop a SSIS Package with Oracle connection. I'm using Windows 8.1 64bit with Visual Studio 2010 and Oracle version 12c(remotely).
I would use "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" like picture:
Where I insert my connection parameters:
After "TEST CONNECTION" command I get this error:
After installation of ODTA 32bit I can test my connection, but when I try preview result of Data Source component, I get this error:
I've resolved this problem setting this parameter equal true:
Why I get this error? How can I resolve this problem?
You need to install 32-bit ODAC 12c for Windows x86.

Why is the SQLite provider missing from the Server Explorer Add Connection dialogue?

I am following the article Using SQLite Embedded Database with Entity Framework and Linq-to-SQL, and have tried installing the SQLite provider, first using the System.Data.SQLite NuGet package, and then by installing the provider via the Setups for 32-bit Windows (.NET /Framework 4.0) installer package (for v1.0.79). After both installs, and a system restart, I still see no SQLite Database File provider in the Add Connection dialogue from Server Explorer.
I can proceed by manually creating a connection string and using external tools to create my SQLite database file, but I still would like to know what is wrong why I do not have the advertised design time support for SQLite despite having installed the latest provider. What could be wrong here?
Ensure the data tools for visual studio were installed correctly as per:
There are various fixes listed, making sure there weren't older tools installed first, etc.
I'm going to give it a try, but the article may help you out.

Oracle Data Access Components and Visual Studio connection problems

I've created an empty console application in Visual Studio 2010 and I'm attempting to add an Oracle (10g XE ) Data Connection via the Server Explorer. I'm using Oracle ODP .NET as the connector and I get the following error:
ORA-12560: TNS: Protocol Adapter Error
I can access Oracle without issue via the web interface or a console, but continually get this generic connection error in VS. I'm using the default installation of Oracle XE and running it locally.
Any suggestion on how to get this set up correctly ? Every tutorial I find works on the understanding that this connection succeeds. As such I'm struggling to find where to begin to troubleshoot. I'm comfortable with VS2010, but new to the way Oracle does things with their DB.
While troubleshooting I've found this only happens with the Oracle Data Provider for .NET. Using the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle I am able to successfully connect.
I cleaned up everything and installed 11g XE and the ODAC tools again and continue to get the same message. I realize the error is somewhat generic, I'd be happy to post more information if anyone thinks it helpful. The database is run locally, I can't imagine what kind of 'configuration' an express database would even need...
The ODAC tools appear to install a 'production' version of Oracle 11 instead of the BETA version that I installed first. Almost appears as if the tool is installing another database ? I also appear to have two ORACLE_BASE locations and two TNSNAMES in what appear to be very similar folder hierarchies. Perhaps a more straightforward tutorial is the answer, Oracle's isn't very descriptive.
Oracle 10g XE seemed to be the problem. A full install of 11g (Full, not Express) took care of the problem entirely.
From here:
Possible fixes for the TNS-12560
Get the latest patches for the SQL*Net client software.
Check your $ORACLE_HOME and $Path variables.
Check File permissions on the PC client.
Ensure that TNS_ADMIN is set correctly.
Check for firewall issues.
Check that the Windows database service is started. Verify teh
ORACLE_SID parameter is set correctly
in the registry.
Wow. I finally got this syntax to work.
I'm a Sql Server guy. I used Oracle back in the da day.
But I'm trying to do some Entity Framework and I said "You're not going to bed until you get Visual Studio 2012 and a edmx file to talk to Oracle.
Here is what I came up with:
Data Source:
Oracle Database (Oracle ODP.NET)
Data Source Name:
User Name:
change the default data source name to localhost.

Unable to set up ODBC after installing ODAC (Xcopy)

We are trying to use ODAC Xcopy to minimize the footprint of installing Oracle 11g Client. Currently, we use the Oracle 11g Admin install (~700mb). I've tried using the ODAC Xcopy, and that works. However, the only issue I now have is that I cannot set up an ODBC on the target system by just installing the ODAC Xcopy. After installing ODAC (Windows XP fyi), I go to Control Panel-->Admin Tools-->Data Sources (ODBC)-->System DSN-->Add-->Microsoft ODBC for Oracle. I get the following error: "The Oracle(tm) client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3 (or greater) client software installation. You will be unable to use this driver until these components have been installed." I've tried editing the registry and creating the same keys that the Oracle Admin install creates, but still no luck. I'm not sure how to get past this. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Shouldn't you be using the Oracle Driver instead of the Microsoft ODBC driver? Microsoft's driver will require the SQLNet drivers which come with your full client install. There should be an additional ODBC driver available after installing the Oracle ODAC. Go to the Drivers tab of the ODBC Adminstrator and you should see something along the lines of "Oracle in OraClient11g_home1" with a version of 11.something. That's the driver you should make your DSN from. I've only used the 10g ODBC install (which could be minimally installed with a selection of "Instant Client").
I would advise you stick to the full installer, which takes care of all the configuration tasks (registry, DLL registrations, etc..), but do a custom install using a response file.
Get the correct version of Oracle client installer (not the ODAC) from here:
the Oracle client bitness has to match your executable's.
Do an silent install using this reponse file (edit as needed and save as client_install.rsp in the same directory as setup.exe)
Response file
setup.exe" ORACLE_HOME_NAME=OracleClient11201 -waitforcompletion -nowait -silent -responseFile client_install.rsp
The key config entry is this:
