Finalizer testing in Go - go

TLDR: Is there any way to reasonably write test cases to test finalizer behaviors?
I'm trying to implement a memory-sensitive canonicalizing map / cache in Go. Since there is no notion of "soft reference" (and because my object graph will always form a DAG), I'm accomplishing this with a tiny interface/framework that tracks counts of references in the userland:
type ReferenceCounted interface {
RefCount() int
DecRef() (bool, error)
type Finalizable interface {
type AbstractCounted struct {
// unexported fields
The way this works is that you have a struct which embeds AbstractCounted, and implement Finalizable.Finalize() - these together make that struct receive the Finalizable interface. Then there is a function func MakeRef(obj Finalizable) *Reference which returns a pointer to a struct which receives a method func Get() Finalizable, which gets the reference target, and which is initialized by incrementing the ref count on the unerlying object, then setting a finalizer (via runtime.SetFinalizer()) which will decrement the reference. AbstractCounted's Finalizable implementation in turn calls Finalize() on the struct which embeds it when the ref count reaches zero.
So, everything is set up to work very much like soft references / ref queues in Java would now, with the exception that it's reference counting and not a mark/sweep rooted in active lexical scopes that is finding things "softly" reachable.
It seems to work great! But - I would like to write a test case...
I understand fully that finalizer invocation is deferred, and that no guarantees are made about running them per the reflect package docs. The situation is the same in other languages with runtime gc and finalizers (C#, VB, Java, Python, etc) as well.
However, in all of those other languages, requesting explicit GC (here through the runtime.GC() function) does seem to cause finalizers to get run. Since that's not the case in Go, I cannot figure out a way to write a test case that will trigger the finalizers.
Is there any trick or code fragment (I'm OK with this being current-implementation dependent, ie. could-break-in-future!) that will reliably trigger those finalizers so I can write my test?

You can't explicitly trigger a Finalizer, so the best you can manage is to make sure the GC is started with runtime.GC(), and wait for the finalizer to run.
If you look at runtime/mfinal_test.go, there are some tests that wait for finalizer calls via a channel:
runtime.SetFinalizer(y, func(z *objtype) { fin <- true })
select {
case <-fin:
case <-time.After(4 * time.Second):
t.Errorf("finalizer of next string in memory didn't run")


How to get the number of goroutines associated with a WaitGroup?

Let’s say I use a WaitGroup to make the main thread of an application wait until all the goroutines I have launched from said main have completed.
Is there a safe, straightforward, way to assess at any point in time how many goroutines associated with said WaitGroup are still running?
The internal state of the WaitGroup is not exposed, and it won't be:
I don't think we're likely to make this API more complex. I don't see any way to use
counter and waiters that is not subject to race conditions, other than simply printing
them out. And for that you can maintain your own counts.
You could implement a counter yourself:
type WaitGroupCount struct {
count int64
func (wg *WaitGroupCount) Add(delta int) {
atomic.AddInt64(&wg.count, int64(delta))
func (wg *WaitGroupCount) Done() {
atomic.AddInt64(&wg.count, -1)
func (wg *WaitGroupCount) GetCount() int {
return int(atomic.LoadInt64(&wg.count))
// Wait() promoted from the embedded field
However, even if the counter access is synchronized, it will become stale immediately after you read it, since other goroutines may go on and call Add or Done irrespective of what you are doing with the count — unless you synchronize the entire operation that depends on the count. But in that case, you might need a more complex data structure altogether.
Is there a safe, straightforward, way to assess at any point in time how many goroutines associated with said waitgroup are still running?
No, there isn't.
Simply because Go (the language) has no notion of "goroutines associated with [a] waitgroup".

Is go's net.Close() idempotent?

The io.Closer interface's documentation says:
The behavior of Close after the first call is undefined. Specific
implementations may document their own behavior.
What about a net.Conn's Close() function? Can I safely call it more than once?
Specifically I am wondering if I can defer c.Close() in case I early return for an error, but still explicitly call c.Close() rather than making the client wait for me to finish background processing.
Well, net.Conn is an interface, so it depends on the specific implementation.
I checked the implementation in TCPConn, UDPConn and IPConn structs. They seem to contain this implementation of net.Conn interface.
This implementation propagates the Close() call to its underlying file descriptor, which means that on Unix systems this function is then called.
We have to go even lower, since the next call is to the mutex that is used by the file descriptor.
If the connection is previously closed and mutex is freed, it seems that it returns false, and the file descriptor Close() function returns ErrNetClosing error.
So, I'll be free to say that you shouldn't call it more than once, as it will return an error in cases such as this one that I described. But it also may not error out in others. As the documentation says - it's undefined behavior.

Using yield in nested object in Kotlin sequence

I want to stream result objects captured by Spring JDBC RowCallbackHandler using via a Kotlin Sequence.
The code looks basically like this:
fun findManyObjects(): Sequence<Thing> = sequence {
val rowHandler = object : RowCallbackHandler {
override fun processRow(resultSet: ResultSet) {
val thing = // create from resultSet
yield(thing) // ERROR! No coroutine scope
jdbcTemplate.query("select * from ...", rowHandler)
But I get the compilation error:
Suspension functions can be called only within coroutine body.
However, exactly this "coroutine body" should exist, because the whole block is wrapped in a sequence builder. But it doesn't seem to work with a nested object.
Minimal example to show that it doesn't compile with a nested object:
// compiles
sequence {
// doesn't compile
sequence {
object {
fun doit() {
yield(1) // Suspension functions can be called only within coroutine body.
How can I pass an object from the ResultSet into the Sequence?
Use Flow for asynchronous data streams
The reason you can't call yield inside your RowCallbackHandler object is twofold.
The processRow function isn't a suspending function (and can't be, because it's declared in and called by Java). A suspending function like yield can only be called by another suspending function.
A sequence always ends when the sequence { ... } builder returns. Even if you and I know that the query method will invoke the RowCallbackHandler before returning from the sequence, the Kotlin compiler has no way of knowing that. Yielding sequence values from functions and objects other than the body of the sequence itself is never allowed, because there's no way of knowing where or when they will run.
To solve this problem, we need to introduce a different kind of coroutine: one that can suspend itself while it waits for the RowCallbackHandler to be invoked.
Unfortunately, because we're talking about JDBC here, there may not be much to gain by introducing full-blown coroutines. Under the hood, calls to the database will always be made in a blocking way, removing a lot of the benefit. It might well be simpler not to try and 'stream' results, and just iterate over them in a boring, old-fashioned way. But let's explore the possibilities all the same.
The problem with sequences
Sequences are designed for on-demand computation, and are not asynchronous. They can't wait for other asynchronous operations, such as callbacks. The sequence builder's yield function simply suspends while waiting for the caller to retrieve the next item, and it's the only suspending function a sequence is ever allowed to call. You can demonstrate this if you try to use a simple suspending call like delay inside a sequence. You'll get a compile error letting you know that you're operating in a restricted coroutine scope.
sequence<String> { delay(1000) } // doesn't compile
Without the ability to call suspending functions, there's no way to wait for a callback to be invoked. Recognising this limitation, Kotlin provides an alternative mechanism for streams of on-demand values that do provide data in an asynchronous way. It's called a Flow.
Callback flows
The mechanism for using Flows to provide values from a callback interface is described very nicely by Roman Elizarov in his Medium article Callbacks and Kotlin Flows.
If you did want to use a callback flow, you'd simply replace sequence with callbackFlow, and replace yield with sendBlocking.
Your code might look something like this:
fun findManyObjects(): Flow<Thing> = callbackFlow {
val rowHandler = object : RowCallbackHandler {
override fun processRow(resultSet: ResultSet) {
val thing = // create from resultSet
jdbcTemplate.query("select * from ...", rowHandler)
close() // the query is finished, so there are no more rows
A simpler flow
While that's the idiomatic way to stream values provided by a callback, it might not be the simplest approach to this problem. By avoiding callbacks altogether, you can use the much more common flow builder, passing each value to its emit function. But now that you have asynchrony in the form of coroutines, you can't just return a flow and then allow Spring to immediately close the result set. You need to be able to delay the closing of the result set until the flow has actually been consumed. That means peeling back the abstractions provided by RowCallbackHandler or ResultSetExtractor, which expect to process all the results in a blocking way, and instead providing your own implementation.
fun Connection.findManyObjects(): Flow<Thing> = flow {
prepareStatement("select * from ...").use { statement ->
statement.executeQuery().use { resultSet ->
while ( {
val thing = // create from resultSet
Note the use blocks, which will deal with closing the statement and result set. Because we don't reach the end of the use blocks until the while loop has completed and all the values have been emitted, the flow is free to suspend while the result set remains open.
So why use a flow at all?
You might notice that if you do it this way, you can actually replace flow and emit with sequence and yield. So have we come full circle? Well, sort of. The difference is that a flow can only be consumed from a coroutine, whereas with sequence, you can iterate over the resulting values without suspending at all. In this particular case, it's a hard call to make, because JDBC operations are always blocking.
If you use a sequence, the calling thread will block as it waits to receive the data. Values in a sequence are always computed by the thing consuming the sequence, so if the sequence invokes a blocking function, the consumer's thread will block waiting for the value. In a non-coroutine application, that might be okay, but if you're using coroutines, you really want to avoid hiding blocking calls inside innocuous-looking sequences.
If you use a flow, you can at least isolate the blocking calls by having the flow run on a particular dispatcher. For example, you could use the built-in IO dispatcher to perform the JDBC call, then switch back to the default dispatcher for any further processing. If you definitely want to stream values, I think this is a better approach than using a sequence.
With all this in mind, you'll need to be careful with your use of coroutines and dispatchers if you do choose one of these solutions. If you'd rather not worry about that, there's nothing wrong with using a regular ResultSetExtractor and forgetting about both sequences and flows for now.

How safe are Golang maps for concurrent Read/Write operations?

According to the Go blog,
Maps are not safe for concurrent use: it's not defined what happens when you read and write to them simultaneously. If you need to read from and write to a map from concurrently executing goroutines, the accesses must be mediated by some kind of synchronization mechanism.
Can anyone elaborate on this? Concurrent read operations seem permissible across routines, but concurrent read/write operations may generate a race condition if one attempts to read from and write to the same key.
Can this last risk be reduced in some cases? For example:
Function A generates k and sets m[k]=0. This is the only time A writes to map m. k is known to not be in m.
A passes k to function B running concurrently
A then reads m[k]. If m[k]==0, it waits, continuing only when m[k]!=0
B looks for k in the map. If it finds it, B sets m[k] to some positive integer. If it doesn't it waits until k is in m.
This isn't code (obviously) but I think it shows the outlines of a case where even if A and B both try to access m there won't be a race condition, or if there is it won't matter because of the additional constraints.
Before Golang 1.6, concurrent read is OK, concurrent write is not OK, but write and concurrent read is OK. Since Golang 1.6, map cannot be read when it's being written.
So After Golang 1.6, concurrent access map should be like:
package main
import (
var m = map[string]int{"a": 1}
var lock = sync.RWMutex{}
func main() {
go Read()
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
go Write()
time.Sleep(1 * time.Minute)
func Read() {
for {
func Write() {
for {
func read() {
defer lock.RUnlock()
_ = m["a"]
func write() {
defer lock.Unlock()
m["b"] = 2
Or you will get the error below:
You can detect the race by using go run -race race.go
Change the read function:
func read() {
// lock.RLock()
// defer lock.RUnlock()
_ = m["a"]
Another choise:
As we known, map was implemented by buckets and sync.RWMutex will lock all the buckets. concurrent-map use fnv32 to shard the key and every bucket use one sync.RWMutex.
Concurrent read (read only) is ok. Concurrent write and/or read is not ok.
Multiple goroutines can only write and/or read the same map if access is synchronized, e.g. via the sync package, with channels or via other means.
Your example:
Function A generates k and sets m[k]=0. This is the only time A writes to map m. k is known to not be in m.
A passes k to function B running concurrently
A then reads m[k]. If m[k]==0, it waits, continuing only when m[k]!=0
B looks for k in the map. If it finds it, B sets m[k] to some positive integer. If it doesn't it waits until k is in m.
Your example has 2 goroutines: A and B, and A tries to read m (in step 3) and B tries to write it (in step 4) concurrently. There is no synchronization (you didn't mention any), so this alone is not permitted / not determined.
What does it mean? Not determined means even though B writes m, A may never observe the change. Or A may observe a change that didn't even happen. Or a panic may occur. Or the Earth may explode due to this non-synchronized concurrent access (although the chance of this latter case is extremely small, maybe even less than 1e-40).
Related questions:
Map with concurrent access
what does not being thread safe means about maps in Go?
What is the danger of neglecting goroutine/thread-safety when using a map in Go?
Go 1.6 Release Notes
The runtime has added lightweight, best-effort detection of concurrent
misuse of maps. As always, if one goroutine is writing to a map, no
other goroutine should be reading or writing the map concurrently. If
the runtime detects this condition, it prints a diagnosis and crashes
the program. The best way to find out more about the problem is to run
the program under the race detector, which will more reliably identify
the race and give more detail.
Maps are complex, self-reorganizing data structures. Concurrent read and write access is undefined.
Without code, there's not much else to say.
After long discussion it was decided that the typical use of maps did not require safe access from multiple goroutines, and in those cases where it did, the map was probably part of some larger data structure or computation that was already synchronized. Therefore requiring that all map operations grab a mutex would slow down most programs and add safety to few. This was not an easy decision, however, since it means uncontrolled map access can crash the program.
The language does not preclude atomic map updates. When required, such as when hosting an untrusted program, the implementation could interlock map access.
Map access is unsafe only when updates are occurring. As long as all goroutines are only reading—looking up elements in the map, including iterating through it using a for range loop—and not changing the map by assigning to elements or doing deletions, it is safe for them to access the map concurrently without synchronization.
As an aid to correct map use, some implementations of the language contain a special check that automatically reports at run time when a map is modified unsafely by concurrent execution.
You can use sync.Map which is safe for concurrent use. The only caveat is that you are gonna give up on type safety and change all the reads and writes to your map to use the methods defined for this type
You can store a pointer to an int in the map, and have multiple goroutines read the int being pointed to while another writes a new value to the int. The map is not being updated in this case.
This wouldn't be idiomatic for Go and not what you were asking.
Or instead of passing a key to a map, you could pass the index to an array, and have that updated by one goroutine while others read the location.
But you're probably just wondering why a map's value can't be updated with a new value when the key is already in the map. Presumably nothing about the map's hashing scheme is being changed - at least not given their current implementation. It would seem the Go authors don't want to make allowances for such special cases. Generally they want code to be easy to read and understand, and a rule like not allowing map writes when other goroutines could be reading keeps things simple and now in 1.6 they can even start to catch misuse during normal runtimes - saving many people many hours of debugging.
As the other answers here stated, the native map type is not goroutine-safe. A couple of notes after reading the current answers:
Do not use defer to unlock, it has some overhead that affects performance (see this nice post). Call unlock directly.
You can achieve better performance by reducing time spent between locks. For example, by sharding the map.
There is a common package (approaching 400 stars on GitHub) used to solve this called concurrent-map here which has performance and usability in mind. You could use it to handle the concurrency issues for you.
Map is concurrent safe for read only in Golang. Let's say, your map is written first and never be written again then you don't need any mutex type of thing to make sure that only one go routine is accessing your map. I have given an example below about map concurrent safe reading.
package main
import (
var freq map[int]int
// An example of concurrent read from a map
func main() {
// Map is written before accessing from go routines
freq = make(map[int]int)
freq[1] = 1
freq[2] = 2
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i:=1;i<=10;i++ {
// In go routine we are only reading val from map
go func(id int, loop int) {
defer wg.Done()
fmt.Println("In loop ", loop)
fmt.Println("Freq of 1: ", freq[id])
}(1, i)

How are Go channels implemented?

After (briefly) reviewing the Go language spec, effective Go, and the Go memory model, I'm still a little unclear as to how Go channels work under the hood.
What kind of structure are they? They act kind of like a thread-safe queue /array.
Does their implementation depend on the architecture?
The source file for channels is (from your go source code root) in /src/pkg/runtime/chan.go.
hchan is the central data structure for a channel, with send and receive linked lists (holding a pointer to their goroutine and the data element) and a closed flag. There's a Lock embedded structure that is defined in runtime2.go and that serves as a mutex (futex) or semaphore depending on the OS. The locking implementation is in lock_futex.go (Linux/Dragonfly/Some BSD) or lock_sema.go (Windows/OSX/Plan9/Some BSD), based on the build tags.
Channel operations are all implemented in this chan.go file, so you can see the makechan, send and receive operations, as well as the select construct, close, len and cap built-ins.
For a great in-depth explanation on the inner workings of channels, you have to read Go channels on steroids by Dmitry Vyukov himself (Go core dev, goroutines, scheduler and channels among other things).
Here is a good talk that describes roughly how channels are implemented:
Talk description:
GopherCon 2017: Kavya Joshi - Understanding Channels
Channels provide a simple mechanism for goroutines to communicate, and a powerful construct to build sophisticated concurrency patterns. We will delve into the inner workings of channels and channel operations, including how they're supported by the runtime scheduler and memory management systems.
You asked two questions:
What kind of structure are they?
Channels in go are indeed "kind of like a thread-safe queue", to be more precise, channels in Go have the following properties:
Provide FIFO semantics
Can store and pass values between goroutines
Cause goroutines to block and unblock
Every time you create a channel, an hchan struct is allocated on the heap, and a pointer to the hchan memory location is returned represented as a channel, this is how go-routines can share it.
The first two properties described above are implemented similarly to a queue with a lock.
The elements that the channel can pass to different go-routines are implemented as a circular queue (ring buffer) with indices in the hchan struct, the indices account for the position of elements in the buffer.
Circular queue:
qcount uint // total data in the queue
dataqsiz uint // size of the circular queue
buf unsafe.Pointer // points to an array of dataqsiz elements
And the indices:
sendx uint // send index
recvx uint // receive index
Every time a go-routine needs to access the channel structure and modify it's state it holds the lock, e.g: copy elements to/ from the buffer, update lists or an index. Some operations are optimized to be lock-free, but this is out of the scope for this answer.
The block and un-block property of go channels is achieved using two queues (linked lists) that hold the blocked go-routines
recvq waitq // list of recv waiters
sendq waitq // list of send waiters
Every time a go-routine wants to add a task to a full channel (buffer is full), or to take a task from an empty channel (buffer is empty), a pseudo go-routine sudog struct is allocated and the go-routine adds the sudog as a node to the send or receive waiters list accordingly. Then the go-routine updates the go runtime scheduler using special calls, which hints when they should be taken out of execution (gopark) or ready to run (goready).
Notice this is a very simplified explanations that hides some complexities.
Does their implementation depend on the architecture?
Besides the lock implementation that is OS specific as #mna already explained, I'm not aware of any architecture specific constraints optimizations or differences.
A simpler way to look at channels is as such, in that you may like to hold a program up while waiting for a condition to complete, typically used to prevent RACE condition, which means a thread might not finish before another, and then something your later thread or code depends on sometimes does not complete.
An example could be, you have a thread to retrieve some data from a database or other server and place the data into a variable, slice or map, and for some reason it gets delayed. then you have a process that uses that variable, but since it hasn't been initialised, or its not got its data yet. the program fails.
So a simple way to look at it in code is as follows:
package main
import "fmt"
var doneA = make(chan bool)
var doneB = make(chan bool)
var doneC = make(chan bool)
func init() { // this runs when you program starts.
go func() {
doneA <- true //Give donA true
func initB() { //blocking
go func() {
a := <- doneA //will wait here until doneA is true
// Do somthing here
doneB <- true //State you finished
func initC() {
go func() {
<-doneB // still blocking, but dont care about the value
// some code here
doneC <- true // Indicate finished this function
func main() {
So hope this helps. not the selected answer above, but i believe should help to remove the mystery. I wonder if I should make a question and self answer?
