Manually install Parse PHP SDK without Composer - parse-platform

I've got a client on a shared hosting environment (which I can't change) and I'm needing to install the Parse PHP SDK, but the host won't allow me to install the Composer package manager. Does anyone else know of a manual install method?

If you have wget/unzip available, just download latest release zip (bellow the release, this file).
Use unzip to unpack package and load it with PSR-4 autoloading (the composer's approach).

Composer isn't meant to be an installer, so you are not expected to run Composer on the production machine. What would happen if during your update process Github would be down? No new website version! And maybe also no old version.
Run Composer somewhere else, and then upload the result to the server, after you verified that everything went well.


Is it possible to install the dependencies you have in composer.json file without you have composer as tool in you machine?

I'm trying to put this app working but unfortunately whenever I try to install all dependencies inside composer.json file as you can see in the image above I'm getting that error. I don't know what's going on, I don't have composer installed as tool itself for dependency management in PHP. Is it that are causing this error?
*PHP 7.1 is the version of PHP that I'm using.

Composer installation: global vs local

I have a new server, where multiple clients will host their webapps at. From Wordpress, to laravel, to simple html shizzle.
As you may know, Laravel requires Composer to be installed. This can be done locally, but also globaly. I am wondering (if there are any) about the pros and cons.
Of course, you can run the global installation from anywhere. But can this be a issue for other development projects on the server, or are there security for the global installation?
The disadvantage of using a globally installed composer is this
you're likely using different versions along the development pipeline
you may end up with different results
Just as an example, in a project, we had composer.phar checked in and updated regularly, but we ran into problems when the version we used was already updated to be able to use the ^ operator, however, a different binary was used during deployment, unaware of that operator, and the deployment failed.
The safest bet is to use the same version of composer.phar along the development pipeline. Alternatively, as mentioned before, keeping the globally installed composer regularly updated.
Since we usually use Makefiles in our projects, here's an example of what it looks like:
.PHONY: composer cs it test
it: cs test
composer self-update
composer validate
composer install
cs: composer
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --diff --verbose
vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration=test/Unit/phpunit.xml
vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration=test/Integration/phpunit.xml
I would always suggest install globally, it will be easier for you to manage, and you could easily keep it up to date.
In the other projects they will not need to clutter their project with
composer.phar file

Composer.json getting latest package version and

For each new project, I want to:
Get the latest versions of all packages inside composer.json
Once I have them I no longer want to get the latest - just the version of the first run.
I know I could manually specify latest versions from, but Ideally I'd like this automated.
I hope this makes sense.
the latest package:
"require": {
"namespace/libname": "#dev"
after install of this package, composer will dump all info (and version) to composer.lock. do not remove this file and do not use composer update.
always use composer install because this will force composer to look into composer.lock file for package version
Running composer require vendor/package will consult for the most current released version and add both the latest release and the version requirement to get this release and compatible updates later.
This will install only stable versions.
After the initial install, you have two options:
composer install will again install the previously found packages.
composer update will look for updated packages that match the version requirement.
Never run update unattended. A developer should run this consciously and then run the test suite to determine if everything still works (or the continuous integration job does it if available). Especially only run install when deploying to production.

Laravel Installer method

Normally I do install Laravel 5.1 by following this command regarding to documentation:
composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist
It works fine.
But I read in the documentation under "Via Laravel Installer" also it is possible to install via Laravel Installer, which is much faster than installing via Composer:
laravel new blog
But to use this method I need to run following command once:
composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
When I do run it I get following errors many times
Deprecation Notice: Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser::parseLinks
is deprecated. Use \Composer\Package\Loader\ArrayLoader::parseLinks()
instead in
after many line of same error ./composer.json has been updated appears and it continues with the same line of errors, it ends with following
Loading composer repositories with package information Updating
dependencies (including require-dev) Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
What is wrong with it? Any idea or solution.
My environment: Windows 10, GitBash and cmder console.
Update of composer, I did ran composer self-update also
Snapshot of console
Note, I can confirm after solving the issue that the installation via Laravel Installer method is faster than composer.
The Composer Assets Plugin you've installed locally is using a deprecated method of Composer. The plugin is already fixed, so run composer global update to get the latest versions with the bug fix. After it, you should be able to run the command succesfully.
If this doesn't work (as you might get the same error running the previous command), try removing the global vendor directory. When running any global Composer command, it outputs something like "Changed current directory to XXX". Remove the XXX/vendor directory and then try running the command.
In addition to #WouterJ answer.
Worst case if the steps provided by #WouterJ did not work, you could manage to uninstall and reinstall composer for windows.
When done, run composer global update to be sure to get latest updates, if there was.
Then run composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1" and it should works.
Remember to update your windows environment path C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin

cloudControl - PHP: (temporarily) disable composer

I am happily developing a PHP app using Composer on cloudControl.
It's great how it is integrated into the deployment procedure.
However, there's no need for Composer to update on every deploy.
Is it possible to (temporarily) disable Composer, per deployment?
Thanks in advance.
I am not entirely familiar with how cloudControl integrated Composer, but ideally you run should composer update when you see fit, and then commit your composer.lock file, and they would run composer install on every deploy.
If you mean composer updating itself: right now the latest version of composer is downloaded on every push, unless you have one already. Just place the composer.phar file in your project directory and it will be used instead.
