VMware and Homestead, The provider 'vmware_desktop' could not be found - laravel

I can't seem to get VMWare support working with Laravel's Homestead on Windows 7.
I've bought and installed VMWare Workstation and Vagrant's VMWare plugin and added the licence for it.
I've downloaded the homestead box via the command in the laravel docs vagrant box add laravel/homestead and selected option 2 for vmware_desktop.
And specified provider: vmware_desktop in my ~/.homestead/Homestead.yml file and run vagrant up from where I downloaded the Homestead Vagrant files.
And I get the message:
C:\Users\Ezra\Desktop\Homestead>vagrant up
The provider 'vmware_desktop' could not be found, but was requested to
back the machine 'default'. Please use a provider that exists.
I've tried different provider names; like: vmware_fusion, vm_desktop, vm_fustion.. etc. Nothing works.
I've got the latest vmware_desktop image at v0.2.7 and visually verified the files exist in the ~/.vagrant.d/boxes directory.
VirtualBox provider works fine. But not VMware. Any ideas? :)

To get Homestead working on Windows, the provider must be set to:
provider: vmware_workstation
Made a PR to the laravel docs, so this shouldn't be an issue for anyone else going forward. :)

For Laravel 5 and Homestead 2.0
Try to run
homestead up
homestead provision
This will reload your ~/.homestead/Homestead.yml for additional sites and/or configuration.


Laravel Zray - Failed to communicate with Zend Server

I have recently started using Laravel Framework 5.6.7 and have everything running smoothly apart from the Zray toolbar it comes with. The toolbar displays the error: "Failed to communicate with Zend Server. See why..."
the link takes me to the troubleshooting page which is of no help:
In my local environment I am using the homestead vagrant box:
Vagrant 2.0.2
I tried following this old post but Zray is already installed so I thought it must be a configuration issue:
any ideas on how I can get this toolbar to work would be much appreciated.
I had this issue too and it took a few days to get it resolved. I have no idea if this will work for you but this is how I did it:
Removed all vagrant boxes in my Homestead folder. vagrant box remove --all https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/cli/box.html
Add vagrant box. vagrant box add/laravel/homestead
perform a git pull in the Homestead folder. git pull origin master
went to composer.json and deleted "laravel/homestead": "^7" (also deleted the trailing comma to ensure the JSON was valid).
ran composer update.
Then after a vagrant up --provision (I wasn't sure if provision was needed but I put it just in case), I went to my site and no more Z-RAY issues!
I hope this helps someone else because this was NO fun to figure out.
You have to add
> zray: "true"
in your Homestead.yaml file

Installing Laravel homestead on a virtual machine in windows 10 - after I created a VM box do I need to install virtualbox again within this box?

Trying to install laravel homestead in windows but inside a virtualbox. So first I installed VirtualBox which then allows me to install a VM which I called LaravelBox (so this is an empty machine) - which means I need to install ubuntu 16.04, then vagrant (as the documents on the laravel homestead site (https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/homestead#installation-and-setup) - which instruct me to install the homestead vagrant box, then configure, etc. When I get to he final step to run vagrant up, I get the error:
**Vagrant could not detect VirtualBox! Make sure VirtualBox is properly installed.
Vagrant uses the VBoxManage binary that ships with VirtualBox, and requires
this to be available on the PATH. If VirtualBox is installed, please find the
VBoxManage binary and add it to the PATH environmental variable.**
Does this mean then I now need to install virtualbox inside the VM I just created called LaravelBox? - so it's the case of a VM that contains the laravel homestead vagrant box is inside a a VM? Any help is appreciated, thanks.
The first question why you try to install homestead in a VM instead of installing it in Windows directly?
Yes, the problem is that your VM can't find any Virtualbox installation, then you have to install it there and it will be working.
Homestead was meant to provide a Unix like dev environment so that it would be easier to work with symlinks and permissions, it uses Ubuntu vagrant box by default.
So you can either install homestead directly on your host machine i.e windows or as you already have a Ubuntu VM you can setup a basic dev server manually.
It does not make sense to run a VM inside a VM

Laravel homestead installed on windows, pushed to bitbucket, then cloned on a mac, DB migration error

I currently have Laravel homestead on windows (working on windows 10 and Windows 8)
I am using Laravel version 5.5.3, and I pushed this to bitbucket, and cloned the repo on a mac with Sierra 10.12.6
I have already checked around the questions and tried adding the port in the .env file, but the port is already there as 3360, and it's correct. The db name and pass are also correct. Does the mac user just have to download and use vagrant homestead? Is there an alternative to installing vagrant and homestead to migrate the database for a mac user?
I think part of the problem is that since I uploaded it to bitbucket and the mac user cloned it, it has some settings that are configured to having homestead, so I'm guessing the mac user needs to install those other programs (homestead, vagrant, and vmware).
You are correct. If the database is created via Homestead and the configuration in the .env points to Homestead then the mac-user needs Homestead as well.
Install the necessary software and try again with Homestead up on the mac.
An alternative would be to use another local dev-environment like XAMPP or MAMP or some other local server and database. If you do this you have to change the database-configuration in the mac-users .env-file.

Laravel Homestead vagrant up box issue

I am installing laravel homestead. As I am new on this so maybe i took some steps wrong while installing and setting up laravel homestead on windows.
I followed a tutorial and download laravel homestead box directly and then install it manually by giving it a local disk url. It installed perfectly fine till then. But now when i am trying to "vagrant up" command it says that box doesnt found.
So after that I read somewhere that it we have to add manyual metadata somewhere but I dont know where. And after some changes I am facing this error.
Once you have downloaded the box manually, you need to add it to vagrant config, so vagrant knows about the box for later user. run the following command :
$ vagrant box add --box-version <VERSION_DOWNLOADED> laravel/homestead <path to downloaded file>
After this, make sure to go to the folder where homestead has been cloned (do not do that from the .vagrant directory, just go somewhere else, and avoid path with space, windows generally does not like it; C:\homestead will be just fine for a test) and you can run vagrant up from there

Homestead does not start in windows with wamp

thanks for reading my question, I installed laravel, virtualbox, and vagrant on my Windows 10 x64 pc, I use wamp to work.
I created my ssh credentials this way
After that I made a homestead make and vagrant up but I always get this error:
The keys are generated and for some reason the vagrant does not detect the private key (I think)
What could be happening and how to make run the homestead without any trouble?
