Strip root directory with unpack-dependencies - maven

I have a third-party archive (IntelliJ IDEA CE in my case) that has a root directory whose name I cannot guess. In the unpack-dependencies task, how can I unpack the archive without the root directory?
Currently all files from the archive are extracted into
but I want them to be extracted into just
but keep the subdirectory tree.
It would be similar to doing the following on the command line:
cd testproject/target/dependency/IntelliJ-IDEA-CE/
tar -xvf ideaIC-14.1.4.tar.gz --strip 1
I've already installed the archive in my local repository. This is my pom.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


How to use user-defined Java function in velocity files in archetype-resource path?

I am creaing a arhetype project for convenient creation of similar projects by maven-archetype-archetype archetype. The following is the command I use:
mvn archetype:generate \ \
-DartifactId=archetype-spring-console \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-archetype \
As shown in the picture above, I want to use a Java function in a velocity file in the archetype-resources path. There is a ClassNotFoundExcept thrown when I executed the command mvn clean install.
The class is located in target/classes path.
This is my pom.xml. the compiler plugin is added by myself because of no classes found in target/classes before adding the compiler plugin.
How to resolve this problem, please?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Archetype - archetype-spring-console</name>
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->

Apache Dashboard HTML reports with Jmeter Maven plugin

I want mvn clean verify to run following command for me
jmeter -n -t <file.jmx> -l <reports.csv> -e -o /htmlReports
I checked below similar question How to create HTML reports using Jmeter Maven Plugin 2.1.0. but it didn't work for me.
I want all data to be inside target folder, plus .jtl so that at next run all previous gets cleaned up.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
You can do this using Maven Exec plugin, the relevant configuration would be
<commandlineArgs>-n -t -f file.jmx -l ${basedir}/target/reports.csv -e -o ${basedir}/target/htmlReports</commandlineArgs>
Just in case something "will not work" again here is full pom.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<commandlineArgs>-n -t -f file.jmx -l ${basedir}/target/reports.csv -e -o
Don't forget to change /path/to/bin/folder/of/your/jmeter/installation to real path to your JMeter otherwise it "will not work".
Report generation via JMeter Maven Plugin should also work fine, if you experience any issues please show your pom.xml file and maven command output.
Example configuration you can use for reference:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Run JMeter tests -->
you will need to copy your file.jmx script into src/test/jmeter folder, otherwise it "will not work"
if your test is using any JMeter Plugins - it "will not work" without defining them as dependencies
if your test uses external data files - it "will not work" unless you copy them to src/test/jmeter folder
More information: Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI
Report generation with JMeter Maven Plugin works for your requirement, you don't need any additional plugin.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Run JMeter tests -->
copy your jmx file into src/test/jmeter folder
if you use 3rd party plugins like JMeter Plugins, ensure you follow this documentation
if you use CSV data files - copy them to src/test/jmeter folder
Step 1 - Create test plan and save JMX script
Step 2 - Executing JMeter tests
Step 3 - Save test result into csv/xls file
Step 4 - The following plugin is used to transform the result
<fileMapper implementation="">
<fileMapper implementation="">

yuicompressor maven is not working

I am working in Spring boot web application with maven build. I want to compress all js & css files. I have chosen YUI compression. When I build my application yui compression not happened. I am getting following message for all js & css files.
[INFO] nothing to do, **css\base.css is younger than original, use 'force' option or clean your target
What I am missing ?
Here is my pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- <url></url> -->
my dependencies
Project structure :
It's not an error and works as expected. The plugin creates a minified version of the resource only when it's minified version doesn't exist or when source file has been changed. When plugin found that minified version was created later than source file, it doesn't do minification and assumes that nothing to be done.
As you can see, message suggests you to use force option (in this case, minified version will be always generated but it will be slower) or clean the target (execute mvn clean to remove all generated files so they will be generated again).
I was able to reproduce the issue. It happens because yuicompressor-maven-plugin is being executed after maven-resource-plugin. The former was copied all the files from src/main/resources to the target directory and when yuicompressor was being executed, it found that the files already here (non-minified of course) and show this message.
To fix this, first, we need to configure resource plugin to exclude resources:
But it didn't solve it because after that I found that yuicompressor doesn't process these files. This is because the plugin was looking in the wrong directory and we have to configure it also:
Use -Dmaven.clean.failOnError=false to mvn command.
example: mvn clean -Dmaven.clean.failOnError=false
Just by adding Force option I resolved this issue:

maven build ear - how I can build just a .ear file and not the exploded ear dir?

I just need a myEar.ear file as output of my maven build.
I don't want the dir myEar (the exploded ear version).
To be clear, this is my build output:
20/02/2017 11:37 <DIR> myEar
20/02/2017 11:37 7.985.535 myEar.ear
I just want the myEar.ear.
Here my pom.xml of the ear:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
I fixed with th maven-antrun-plugin... an ant call inside maven... very dirty... someone has a better idea?
<delete dir="${basedir}/../target/diraliases/EARHOMEDIR1036/myEar"/>

How to get 'latest' artifact version?

I'm wondering if Nexus provides API (I unfortunately didn't find any useful examples) to do such thing. So, in my group id (com.testtools) I got artifact hibi which is versioned in manner - major.minor.patch. Currently in this directory I've got versions:
I know how to get certain version or how get latest stored version (here - snapshot), e.g.:
wget '' --content-disposition
give me hibi-0.1.4. But for this hibi artifact I have to be able to get the latest patch for certain minor version. So how can I get 0.0.5 if I pass 0.0 (or 0.1.4 if I pass 0.1)?
Tried something like:
wget '*&r=snapshots' --content-disposition
but it isn't work properly (artifact not found).
I'll be glad for any suggestions.
Here is a simple pom.xml, which will copy its dependencies (I used slf4j as an example) to the directory "destination". Just start it with "mvn clean install".
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
