Multi-index search vs single index search in elastic search - performance

I have a large number of entities of the same type, each having a large number of attributes and I only have these two choices to store them :
Storing each item as an in an index and perform multi-index search
Storing all of enties in a single index and search only 1 index.
Generally i want a comparison between time complexity of searching "n" entities with "m" features in each of the above cases !

The answer lies within the Elasticsearch documentation:
Searching 1 index of 50 shards is exactly equivalent to searching 50
indices with 1 shard each: both search requests hit 50 shards.
If you wish to learn about how shards are allocated on your nodes and how they interact with your index setup, I would suggest this stackoverflow question as well as the Elasticsearch documentation for scaling.


Elasticsearch index policy creation best practice/performance

I am designing a search system based on ElasticSearch, after reading a lot I have seen that some systems such as logs use a policy of multiple indexes to save the same content, similar to mylogs-12-02-2020 and are creating an index by day, then to search, they perform the searches in all the indices that comply with the mylogs- * pattern, each of those indices has its primary shards and replicas.
My question would be regarding the performance of the searches, which would be more performant to look at an index of 5 million documents, with n shards or look for 50 indexes of 100,000 documents. Does anyone have any experience with the best practice to follow?
I am assuming that my system will have an approximate growth of 200,000 documents per day.
What is the best practice, separate in multiple indexes or have a single index with several primary shards in different nodes (so that they do not compete for the same resources when searching / indexing)?
When doing a search on mylogs-* elastic does it parallel to the indexes and within each index in its shards?
Elasticsearch default configuration given by #Umar is old and starting with 7.0 ES latest major version, Primary shards reduced to 1, you can check this in ES official breaking changes announcement.
Nobody can design the perfect ES index with optimal no of shards and replicas and required continuous fine-tuning over the period. Some factors which affect the design consideration.
Read or Write-heavy system.
Time-based indices(like your log searches) where normally searches happen on more recent logs or e-commerce product catalog or website search where you can't divide indices into time-based data.
ES cluster(multi-tenant vs dedicated to single index).
Above are just a few samples and I can go can give 100s of other factors, which you can consider while designing your ES index configuration. But the idea is to start with more crucial params first(like changing primary shards requires re-indexing) also consider the near-future growth and fine-tune later on based on current system performance.
I would strongly suggest you go through my detailed blog which would answer your questions about(searching in one index with more docs than searching in more indices/shards with fewer docs) in detail through a real-world case study.
The above blog also explains the ES decision to change the longtime default primary shards from 5 to 1.
Answer to your below question:
Question: When doing a search on mylogs-* elastic does it parallel to the indexes and within each index in its shards?
Answer: Yes, ES has distributed architecture and as ES index is made of Lucene shard which is a full-blown search engine, Every ES query would be executed by multiple threads in parallel if it needs to hit multiple shards(whether of same index or multiple indices), Given threads are free, otherwise once a thread finish, it would be then be used to query another shard. this is why ES is much faster like other distributed systems.
By default, an Elasticsearch index has 5 primary shards and 1 replica for each. But the problem is default configurations are not suitable for every use case.
Shard size is quite critical for search queries. If there would be too many shards that are assigned to an index, Lucene segments would be small which causes an increase in overhead. Lots of small shards would also reduce query throughput when multiple queries are made simultaneously. On the other hand, too large shards cause a decrease in search performance and longer recovery time from failure. Therefore, it is suggested by Elasticsearch that one shard’s size should be around 20 to 40 GB.
Keep in mind it is the shard that acts as a separate search engine in itself, not the index. indices are a type of data organization mechanism, allowing the user to partition data a certain way. that is all!
For further details read this article.

How to get better relevance without compromising on performance, scalability and avoid the sharding effect of Elasticsearch

Let's suppose I have a big index, consists 500 million docs and by default, ES creates 5 primary shards for below reasons and I also go with the same setting.
Performance:- There will be less time to search in a shard with less no of documents(100 million in my use case) than in just 1 shard with a huge number of documents(500 million). Also, allows to distribute and parallelize operations across shards.
Horizontal scalability(HS) :- horizontally split/scale your content volume.
But when we search by default it just goes to 1 shard and gives the result. in this case, relevance isn't accurate(as idf be majorly impacted) and also it might even not give any result if my matched document is on another shard. and its called as The Sharding Effect.
Above issue is explained in details here and there are below 2 options to avoid this issue but I think both the solutions have some cons :-
1. Document routing: I this case all the documents will be on the same shards which lose the whole purpose of sharding.
2. dfs_query_then_fetch search type: there is performance cost associated with it.
I am interested to know below:
What ES does by default? or is there is any config by which it can be controlled?
Is there is other Out of the box solution which ES provides to avoid the sharding effect?
first of all this part of your question if not accurate :
But when we search by default it just goes to 1 shard and gives the
result. in this case, relevance isn't accurate(as idf be majorly
impacted) and also it might even not give any result if my matched
document is on another shard. and its called as The Sharding Effect.
The bold part is false. The search request is sent to all shards ( of course, or no one would use elasticsearch !) but the score is computed on shard basis. So yes you can have an accuracy problem with multiple shards but only if you have very few documents. With 500 million the accuracy will not be a problem ( unless you u make a bad usage of document routing see here for more informations
So when you search for 10 results for a query, each shard return the 10 best matches for the query, then the results from the shards are aggregated by the coordination node to give the best 10 results for the whole index.
You can use 5 shards without fearing any relevancy problem. But don't try to avoid sharding effect! It is what makes elasticsearch so cool :D

Elasticsearch- Single Index vs Multiple Indexes

I have more than 4000 different fields in one of my index. And that number can grow larger with time.
As Elasticsearch give default limit of 1000 field per index. There must be some reason.
Now, I am thinking that I should not increase the limit set by Elasticsearch.
So I should break my single large index into small multiple indexes.
Before moving to multiple indexes I have few questions as follows:
The number of small multiple indexes can increase up to 50. So searching on all 50 index at a time would slow down search time as compared to a search on the single large index?
Is there really a need to break my single large index into multiple indexes because of a large number of fields?
When I use small multiple indexes, the total number of shards would increase drastically(more than 250 shards). Each index would have 5 shards(default number, which I don't want to change). Search on these multiple indexes would be searching on these 250 shards at once. Will this affect my search performance? Note: These shards might increase in time as well.
When I use Single large index which contains only 5 shards and a large number of documents, won't this be an overload on these 5 shards?
It strongly depends on your infrastructure. If you run a single node with 50 Shards a query will run longer than it would with only 1 Shard. If you have 50 Nodes holding one shard each, it will most likely run faster than one node with 1 Shard (if you have a big dataset). In the end, you have to test with real data to be sure.
When there is a massive amount of fields, ES gets a performance problem and errors are more likely. The main problem is that every field has to be stored in the cluster state, which takes a toll on your master node(s). Also, in a lot of cases you have to work with lots of sparse data (90% of fields empty).
As a rule of thumb, one shard should contain between 30 GB and 50 GB of data. I would not worry too much about overloading shards in your use-case. The opposite is true.
I suggest testing your use-case with less shards, go down to 1 Shard, 1 Replica for your index. The overhead from searching multiple Shards (5 primary, multiply by replicas) then combining the results again is massive in comparison to your small dataset.
Keep in mind that document_type behaviour changed and will change further. Since 6.X you can only have one document_type per Index, starting in 7.X document_type is removed entirely. As the API listens at _doc, _doc is the suggested document_type to use in 6.X. Either move to one Index per _type or introduce a new field that stores your type if you need the data in one index.

ElasticSearch Scale Forever

ElasticSearch Community:
Suppose I have a customer named Twetter who has hired me today to build out their search capability for a 181 word social media site.
Assume I cannot predict the number of shards I will need for future scaling and the storage size is already in tens of terabytes.
Assume I do not need to edit any documents once they are indexed. This is strictly for searching.
Referencing the image above, there seems to be some documents which point to 'rolling indexes' ref1 ref2 ref3 whereby I may create a single index (ea. index named tweets1 -> N) on-the-fly. When one index fills up, I can simply add a new machine, with a new index, and add it to the same cluster and alias for searching.
Does this architecture hold water in production?
Are there any long term ramifications to this 'rolling index' architecture as opposed to predicting a shard count and scaling within that estimate?
A shard in elasticsearch is just a lucene index. An elasticsearch index is just a collection of lucene indices (shards). Given that, for capacity planning in your situation you simply need to figure out how many documents you can store in an index with only one shard and still get the query performance you want.
It is the underlying lucene indices that use up resources. Based on how your documents are indexed within the lucene indices, there is a finite number of shards that any single node in your cluster will be able to handle. You can always scale by adding more nodes to the cluster. Just monitor resource usage and query response times to know when to add more nodes.
It is perfectly reasonable to create indices named tweet_1, tweet_2, tweet_3, etc. rolling forward instead of worrying about resharding your data. It accomplishes the same thing in the end. Just use an index alias to hide the numbers.
Once you figure out how many documents you can store per shard to get your query performance, then decide how many shards per index you want to have and then multiply those numbers and cap the index at that number of documents in your code. Once you reach the cap you just roll over to a new index. Here is what I do in my code to determine which index to send a document to (I have sequential ids):
$index = 'file_' . (int)($fid / $docsPerIndex);
Note that I am using index templates so it can automatically create a new index without me having to manually roll over when the cap is reached.
One other consideration is what type of queries you will be performing. As the data grows you have two options for scaling.
You need to have enough nodes in your cluster for parallelizing the query that it can easily search across all indices and still respond quickly.
You need to name your indices such that you know which to query and only need to query a subset of the indices in the cluster.
Keep in mind that if you have sequential or predictable ids then elasticsearch can perform id based queries efficiently without actually having to query the whole cluster. If you let ES automatically assign ids (assuming you are using ES >=1.4.0) it will use predictable ids (flake ids) already. This also speeds up indexing. Random ids create a worst case scenario.
If your queries are going to be time based then it will have to search the entire set of indices for each query under this scheme. For time based queries you want to roll your indices over based on some amount of time (e.g. each day or month depending on how much data you receive in that time frame) and name them something like tweets_2015_01, tweets_2015_02, etc. By doing so you can narrow the set of indices you have to search at query time based on the requested search time range.

Should I control the Index size in Elastic Search?

I have a fast growing database and I'm using Elastic Search to manage has only one index and gets 200 K new documents per day. each document contains of about 5 KB text.
Should I keep using only one index or it's better to have one index for each day or something else?
If so, what's the benefits of having multiple indices?
You should definitely worry about the maximum size of your shards/index. We use daily indexes for stuff where we are inserting millions of records per day and monthly indexes where were are inserting millions per month.
A good rule of thumb is that shards should max out around 4 GB (remember there are a configurable number of shards per index).
The advantage is that when you have daily/weekly/monthly indexes, you can eventually close/delete them when your cluster becomes too big or the data isn't useful anymore. If your data is time series data, you can craft your queries to only hit the indexes that are used for the given data. Also if you've made a mistake in how many shards you really need, you can correct it going forward (because you create a new index periodically).
The disadvantage is then that you have to manage all of the extra indexes, but there are tools to do that (elasticsearch-curator for example).
