Visual studio 2013 login issue showing blank page - visual-studio

I am using visual studio 2013 professional. I am using azure services too, So for that I have login in VS with my credentials.
After some time suddenly, it showing me anonymous user, So when I try to login in VS. first it show me message "thank you for your patience." but after 10 seconds, it shows blank dialog.
I read on other article that, I need to turn on javascript in IE. and I have done it too. Still no luck.
How can I login into it ? I am not able to publish anything on azure account.

I solved it myself, for those who may get same error, The solution is,
Repair your visual studio and restart your system.


This account has no subscription - Publishing to Azure from Visual Studio

Earlier this year I successfully deployed a MVC app to Azure from Visual Studio.
Now I'm trying to do the same thing again, but now I am told my azure account "has no subscription".
However I am 100% positive I do have a subscription associated with my email. My old MVC app still runs and I can see my Pay-as-you-go is properly charged.
What I Have tried to fix it
Emptied my browser caches, history, cookies etc.
Removed my account from Visual Studio, restarted, and added them again.
Formatted my computer and reinstalled everything (not really because of this problem, but the timing was perfect).
Updated the Azure SDK to the newest 2.9.5.
I did the following things above based on advice from these pages:
Visual Studio not finding my Azure subscriptions
Unable to publish to Azure with VS2015
No subscription found in windows azure account
But alas, no luck.
The only thing that comes to thought is I tried to add an Azure Pass to my account, but without luck. But I can't see how that should change anything...
So my question is: How do I make Visual Studio recognize my current Pay-as-you-go subscription, so I can publish my services, apps, etc. from Visual Studio directly?
Or at least: What has gone wrong? Whom can I contact to get help with this?
As always, thank you for your time and patience, and please write a comment if you need further information.
You may try to connect first via the server explorer (ctrl+alt+s). (The server explorer has an azure root node, if the azure sdk installed)
If you have connected, the publish wizard won't ask (usually) for sign in again.
In my case, the solution was as follows:
Open Server Explorer in Visual Studio, right-click on Azure and select "Manage and filter subscriptions":
Screenshot of Manage Subscriptions Dialog
Click the Certificates tab, click Import, then click Download subscription file. This will take you to the azure portal page where you can download a .publishsettings file for your subscription. After downloading that file, click the Browse button in the Import dialog shown above and select that file.
I had the same issue. To solve it I opened the server explorer (ctrl+alt+s) and refreshed the Azure connection. It still said 0 subscriptions, but in the publishing options I could connect without any issue.

Codeplex: cannot log in with Visual Studio

I'm trying to login to Codeplex's TFS server using visual studio 2015.
I've done this in the past, and it has always worked.
Now however, I changed my PC and on my new visual studio installation I cannot login with the login info they provide.
Basically, whenever I try to log-in, visual studio keeps showing the login popup again and again, without any error message.
The credentials are correct, I double and triple checked them.
Any ideas?
You can try below ways to figure out the access issue:
Clear the user and password info stored in Windows Credential
(Control Panel-Credential Manager)
Disable the firewall and antivirus software
Clear TFS and VS cache
Log out your account in the old machine and try again
Make sure that you have selected Visual Studio Team Foundation Server for source control. To do this, go into the Visual Studio options menu and select Visual Studio TFS as the Current source control plug-in. Then, select Tools Options- Source Control - Plug-in Selection.
If you are still having trouble, try going through the “Forgot Password” link to reset your password. (Note: you need to use Forgot Password, and not the normal Change Password option). Try connecting again.

Visual Studio doesn't authentificate me after I switch versions

In Visual Studio (no matter if 2013 Professional, 2013 Community or 2015 Community, they all behave the same on different machines in different places and networks like home, office, friends' places) can't seem to access my login information and asks me to re-enter user and password. Here is a screenshot of the message, followed by a rough translation because I use the German version:
Translation: "An error occured, and no user information could be accessed for "[email address]". Re-enter your login information for this account. (Link: Re-enter login information)
(box with my correct live id)"
I haven't found a way to get any details about what error occured where and when or why, which doesn't help. Apparently it does save which account I use, but without re-entering my log-in at least once a day, functions that rely on it (e.g. accessing TFS repositories that my account has rights to) do not work. It seems to have some correlation to the time since I last logged in, because even after rebooting the machine it still works correctly if I logged in before.
It's not preventing me from work, but it's still very annoying. I've spent quite some time on google, but when I look for keywords like "visual studio login error" or similar fitting things I find all kinds of pages mainly about Visual Studio Online, or pages that explain how to login inside of Visual Studio - nothing mentions this problem, so I suppose it isn't a very common one.
My internet connection in all places is usually pretty stable, and no other open application show any signs of connection problems, so I can all but rule that out as the cause.
It took a while, but it seems to be a problem only when I switch versions of Visual Studio. I.e., if I only use 2013 for a while, it works fine. If I then login with 2015, I get the error when I use 2013 again after that, and vice versa.
I've fixed this issue by allowing visual studio through the windows firewall, then restarting visual studio. It stems from parts of visual studio not having access to the authentication servers.
Press the windows key and search for "firewall" and select "allow a
program through windows firewall
Click "Allow another program..."
Choose Visual Studio from the programs list and click add
Restart (or start) Visual studio

I Get A Wierd Error When Attempting To Paste in Visual Studio 2013

I recently got Visual Studio 2013 and upgraded it to the latest versions. I created an MVC 5 website application and every time I attempt to paste content into the _Layout.cshtml page, I get this weird error:
Here's the specs of my VS instance:
As you can tell, this is excruciatingly apprehensive. Please help!
I figured it out. My login credentials to my VS account changed somehow. I had to reset my password to my VS login and my credentials to the app registered again. Works fine now.

Visual Studio encountered an unexpected network error and can’t contact the Microsoft account service

I confirgured my windows store DEV account couple of days ago. I have developed some store apps and I need to publish it in windows store. When I try to create the App packages using Visual studio 2012 Ultimate It gives me this error
Visual Studio encountered an unexpected network error and can’t contact the Microsoft account service
I followed the solution mentioned in this link But it didn't work out, still getting the same error.
To solve this problem, you need to open the Internet Explorer (not others browsers) and access A popup will appear. Check the option "In the future, do not show this warning" and click OK. You should be able to complete you task. For more details, check this post
