Error when using groovy-eclipse-plugin and #Grab - maven

Getting the following error when running mvn clean compile on a new system. It works fine on my local (windows) environment.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project visa-threatintel: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
[ERROR] /path/to/Class.groovy:[2,2] 1. ERROR in /path/to/Class.groovy (at line 2)
[ERROR] #Grab(group="javax.mail", module="mail", version="1.5.0-b01", type="jar"),
[ERROR] ^^^
[ERROR] Groovy:Ambiguous method overloading for method org.apache.ivy.core.settings.IvySettings#load.
Both local and new system use Maven 3.2.5 and the POM is identical. Relevant excerpts below:
<!-- -->
<!-- 2.2.1 version isn't available as a release, so it needs to be acquired
from the codehaus nexus repository -->
<!-- to allow #Grab annotations -->
I tried changing groovy version to 2.4.3 but got the same error. Anyone seen anything like this before?

Having just encountered a similar issue, I found that I had two issues:
Maven deps that failed a download
A maven dependency (maven-assembly-plugin) had failed a download.
Deleting the .lastUpdated files in your local m2 repository:
#> find ~/.m2/repository -name *.lastUpdated
#> find ~/.m2/repository -name *.lastUpdated -delete
grapeConfig.xml & repository ssl certificate
Also your ~/.groovy/grapeConfig.xml file needs to be configured to tell groovy where to pull the dependencies from - in my case it was from a corporate nexus repository, which also meant i had to install the https certificate in the JRE cacerts file.
How to test
One suggestion to test you have everything set up correctly would be to call grape install on a test dependency and that will give you a clearer sense of what is wrong (grape is distributed as part of the groovy binaries, so include it on your path, or fully qualify its path):
grape install javax.mail mail 1.5.0-b01


swagger-codegen-maven-plugin best practices

I'm using the swagger-codegen-maven-plugin within my pom to generate a client. Here is my plugin info:
java version "1.8.0_221"
Apache Maven 3.6.1
I had many errors when running mvn compile, as the package names could not be found in my repo e.g.
package does not exist
To overcome the errors and enable a successful mvn compile, I have had to name the missing packages within my pom's dependencies e.g.
I don't believe this is best practice, as I have to specify the version myself without knowing the actual version that the source has used.
My question is, what is the best practice for generating a client using maven when there are packages which can't be resolved by the swagger-codegen-plugin? Alternatively, please advise if the resolution I have found to overcome the issue is actually the best practice in this scenario?

How to fix maven plugin errors on jenkins?

I'm setting up a maven project on Jenkins, and I tried to build it, but I got errors on
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:3.1.0:clean (default-clean) on project BankSystem: Failed to clean project: Failed to delete /Users/lilyli/Documents/IntelliJ-wrokspace/BankSystem/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.lily.project.AppTest.xml -> [Help 1]
I tried to update the pom.xml file by adding dependencies about
<!-- -->
and I also attached java JDK version on the plugin:
Can I get any hints to debug it?
This is not a Maven problem. Please remove the unnecessary dependencies you added.
Instead, the file cannot be deleted. It might be used by another program that is still running or the user in Jenkins might not have the rights to do it.

Installing a file to a Maven repo on the fly

I'm running Maven 3.0.3. I have a JAR that is not part of any online repository. I keep it in lib/quickbase.jar of my project. Ideally, when building to a project, I would like to have this automatically installed to the local repo without having to run a "mvn install:install-file" first. I found this and included it in my pom.xml ...
The dependency in my pom is
However, running Maven results in
mvn clean test
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project didoclient: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.mainco.myco:didoclient:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: The following artifacts could not be resolved: quickbase:quickbase:jar:1.0,
Is it possible to have this dependency installed on the fly and if so, how can I adjust the above?
THe best solution is to install this file only once into your local repository (command line mvn install:install-file) but the best solution is to put this into a repository manager and afterwards you can use as a usual dependency.
You could try to change the lifecycle-phase for the install plugin may be generate-sources or earlier like initialize but i assume that this won't work either.

Maven and adding JARs to system scope

I have a JAR in my Android project and I want it to be added to final APK.
Okay, here I go:
But when I am running mvn package I am getting a warning:
[WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for **apk:1.0
[WARNING] 'dependencies.dependency.systemPath' for should not point at files within the project directory, ${project.basedir}/libs/android-async-http-1.3.2.jar will be unresolvable by dependent projects # line 36, column 25
And in the final APK there are no JARs.
How do I fix that?
I don't know the real reason but Maven pushes developers to install all libraries (custom too) into some maven repositories, so scope:system is not well liked, A simple workaround is to use maven-install-plugin
follow the usage:
write your dependency in this way
then, add maven-install-plugin
pay attention to phase:clean, to install your custom library into your repository, you have to run mvn clean and then mvn install
You will need to add the jar to your local maven repository. Alternatively (better option) specify the proper repository (if one exists) so it can be automatically downloaded by maven
In either case, remove the <systemPath> tag from the dependency
Try this.
System scope was only designed to deal with 'system' files; files sitting in some fixed location. Files in /usr/lib, or ${java.home} (e.g. tools.jar). It wasn't designed to support miscellaneous .jar files in your project.
The authors intentionally refused to make the pathname expansions work right for that to discourage you. As a result, in the short term you can use install:install-file to install into the local repo, and then some day use a repo manager to share.
Try this configuration. It worked for me:
Use a repository manager and install this kind of jars into it. That solves your problems at all and for all computers in your network.
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.paic.maven -DartifactId=tplconfig-maven-plugin -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=tplconfig-maven-plugin-1.0.jar -DgeneratePom=true
Install the jar to local repository.
Thanks to Ging3r i got solution:
follow these steps:
don't use in dependency tag. Use following in dependencies tag in pom.xml file::
use following code in plugins tag in pom.xml file:
I am including 3 jars from lib folder:
Finally, use mvn clean and then mvn install or 'mvn clean install' and just run jar file from target folder or the path where install(see mvn install log):
java -jar abc.jar
note: Remember one thing if you are working at jenkins then first use mvn clean and then mvn clean install command work for you because with previous code mvn clean install command store cache for dependency.
Following this thread I was able to configure the install plugin to load my custom jar, but the plugin was not seeing my configuration when running a mvn install
I'm using the base maven-install-plugin:2.5.2 using the maven:3.6.3-jdk-8 docker image.
I don't fully understand this note in the documentation (at the end of the section), but it seems that you can give the phase goal an execution id forcing it to use your configuration:
Note: Configurations inside the element used to differ from those that are outside in that they could not be used from a direct command line invocation because they were only applied when the lifecycle phase they were bound to was invoked. So you had to move a configuration section outside of the executions section to apply it globally to all invocations of the plugin. Since Maven 3.3.1 this is not the case anymore as you can specify on the command line the execution id for direct plugin goal invocation. Hence if you want to run the above plugin and it's specific execution1's configuration from the command-line, you can execute:
mvn myqyeryplugin:queryMojo#execution1
My final working docker command:
docker run -it --rm --name parser -v "$(shell pwd)":/usr/src/parser -w /usr/src/parser maven:3.6.3-jdk-8 mvn -X install:install-file#install-my-jar-file
Where install-my-jar-file is my executions id <execution><id>install-my-jar-file</id>...

maven plugin ignored from local pom plugins

I am new to maven, and cannot figure it out.
I have this configuration for the plugin in my pom.xml file, but it looks like mvn does not use my configuration.
I am getting the same error when I comment out this plugin. There are old discussions on the blogs that maven was ignoring configurations inside the execution. Is it still an issue ? How can I make maven to read my plugin declarations instead of something else? What does it run when my dependency is commented out?
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install- plugin:2.3.1:install-file (default-cli) on project core: The parameters 'file' for goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install-file are missing or invalid -> [Help 1]
From the error message and the information above, one possibility is that you are running mvn install:install-file on your project. Run mvn install instead.
