How to postpone a keyup ajax request until h:inputText length is reached - ajax

Is there a way to postpone a keyup ajax request until a h:inputText value has reached a defined length?
I would like to reach the following goal:
a textInput field has to be filled with a combined date and time value. The expected format is: ddMMHHmm
Once the value reaches the length of 8 characters a new event object has to be added to an data list and should be displayed for confirmation immediately.
To confirm to add the new event the user simply presses enter inside this textInput field.
I don't know if there are different capabilities than using the ajax keyUp event to validate the input wihtout any further user interaction?
Here you see an very shortened example of my idea:
public class EventController {
private Date selectedDate; // +getter/+setter
private MyEvent event;
private List<MyEvent> events; // ArrayList<MyEvent>(), +getter
private void init() {
// load current events from DAO
public void validateInput() {
event = new MyEvent(selectedDate);
public void confirmEvent() {
And the view:
<!-- pseudo code on !!! -->
executeCondition="<lengthOfInputField equals 8>"
<!-- pseudo code off !!! -->
<h:commandButton ... actionListener="#{eventController.confirmEvent}" />
<h:panelGroup id="eventData">
<h:dataTable var="..." value="#{}">
// display event properties
The ComfortableDateTimeInputConverter extracts the date an time parts of the input string and returns an date object.
I am using
primefaces 5.2
mojarra 2.2.8
Edit 1
As suggested by BalusC I modified my h:inputText, but nothing seems to happen. This is my original code exept the controller name. I've added a logging message inside eventController.validateNewEvent, but it seems not to be executed. Did I miss something?
readonly="#{empty eventController.selectedPerson}"
onkeyup="return value.length >= 8"
render="selectedDate txtDate listEvents" />
Also I tried to render="#all" at the ajax element, but still nothing happens. If i use event="blur" and leave the input with TAB it works like a charme ...
Edit 2 (resolved)
onkeyup="return value.length >= 8"
onkeyup="return this.value.length >= 8"
and it works. See answer of BalusC ...

Just return false from onkeyup as long as value.length hasn't reached the desired value.
<h:inputText ... onkeyup="return this.value.length >= 8">
<f:ajax event="keyup" ... />


How can I check if multiple checkboxes are checked with JSF / AjaxBehaviorEvent

I have multiple checkboxes - they are given the same id, "choosen" in the xhtml view code.
I have added an Ajax event listener for them, like so:
<ui:repeat var="posts"
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="choosen"
value="#{posts.choosen}" rendered="#{posts.declined =='No'}">
<f:ajax listener="#{postsBacking.isPostsChosen}" event="click" render="#form" execute="#form"/>
In the listener method in my backingBean, I would like to check if any of these checkboxes are checked, and then set a button disabled if no checkboxes are marked - and enabled if one or more is set.
But how do I get hold of the values of all checkboxes - can I use the AjaxBehaviorEvent objet for that or is there some other way?
While processing the ajax event listener, the checkbox values should normally have been applied to your data model where you can look up the state of user choice. Depending on that state, simply toggle a boolean bean property which disables the command button:
public class MyBean implements Serializable {
private List<Post> posts;
private boolean buttonDisabled = true;
public void ajaxEventListener(BehaviorEvent e) {
boolean anythingChosen = false;
for (Post post : posts) {
if (post.isChosen() && "No".equals(post.getDeclined())) {
anythingChosen = true;
// or alternatively using the stream api:
// anythingChosen =
// .anyMatch("No"::equals);
// getters, setters ...
Using the following form, the command button is disabled as long as no checkbox is checked:
<ui:repeat var="post" value="#{myBean.posts}">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{post.chosen}">
<f:ajax event="click" listener="#{myBean.ajaxEventListener}" render="#form" execute="#form"/>
<h:commandButton action="#{myBean.doSomething()}" value="doSomething"
disabled="#{myBean.buttonDisabled}" />
You can use valueChangeListener rather than using listener and event attributes. The valueChangeListener will be triggered every time you check/uncheck the checkbox.
To get hold of the values when thevalueChangeListener is invoked, you can loop through the postBacking.postsOverview.posts to see if any value is checked.
Don't forget to update the button on <f:ajax render="#form btnId"/> to enable/ disable it.

selectOneMenu ajax events

I am using an editable primefaces selectOneMenu to display some values. If the user selects an item from the List a textarea should be updated. However, if the user types something in the selectOneMenu, the textarea should not be updated.
I thought I could work this with ajax event out. However, I don't know which event I can use here. I only know the valueChange event. Are there any other events, like onSelect or onKeyUp?
Here is my code:
<p:selectOneMenu id="betreff" style="width: 470px !important;"
editable="true" value="#{post.aktNachricht.subject}">
<p:ajax event="valueChange" update="msgtext"
listener="#{post.subjectSelectionChanged}" />
<f:selectItems value="#{post.subjectList}" />
<p:inputTextarea style="width:550px;" rows="15" id="msgtext"
value="#{post.aktNachricht.text}" />
The PrimeFaces ajax events sometimes are very poorly documented, so in most cases you must go to the source code and check yourself.
p:selectOneMenu supports change event:
<p:selectOneMenu ..>
<p:ajax event="change" update="msgtext"
listener="#{post.subjectSelectionChanged}" />
which triggers listener with AjaxBehaviorEvent as argument in signature:
public void subjectSelectionChanged(final AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {...}
I'd rather use more convenient itemSelect event. With this event you can use org.primefaces.event.SelectEvent objects in your listener.
<p:selectOneMenu ...>
<p:ajax event="itemSelect"
With such listener:
public void onItemSelectedListener(SelectEvent event){
MyItem selectedItem = (MyItem) event.getObject();
//do something with selected value
Be carefull that the page does not contain any empty component which has "required" attribute as "true" before your selectOneMenu component running.
If you use a component such as
<p:inputText label="Nm:" id="id_name" value="#{}" required="true"/>
<p:selectOneMenu .....></p:selectOneMenu>
and forget to fill the required component, ajax listener of selectoneMenu cannot be executed.
You could check whether the value of your selectOneMenu component belongs to the list of subjects.
public void subjectSelectionChanged() {
// Cancel if subject is manually written
if (!subjectList.contains(aktNachricht.subject)) { return; }
// Write your code here in case the user selected (or wrote) an item of the list
// ....
Supposedly subjectList is a collection type, like ArrayList. Of course here your code will run in case the user writes an item of your selectOneMenu list.

Validate input as required only if certain command button is pressed

I have specific use case for JSF validation. For example I have an inputText field:
<p:inputText id="input" required="#{myBean.required}" value="#{myBean.value}" maxlength="20" disabled="#{myBean.disabled}">
<p:ajax event="blur" process="#this" update="name" listener="#{myBean.listener}"/>
Value of input is number (in some cases it can also be a string, because this is part of composite component, but problem is better described if we assume this is a number). This input is part of the form, at the end of form I have submit button:
<p:commandButton value="Save" actionListener="#{}"/>
What are my requests:
When submit button is pressed all validation should be processed and this is OK, this works fine.
When blur event is fired on input field if field is not empty a number validation should be processed, and this is also OK. At the end I update field with id name with some value.
Now I have a problem. My third request is when input is empty validation on input should not be processed. This is special case in which I will clear field with id name. This is also case when i remove text which is already entered in input, remove focus from component (press TAB for example) and in that case AJAX request should also be processed and name input will also be cleared.
How I can disable validation of this input field in case when it is empty, and just for this ajax event?
Let the input's required attribute check if the save button is pressed or not (which can be identified by the presence of its client ID in the request parameter map).
<p:inputText ... required="#{not empty param[save.clientId] and myBean.required}" />
<p:commandButton binding="#{save}" ... />
(note: do not bind it to a bean property! the code is as-is)
This way it would only evaluate true when the save button is actually pressed.
Or, if you have problems with binding and/or don't have a problem hardcoding the button's client ID:
<h:form id="formId">
<p:inputText ... required="#{not empty param['formId:buttonId'] and myBean.required}" />
<p:commandButton id="buttonId" ... />
Just remove the required attribute as you accept the input if the input is empty. Then write a custom validator which accepts only empty input or numerical input.
<p:inputText id="input" value="#{myBean.value}" maxlength="20" disabled="#{myBean.disabled}" validator="customerNumericInputValidator"> <p:ajax event="blur" process="#this" update="name" listener="#{myBean.listener}"/> </p:inputText>
public class customerNumericInputValidator implements Validator {
public void validate(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uIComponent,
Object object) throws ValidatorException {
String number = (String) object;
number = Strings.nullToEmpty(number).trim();
//if the request is a full request then number can not be empty
if(!FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().isPostback() && Strings.isNullOrEmpty(number))
FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage();
message.setSummary(Messages.getMessage("error empty value"));
throw new ValidatorException(message);
FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage();
message.setSummary(Messages.getMessage("error not numerical value"));
throw new ValidatorException(message);

Updating a checkbox from a radio button

I am trying to add ajax behavior to selectoneradio with this code:
<h:selectOneRadio id="metalA" converter="metalConverter" value="#{backingBean.metal.metalCode">
<f:selectItems value="#{backingBean.metalCodeRadio}" />
<f:ajax listener="#{backingBean.updateMenu}" event="click" execute="metalA" render="metalTypeMenuA"/>
<p:outputPanel id="panelA">
<h:selectOneMenu id="metalTypeMenuA" converter="metalConverter" value="#{backingBean.order.metal}" rendered="#{teklifIslemleriBean.selectedITip == 1}">
<f:selectItems value="#{backingBean.metalDetailsMenu}" />
backing bean:
MetalCode selectedMK = null;
public void updateMenu(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
System.out.println("Entered to updateMenu method");
if (metal.getMetalKod()!= null) {
electedMK = aMetal.getMetalCode();
if (selectedMK != null) {
// metalTypeMenuA Combobox
List<Metal> metalList = aService.getAccToMetalCode(null, selectedMK);
System.out.println("MetalList:" + metalList.size());
for (Metal m : metalList) {
metalTypeMenuA.add(new SelectItem(m, "No:" + m.getMetalNo() + " ,Weight: " + m.getWeight();
However it does not even enter to the updateMenu method. instead of click I tried select, change, etc. I also tried to put a wrapper panel and update it instead of checkbox, still no good. What is wrong with above code? Is updating a checkbox with a change in radiobutton doable? Thanks in advance.
JSF 2.0 Primefaces 2.2.1
I added following
<h:message for="metalA" id="messaged"/>
<f:ajax listener="#{backingBean.updateMenu}" event="click" execute="metalKoduA" execute="metalA" render="messaged orderPG2"/>
orderPG2 is a wrapper around checkbox. But still I can get any error message in h:message or any ajax behavior is happening.
The render attribute of <f:ajax> should not point to a component which is by itself conditionally server-side rendered by rendered attribtue. Let it point to the closest parent which is always rendered instead.
<f:ajax listener="#{backingBean.updateMenu}" render="panelA" />
(note that I removed event="click" and execute="metalA" as those are the defaults already)
If that still doesn't work, then you'd need to read the server logs for any missing faces messages. Big change that you'll see a Validation Error: "Value is not valid" or perhaps a conversion error. To prevent those messages from being missed during ajax rendering, ensure that you're using <h:message> and/or <h:messages> the right way and that you also include them in the render of the <f:ajax>.
<h:selectOneRadio id="metalA" ...>
<f:ajax ... render="metalAmessage panelA" />
<h:message id="metalAmessage" for="metalA" />

h:inputText inside ui:repeater displays wrong value after an ajax update

I've got a JSF page with a ui:repeater tag that simply displays a list of strings and some controls to add a string to a list. When adding a string I use ajax to update the repeater tag and have the new string be shown immediately without the page refresh. Here's how my page looks like:
<p:inputText id="name" value="#{testController.newString}"/>
<p:commandButton value="Add" actionListener="#{testController.addString}" update="strings" />
<h:panelGroup id="strings">
<ui:repeat var="str" value="#{stringModel.strings}" varStatus="stringData">
<h:outputText value="#{str}" />
<h:inputText value="#{str}" />
Everything works except the inputText component. After ui-repeater is updated with Ajax is still displays the text from the previous string. For example, assume that initially i have a list with 2 strings, "val1" and "val2". I enter a new string called "val3" and submit the form. List is updated correctly on the server side and the repeater is updated, it now has 3 elements. However, while the h:outputText in the newly added element will correctly show "val3", the inputText will be displayed with "val2" as a value. So i end up with something looking like this:
output tag input tag
val1 val1
val2 val2
val3 val2 (???)
The backing beans are very simple:
A view scoped model bean
public class StringModel {
private List<String> strings = Lists.newArrayList("Value 1");
public List<String> getStrings() {
return strings;
public void setStrings(List<String> strings) {
this.strings = strings;
And a request scoped controller bean:
public class TestController {
private String newString;
#Autowired private StringModel model;
public void addString() {
public String getNewString() {
return newString;
public void setNewString(String newString) {
this.newString = newString;
I did some testing and this actually works the same way for any input component, be that textInput, textArea, etc. Any help would be highly appreciated.
I can't tell in detail exactly why it displays the wrong value after update (it'll be that the internal loop index of <ui:repeat> is broken — try a newer Mojarra version), but just referencing the string item by index from varStatus works. It'll also immediately fix the future problem of being unable to submit the edited string value when you put this list in a form, because the String class is immutable and doesn't have a setter.
<ui:repeat value="#{stringModel.strings}" var="str" varStatus="loop">
<h:outputText value="#{str}" />
<h:inputText value="#{stringModel.strings[loop.index]}" />
EditableValueHolders inside ui:repeat are broken (by design) in the current version o JSF specs. It will not work, there is no way to fix it. Maybe new versions will make ui:repeat a proper component with support for saving states of its children. Maybe not.
If you change ui:repeat to h:dataTable, things should work (if not, then your problem is somewhere else and I was wrong).
Frankly, there is no workaround apart from using repeaters from some other libraries - you should find working repeaters in Tomahawk, Trinidad and many other places. Primefaces, AFAIR, does not have a pure repeater.
I also had exactly the same problem before. I solved it by putting the inputText in a form. I also copied your codes and put the h:inputText inside a h:form and it worked as well.
<ui:repeat value="#{stringModel.strings}" var="str" varStatus="loop">
<h:outputText value="#{str}" />
<h:inputText value="#{str}" />
