Rearrange Variables in an equation with Ruby - ruby

(To begin with, I am a beginner in Ruby.)
I want to rearrange variables in a linear equation (there may be 2 or more variables).
I have an equation
a + 2*b - 1 = 0
I would like Ruby to give me
a = 1 - 2*b
Or alternatively
b = (1-a)/2
Is there a way to do this in Ruby ? (It is possible in Matlab, which, in my case, seems overkill...)
Thanks in advance

Try the symbolic gem.
It should provide you with the tools you need.


Sparse matrix to speed up octave

I have a loop where "i" depends on "i-1" value, so I cannot vectorize it.
I've read that I can use a sparse matrix in order to vectorize it and so to speed up my code, but I don't understand how this work.
Any help?
You are referring to this technique, as referenced from this (rather old) how to speed up octave article.
I'll rephrase the gist here in case the link dies in the future.
Suppose you have the following loop:
p1(1) = 0;
for i = 2 : N
t = t + dt;
p1(i) = p1(i - 1) + dt * 2 * t;
You note here that, purely from a mathematical point of view, the last step in the loop could be rephrased as:
-1 * p1(i - 1) + 1 * p1(i) = dt * 2 * t
This makes it possible to recast the problem as a sparse matrix solve, by thinking of p1 as the vector of unknowns, and each iteration of the loop as a row in a (sparse) system of equations. E.g.:
Given that t is a known vector, this makes the above a straightforward problem that can be solved via a simple matrix division operation, which is guaranteed to be fast.
Having said that, presumably this 'trick' is only useful if you are able to recast the problem in this manner in the first place. Presumably this will only be the case for linear problems of your unknown. I don't think this can necessarily be used for more complicated loops.
Also, as Cris has mentioned in the comments, if this method does not work for you, there's a chance you can optimize your loop in other ways (or even that the loop solution may not necessarily be slow in the first place).
By the way, in theory, Octave provides jit-speedup like matlab does, though unlike matlab you need to enable it explicitly (in the sense that you need to compile your octave with jit options, which tends not to be the default), and my personal experience is that this is mostly experimental and may not do much except in the simplest of loops (see this post).

How does one do Algebra in Lua?

I've looked and tried but i cant find anything really helpful so thank you in advance.
My problem is i have a changing variable, "balance" for the moment i have it represented as 200. I need to use this equation to find how much money i should withdraw in a game, but I don't know how to write a LUA script that solves algebra
The equation is: 200/(x+x^2+x^3+x^4+x^5)=0.00001001 how would i set about solving for x?
I have tried adding .0000001 if 200/(x+x^2+x^3+x^4+x^5) doesn't equal 0.00001001 but it is very impractical and I haven't gotten it to work. This is The only way I can come up with at the moment. Any help would be appreciated.
This solution finds zero of any continuous function (not only algebraical and not only differentiable) and requires knowing the diapazone of the root to be found.
local function find_zero(f, x_left, x_right, eps)
eps = eps or 0.0000000001 -- precision
local f_left, f_right = f(x_left), f(x_right)
assert(x_left <= x_right and f_left * f_right <= 0, "Wrong diapazone")
while x_right - x_left > eps do
local x_middle = (x_left + x_right) / 2
local f_middle = f(x_middle)
if f_middle * f_left > 0 then
x_left, f_left = x_middle, f_middle
x_right, f_right = x_middle, f_middle
return (x_left + x_right) / 2
local function my_func(x)
return 200/(x+x^2+x^3+x^4+x^5) - 0.00001001
-- Assuming that the root is between 1 and 1000
local x = find_zero(my_func, 1.0, 1000.0)
print(x) --> 28.643931367544
200/(x+x^2+x^3+x^4+x^5)=0.00001001 is equivalent to 200 = 0.00001001 * (x+x^2+x^3+x^4+x^5), so you have a polynomial equation to solve, and traditionally it is this form of the equation that people like to deal with.
If you want to stay in Lua, then if the form of the equation is predictable enough that you can find a place where the right side is always less than the left (e.g. x = 0) and a place where the right sight is always greater than the left (e.g. very large values of x) then you can use binary search - not terribly efficient, but certain and easy to code.
For general polynomial equations, one well known method is's_method. Given f(x) = 0 and a guess for x, a better guess might be x - f(x) / f'(x), where f'(x) is the derivative of f(x). There are a few pathological cases where this fails for various reasons, though, so again you probably want to know that your equations is reliably tractable.
Since you have Lua, you may be able to bring in C code that calls out to a maths library such as They have a routine called LaguerreSolver() which will reasonably reliably solve polynomial equations for you, defending itself against all of the pathological cases. Most math libraries contain a lot more work than any single person is likely to put in for an individual problem, and are of correspondingly higher quality than do it yourself approach such as I describe above.

Algorithm design manual solution to 1-8

I'm currently reading through The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven S. Skiena. Some of the concepts in the book I haven't used in almost 7 years. Even while I was in college it was difficult for me to understand how some of my classmates came up with some of these proofs. Now, I'm completely stuck on one of the exercises. Please help.
Will you please answer this question and explain how you came up with what to use for your Base case and why each step proves why it is valid and correct. I know this might be asking a lot, but I really need help understanding how to do these.
Thank you in advance!
Proofs of Correctness
1-8. Proove the correctness of the following algorithm for evaluating a polynomial.
$$P(x) = a_nx_n+a_n−1x_n−1+⋯+a_1x+a_0$$
&function horner(A,x)
for i from n−1 to 0
return p$
btw, off topic: Sorry guys, I'm not sure how to correctly add the mathematical formatting for the formula. I tried by addign '$' around each section. Not sure why that isn't working. is probably better for this. Also I'm pretty sure that $$ formatting only works on some StackExchange sites. But anyways, think about what this algorithm is doing at each step.
We start with p = A_n.
Then we take p = p*x + A_{n-1}. So what is this doing? We now have p = x*A_n + A_{n-1}.
I'll try one more step. p = p*x + A_{n-2} so now p = (x^2)*A_n + x*A_{n-1} + A{n-2} (here x^2 means x to the power 2, of course).
You should be able to take it from here.

OCaml: order of input two values

In functional language order of evaluation function arguments should have no sense.
However, even simplest programs could be not quite-functional. Here the code reads two integers and raises one into the power of other:
let pwr x y =
let rec pwrx = function 0 -> 1 | y -> x * pwrx (y - 1)
in pwrx y;;
print_int (pwr (read_int ()) (read_int ()));;
The code, obviously, reads the second argument first: if 5 and 4 are entered, result is 1024.
I suppose problem is in mishandling the language and lack of understanding its ideology. How should I wrote such things properly? Should I read two values in separate lines before calling function?
let x = read_int();;
let y = read_int();;
print_int (pwr x y);;
It works but looks like bit overhead - isn't it?
The problem is not the lack of functional aspect of the language, but the fact that a feature like read_line is not functional per se since it relies on an external input from stdin.
You should use local declarations like you did (and it's even pointed out here on official documentation). There's no real overhead since they're just declarations.
If you want this to be part of a single function and use purely local variables the code would be:
let x = read_int() in
let y = read_int() in
print_int (pwr x y)
Generally, speaking, if you want to enforce a particular order, you should use let statements to do it. It's slightly less pretty looking, but not everything can look elegant all the time, especially input and output in functional programming.

Iterative solving for unknowns in a fluids problem

I am a Mechanical engineer with a computer scientist question. This is an example of what the equations I'm working with are like:
x = √((y-z)×2/r)
z = f×(L/D)×(x/2g)
f = something crazy with x in it
etc…(there are more equations with x in it)
The situation is this:
I need r to find x, but I need x to find z. I also need x to find f which is a part of finding z. So I guess a value for x, and then I use that value to find r and f. Then I go back and use the value I found for r and f to find x. I keep doing this until the guess and the calculated are the same.
My question is:
How do I get the computer to do this? I've been using mathcad, but an example in another language like C++ is fine.
The very first thing you should do faced with iterative algorithms is write down on paper the sequence that will result from your idea:
x_0 = ..., f_0 = ..., r_0 = ...
x_1 = ..., f_1 = ..., r_1 = ...
x_n = ..., f_n = ..., r_n = ...
Now, you have an idea of what you should implement (even if you don't know how). If you don't manage to find a closed form expression for one of the x_i, r_i or whatever_i, you will need to solve one dimensional equations numerically. This will imply more work.
Now, for the implementation part, if you never wrote a program, you should seriously ask someone live who can help you (or hire an intern and have him write the code). We cannot help you beginning from scratch with, eg. C programming, but we are willing to help you with specific problems which should arise when you write the program.
Please note that your algorithm is not guaranteed to converge, even if you strongly think there is a unique solution. Solving non linear equations is a difficult subject.
It appears that mathcad has many abstractions for iterative algorithms without the need to actually implement them directly using a "lower level" language. Perhaps this question is better suited for the mathcad forums at:
If you are using Mathcad, it has the functionality built in. It is called solve block.
Start with the keyword "given"
define the guess values for all unknowns
define your constraints
x = √((y-z)×2/r)
z = f×(L/D)×(x/2g)
f = something crazy with x in it
etc…(there are more equations with x in it)
calculate the solution
find(x, y, z, r, ...)=
Check Mathcad help or Quicksheets for examples of the exact syntax.
The simple answer to your question is this pseudo-code:
X = startingX;
lastF = Infinity;
F = 0;
tolerance = 1e-10;
while ((lastF - F)^2 > tolerance)
lastF = F;
X = ?;
R = ?;
F = FunctionOf(X,R);
This may not do what you expect at all. It may give a valid but nonsense answer or it may loop endlessly between alternate wrong answers.
This is standard substitution to convergence. There are more advanced techniques like DIIS but I'm not sure you want to go there. I found this article while figuring out if I want to go there.
In general, it really pays to think about how you can transform your problem into an easier problem.
In my experience it is better to pose your problem as a univariate bounded root-finding problem and use Brent's Method if you can
Next worst option is multivariate minimization with something like BFGS.
Iterative solutions are horrible, but are more easily solved once you think of them as X2 = f(X1) where X is the input vector and you're trying to reduce the difference between X1 and X2.
As the commenters have noted, the mathematical aspects of your question are beyond the scope of the help you can expect here, and are even beyond the help you could be offered based on the detail you posted.
However, I think that even if you understood the mathematics thoroughly there are computer science aspects to your question that should be addressed.
When you write your code, try to make organize it into functions that depend only upon the parameters you are passing in to a subroutine. So write a subroutine that takes in values for y, z, and r and returns you x. Make another that takes in f,L,D,G and returns z. Now you have testable routines that you can check to make sure they are computing correctly. Check the input values to your routines in the routines - for instance in computing x you will get a divide by 0 error if you pass in a 0 for r. Think about how you want to handle this.
If you are going to solve this problem interatively you will need a method that will decide, based on the results of one iteration, what the values for the next iteration will be. This also should be encapsulated within a subroutine. Now if you are using a language that allows only one value to be returned from a subroutine (which is most common computation languages C, C++, Java, C#) you need to package up all your variables into some kind of data structure to return them. You could use an array of reals or doubles, but it would be nicer to choose to make an object and then you can reference the variables by their name and not their position (less chance of error).
Another aspect of iteration is knowing when to stop. Certainly you'll do so when you get a solution that converges. Make this decision into another subroutine. Now when you need to change the convergence criteria there is only one place in the code to go to. But you need to consider other reasons for stopping - what do you do if your solution starts diverging instead of converging? How many iterations will you allow the run to go before giving up?
Another aspect of iteration of a computer is round-off error. Mathematically 10^40/10^38 is 100. Mathematically 10^20 + 1 > 10^20. These statements are not true in most computations. Your calculations may need to take this into account or you will end up with numbers that are garbage. This is an example of a cross-cutting concern that does not lend itself to encapsulation in a subroutine.
I would suggest that you go look at the Python language, and the extensions. There are people in the associated forums that would be a good resource for helping you learn how to do iterative solving of a system of equations.
