Firefly algorithm: How to understand the movement formula - algorithm

The standard move formula for the firefly algorithm looks like this:
x_i^{t+1} = x_i^t + \beta_0 e^{-\gamma {r_{i,j}^2}}(x_j^t - x_i^t) + \alpha \epsilon_i^t
While I understand the idea of the algorithm and also what the single components of the formula are supposed to do, i have trouble transforming the formula into a working implementation.
To be specific:
1) beta0 should be the "attractiveness at the source", so when moving firefly i towards firefly j, a higher beta0 means moving ffi farther towards ffj.
But when performing minimization, higher fitness values indicate a worse solution, thus ffi should move less towards ffj.
So I guess, beta0 should be a value from 0 to 1, closer to 1 for better solutions. So how do I map minimization fitness values (including negative fitness values) to a 0-1 scale?
2) Does every firefly move towards every other firefly, or does every firefly only move towards the brightest one it sees? Most papers suggest two nested loops over all population members, but this also implies moving towards worse solutions (of course, beta0 could minimize the movement toward such bad solutions)
3) If you move every firefly towards every other firefly, do you add the random value every time, or only once per firefly and iteration?
Basically, i want the following snippet of code to do the movement:
void MoveFireFlies(double alpha, double gamma, double*** rand, double** NewPopulation, double** Population, double* Fitness, int populationSize, int dimensions)
int i;
int j;
for(j=0; j<populationSize; j++)
double beta0 = 1.0;
double distance = [...] //euclidian distance between ffi and ffj
double factor = exp(-gamma * distance * distance);
int d;
NewPopulation[i][d] = Population[i][d] + beta0 * factor * (Population[j][d] - Population[i][d]) + alpha * rand[i][j][d];
where rand contains random values in the range (-0.5,0.5), and Population contains the solutions of the previous iteration. The Fitness values are provided but currently not used anywhere. Of course, this codesnippet does not perform any kind of viable optimization at the moment.
Any help is greatly appreciated, I am working on this for quite some time and start to despair.
a paper concerning the firefly algorithm:
Firefly Algorithm: Recent Advances and Applications

First, there is difference between light intensity (brightness) and attractiveness. Light intensity is calculated with objective function. If the problem is about founding maximum global optimum, then you have to make light intensity directly proportional to objective function's value. Otherwise, light intensity must be inversly proportional to objective function's value.
On the other hand, attractiveness is not related to fitness value. Beta0 is not considired as fitness, Beta0 is a parameter that must be defined at the beginning as well as Alpha and Gamma parameters.
In case you have a minimization problem and you consider that objective function as a fitness value, then the firefly with higher fitness value will attract to less one.
Yes, every firefly moves towards every other firefly, but when you get a new solution, you have to perform a greedy selection between old and new one and keep only the best among them.
Yes, you have to generate a new random value everytime.


Nearest Neighbors in CUDA Particles

Edit 2: Please take a look at this crosspost for TLDR.
Edit: Given that the particles are segmented into grid cells (say 16^3 grid), is it a better idea to let run one work-group for each grid cell and as many work-items in one work-group as there can be maximal number of particles per grid cell?
In that case I could load all particles from neighboring cells into local memory and iterate through them computing some properties. Then I could write specific value into each particle in the current grid cell.
Would this approach be beneficial over running the kernel for all particles and for each iterating over (most of the time the same) neighbors?
Also, what is the ideal ratio of number of particles/number of grid cells?
I'm trying to reimplement (and modify) CUDA Particles for OpenCL and use it to query nearest neighbors for every particle. I've created the following structures:
Buffer P holding all particles' 3D positions (float3)
Buffer Sp storing int2 pairs of particle ids and their spatial hashes. Sp is sorted according to the hash. (The hash is just a simple linear mapping from 3D to 1D – no Z-indexing yet.)
Buffer L storing int2 pairs of starting and ending positions of particular spatial hashes in buffer Sp. Example: L[12] = (int2)(0, 50).
L[12].x is the index (in Sp) of the first particle with spatial hash 12.
L[12].y is the index (in Sp) of the last particle with spatial hash 12.
Now that I have all these buffers, I want to iterate through all the particles in P and for each particle iterate through its nearest neighbors. Currently I have a kernel that looks like this (pseudocode):
__kernel process_particles(float3* P, int2* Sp, int2* L, int* Out) {
size_t gid = get_global_id(0);
float3 curr_particle = P[gid];
int processed_value = 0;
for(int x=-1; x<=1; x++)
for(int y=-1; y<=1; y++)
for(int z=-1; z<=1; z++) {
float3 neigh_position = curr_particle + (float3)(x,y,z)*GRID_CELL_SIDE;
// ugly boundary checking
if ( dot(neigh_position<0, (float3)(1)) +
dot(neigh_position>BOUNDARY, (float3)(1)) != 0)
int neigh_hash = spatial_hash( neigh_position );
int2 particles_range = L[ neigh_hash ];
for(int p=particles_range.x; p<particles_range.y; p++)
processed_value += heavy_computation( P[ Sp[p].y ] );
Out[gid] = processed_value;
The problem with that code is that it's slow. I suspect the nonlinear GPU memory access (particulary P[Sp[p].y] in the inner-most for loop) to be causing the slowness.
What I want to do is to use Z-order curve as the spatial hash. That way I could have only 1 for loop iterating through a continuous range of memory when querying neighbors. The only problem is that I don't know what should be the start and stop Z-index values.
The holy grail I want to achieve:
__kernel process_particles(float3* P, int2* Sp, int2* L, int* Out) {
size_t gid = get_global_id(0);
float3 curr_particle = P[gid];
int processed_value = 0;
// How to accomplish this??
// `get_neighbors_range()` returns start and end Z-index values
// representing the start and end near neighbors cells range
int2 nearest_neighboring_cells_range = get_neighbors_range(curr_particle);
int first_particle_id = L[ nearest_neighboring_cells_range.x ].x;
int last_particle_id = L[ nearest_neighboring_cells_range.y ].y;
for(int p=first_particle_id; p<=last_particle_id; p++) {
processed_value += heavy_computation( P[ Sp[p].y ] );
Out[gid] = processed_value;
You should study the Morton Code algorithms closely. Ericsons Real time collision detection explains that very well.
Ericson - Real time Collision detection
Here is another nice explanation including some tests:
Morton encoding/decoding through bit interleaving: Implementations
Z-Order algorithms only defines the paths of the coordinates in which you can hash from 2 or 3D coordinates to just an integer. Although the algorithm goes deeper for every iteration you have to set the limits yourself. Usually the stop index is denoted by a sentinel. Letting the sentinel stop will tell you at which level the particle is placed. So the maximum level you want to define will tell you the number of cells per dimension. For example with maximum level at 6 you have 2^6 = 64. You will have 64x64x64 cells in your system (3D). That also means that you have to use integer based coordinates. If you use floats you have to convert like coord.x = 64*float_x and so on.
If you know how many cells you have in your system you can define your limits. Are you trying to use a binary octree?
Since particles are in motion (in that CUDA example) you should try to parallelize over the number of particles instead of cells.
If you want to build lists of nearest neighbours you have to map the particles to cells. This is done through a table that is sorted afterwards by cells to particles. Still you should iterate through the particles and access its neighbours.
About your code:
The problem with that code is that it's slow. I suspect the nonlinear GPU memory access (particulary P[Sp[p].y] in the inner-most for loop) to be causing the slowness.
Remember Donald Knuth. You should measure where the bottle neck is. You can use NVCC Profiler and look for bottleneck. Not sure what OpenCL has as profiler.
// ugly boundary checking
if ( dot(neigh_position<0, (float3)(1)) +
dot(neigh_position>BOUNDARY, (float3)(1)) != 0)
I think you should not branch it that way, how about returning zero when you call heavy_computation. Not sure, but maybe you have sort of a branch prediction here. Try to remove that somehow.
Running parallel over the cells is a good idea only if you have no write accesses to the particle data, otherwise you will have to use atomics. If you go over the particle range instead you read accesses to the cells and neighbours but you create your sum in parallel and you are not forced to some race condiction paradigm.
Also, what is the ideal ratio of number of particles/number of grid cells?
Really depends on your algorithms and the particle packing within your domain, but in your case I would define the cell size equivalent to the particle diameter and just use the number of cells you get.
So if you want to use Z-order and achieve your holy grail, try to use integer coordinates and hash them.
Also try to use larger amounts of particles. About 65000 particles like CUDA examples uses you should consider because that way the parallelisation is mostly efficient; the running processing units are exploited (fewer idles threads).

Intersection of axis-aligned rectangular cuboids (MBR) in one dimension

Currently I'm doing benchmarks on time series indexing algorithms. Since most of the time no reference implementations are available, I have to write my own implementations (all in Java). At the moment I am stuck a little at section 6.2 of a paper called Indexing multi-dimensional time-series with support for multiple distance measures available here in PDF :
A MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) is basically a rectanglular cubiod with some coordinates and directions. As an example P and Q are two MBRs with P.coord={0,0,0} and P.dir={1,1,3} and Q.coords={0.5,0.5,1} and Q.dir={1,1,1} where the first entries represent the time dimension.
Now I would like to calculate the MINDIST(Q,P) between Q and P :
However I am not sure how to implement the "intersection of two MBRs in the time dimension" (Dim 1) since I am not sure what the intersection in the time dimension actually means. It is also not clear what h_Q, l_Q, l_P, h_P mean, since this notation is not explained (my guess is they mean something like highest or lowest value of a dimension in the intersection).
I would highly appreciate it, if someone could explain to me how to calculate the intersection of two MBRs in the first dimension and maybe enlighten me with an interpretation of the notation. Thanks!
Well, Figure 14 in your paper explains the time intersection. And the rectangles are axis-aligned, thus it makes sense to use high and low on each coordinate.
The multiplication sign you see is not a cross product, just a normal multiplication, because on both sides of it you have a scalar, and not vectors.
However I must agree that the discussions on page 14 are rather fuzzy, but they seem to tell us that both types of intersections (complete and partial), when they are have a t subscript, mean the norm of the intersection along the t coordinate.
Thus it seems you could factorize the time intersection to get a formula that would be :
It is worth noting that, maybe counter-intuitively, when your objects don't intersect on the time plane, their MINDIST is defined to be 0.
Hence the following pseudo-code ;
mindist(P, Q)
if( Q.coord[0] + Q.dir[0] < P.coord[0] ||
Q.coord[0] > P.coord[0] + P.dir[0] )
return 0;
time = min(Q.coord[0] + Q.dir[0], P.coord[0] + P.dir[0]) - max(Q.coord[0], P.coord[0]);
sum = 0;
for(d=1; d<D; ++d)
if( Q.coord[d] + Q.dir[d] < P.coord[d] )
x = Q.coord[d] + Q.dir[d] - P.coord[d];
else if( P.coord[d] + P.dir[d] < Q.coord[d] )
x = P.coord[d] + P.dir[d] - Q.coord[d];
x = 0;
sum += x*x;
return sqrt(time * sum);
Note the absolute values in the paper are unnecessary since we just checked which values where bigger, and we thus know we only add positive numbers.

Algorithm to smooth a curve while keeping the area under it constant

Consider a discrete curve defined by the points (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3), ... ,(xn,yn)
Define a constant SUM = y1+y2+y3+...+yn. Say we change the value of some k number of y points (increase or decrease) such that the total sum of these changed points is less than or equal to the constant SUM.
What would be the best possible manner to adjust the other y points given the following two conditions:
The total sum of the y points (y1'+y2'+...+yn') should remain constant ie, SUM.
The curve should retain as much of its original shape as possible.
A simple solution would be to define some delta as follows:
delta = (ym1' + ym2' + ym3' + ... + ymk') - (ym1 + ym2 + ym3 + ... + ymk')
and to distribute this delta over the rest of the points equally. Here ym1' is the value of the modified point after modification and ym1 is the value of the modified point before modification to give delta as the total difference in modification.
However this would not ensure a totally smoothed curve as area near changed points would appear ragged. Does a better solution/algorithm exist for the this problem?
I've used the following approach, though it is a bit OTT.
Consider adding d[i] to y[i], to get s[i], the smoothed value.
We seek to minimise
S = Sum{ 1<=i<N-1 | sqr( s[i+1]-2*s[i]+s[i-1] } + f*Sum{ 0<=i<N | sqr( d[i])}
The first term is a sum of the squares of (an approximate) second derivative of the curve, and the second term penalises moving away from the original. f is a (positive) constant. A little algebra recasts this as
S = sqr( ||A*d - b||)
where the matrix A has a nice structure, and indeed A'*A is penta-diagonal, which means that the normal equations (ie d = Inv(A'*A)*A'*b) can be solved efficiently. Note that d is computed directly, there is no need to initialise it.
Given the solution d to this problem we can compute the solution d^ to the same problem but with the constraint One'*d = 0 (where One is the vector of all ones) like this
d^ = d - (One'*d/Q) * e
e = Inv(A'*A)*One
Q = One'*e
What value to use for f? Well a simple approach is to try out this procedure on sample curves for various fs and pick a value that looks good. Another approach is to pick a estimate of smoothness, for example the rms of the second derivative, and then a value that should attain, and then search for an f that gives that value. As a general rule, the bigger f is the less smooth the smoothed curve will be.
Some motivation for all this. The aim is to find a 'smooth' curve 'close' to a given one. For this we need a measure of smoothness (the first term in S) and a measure of closeness (the second term. Why these measures? Well, each are easy to compute, and each are quadratic in the variables (the d[]); this will mean that the problem becomes an instance of linear least squares for which there are efficient algorithms available. Moreover each term in each sum depends on nearby values of the variables, which will in turn mean that the 'inverse covariance' (A'*A) will have a banded structure and so the least squares problem can be solved efficiently. Why introduce f? Well, if we didn't have f (or set it to 0) we could minimise S by setting d[i] = -y[i], getting a perfectly smooth curve s[] = 0, which has nothing to do with the y curve. On the other hand if f is gigantic, then to minimise s we should concentrate on the second term, and set d[i] = 0, and our 'smoothed' curve is just the original. So it's reasonable to suppose that as we vary f, the corresponding solutions will vary between being very smooth but far from y (small f) and being close to y but a bit rough (large f).
It's often said that the normal equations, whose use I advocate here, are a bad way to solve least squares problems, and this is generally true. However with 'nice' banded systems -- like the one here -- the loss of stability through using the normal equations is not so great, while the gain in speed is so great. I've used this approach to smooth curves with many thousands of points in a reasonable time.
To see what A is, consider the case where we had 4 points. Then our expression for S comes down to:
sqr( s[2] - 2*s[1] + s[0]) + sqr( s[3] - 2*s[2] + s[1]) + f*(d[0]*d[0] + .. + d[3]*d[3]).
If we substitute s[i] = y[i] + d[i] in this we get, for example,
s[2] - 2*s[1] + s[0] = d[2]-2*d[1]+d[0] + y[2]-2*y[1]+y[0]
and so we see that for this to be sqr( ||A*d-b||) we should take
A = ( 1 -2 1 0)
( 0 1 -2 1)
( f 0 0 0)
( 0 f 0 0)
( 0 0 f 0)
( 0 0 0 f)
b = ( -(y[2]-2*y[1]+y[0]))
( -(y[3]-2*y[2]+y[1]))
( 0 )
( 0 )
( 0 )
( 0 )
In an implementation, though, you probably wouldn't want to form A and b, as they are only going to be used to form the normal equation terms, A'*A and A'*b. It would be simpler to accumulate these directly.
This is a constrained optimization problem. The functional to be minimized is the integrated difference of the original curve and the modified curve. The constraints are the area under the curve and the new locations of the modified points. It is not easy to write such codes on your own. It is better to use some open source optimization codes, like this one: ool.
what about to keep the same dynamic range?
compute original min0,max0 y-values
smooth y-values
compute new min1,max1 y-values
linear interpolate all values to match original min max y
that is it
Not sure for the area but this should keep the shape much closer to original one. I got this Idea right now while reading your question and now I face similar problem so I try to code it and try right now anyway +1 for the getting me this Idea :)
You can adapt this and combine with the area
So before this compute the area and apply #1..#4 and after that compute new area. Then multiply all values by old_area/new_area ratio. If you have also negative values and not computing absolute area then you have to handle positive and negative areas separately and find multiplication ration to best fit original area for booth at once.
[edit1] some results for constant dynamic range
As you can see the shape is slightly shifting to the left. Each image is after applying few hundreds smooth operations. I am thinking of subdivision to local min max intervals to improve this ...
[edit2] have finished the filter for mine own purposes
void advanced_smooth(double *p,int n)
int i,j,i0,i1;
double a0,a1,b0,b1,dp,w0,w1;
double *p0,*p1,*w; int *q;
if (n<3) return;
p0=new double[n<<2]; if (p0==NULL) return;
w =p1+n;
q =(int*)((double*)(w+n));
// compute original min,max
for (a0=p[0],i=0;i<n;i++) if (a0>p[i]) a0=p[i];
for (a1=p[0],i=0;i<n;i++) if (a1<p[i]) a1=p[i];
for (i=0;i<n;i++) p0[i]=p[i]; // store original values for range restoration
// compute local min max positions to p1[]
dp=0.01*(a1-a0); // min delta treshold
// compute first derivation
p1[0]=0.0; for (i=1;i<n;i++) p1[i]=p[i]-p[i-1];
for (i=1;i<n-1;i++) // eliminate glitches
if (p1[i]*p1[i-1]<0.0)
if (p1[i]*p1[i+1]<0.0)
if (fabs(p1[i])<=dp)
for (i0=1;i0;) // remove zeros from derivation
for (i0=0,i=0;i<n;i++)
if (fabs(p1[i])<dp)
if ((i> 0)&&(fabs(p1[i-1])>=dp)) { i0=1; p1[i]=p1[i-1]; }
else if ((i<n-1)&&(fabs(p1[i+1])>=dp)) { i0=1; p1[i]=p1[i+1]; }
// find local min,max to q[]
q[n-2]=0; q[n-1]=0; for (i=1;i<n-1;i++) if (p1[i]*p1[i-1]<0.0) q[i-1]=1; else q[i-1]=0;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) // set sign as +max,-min
if ((q[i])&&(p1[i]<-dp)) q[i]=-q[i]; // this shifts smooth curve to the left !!!
// compute weights
for (i0=0,i1=1;i1<n;i0=i1,i1++) // loop through all local min,max intervals
for (;(!q[i1])&&(i1<n-1);i1++); // <i0,i1>
if (b1>=1e-6)
for (b1=0.35/b1,i=i0;i<=i1;i++) // compute weights bigger near local min max
// smooth few times
for (j=0;j<5;j++)
for (i=0;i<n ;i++) p1[i]=p[i]; // store data to avoid shifting by using half filtered data
for (i=1;i<n-1;i++) // FIR smooth filter
for (i=1;i<n-1;i++) // avoid local min,max shifting too much
if (q[i]>0) // local max
if (p[i]<p[i-1]) p[i]=p[i-1]; // can not be lower then neigbours
if (p[i]<p[i+1]) p[i]=p[i+1];
if (q[i]<0) // local min
if (p[i]>p[i-1]) p[i]=p[i-1]; // can not be higher then neigbours
if (p[i]>p[i+1]) p[i]=p[i+1];
for (i0=0,i1=1;i1<n;i0=i1,i1++) // loop through all local min,max intervals
for (;(!q[i1])&&(i1<n-1);i1++); // <i0,i1>
// restore original local min,max
a0=p0[i0]; b0=p[i0];
a1=p0[i1]; b1=p[i1];
if (a0>a1)
dp=a0; a0=a1; a1=dp;
dp=b0; b0=b1; b1=dp;
if (b1>=1e-6)
for (dp=(a1-a0)/b1,i=i0;i<=i1;i++)
delete[] p0;
so p[n] is the input/output data. There are few things that can be tweaked like:
weights computation (constants 0.8 and 0.35 means weights are <0.8,0.8+0.35/2>)
number of smooth passes (now 5 in the for loop)
the bigger the weight the less the filtering 1.0 means no change
The main Idea behind is:
find local extremes
compute weights for smoothing
so near local extremes are almost none change of the output
repair dynamic range per each interval between all local extremes
I did also try to restore the area but that is incompatible with mine task because it distorts the shape a lot. So if you really need the area then focus on that and not on the shape. The smoothing causes signal to shrink mostly so after area restoration the shape rise on magnitude.
Actual filter state has none markable side shifting of shape (which was the main goal for me). Some images for more bumpy signal (the original filter was extremly poor on this):
As you can see no visible signal shape shifting. The local extremes has tendency to create sharp spikes after very heavy smoothing but that was expected
Hope it helps ...

Multiliteration implementation with inaccurate distance data

I am trying to create an android smartphone application which uses Apples iBeacon technology to determine the current indoor location of itself. I already managed to get all available beacons and calculate the distance to them via the rssi signal.
Currently I face the problem, that I am not able to find any library or implementation of an algorithm, which calculates the estimated location in 2D by using 3 (or more) distances of fixed points with the condition, that these distances are not accurate (which means, that the three "trilateration-circles" do not intersect in one point).
I would be deeply grateful if anybody can post me a link or an implementation of that in any common programming language (Java, C++, Python, PHP, Javascript or whatever). I already read a lot on stackoverflow about that topic, but could not find any answer I were able to convert in code (only some mathematical approaches with matrices and inverting them, calculating with vectors or stuff like that).
I thought about an own approach, which works quite well for me, but is not that efficient and scientific. I iterate over every meter (or like in my example 0.1 meter) of the location grid and calculate the possibility of that location to be the actual position of the handset by comparing the distance of that location to all beacons and the distance I calculate with the received rssi signal.
Code example:
public Location trilaterate(ArrayList<Beacon> beacons, double maxX, double maxY)
for (double x = 0; x <= maxX; x += .1)
for (double y = 0; y <= maxY; y += .1)
double currentLocationProbability = 0;
for (Beacon beacon : beacons)
// distance difference between calculated distance to beacon transmitter
// (rssi-calculated distance) and current location:
// |sqrt(dX^2 + dY^2) - distanceToTransmitter|
double distanceDifference = Math
.abs(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(beacon.getLocation().x - x, 2)
+ Math.pow(beacon.getLocation().y - y, 2))
- beacon.getCurrentDistanceToTransmitter());
// weight the distance difference with the beacon calculated rssi-distance. The
// smaller the calculated rssi-distance is, the more the distance difference
// will be weighted (it is assumed, that nearer beacons measure the distance
// more accurate)
distanceDifference /= Math.pow(beacon.getCurrentDistanceToTransmitter(), 0.9);
// sum up all weighted distance differences for every beacon in
// "currentLocationProbability"
currentLocationProbability += distanceDifference;
addToLocationMap(currentLocationProbability, x, y);
// the previous line is my approach, I create a Set of Locations with the 5 most probable locations in it to estimate the accuracy of the measurement afterwards. If that is not necessary, a simple variable assignment for the most probable location would do the job also
Location bestLocation = getLocationSet().first().location;
bestLocation.accuracy = calculateLocationAccuracy();
Log.w("TRILATERATION", "Location " + bestLocation + " best with accuracy "
+ bestLocation.accuracy);
return bestLocation;
Of course, the downside of that is, that I have on a 300m² floor 30.000 locations I had to iterate over and measure the distance to every single beacon I got a signal from (if that would be 5, I do 150.000 calculations only for determine a single location). That's a lot - so I will let the question open and hope for some further solutions or a good improvement of this existing solution in order to make it more efficient.
Of course it has not to be a Trilateration approach, like the original title of this question was, it is also good to have an algorithm which includes more than three beacons for the location determination (Multilateration).
If the current approach is fine except for being too slow, then you could speed it up by recursively subdividing the plane. This works sort of like finding nearest neighbors in a kd-tree. Suppose that we are given an axis-aligned box and wish to find the approximate best solution in the box. If the box is small enough, then return the center.
Otherwise, divide the box in half, either by x or by y depending on which side is longer. For both halves, compute a bound on the solution quality as follows. Since the objective function is additive, sum lower bounds for each beacon. The lower bound for a beacon is the distance of the circle to the box, times the scaling factor. Recursively find the best solution in the child with the lower lower bound. Examine the other child only if the best solution in the first child is worse than the other child's lower bound.
Most of the implementation work here is the box-to-circle distance computation. Since the box is axis-aligned, we can use interval arithmetic to determine the precise range of distances from box points to the circle center.
P.S.: Math.hypot is a nice function for computing 2D Euclidean distances.
Instead of taking confidence levels of individual beacons into account, I would instead try to assign an overall confidence level for your result after you make the best guess you can with the available data. I don't think the only available metric (perceived power) is a good indication of accuracy. With poor geometry or a misbehaving beacon, you could be trusting poor data highly. It might make better sense to come up with an overall confidence level based on how well the perceived distance to the beacons line up with the calculated point assuming you trust all beacons equally.
I wrote some Python below that comes up with a best guess based on the provided data in the 3-beacon case by calculating the two points of intersection of circles for the first two beacons and then choosing the point that best matches the third. It's meant to get started on the problem and is not a final solution. If beacons don't intersect, it slightly increases the radius of each up until they do meet or a threshold is met. Likewise, it makes sure the third beacon agrees within a settable threshold. For n-beacons, I would pick 3 or 4 of the strongest signals and use those. There are tons of optimizations that could be done and I think this is a trial-by-fire problem due to the unwieldy nature of beaconing.
import math
beacons = [[0.0,0.0,7.0],[0.0,10.0,7.0],[10.0,5.0,16.0]] # x, y, radius
def point_dist(x1,y1,x2,y2):
x = x2-x1
y = y2-y1
return math.sqrt((x*x)+(y*y))
# determines two points of intersection for two circles [x,y,radius]
# returns None if the circles do not intersect
def circle_intersection(beacon1,beacon2):
r1 = beacon1[2]
r2 = beacon2[2]
dist = point_dist(beacon1[0],beacon1[1],beacon2[0],beacon2[1])
heron_root = (dist+r1+r2)*(-dist+r1+r2)*(dist-r1+r2)*(dist+r1-r2)
if ( heron_root > 0 ):
heron = 0.25*math.sqrt(heron_root)
xbase = (0.5)*(beacon1[0]+beacon2[0]) + (0.5)*(beacon2[0]-beacon1[0])*(r1*r1-r2*r2)/(dist*dist)
xdiff = 2*(beacon2[1]-beacon1[1])*heron/(dist*dist)
ybase = (0.5)*(beacon1[1]+beacon2[1]) + (0.5)*(beacon2[1]-beacon1[1])*(r1*r1-r2*r2)/(dist*dist)
ydiff = 2*(beacon2[0]-beacon1[0])*heron/(dist*dist)
return (xbase+xdiff,ybase-ydiff),(xbase-xdiff,ybase+ydiff)
# no intersection, need to pseudo-increase beacon power and try again
return None
# find the two points of intersection between beacon0 and beacon1
# will use beacon2 to determine the better of the two points
failing = True
power_increases = 0
while failing and power_increases < 10:
res = circle_intersection(beacons[0],beacons[1])
if ( res ):
intersection = res
beacons[0][2] *= 1.001
beacons[1][2] *= 1.001
power_increases += 1
failing = False
# make sure the best fit is within x% (10% of the total distance from the 3rd beacon in this case)
# otherwise the results are too far off
if failing:
print 'Bad Beacon Data (Beacon0 & Beacon1 don\'t intersection after many "power increases")'
# finding best point between beacon1 and beacon2
dist1 = point_dist(beacons[2][0],beacons[2][1],intersection[0][0],intersection[0][1])
dist2 = point_dist(beacons[2][0],beacons[2][1],intersection[1][0],intersection[1][1])
if ( math.fabs(dist1-beacons[2][2]) < math.fabs(dist2-beacons[2][2]) ):
best_point = intersection[0]
best_dist = dist1
best_point = intersection[1]
best_dist = dist2
best_dist_diff = math.fabs(best_dist-beacons[2][2])
if best_dist_diff < THRESHOLD*best_dist:
print best_point
print 'Bad Beacon Data (Beacon2 distance to best point not within threshold)'
If you want to trust closer beacons more, you may want to calculate the intersection points between the two closest beacons and then use the farther beacon to tie-break. Keep in mind that almost anything you do with "confidence levels" for the individual measurements will be a hack at best. Since you will always be working with very bad data, you will defintiely need to loosen up the power_increases limit and threshold percentage.
You have 3 points : A(xA,yA,zA), B(xB,yB,zB) and C(xC,yC,zC), which respectively are approximately at dA, dB and dC from you goal point G(xG,yG,zG).
Let's say cA, cB and cC are the confidence rate ( 0 < cX <= 1 ) of each point.
Basically, you might take something really close to 1, like {0.95,0.97,0.99}.
If you don't know, try different coefficient depending of distance avg. If distance is really big, you're likely to be not very confident about it.
Here is the way i'll do it :
var sum = (cA*dA) + (cB*dB) + (cC*dC);
dA = cA*dA/sum;
dB = cB*dB/sum;
dC = cC*dC/sum;
xG = (xA*dA) + (xB*dB) + (xC*dC);
yG = (yA*dA) + (yB*dB) + (yC*dC);
xG = (zA*dA) + (zB*dB) + (zC*dC);
Basic, and not really smart but will do the job for some simple tasks.
You can take any confidence coef you want in [0,inf[, but IMHO, restraining at [0,1] is a good idea to keep a realistic result.

3D Connected Points Labeling based on Euclidean distances

Currently, I am working on a project that is trying to group 3d points from a dataset by specifying connectivity as a minimum euclidean distance. My algorithm right now is simply a 3d adaptation of the naive flood fill.
size_t PointSegmenter::growRegion(size_t & seed, size_t segNumber) {
size_t numPointsLabeled = 0;
//alias for points to avoid retyping
vector<Point3d> & points = _img.points;
deque<size_t> ptQueue;
while (!ptQueue.empty()) {
size_t currentIdx = ptQueue.front();
vector<int> newPoints = _img.queryRadius(currentIdx, SEGMENT_MAX_DISTANCE, MATCH_ACCURACY);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)newPoints.size(); i++) {
int newIdx = newPoints[i];
Point3d &newPoint = points[newIdx];
if(!newPoint.labeled()) {
//NOTE to whoever wrote the other code, the compiler optimizes i++
//to ++i in cases like these, so please don't change them just for speed :)
for (size_t i = seed; i < points.size(); i++) {
if(!points[i].labeled()) {
//search for an unlabeled point to serve as the next seed.
seed = i;
return numPointsLabeled;
return numPointsLabeled;
Where this code snippet is ran again for the new seed, and _img.queryRadius() is a fixed radius search with the ANN library:
vector<int> Image::queryRadius(size_t index, double range, double epsilon) {
int k = kdTree->annkFRSearch(dataPts[index], range*range, 0);
ANNidxArray nnIdx = new ANNidx[k];
kdTree->annkFRSearch(dataPts[index], range*range, k, nnIdx);
vector<int> outPoints;
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
delete[] nnIdx;
return outPoints;
My problem with this code is that it runs waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too slow for large datasets. If I'm not mistaken, this code will do a search for every single point, and the searches are O(NlogN), giving this a time complexity of (N^2*log(N)).
In addition to that, deletions are relatively expensive if I remember right from KD trees, but also not deleting points creates problems in that each point can be searched hundreds of times, by every neighbor close to it.
So my question is, is there a better way to do this? Especially in a way that will grow linearly with the dataset?
Thanks for any help you may be able to provide
I have tried using a simple sorted list like dash-tom-bang said, but the result was even slower than what I was using before. I'm not sure if it was the implementation, or it was just simply too slow to iterate through every point and check euclidean distance (even when just using squared distance.
Is there any other ideas people may have? I'm honestly stumped right now.
I propose the following algorithm:
Compute 3D Delaunay triangulation of your data points.
Remove all the edges that are longer than your threshold distance, O(N) when combined with step 3.
Find connected components in the resulting graph which is O(N) in size, this is done in O(N α(N)).
The bottleneck is step 1 which can be done in O(N2) or even O(N log N) according to this page However it's definitely not a 100 lines algorithm.
When I did something along these lines, I chose an "origin" outside of the dataset somewhere and sorted all of the points by their distance to that origin. Then I had a much smaller set of points to choose from at each step, and I only had to go through the "onion skin" region around the point being considered. You would check neighboring points until the distance to the closest point is less than the width of the range you're checking.
While that worked well for me, a similar version of that can be achieved by sorting all of your points along one axis (which would represent the "origin" being infinitely far away) and then just checking points again until your "search width" exceeds the distance to the closest point so far found.
Points should be better organized. To search more efficiently instead of a vector<Point3d> you need some sort of a hash map where hash collision implies that two points are close to each other (so you use hash collisions to your advantage). You can for instance divide the space into cubes of size equal to SEGMENT_MAX_DISTANCE, and use a hash function that returns a triplet of ints instead of just an int, where each part of a triplet is calculated as point.<corresponding_dimension> / SEGMENT_MAX_DISTANCE.
Now for each point in this new set you search only for points in the same cube, and in adjacent cubes of space. This greatly reduces the search space.
