How to set up IAR to use GNU make (makefile)? - makefile

I have been working on Ubuntu on a project till now, but a particular mcu(TI cc2530) requires me to use IAR workbench. Eclipse can use GNU make to build projects but i cannot work with it. I need IAR for debugging a program for cc2530.
Is there anyway i can work around this?

IAR has released plugins for Eclipse that let you use the IAR toolchain and debug without leaving the Eclipse environment. Older versions allowed editing and building within Eclipse, but required debugging via the IAR IDE. You can find the IAR Plugin Manager and all their Eclipse plugins at their plugin repository.
With their plugin, you can either import an IAR project and convert it into an Eclipse project, or create a new Eclipse IAR toolchain project from scratch.


XC8 Compiler setup on CLion for PIC Development

I am new to the embedded systems development space.
My problem is I can't find a way to setup my CLion for development with the XC8 compiler on the PIC16f1779. I have limited knowledge on compilers and CMake also its my first time using C/C++.
The IntelliJ IDE is amazing and I would love to use CLion instead of MPLab X IDE for development.
The school I am at use MPLAB for teaching but its just terrible.
I am using Mac M1 and I am trying to migrate development from MPlab to CLion.
Any help would be appreciated
I have already tried to configure another compiler as XC8 but don't know what exactly to change in the toolchain config in CLion.
As you being a newbie, I strongly recommend that you stick with MPLAB X IDE. Creating PIC projects in other IDEs really require a good knowledge of make build system. Also you will need to integrate the debugger bridge (it is MDB in your case) in order to debug your programs within the IDE.
In my case I tried to develop an existing project both in KDevelop IDE and Eclipse CDT IDE using the make files generated by MPLAB X IDE. Eventually I managed to get the both IDEs compiling the code. But I couldn't go further and integrate symbol recognition and debug bridge.
As a matter of fact the Microchip provides the IDEs as open source for those who want to integrate them into their desired environment. However as I said before, it requires a good knowledge to be able to manage and integrate all those apps in one environment.
If you are interested to learn more about the open source SDK of Microchip go ahead and have a look at ---> openSource4Pic.
But as per my experience on developing application for PIC micros, you will get the best experience in MPLAB X since it is well integrated and featured nearly all needed tools.

SBT vs Maven for a new Scala/Spark project?

Am new to Scala/SBT but have experience in Java/Maven.
For a new Scala/Spark project, what should be the choice: SBT or Maven?
PS- I intend to use Eclipse or IntellijIdea as IDE.
I have also been looking into this question. Here are some things I have found.
According to the Apache Spark documentation:
Maven is the official build tool recommended for packaging Spark, and is the build of reference. But SBT is supported for day-to-day development since it can provide much faster iterative compilation. More advanced developers may wish to use SBT.
Three reasons I have heard for SBT:
It was built for Scala
It has incremental compilation
.sbt files tend to be more compact
In response though
Maven works just as well
If you are using the JetBrains IntelliJ IDE, which has a free edition, it has its own incremental compilation.
I think I will decide to go with Maven as it integrates better with my build server (continuous deployment).

Configuring V8 for building with /MD with VS2010

Does anyone know if its possible to configure V8 to be built this way with VS2010? I am trying to embed V8 in a project that already uses a few libraries configured for the multi-threaded DLL(/MD) runtime library on Windows and V8 is by default configured for /MT
I found the answer under the XCode section, you need to use the command...
python build/gyp_v8 -Dcomponent=shared_library
to generate your project files, apparently it also works for VS

Compiling only in release mode

our software solution contains a Managed C++ library project which can be only compiled if the PC the compilation is running on has a valid installation of VS2008.
Usually I am the only developer working on this project, however my colleagues should be able to compile the solution as a whole with a precompiled version of this library, which is version controlled together with other third-party library dependencies.
So we've decided to add a reference on the DLL into the project which depends on the library, not adding the project itself as a reference. Now my question: is it possible to use the precompiled version when using a specific configuration (i.e. Debug) and to compile the library from scratch when building the project in Release mode, e.g. on a Jenkins server?
Thanks in advance!

Debugging with multiple library versions in intellij

We have a large maven project and not all of the projects specify the same version of various libraries, largely because these libraries haven't changed in some time. This causes problems with debugging because IntelliJ frequently selects the older version when it's the newer that's being used at runtime. Aside from fixing the poms, how can we get IntelliJ to resolve to the sources for the correct version of the library.
There is no way to do it except configuring your project dependencies correctly (to use the same library version in all the modules).
