Jenkins - Mail configuration for Hotmail - macos

I don't know what am I doing wrong, I'm searching the net for hours. Anyways, here is my e-mail setup for Jenkins. I'm not able to send any mails. When I click "Test Configuration", I get the following error.
I changed the STMP Port to 25 and still get the same error.
And btw I typed telnet 587 to my console ant the output was:
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 8.0.9200.16384 ready at Thu, 2 Jul 2015 04:31:09 -0700
Connection closed by foreign host.
What am I missing? What is the correct configuration? Thanks in advance!

The traceback looks awfully similar to the one in the Jenkins SMTP TSL question, some of those answers might help.
The bounty doesn't allow flagging as duplicate...

The solution on gmail:
Set SMTP server as and port as 25
This should work.


how can i send smtp mail with Command Prompt?

I try that in cmd telnet 25 but i got this error Could not open connection to the host, on port 25: Connect failed I used different port but i got the same error
Thanks in Advance!!
Port 25 is basically restricted these days to mail servers talking to teach others. Clients wishing to submit mail for delivery should use port 587.

Unable to Retrieve Directory Using ProFTPD(WHM)

Well, after looking for many solutions. I came here now.
I am setting up WHM/cPanel for hosting website. Everything was going smooth but I am stuck on FTP connection (Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead.)
Server Details:
CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
WHM/cPanel Version
FTP Server: PureFTPD
Acutal error while connecting
To fix this issue and get FTP working you need to open up more numbered ports so FTP can connect. I assume you are using CSF.
Login to WHM then go to CSF >> Firewall Configuration >>
allow TCP_In 30000:50000 and TCP_Out 30000:50000
Once you made the changes Restart the firewall
Now you need to make changes in FTP config file to use these ports, you will find this file to this location /etc/pure-ftpd.conf
Now you will see a line as follows and you will need to uncomment it
# Port range for passive connections replies. - for firewalling.
PassivePortRange 30000 50000
Restart FTP Service and should work.

I can FTP with my Browser and Cyberduck but not Filezilla

I have seen different topics with variations on this question but so far I was not able to resolve the problem. I am able to FTP via Firefox, Safari and Cyberduck but when attempting the same with FileZilla I get the following error:
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to IPADDRESS:21...
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220-Welcome To Rumpus!
Response: 220 Service ready for new user
Command: USER EE
Response: 331 Password required
Command: PASS ***********
Response: 530 Login failed
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server
Is this a FileZilla/Firewall problem? Why can I do it so easily via other clients?
Hey I fixed the issue by reinstalling everything. Really weird....Thanks.

Apple apns 'Permission denied' issue

I am facing an issue while sending request to server for push notification. While trying to connect to apple server we are getting the following response,
ApnsPHP[15748]: INFO: Trying ssl:// Tue, 15 Jan 2013 08:20:28 +0100 ApnsPHP[15748]: ERROR: Unable to connect to 'ssl://': Permission denied (13)
We checked the server settings and the server is not blocking any out going requests. We created the p12 certificate as per the guidelines by apple, and we are converting it to .pem by executing following shell command in the server.
openssl pkcs12 -in HSPushNopassword.p12 -out HSPushNopassword.pem -nodes -clcerts
And the same code and certificate is working fine in another server.
Please let me know why we are getting this error? Thanks,
There is a better solution than disabling SELinux completely. The problem is that on most SELinux systems (as RedHat, which I am using) HTTPD is not allowed to create network connections.
You can use this command to enable it:
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
-P for permanent setting.
I hope it helps, though this thread is accepted
I sorted it out. Yes, the problem was the server, but it was likely due to when they had root and reloaded things. In a nutshell, there is a very restrictive security system called 'selinux'. So I disabled that, and set the config so it stays off after reboot. And the push notification is working fine now.

Change log time format of OpenSSH

OpenSSH log in my system are spitting log in following format.
Aug 21 14:34:44 systemHostName sshd[1952]: Server listening on port 22.
I need to get the year also, in the log time. something like following
2012 Aug 21 14:34:44 systemHostName sshd[1952]: Server listening on port 22.
I tried to look into sshd_config and other web resources but could not find anything useful.
Anybody know, how to change openSSH log time format?
It is syslog, not sshd time format, depends on your syslog implementation, though I haven't seen anyone using the year there.
