c3.js how to remove line with tooltip? - c3.js

I am creating a line chart using c3.js. I want to remove the default indicator line to x-axis with the tooltip.
I have tried tooltip formatting but the line remains same.
How this can be done?

May be at that time when person answer this question config parameter not provided but now you can do it through above mention configuration. Reference http://c3js.org/reference.html#grid-focus-show
Example code below
var chart = c3.generate({
data: {
columns: [
['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],
['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25]

Just override the following css property in .c3-xgrid-focus class:-
.c3-grid .c3-xgrid-focus {
visibility : hidden !important;
I could not quickly find a config parameter to turn this feature off in the api doc.

point: {
show: false
False to hide the points and true for show the points
Make sure that you are going to write this after the loading the data and along with your other settings in c3 Generate function
Here is the Example:
In below code I have highlighted the code with a comment:
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: '#CYCLE_CHART',
data: {
columns: [
["Cycletime"].concat(objCycle.cData), ["Downtime"].concat(objDowntime.dData), ["StdCycletime"].concat(objStdCycle.stdCData), ["StdLoadunloadtime"].concat(objStdLUtime.stdLUData),
type: 'spline',
types: {
Cycletime: 'bar',
Downtime: 'bar'
names: {
Cycletime: 'Cycle time',
Downtime: 'Load time',
StdCycletime: 'Std Cycle time',
StdLoadunloadtime: 'Std Load time'
axis: {
x: {
label: {
text: 'Cycles',
position: 'outer-center'
max: 10,
min: 1,
y: {
label: {
text: 'Seconds',
position: 'outer-middle'
max: Y_axis,
min: 1,
// Here!
point: {
show: false
tooltip: {
show: true

According to BonifatiusK´s comment, you should hide them by editing the chartOptions.
tooltip: {
show: false
Overriding CSS properties of c3 is not a good idea.


c3.js reduce width of x-axis

is there a way to reduce the width of x-axis (see picture) in c3? Even if I tried to set "stroke-width" attribute to the "<"path">" tag with different values - it didn't make any visual changes. Thank you for your advices in advance.
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: '#' + chartId,
data: {
columns: columns,
type: 'bar',
labels: true
interaction: {
enabled: false
tooltip: {
show: false
color: {
pattern: colorPattern
bar: {
width: { ratio: 0.7 },
space: 0.25
size: settings.ChartSizes.BarChart,
legend: {
position: 'right',
grouped: true,
item: {
onclick: function (d) {
if (counter === 1) {
} else {
counter = 0;
axis: {
x: {
type: 'category',
categories: categories,
show: showAxe
y: {
show: false
This is a common issue, caused by you not picking up the c3.css file - see https://github.com/c3js/c3/issues/1962
If you can fix that, the problem goes away

highcharts render does not match grid in docraptor rendered pdf

Bottom of highcharts rendered chart in pdf
I am attempting to render a highcharts chart inside a blade template and then pass the resulting view/html to DocRaptor in order to turn it into a pdf. The view is rendered with Laravel's View::make and then the render() function. Everything is working as expected except the rendered bars do not match up to the tick marks on the yAxis (horizontal).
I've included an image of what I'm referring to. In the image 2 of the bars (Saturn and Lexus) should be past the 1M tick and I would expect Acura to be further right towards the 1M tick mark. The image only contains the last 3 bars in the graph, but the same holds true for the series as whole.
Less relevent is that I've essentially split up the series data into small enough chunks such that the chart would fit on a page (hence the jQuery $.each()).
The code that produces the chart is below. The code inside the load and render functions are both executed as the document.write debug statements. Any help/ideas would be appreciated.
$("div[id^='Chart_chunk_count_']").each(function() {
var myChart = Highcharts.chart($(this).attr("id"), {
chart: {
borderWidth: 0,
events: {
load: function(event) {
document.write('In load event');
render: function(event) {
document.write('In render event');
height: j_audience_chart_chunks['metadata']['page'][$(this).data("chart-page")]['height'],
type: 'bar',
width: 650
credits: {
enabled: false
legend: {
enabled: false
plotOptions: {
bar: {
borderRadius: 3,
borderWidth: 0,
color: j_audience_chart_chunks['metadata']['count_chart']['color'],
pointWidth: 30,
turboThreshold: 0
series: {
allowPointSelect: true,
cursor: 'pointer',
dataLabels: {
/* allowOverlap: true, */
/* backgroundColor: '#FA9005', */
color: '#606060',
crop: false,
defer: false,
enabled: true,
format: '{point.y:,.0f}',
inside: true,
/* overflow: 'none', */
style: {
fontSize: "11px",
fontWeight: "normal",
textOutline: 'none'
title: {
text: (type == "index") ? "Index Against Profiled Audience" : "Audience Count"
tooltip: {
enabled: false
xAxis: {
categories: j_audience_chart_chunks['audience_data'][$(this).data("chart-page")]['categories'],
minorTickInterval: null,
title: {
text: null
yAxis: {
min: (type == 'count') ? 0 : -100,
max: j_audience_chart_chunks['metadata']['count_chart']['max'],
title: {
text: null
labels: {
/* format: '{point.y:,.0f}', */
overflow: 'justify'
style: {
color: '#fa9005'
series: j_audience_chart_chunks['audience_data'][$(this).data("chart-page")]['series']
What's happening is that the JavaScript finishes and DocRaptor/Prince begins building the PDF, but the default Highcharts animations haven't finished running. Disabling animations chart wide fixes this.
You need set chart.animation to false like:
chart: {
animation: false

How to process json object in highchart

I receive an array json object. And now I don't know how I can process it in javascript code to series section data. I use this example of highchart column-rotated-labels. In this object has two columns AVG and other title, and length of this object might 20.
This is my codes:
$('#showresult').click(function() {
url : "../../coursestatus",
type : "get",
data : {
major : $('#get').val(),
year : $('#yearlist').val(),
semester : $('#semester').val()
success : function(data) {
$(function () {
chart: { type: 'column'
title: { text: 'World\'s largest cities per 2014' },
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
labels: {
rotation: -45,
yAxis: { min: 0,
title: {
text: 'Population (millions)'
} },
legend: { enabled: false },
tooltip: { pointFormat: 'Population in 2008: <b>{point.y:.1f} millions</b>' },
series: [{ // I don't know how I can process data object to set that's elements to this
name: 'Population',
data: [
JSON.parse("[" + data + "]")
dataLabels: { enabled: true,
rotation: -90,
color: '#FFFFFF',
align: 'right',
x: 4,
y: 10,
style: { fontSize: '13px',
fontFamily: 'Verdana, sans-serif', textShadow: '0 0 3px black'
And this object include this elements:
title columns includes course name and avg columns includes mark for that course.
And this is data is in data object:
[{"title":"Math","avg":20},{"title":"Network","avg":18},{"title":"Operating system","avg":16}]
And above data is has 3 length and it is simple, in fact this object maybe that's length is >10.
Thank u!
I founded similar problem in this page and I solved my problem.
Populate Highcharts with JSON data using jQuery

kendo Chart labels- clickable?

In the example: http://jsbin.com/AreqameT/1/edit Can the labels below the bar chart made clickable in kendo charts?
The text "Sales and Contracting" and other labels should be made clickable. Can this be done?
JS code:
legend: {
position: "bottom"
seriesDefaults: {
template: '#=kendo.format("{0:0}", value)#'
series: [
type: "verticalBullet",
currentField: "score",
targetField: "average",
labels: {
visible: true,
template: '#alert(1)#"'
target: {
color: "transparent",
border: {
width: 2,
dashType: "dot",
color: "#444"
line: {
width: 0
data: [
score: 93.7,
average: 65.2
}, {
score: 80.2,
average: 22.2
}, {
score: 60.8,
average: 35.2
}, {
score: 82.1,
average: 45.2
}, {
score: 74.2,
average: 55.2
categoryAxis: {
labels: { rotation: -45 },
categories: ["Sales & Contracting", "Implementation & Training", "Functionality & Upgrades", "Service & Support", "General"],
line: {
visible: false
color: "#444",
axisCrossingValue: [0, 0, 100, 100]
tooltip: {
visible: false
HTML code:
<div id="chart"></div>
Thanks in advance.
Using a newer version of Kendo (your jsBin uses a 2013 version... update to 2014.2) you can use categoryAxis.labels.template to add a link to your labels.
categoryAxis: {
labels: {
rotation: -45,
template: '<a xlink:href="http://www.google.com">#: value #</a>'
(note the addition of xlink: in the tag)
To better explain, the labels are actually part of an SVG image, not plain HTML. However, SVG supports links: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/linking.html#Links
For some reason the older 2013 version of Kendo seem to remove the link from the template though. I tried it with 2014.2.716 and it seemed to work.
Your Jsbin eg not working. Attach a event axisLabelClick or legendItemClick
axisLabelClick: function(e) {
console.log(e.axis.type, e.value);
legendItemClick: function(e) {
console.log(e.axis.type, e.value);
this might work

In kendo UI how to draw vertical line in a line chart

How to draw a vertical line in a line chart using Html5 and kendo UI ? can anyone help me out to solve this problem ?
Try this:
// let chart be the id
categoryAxis: {
notes: {
line: {
length: 300
data: [{
value: new Date(2012, 0, 3),
label: {
text: "-" //text you want to show
Demo: http://jsbin.com/obuweca/26
categoryAxis: {
notes: {
line: {
length: 300
icon: {
border: {
width: 0
// Initial notes
data: [{
value: new Date(2012, 0, 3)
DEMO: http://jsbin.com/obuweca/29/
In kendo documentation is example how do draw custom lines on chart. Horizontal and vertical.
You can customize lines by editing stroke:
stroke: {
color: "red",
width: 1,
You can also try to use the column-Chart.
Just extend the series:
series: [{
type: "line",
field: "value",
categoryField: "date"
field: "valueColumn",
gap: 300
and the dataSource.data with a new field like: valueColumn.
See also the Example.
