concept confusion, advices on solving these 2 code - methods

In O() notation, write the complexity of the following code:
For i = 1 to x functi
call funct(i) if (x <= 0)
return some value
In O() notation, write the complexity of the following code:
For x = 1 to N
I'm really lost at solving these 2 big O notation complexity problem, please help!

They both appear to me to be O(N).
The first one subtracts by 1 when it calls itself, this means if given N, then it runs N times.
The second one divides the N by 2, but Big-O is determined by worst case scenario, which means that we must assume N is getting significantly larger. When you take that into account, dividing by 2 does not have much of a difference. That means while it originally is O(N/2) it can be reduced to O(N)


Is 2^(log n) = O(log(n))?

Are these two equal? I read somewhere that O(2lg n) = O(n). Going by this observation, I'm guessing the answer would be no, but I'm not entirely sure. I'd appreciate any help.
Firstly, O(2log(n)) isn't equal to O(n).
To use big O notation, you would find a function that represents the complexity of your algorithm, then you would find the term in that function with the largest growth rate. Finally, you would eliminate any constant factors you could.
e.g. say your algorithm iterates 4n^2 + 5n + 1 times, where n is the size of the input. First, you would take the term with the highest growth rate, in this case 4n^2, then remove any constant factors, leaving O(n^2) complexity.
In your example, O(2log(n)) can be simplified to O(log(n))
Now on to your question.
In computer science, unless specified otherwise, you can generally assume that log(n) actually means the log of n, base 2.
This means, using log laws, 2^log(n) can be simplified to O(n)
y = 2^log(n)
log(y) = log(2^log(n))
log(y) = log(n) * log(2) [Log(2) = 1 since we are talking about base 2 here]
log(y) = log(n)
y = n

How to calculate Big O of nested for loop

Im under the impression that to find the big O of a nested for loop, one multuplies the big O of each forloop with the next for loop. Would the big O for:
for i in range(n):
for j in range(5):
be O(5n)? and if so would the big O for:
for i in range(12345):
for j in range(i**i**i)
for y in range (j*i):
be O(12345*(i**i**i)*(j*i)? Or would it be O(n^3) because its nested 3 times?
Im so confused
This is a bit simplified, but hopefully will get across the meaning of Big-O:
Big-O is about the question "how many times does my code do something?", answering it in algebra, and then asking "which term matters the most in the long run?"
For your first example - the number of times the print statement is called is 5n times. n times in the outer loop times 5 times in the inner loop. What matters most in the long run? In the long run only n matters, as the value of 5 never changes! So the overall Big-O complexity is O(n).
For your second example - the number of times the print statement is called is very large, but constant. The outer loop runs 12345 times, the inner loop runs one time, then 16 times, then 7625597484987... all the way up to 12345^12345^12345. The innermost loop goes up in a similar fashion. What we notice is all of these are constants! The number of times the print statement is called doesn't actually vary at all. When an algorithm runs in constant time, we represent this as O(1). Conceptually this is similar to the example above - just as 5n / 5 == n, 12345 / 12345 == 1.
The two examples you have chosen only involve stripping out the constant factors (which we always do in Big-O, they never change!). Another example would be:
def more_terms(n):
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
for k in range(n):
For this example, the print statement is called 2n^2 + 3n times. For the first set of loops, n times for the outer loop, n times for the inner loop and then 2 times inside the inner lop. For the second set, n times for the loop and 3 times each iteration. First we strip out the constants, leaving n^2 + n, now what matters in the long run? When n is 1, neither really matter. But the bigger n gets, the bigger the difference is, n^2 grows much faster than n - so this function has complexity O(n^2).
You are correct about O(n^3) for your second example. You can calculate big O like this:
Any number of nested loops will add an additional power of 1 to n. So, if we have three nested loops, the big O would be O(n^3). For any number of loops, the big O is O(n^(number of loops)). One loop is just O(n). Any monomial of n, such as O(5n), is just O(n).
You misunderstand what O(n) means. It's hard to understand at first, so no shame in not understanding it.O(n) means "This grows at most as fast as n". It has a rigorous mathematical definition, but it basically boils down to is this.If f and g are both functions, f=O(g) means that you could pick some constant number C, and on big inputs like n, f(n) < C*g(n)." Big O represents an upper bound, and it doesn't care about constant factors, so if f=O(5n), then f=O(n).

time complexity of some recursive and none recursive algorithm

I have two pseudo-code algorithms:
RandomAlgorithm(modVec[0 to n − 1])
b = 0;
for i = 1 to n do
b = 2.b + modVec[n − i];
for i = 1 to b do
modVec[i mod n] = modVec[(i + 1) mod n];
return modVec;
AnotherRecursiveAlgo(multiplyVec[1 to n])
if n ≤ 2 do
return multiplyVec[1] × multiplyVec[1];
multiplyVec[1] × multiplyVec[n] +
AnotherRecursiveAlgo(multiplyVec[1 to n/3]) +
AnotherRecursiveAlgo(multiplyVec[2n/3 to n]);
I need to analyse the time complexity for these algorithms:
For the first algorithm i got the first loop is in O(n),the second loop has a best case and a worst case , best case is we have O(1) the loop runs once, the worst case is we have a big n on the first loop, but i don't know how to write this idea as a time complexity cause i usually get b=sum(from 1 to n-1) of 2^n-1 . modVec[n-1] and i get stuck here.
For the second loop i just don't get how to solve the time complexity of this one, we usually have it dependant on n , so we need the formula i think.
Thanks for the help.
The first problem is a little strange, all right.
If it helps, envision modVec as an array of 1's and 0's.
In this case, the first loop converts this array to a value.
This is O(n)
For instance, (1, 1, 0, 1, 1) will yield b = 27.
Your second loop runs b times. The dominating term for the value of b is 2^(n-1), a.k.a. O(2^n). The assignment you do inside the loop is O(1).
The second loop does depend on n. Your base case is a simple multiplication, O(1). The recursion step has three terms:
simple multiplication
recur on n/3 elements
recur on n/3 elements (from 2n/3 to the end is n/3 elements)
Just as your binary partitions result in log[2] complexities, this one will result in log[3]. The base doesn't matter; the coefficient (two recursive calls) doesn't' matter. 2*O(log3) is still O(log N).
Does that push you to a solution?
First Loop
To me this boils down to the O(First-For-Loop) + O(Second-For-Loop).
O(First-For-Loop) is simple = O(n).
O(Second-For-Loop) interestingly depends on n. Therefore, to me it's can be depicted as O(f(n)), where f(n) is some function of n. Not completely sure if I understand the f(n) based on the code presented.
The answer consequently becomes O(n) + O(f(n)). This could boil down to O(n) or O(f(n)) depending upon which one is larger and more dominant (since the lower order terms don't matter in the big-O notation.
Second Loop
In this case, I see that each call to the function invokes 3 additional calls...
The first call seems to be an O(1) call. So it won't matter.
The second and the third calls seems to recurses the function.
Therefore each function call is resulting in 2 additional recursions.
Consequently , the time complexity on this would be O(2^n).

Big O, what is the complexity of summing a series of n numbers?

I always thought the complexity of:
1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n is O(n), and summing two n by n matrices would be O(n^2).
But today I read from a textbook, "by the formula for the sum of the first n integers, this is n(n+1)/2" and then thus: (1/2)n^2 + (1/2)n, and thus O(n^2).
What am I missing here?
The big O notation can be used to determine the growth rate of any function.
In this case, it seems the book is not talking about the time complexity of computing the value, but about the value itself. And n(n+1)/2 is O(n^2).
You are confusing complexity of runtime and the size (complexity) of the result.
The running time of summing, one after the other, the first n consecutive numbers is indeed O(n).1
But the complexity of the result, that is the size of “sum from 1 to n” = n(n – 1) / 2 is O(n ^ 2).
1 But for arbitrarily large numbers this is simplistic since adding large numbers takes longer than adding small numbers. For a precise runtime analysis, you indeed have to consider the size of the result. However, this isn’t usually relevant in programming, nor even in purely theoretical computer science. In both domains, summing numbers is usually considered an O(1) operation unless explicitly required otherwise by the domain (i.e. when implementing an operation for a bignum library).
n(n+1)/2 is the quick way to sum a consecutive sequence of N integers (starting from 1). I think you're confusing an algorithm with big-oh notation!
If you thought of it as a function, then the big-oh complexity of this function is O(1):
public int sum_of_first_n_integers(int n) {
return (n * (n+1))/2;
The naive implementation would have big-oh complexity of O(n).
public int sum_of_first_n_integers(int n) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
sum += n;
return sum;
Even just looking at each cell of a single n-by-n matrix is O(n^2), since the matrix has n^2 cells.
There really isn't a complexity of a problem, but rather a complexity of an algorithm.
In your case, if you choose to iterate through all the numbers, the the complexity is, indeed, O(n).
But that's not the most efficient algorithm. A more efficient one is to apply the formula - n*(n+1)/2, which is constant, and thus the complexity is O(1).
So my guess is that this is actually a reference to Cracking the Coding Interview, which has this paragraph on a StringBuffer implementation:
On each concatenation, a new copy of the string is created, and the
two strings are copied over, character by character. The first
iteration requires us to copy x characters. The second iteration
requires copying 2x characters. The third iteration requires 3x, and
so on. The total time therefore is O(x + 2x + ... + nx). This reduces
to O(xn²). (Why isn't it O(xnⁿ)? Because 1 + 2 + ... n equals n(n+1)/2
or, O(n²).)
For whatever reason I found this a little confusing on my first read-through, too. The important bit to see is that n is multiplying n, or in other words that n² is happening, and that dominates. This is why ultimately O(xn²) is just O(n²) -- the x is sort of a red herring.
You have a formula that doesn't depend on the number of numbers being added, so it's a constant-time algorithm, or O(1).
If you add each number one at a time, then it's indeed O(n). The formula is a shortcut; it's a different, more efficient algorithm. The shortcut works when the numbers being added are all 1..n. If you have a non-contiguous sequence of numbers, then the shortcut formula doesn't work and you'll have to go back to the one-by-one algorithm.
None of this applies to the matrix of numbers, though. To add two matrices, it's still O(n^2) because you're adding n^2 distinct pairs of numbers to get a matrix of n^2 results.
There's a difference between summing N arbitrary integers and summing N that are all in a row. For 1+2+3+4+...+N, you can take advantage of the fact that they can be divided into pairs with a common sum, e.g. 1+N = 2+(N-1) = 3+(N-2) = ... = N + 1. So that's N+1, N/2 times. (If there's an odd number, one of them will be unpaired, but with a little effort you can see that the same formula holds in that case.)
That is not O(N^2), though. It's just a formula that uses N^2, actually O(1). O(N^2) would mean (roughly) that the number of steps to calculate it grows like N^2, for large N. In this case, the number of steps is the same regardless of N.
Adding the first n numbers:
Consider the algorithm:
return n*(n+1)/2
this algorithm indeed runs in O(|n|^2), where |n| is the length (the bits) of n and not the magnitude, simply because multiplication of 2 numbers, one of k bits and the other of l bits runs in O(k*l) time.
Considering this algorithm:
for i= 1 to n:
sum += i
return sum
which is the naive approach, you can assume that this algorithm runs in linear time or generally in polynomial time. This is not the case.
The input representation(length) of n is O(logn) bits (any n-ary coding except unary), and the algorithm (although it is running linearly in the magnitude) it runs exponentially (2^logn) in the length of the input.
This is actually the pseudo-polynomial algorithm case. It appears to be polynomial but it is not.
You could even try it in python (or any programming language), for a medium length number like 200 bits.
Applying the first algorithm the result comes in a split second, and applying the second, you have to wait a century...
1+2+3+...+n is always less than n+n+n...+n n times. you can rewrite this n+n+..+n as n*n.
f(n) = O(g(n)) if there exists a positive integer n0 and a positive
constant c, such that f(n) ≤ c * g(n) ∀ n ≥ n0
since Big-Oh represents the upper bound of the function, where the function f(n) is the sum of natural numbers up to n.
now, talking about time complexity, for small numbers, the addition should be of a constant amount of work. but the size of n could be humongous; you can't deny that probability.
adding integers can take linear amount of time when n is really large.. So you can say that addition is O(n) operation and you're adding n items. so that alone would make it O(n^2). of course, it will not always take n^2 time, but it's the worst-case when n is really large. (upper bound, remember?)
Now, let's say you directly try to achieve it using n(n+1)/2. Just one multiplication and one division, this should be a constant operation, no?
using a natural size metric of number of digits, the time complexity of multiplying two n-digit numbers using long multiplication is Θ(n^2). When implemented in software, long multiplication algorithms must deal with overflow during additions, which can be expensive. Wikipedia
That again leaves us to O(n^2).
It's equivalent to BigO(n^2), because it is equivalent to (n^2 + n) / 2 and in BigO you ignore constants, so even though the squared n is divided by 2, you still have exponential growth at the rate of square.
Think about O(n) and O(n/2) ? We similarly don't distinguish the two, O(n/2) is just O(n) for a smaller n, but the growth rate is still linear.
What that means is that as n increase, if you were to plot the number of operations on a graph, you would see a n^2 curve appear.
You can see that already:
when n = 2 you get 3
when n = 3 you get 6
when n = 4 you get 10
when n = 5 you get 15
when n = 6 you get 21
And if you plot it like I did here:
You see that the curve is similar to that of n^2, you will have a smaller number at each y, but the curve is similar to it. Thus we say that the magnitude is the same, because it will grow in time complexity similarly to n^2 as n grows bigger.
answer of sum of series of n natural can be found using two ways. first way is by adding all the numbers in loop. in this case algorithm is linear and code will be like this
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
sum += n;
return sum;
it is analogous to 1+2+3+4+......+n. in this case complexity of algorithm is calculated as number of times addition operation is performed which is O(n).
second way of finding answer of sum of series of n natural number is direst formula n*(n+1)/2. this formula use multiplication instead of repetitive addition. multiplication operation has not linear time complexity. there are various algorithm available for multiplication which has time complexity ranging from O(N^1.45) to O (N^2). therefore in case of multiplication time complexity depends on the processor's architecture. but for the analysis purpose time complexity of multiplication is considered as O(N^2). therefore when one use second way to find the sum then time complexity will be O(N^2).
here multiplication operation is not same as the addition operation. if anybody has knowledge of computer organisation subject then he can easily understand the internal working of multiplication and addition operation. multiplication circuit is more complex than the adder circuit and require much higher time than the adder circuit to compute the result. so time complexity of sum of series can't be constant.

Meaning of lg * N in Algorithmic Analysis

I'm currently reading about algorithmic analysis and I read that a certain algorithm (weighted quick union with path compression) is of order N + M lg * N. Apparently though this is linear because lg * N is a constant in this universe. What mathematical operation is being referred to here. I am unfamiliar with the notation lg * N.
The answers given here so far are wrong. lg* n (read "log star") is the iterated logarithm. It is defined as recursively as
0 if n <= 1
lg* n =
1 + lg*(lg n) if n > 1
Another way to think of it is the number of times that you have to iterate logarithm before the result is less than or equal to 1.
It grows extremely slowly. You can read more on Wikipedia which includes some examples of algorithms for which lg* n pops up in the analysis.
I'm assuming you're talking about the algorithm analyzed on slide 44 of this lecture:
Where they say "lg * N is a constant in this universe" I believe they aren't being entirely literal.
lg*N does appear to increase with N as per their table on the right side of the slide; it just happens to grow at such a slow rate that it can't be considered much else (N = 2^65536 -> log*n = 5). As such it seems they're saying that you can just ignore the log*N as a constant because it will never increase enough to cause a problem.
I could be wrong, though. That's simply how I read it.
edit: it might help to note that for this equation they're defining "lg*N" to be 2^(lg*(N-1)). Meaning that an N value of 2^(2^(65536)) [a far larger number] would give lg*N = 6, for example.
The recursive definition of lg*n by Jason is equivalent to
lg*n = m when 2 II m <= n < 2 II (m+1)
2 II m = 2^2^...^2 (repeated exponentiation, m copies of 2)
is Knuth's double up arrow notation. Thus
lg*2= 1, lg*2^2= 2, lg*2^{2^2}= 3, lg*2^{2^{2^2}} = 4, lg*2^{2^{2^{2^2}}} = 5.
Hence lg*n=4 for 2^{16} <= n < 2^{65536}.
The function lg*n approaches infinity extremely slowly.
(Faster than an inverse of the Ackermann function A(n,n) which involves n-2 up arrows.)
lg is "LOG" or inverse exponential. lg typically refers to base 2, but for algorithmic analysis, the base usually doesnt matter.
lg n refers to log base n. It is the answer to the equation 2^x = n. In Big O complexity analysis, the base to log is irrelevant. Powers of 2 crop up in CS, so it is no surprise if we have to choose a base, it will be base 2.
A good example of where it crops up is a fully binary tree of height h, which has 2^h-1 nodes. If we let n be the number of nodes this relationship is the tree is height lg n with n nodes. The algorithm traversing this tree takes at most lg n to see if a value is stored in the tree.
As to be expected, wiki has great additional info.
Logarithm is denoted by log or lg. In your case I guess the correct interpretation is N + M * log(N).
EDIT: The base of the logarithm does not matter when doing asymptotic complexity analysis.
