I am trying create own aliases in terminal (Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.1).
I added this lines:
alias apr='sudo apachectl restart'
alias setvhost='sudo nano /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf'
alias setdns='sudo nano /etc/hosts'
to this files: (I know that lines should be only in one of the following files)
but after restart this aliases not working. After type apr i get zsh: command not found: apr
What I doing wrong?
Which file is best for set aliases?
I am using Oh My ZSH! so my default shell is ZSH and setting of symlinks is currently in ~/.zshrc
Looks like your default shell is zsh, not bash; zsh will not read .bashrc etc. at startup. Change your default shell to bash and retry.
I just upgraded to macOS Catalina (10.15.2) from macOS Mojave. I have used aliases in my ~/.bash_profile and it stopped working after Catalina upgrade.
alias mci='mvn clean install'
alias mcit='mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true'
alias mcid='mvn clean install -Dmaven.surefire.debug'
What should I do?
What kind of shell are you using? bash? zsh?
Have you changed anything else in your:
If you could add your files here maybe there is a "bug" in the beginning for the files?
Seems catalina has changed the default shell to zsh. So maybe moving your
.bashrc is now .zshrc and .bash_profile is now .zprofile will fix this.
and to go back to bash instead
you can list the shells
cat /etc/shells
in the terminal, to update your account to use bash run chsh -s /bin/bash. enter password if need be and shut it down and re-open
I want to set the environment variable I added below the line to ~/.bash_profile and ~/.profile but it didn't work.
export JBOSS_HOME=/Users/{USERNAME}/Desktop/jboss7
Afterward, exit the terminal and open it again when executing echo $JBOSS_HOME I get nothing.
Apple has changed the default shell to zsh. Therefore you have to rename your configuration files. .bashrc is now .zshrc and .bash_profile is now .zprofile.
If you for some reason (as me) don't want to rename/move your ~/.bash_profile file you can do the next things:
Create a new file ~/.zprofile
Type there source ~/.bash_profile
Save and close
Run a new terminal session
You can just copy your existing bash_profile and name it zprofile and it will work fine.
Run the below command in terminal and you are set after closing and opening new terminal.
cp ~/.bash_profile ~/.zprofile
I created a new file called
which contains a wrapper script:
/usr/local/bin/bash --init-file $HOME/.bashrc
I installed this local/bin/bash from HomeBrew.
Full Sequence of Events
brew install bash
echo "/usr/local/bin/bash --init-file $HOME/.bashrc" > /usr/local/bin/mybash
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mybash
Then I opened the settings for terminal.app [cmd-comma]. Under the General Tab, select the radio button for Command (complete path)
In the text box change the text from /bin/zsh/ to /usr/local/bin/bash.
After you close a Terminal window, variables you set in that window are no longer available. If you want the value of a variable to persist across sessions and in all Terminal windows, you must set it in a shell startup script. For information about modifying your zsh shell startup script to keep variables and other settings across multiple sessions, see the “Invocation” section of the zsh man page.
You can use ~/.zlogin to add your variables.
Check out this reference.
changing the bash profile to zsh profile works and source it as well to see in action.
vikas#Vikas-Kumar ~ % mv .bash_profile .zsh_profile
vikas#Vikas-Kumar ~ % source .zsh_profile
You can create a simbolic link and keep your .bash_profile file with this:
ln -s .bash_profile .zsh_profile
source .zsh_profile
Any changes in .bash_profile will be reflected in .zsh_profile
Even with os Catalina /bin/bash comes for free, brew is not needed. Simply create your .bash_profile and set shell in terminal settings to /bin/bash. it automatically finds your .bash_profile. z-shell is not bash-shell and simply renaming will work in most cases but definitely is not correct.
you don't need to update the file, zsh is mac's default, put this in terminal. e.g.:
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
cp zprofile ~/.zprofile
Add to .zprofile:
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
eg. by >vi .zprofile
I am sure this is a configuration issue, but I cannot find what is wrong. I have zsh and oh-my-zsh installed on my new Mac view homebrew.
When I start terminal it doesn't load zhs theme or autocomplete unless I run zsh command to start it. After that all works fine.
However, all the aliases I setup in .zshrc file works fine without running zsh and there is no .bashrc file in the machine.
How can I make zsh to start automatically when I open iTerm.
You can change your default shell to zsh.
Using the below command, and type your password
chsh -s /bin/zsh
If you want to use brew managed zsh, you should append /usr/local/bin/zsh to the end of file /etc/shells, then run command chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh.
Then reopen your iTerm2, done.
I have problems with my terminal after trying to install Homebrew on my Mac. When I start the terminal I get :
-bash: touch: command not found
When I do echo $PATH I get:
I've tried several suggestions like
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
and then it works, but when I restart my terminal, it starts all over.
According to the bash man page, .bash_profile is executed for login shells, while .bashrc is executed for interactive non-login shells.
Mac OS X runs a login shell by default for each new terminal window, calling .bash_profile instead of .bashrc.
Setup your PATH variable in .bash_profile
vim ~/.bash_profile
correct PATH variable with below single line(which is working fine as per the question)
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
I have read so many suggestions about, not putting your customization aka commands in ".profile" file. Rather, create a .bash_profile for yourself and add your alias and etc.
But,when I open the new terminal, if there is only .bash_profile, OS X is not exporting/sourcing the commands mentioned in it. I have to manually source the .bash_profile.
If I create .profile file, on opening a new terminal, all my commands in .profile are executed and will be available readily.
Could you please help me in understanding, how does it works? Also, when to use .bashrc/.profile/.bash_profile files.
According to Apple,
zsh (Z shell) is the default shell for all newly created user accounts, starting with macOS Catalina.
So you should verify your default shell with the command:
$ echo $SHELL
If the result is /bin/bash your default shell is BASH, and if the result is /bin/zsh the default is ZSH.
Go to home with $ cd ~/ and create the profile (if it does not exist) and edit it with the commands:
For bash:
$ touch .bash_profile
$ open .bash_profile
For ZSH:
$ touch .zprofile
$ open .zprofile
According to the manual page that ships with OS X:
... it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable. The --noprofile option may be used when the shell is started to inhibit this behavior.
It should only read ~/.profile as a last resort if neither ~/.bash_profile nor ~/.bash_login are readable.
On all of my OS X systems, I have my ~/.bash_profile set to:
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
It is highly recommended that you do this on OS X in order to get bash to read your ~/.bashrc file like you would expect.
It's also possible that your terminal shell is defaulting to sh instead of bash. You can verify this first:
$ echo $SHELL
To change this to bash, you can go into your Terminal -> Preferences -> Startup tab, and change "Shell Opens With:" from "Default login shell" to Command and value "/bin/bash".
Alternately, you can change your default shell by executing the following command at the command prompt:
chsh -s bin/bash
After you do one of these, open a new shell window, and your .bash_profile should be sourced.
For anyone else who finds this, instead of bash_profile, for new versions of mac you can use .zshrc. I.E., do
open .zshrc
and add what you need there.
You can use zsh to fix the problem.
The Z shell (also known as zsh) is a Unix shell that is built on top
of bash (the default shell for macOS) with additional features. It's
recommended to use zsh over bash.
Install zsh using Homebrew: $ brew install zsh
Install Oh My Zsh: $ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
Move to .bash_profile setting .zshrc file
To apply the changes you make you need to either start new shell
instance or run: source ~/.zshrc
If you are using zsh, you can source to .bash_profile by adding the following line to .zprofile
if [ -f ~/.bash_profile ]; then
source ~/.bash_profile
It should be mentioned that bash will first look for a /etc/profile file, as stated in the Bash man pages.
When bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a non-inter-
active shell with the --login option, it first reads and executes com-
mands from the file /etc/profile, if that file exists. After reading
that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile,
in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that
exists and is readable. The --noprofile option may be used when the
shell is started to inhibit this behavior.
I solved by simply adding bash (in a newline) into ~/.bash_profile file.