Zlib::DataError: incorrect header check - ruby

I have a string, but I don't know the type of encoding.
Here's what the raw data looks like:
I want to decompress the string in data['securityProxyResponseEnvelope']['apiResponse'].
Here's what I'm doing:
#clear_string_from_data = '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'
#decoded = Base64.decode64(#clear_string_from_data)
#inflated = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(#decoded)
But this returns
#=> Zlib::DataError: incorrect header check
What's causing this and what could I try next to decompress the data?

What's causing it is that it is not zlib data. You should ask whoever is producing that raw data.

I was getting this when trying to call inflate on a data that hadn't been deflated by Zlib. In my case it was for a unit test and I sent in a plain string and simply forgot to call .deflate on it first.
In your case, if you do this instead you don't get the error:
#decoded = Zlib::Deflate.deflate(#clear_string_from_data)
#inflated = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(#decoded)


What's the correct way to read an array from a csv field in Ruby?

I am trying to save some class objects to a csv file, everything works fine. I can save and read back from the csv file, there is only a 'minor' problem with an attribute that is an Array of Strings.
When I save it to the file it appears like this: "[""Dan Brown""]"
CSV.open('documents.csv', "w") do |csv|
csv << %w[ISBN Titre Auteurs Type Disponibilité]
#docs.each { |doc|
csv << [doc.isbn, doc.titre, doc.auteurs, doc.type, doc.empruntable ? "Disponible" : "Emprunté"]
And when I try to extract the data from the file I end up with something like this: ["[\"Dan Brown\"]"].
table = CSV.parse(File.read("documents.csv"), headers: true)
table.each do |row|
doc = Document.new(row['Titre'], row['ISBN'], row['Type'])
doc.auteurs << row['Auteurs'] #This the array where there is a 'problem'
if row['Disponibilité'] == "Disponible"
doc.empruntable = true
doc.empruntable = false
#docs.push(doc) #this an array where I save my objects
I tried many things to solve this but without any luck. I would be thankful if you can help me find a solution.
Since a CSV file, by it's nature, contains in its fields only strings, not arrays or other data types, the CSV class is applying the to_s method of the objects to turn them into a string before putting them into the CSV.
When you later read them back, you just get this - the string representation of what once had been your array. The only one who knows that 'Auteurs' should end up as an array of strings, is the application, i.e. you.
Hence on reading the CSV, after having extracted the autheurs string, you need to convert it manually back to an Array, because there is no automatic "inverse method" to reverse the to_s.
A cheap, but dangerous way to do it, is to use eval, which indeed would reconstruct your array. However, you need to be sure that nobody had a chance to fiddle manually with the CSV data, because an eval allows sneaking in arbitrary code.
A safer way would be to either write your own conversion function to and from String representation, or use a format such as YAML or JSON for representing the Array as String, instead of using to_s.

How can I use queryBuilders.wrapperQuery base64 encoded string

I have a json string to build a query, and I need to convert this to QueryBuilder. (ES Ver. 6.3.0)
I found that I can use wrapperQuery method, so I wrote this code:
String str = cond.getFilter().toString();
QueryBuilder filter = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(QueryBuilders.wrapperQuery(str));
And these are result of variables in debug mode:
This method is working right, as the decription in the Docs(https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-wrapper-query.html)
The problem is, that this query just not working.
What is wrong and what should I do?
Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.
Your JSON format seems to be wrong. Since your ASSET_IP is not a number, it must be string in JSON representation. Hence you need to put it as below in your JSON.
{ "ASSET_IP" : "xx.xxx.xxx.xx" }
Update your JSON with the above and try again.

Is there an API for com.apple.TextEncoding?

When you save an NSString (or Swift.String) using a method like this, it writes the xattr "com.apple.TextEncoding". When you load it back with one of the corresponding methods, it checks this xattr and uses that as the default encoding.
Is there any API to determine the encoding of a file, according to this xattr, without having to load the contents of the file?
I know it's not that hard to parse "IANA name, semicolon, CFString​Encoding uint32, (optional other stuff)", but I'd rather avoid it if there's a built-in way.
If I understand your question correctly, you're asking for a way to read the value of the "com.apple.TextEncoding" extended file attribute. This is possible via API declared in <sys/xattr.h>.
Here's a post that extends URL with extended attributes capabilities:
Write extend file attributes swift example
Example usage:
func getTextEncodingAttribute(for url: URL) -> String? {
do {
let data = try url.extendedAttribute(forName: "com.apple.TextEncoding")
return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
} catch _ {
return nil

Issue on parsing string at JSON.parse

In controller side i am getting params like
class of this is String. I am trying to parse this. Through
JSON::ParserError (757: unexpected token at ',{"violation_date":"sdfdsf","violation_time":"sdfsdf"},{"violation_date":"1233","violation_time":""},{"violation_d
What i am doing wrong here. Any suggestions?
It's not valid json, this will work (use []):
require 'json'
jsn = '[{"violation_date":"sdfsdf","violation_time":""},
JSON.parse(jsn) # => [{"violation_date"=>"sdfsdf", "violation_time"=>""}, {"violation_date"=>"sdfdsf", "violation_time"=>"sdfsdf"}, {"violation_date"=>"1233", "violation_time"=>""}, {"violation_date"=>"test", "violation_time"=>"time"}]
To verify json string you could use: http://www.jslint.com/.
And basic json structure: http://json.org/
In your case just try this:
JSON.parse('[' + params_gotton + ']')
well, received string does not contain a proper Json structure..
First convert that received param in a proper json structure and then parse it using "JSON.parse(params_gotton)".
In above received data all key and value shud be in a key value pair string format.. remove "\" symbol from received data..
it will definitely work fine..

Trying to extract key value from parsed JSON in ruby

I’m trying to parse some JSON from the twitter API and extract the value of a key (“media_url”), which is a sub-key of the key (“entities”)
so far I have:
url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?include_entities=true&screen_name=print_broadcast&count=1'
response = RestClient.get(url)
result = JSON.parse(data)
How would I extract a key value from the parsed JSON?
I’ve tried
etc, but I get en error when trying to convert a string to integer... the result of my parsed JSON is an array - shouldn't this be a hash?
Sorry for the dumb questions.
Any help would be appreciated.
The JSON output is actually a list. Granted, it only has one element, but it's still a list.
First get result[0], then you can access ['entries'].
