How to load multiple files in tar.gz into Pig - hadoop

Scenario: Vendor will provide raw feed in tar.gz format which contains multiple files in tab delimited format
File Detail:
a) One Hit level data
b) Multiple Lookup files
c) One Header file for (a)
The feed(tar.gz) will be ingested and landed into BDP operational raw.
Query: Would like to load these data from operational raw area into Pig for data quality checking process. How this can be achieved? Should the files be extracted in hadoop for us to use or alternatives available? Please advise. Thanks!
Note: Any sample script will be more helpful

Ref :
Extract from Docs :
Handling Compression
Support for compression is determined by the load/store function. PigStorage and TextLoader support gzip and bzip compression for both read (load) and write (store). BinStorage does not support compression.
To work with gzip compressed files, input/output files need to have a .gz extension. Gzipped files cannot be split across multiple maps; this means that the number of maps created is equal to the number of part files in the input location.
A = load 'myinput.gz';
store A into 'myoutput.gz';


Save and Process huge amount of small files with spark

I'm new in big data! I have some questions about how to process and how to save large amount of small files(pdf and ppt/pptx) in spark, on EMR Clusters.
My goal is to save data(pdf and pptx) into HDFS(or in some type of datastore from cluster) then extract content from this file from spark and save it in elasticsearch or some relational database.
I had read the problem of small files when save data in HDFS. What is the best way to save large amount of pdf & pptx files (maxim size 100-120 MB)? I had read about Sequence Files and HAR(hadoop archive) but none of them I don't understand how exactly it's works and i don't figure out what is the best.
What is the best way to process this files? I understood that some solutions could be FileInputFormat or CombineFileInputFormat but again I don't know how exactly it's works. I know that can't run every small file on separated task because the cluster will be put in the bottleneck case.
If you use Object Stores (like S3) instead of HDFS then there is no need to apply any changes or conversions to your files and you can have them each as a single object or blob (this also means they are easily readable using standard tools and needn't be unpacked or reformatted with custom classes or code).
You can then read the files using python tools like boto (for s3) or if you are working with spark using the wholeTextFile or binaryFiles command and then making a BytesIO (python) / ByteArrayInputStream (java) to read them using standard libraries.
2) When processing the files, you have the distinction between items and partitions. If you have a 10000 files you can create 100 partitions containing 100 files each. Each file will need to anyways be processed one at a time since the header information is relevant and likely different for each file.
Meanwhile, I found some solutions for that small files problem in HDFS. I can use the following approaches:
HDFS Federation help us to distribute the load of namenodes:
HBase could be also a good alternative if your files size is not too large.
There are practical limits to the size of values (e.g., storing 10-50MB objects in HBase would probably be too much to ask); search the mailing list for conversations on this topic. All rows in HBase conform to the Data Model, and that includes versioning. Take that into consideration when making your design, as well as block size for the ColumnFamily.
Apache Ozone which is object storage like S3 but is on-premises. At the time of writing, from what I know, Ozone is not production ready.

what types of files used for streaming in apache spark

I want to know what are the file types used to load data in apache Spark, example (CSV,txt etc)
fileStream can accept any file type as long as you can provide input format class that can convert it to records. To be useful input should be splitable and easy to parse without reading a whole file but it is not must have as long as you can accept performance penalty.

Do we need to create an index file (with lzop) if compression type is RECORD instead of block?

As I understand, an index file is needed to make the output Splitable. If mapred.output.compression.type=SequenceFile.CompressionType.RECORD, do we still need to create an Index file?
Short answer:
RECORD and BLOCK compression.type properties apply to sequence files, not to simple text files (which can be independently compressed with lzo or gzip or bz2 ...)
More info:
LZO is a compression codec which gives better compression and decompression speed than gzip, and also the capability to split. LZO allows this because its composed of many smaller (~256K) blocks of compressed data, allowing jobs to be split along block boundaries, as opposed to gzip where the dictionary for the whole file is written at the top.
When you specify mapred.output.compression.codec as LzoCodec, hadoop will generate .lzo_deflate files. These contain the raw compressed data without any header, and cannot be decompressed with lzop -d command. Hadoop can read these files in the map phase, but this makes your life hard.
When you specify LzopCodec as the compression.codec, hadoop will generate .lzo files. These contain the header and can be decompressed using lzop -d
However, neither .lzo nor .lzo_deflate files are splittable by default. This is where LzoIndexer comes into play. It generates an index file which tells you where the record boundary is. This way, multiple map tasks can process the same file.
See this cloudera blog post and LzoIndexer for more info.

Hadoop streaming: single file or multi file per map. Don't Split

I have a lot of zip files that need to be processed by a C++ library. So I use C++ to write my hadoop streaming program. The program will read a zip file, unzip it, and process the extracted data.
My problem is that:
my mapper can't get the content of exactly one file. It usually gets something like 2.4 files or 3.2 files. Hadoop will send several files to my mapper but at least one of the file is partial. You know zip files can't be processed like this.
Can I get exactly one file per map? I don't want to use file list as input and read it from my program because I want to have the advantage of data locality.
I can accept the contents of multiple zip file per map if Hadoop don't split the zip files. I mean exactly 1, 2, 3 files, not something like 2.3 files. Actually it will be even better because my program need to load about 800MB data file for processing the unziped data. Can we do this?
You can find the solution here:
The easiest way I would suggest is to set mapred.min.split.size to a large value so that your files do not get split.
If this does not work then you would need to implement an InputFormat which is not very difficult to do and you can find the steps at:
Rather then depending on the min split size I would suggest an easier way is to Gzip your files.
There is a way to compress files using gzip
If you are on Linux you compress the extracted data with
gzip -r /path/to/data
Now that you have this pass this data as your input in your hadoop streaming job.

How Can I Use The Input Logs .PCAP(Binary) With Map Rreduce Hadoop

Logs Tcpdumps are binary files, I want to know what FileInputFormat of hadoop I should use for split chunks the input data...please help me!!
There was a thread on the user list about this:
Basically, the format is not splittable as you can't find a start of a record starting at an arbitrary offset in the file. So you have to do some preprocessing, inserting syncpoints or something similar. Maybe covert smaller files into sequencefiles, and then merge the small sequencefiles?
If you wind up writing something reusable, please consider contributing back to the project.
Write an InputFormat that reads PCAP files, returning something like LongWritable for the key (the nth packet in the file) and PacketWritable as the value (containing the PCAP data). For the InputSplit you can use FileSplit, or MultiFileSplit for better performance, as an individual PCAP file can be read surprisingly quickly.
Unless your blocksize is larger than the size of your pcap files, you will experience lots of network IO...
We've released a library for PCAP format files recently:
