All artisan commands fail to run. Including php artisan list - laravel

I'm getting no output from php artisan.
I have checked laravel logs and php logs. I'm getting no errors it just fails silently.
I also added dumps to the artisan file and they all show on the console except when I try one after this bit of code.
$status = $kernel->handle( $input = new Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput, new Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput );
I'm running L5.0 on php 5.4.41
Any idea whats going on here?

Have you tried running composer update and re-checking the commands? It should do it :)


test comman works in terminal but not in php

When i execute php artisan test --testsuite=myTestsuite in the terminal i get the right result which is just this testsuite exucuted with its tests.
But when i execute php artisan myCommand:
Then the testsuite which is listed first in the phpunit.xml is executed first and then the one which i passed the name.
Has somebody an idea why this is happening?
To call artisan in command you need to use next construction:
$this->call('test', ['test suite' => 'MyTestsuite']);
solved it with
shell_exec('php artisan test --testsuite=MyTestsuite')
if somebody finds a other solution please let me know. Thanks
you can use the Artisan facade like the below:
Artisan::call('test --testsuite=myTestsuite');
$output = Artisan::output();

Laravel ER diagram generator getAllModelsFromEachDirectory()

When I try to follow the instruction here ( I get the following error.
Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError : Argument 1 passed to BeyondCode\ErdGenerator\GenerateDiagramCommand::getAllModelsFromEachDirectory() must be of the type array, null given, called in vendor\beyondcode\laravel-er-diagram-generator\src\GenerateDiagramCommand.php on line 96
at vendor\beyondcode\laravel-er-diagram-generator\src\GenerateDiagramCommand.php:101
98| return $modelsFromDirectories;
99| }
101| protected function getAllModelsFromEachDirectory(array $directories): Collection
102| {
103| return collect($directories)
104| ->map(function ($directory) {
105| return $this->modelFinder->getModelsInDirectory($directory)->all();
Exception trace:
1 BeyondCode\ErdGenerator\GenerateDiagramCommand::getAllModelsFromEachDirectory()
2 BeyondCode\ErdGenerator\GenerateDiagramCommand::getModelsThatShouldBeInspected()
Please use the argument -v to see more details.
I've already opened an issue in the repository.
Screen capture of the error:
Posting for others that may encounter same issue.
Confirm you are using the latest version 1.4.0 of the library
Also if you're using php artisan serve try to stop the server. Run php artisan config:cache, and restart the artisan sever.
Note that the reason why you might need to run php artisan config:cache is because Laravel does cache the app's configurations. if you changed or added new configurations you might explicitly need to clear the configuration cache so that Laravel can cache the new configurations.
If no solution yet. Try this
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=BeyondCode\\ErdGenerator\\ErdGeneratorServiceProvider.
Then repeat step 2.

PhpStorm can't find Laravel helpers

I use PhpStorm 2018.1.4. I installed the package laravel-ide-helper. This allows PhpStorm to see model methods, but it doesn't see any chaining methods from Laravel helpers. For example, I have the following code in the controller:
return response()->file($path,['content-type' => 'application/pdf']);
PhpStorm says to me:
Method 'file' not found in \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory|\Illuminate\Http\Response.
How to fix it?
UPD: Of course, after install the package, I ran thees artisan commands:
php artisan ide-helper:generate
php artisan ide-helper:meta
Installing the laravel-ide-helper alone doesn't do anything. You need to run the artisan commands to generate the files that phpstorm will use.
php artisan ide-helper:generate
php artisan ide-helper:meta
Will help phpStorm's auto-completion.
Update: Since these are executed, the actual problem is a laravel structure issue:
The helper file() doesn't actually exist in the ResponseFactory (response() returns result of ResponseFactory) so IDE helper can't map to it.
file() does however exist in the Facade so if you were to do:
\Response::file($path,['content-type' => 'application/pdf']) it will auto complete.
It's a work around, but unless file() gets added to the response factory at laravel's level, there's not much ide helper or phpstorm can do.

Error while migrating from Laravel tinker console (sqlite)

laravel new bug
Then adding in .env
creating database
touch /home/me/Code/bug/storage/database.sqlite
php artisan migrate && php artisan migrate:fresh
Now trying to migrate programmatically in tinker
php artisan tinker
>> Artisan::call('migrate');
First time resulting in => 0 (as expected ?) But second time:
>>> Artisan::call('migrate:fresh')
Illuminate\Database\QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000]:
General error: 17 database schema has changed (SQL: select * from
sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = migrations)'
Third time:
Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException with
message 'There are no commands defined in the "migrate" namespace.'
Any ideas whats going on here? Can you reproduce?
Update using postgres. The second time running Artisan::call('migrate:fresh') I get:
Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException with
message 'There are no commands defined in the "migrate" namespace.'
UPDATE 2: Issue filed here:
I don't think if this is a laravel bug, but I found your problem:
Calling a non existing command like Artisan::call('migrate:fresh') will crash. The reason is a typo: tinker does not accept fresh, only refresh. Calling the command via tinker will empty the sqllite file so you can't execute any commands until you migrate without tinker.
Here are my steps:
php artisan migrate # sqllite file is filled with content
php artisan tinker
> Artisan:call('refresh')
> Artisan::call('fresh') # now the sqllite file is empty
> Artisan::call('migrate') # will crash
php artisan migrate
> Artisan::('refresh') # works
so I think it's a tinker bug, not a laravel one. Tinker is doing some kind of snapshot (If you change a Model you have to restart tinker to call it there), maybe the error handling is not implemented is the best way to catch all errors.

Laravel 4 - unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 32 bytes

When I install Laravel 4, I receive this error:
unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 32 bytes
return unserialize($this->stripPadding($this->mcryptDecrypt($value, $iv)));
If I modify return like this:
return unserialize(base64_decode($this->stripPadding($this->mcryptDecrypt($value, $iv))));
Then the error goes away. But of course every time I run composer update this change will be undone.
What could be the reason of this problem?
I appreciate any help.
Update: This only happens when I use Auth::check().
Update 2: Now it only works with base64_decode() removed. It's like if the xampp installation has become self-aware. Jesus!
Refer to this issue: laravel/framework#1526
A change in the encryption mechanism is the cause. My solution was to empty out the sessions and views that were cached in the storage folder, then run php artisan key:generate and relaunch the server. I'm not sure which part of the process fixed the issue, but I haven't seen it since.
The command > php artisan cache:clear fixed the problem for me.
I did not have to restart the server
Can you post what you're doing that causes this error? You shouldn't be modifying the core - because as you said, updates will overwrite it.
You have to set a news Key, use the following command:
php artisan key:generate
After that test again to run the Laravel Application
php artisan serve
