Comment image's "source code" - image

When you open an image in a text editor you get some characters which don't really makes sense (at least not to me). Is there a way to add comments to that text, so the file would not apear damaged when opened with an image viewer.
So, something like this:
Would turn into this:

The way to go is setting metadata fields if your image format supports any.
For example, for a PNG you can set a comment field when exporting the file or with a separate tool like exiftool:
exiftool -comment="One does not simply put text into the image data" test.png
If the purpose of the text is to ensure ownership then take a look at digital watermarking.

If you are looking to actually encode information in your image you should use steganography ( )
The wiki article runs you through the basics and shows and example of a picture of a cat hidden in a picture of trees as an example of how you can hide information. In the case of hiding text you can do the following:
Come up with your phase: For argument's sake I'll use the word Hidden
Convert that text to a numeric representation - for simplicity I'll assume ASCII conversion of characters, but you don't have to
"Hidden" = 72 105 100 100 101 110
Convert the numeric representation to Binary
72 = 01001000 / 105 = 01101001 / 100 = 01100100 / 101=01100100 / 110=01101110
For each letter convert the 8 bit binary representations into four 2 bit binary representations that we shall call mA,mR,mG,mB for reasons that will become clear shortly
72 = 01 00 10 00 => 1 0 2 0 = mA mR mG mB
Open an image file for editing: I would suggest using C# to load the image and then use Get/Set Pixels to edit them (How to manipulate images at the pixel level in C# )
use the last 2 bits of each color channel for each pixel to encode your message. For example to encode H in the first pixel of an image you can use the C# code at the end of the instructions
Once all letters of the Word - one per pixel - have been encoded in the image you are done.
Use the same basic process in reverse.
You walk through the image one pixel at a time
You take the 2 least significant bits of each color channel in the pixel
You concatenate the LSB together in alpha,red,green,blue order.
You convert the concatenated bits into an 8 bit representation and then convert that binary form to base 10. Finally, you perform a look up on the base 10 number in an ASCII chart, or just cast the number to a char.
You repeat for the next pixel
The thing to remember is that the technique I described will allow you to encode information in the image without a human observer noticing because it only manipulates the image on the last 2 bits of each color channel in a single pixel, and human eyes cannot really tell the difference between the colors in the range of [(252,252,252,252) => (255,255,255,255)].
But as food for thought, I will mention that a computer can with the right algorithms, and there is active research into bettering the ability of a computer to be able to pick this sort of thing out.
So if you only want to put in a watermark then this should work, but if you want to actually hide something you have to encrypt the message and then perform the
Steganography on the encrypted binary. Since encrypted data is MUCH larger than plain text data it will require an image with far more pixels.
Here is the code to encode H into the first pixel of your image in C#.
//H=72 and needs the following message Alpha, message Red, message Green, message Blue components
mA = 1;
mR = 0;
mG = 2;
mB = 0;
Bitmap myBitmap = new Bitmap("YourImage.bmp");
//pixel 0,0 is the first pixel
Color pixelColor = myBitmap.GetPixel(0, 0);
//the 252 places 1's in the 6 bits that we aren't manipulating so that ANDing with the message bits works
pixelColor = Color.FromArgb(c.A & (252 + mA), c.R & (252 + mR), c.G & (252 + mG), c.B & (252 + mB));
myBitmap.SetPixel(0, 0, pixelColor);


A proper way to convert 2D Array into RGB or GrayScale image for precision difference

I have a 2D CNN model where I perform a classification task. My images are all coming from a sensor data after conversion.
So, normally, my way is to convert them into images using the following approach
newsize = (9, 1000)
pic = acc_normalized[0]
img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(pic*255), 'L')
img = img.resize(newsize)
image_path = "Images_Accel"
image_name = "D1." + str(2)"{image_path}/{image_name}.jpeg")
This is what I obtain:
However, their precision is sort of important. For instance, some of the numerical values are like:
117.79348187327987 or 117.76568758022673.
As you see in the above line, their difference is the digits, when I use uint8, it only takes 117 to when converting it into image pixels and it looks the same, right? But, I'd like to make them different. In some cases, the difference is even at the 8th or 10th digit.
So, when I try to use mode F and save them .jpeg in Image.fromarray line it gives me error and says that PIL cannot write mode F to jpeg.
Then, I tried to first convert them RGB like following;
img = Image.fromarray(pic, 'RGB')
I am not including np.float32 just before pic or not multiplying it by 255 as it is. Then, I convert this image to grayscale. This is what I got for RGB image;
After converting RGB into grayscale:
As you see, it seems that there is a critical different between the first pic and the last pic. So, what should be the proper way to use them in 2D CNN classification? or, should I convert them into RGB and choose grayscale in CNN implementation and a channel of 1? My image dimensions 1000x9. I can even change this dimension like 250x36 or 100x90. It doesn't matter too much. By the way, in the CNN network, I am able to get more than 90% test accuracy when I use the first-type of image.
The main problem here is using which image conversion method I'll be able to take into account those precision differences across the pixels. Would you give me some idea?
---- EDIT -----
Using .tiff format I made some quick comparisons.
First of all, my data looks like the following;
So, if I convert this first reading into an image using the following code where I use np.float64 and L gives me a grayscale image;
newsize = (9, 1000)
pic = acc_normalized[0]
img = Image.fromarray(np.float64(pic), 'L')
img = img.resize(newsize)
image_path = "Images_Accel"
image_name = "D1." + str(2)"{image_path}/{image_name}.tiff")
It gives me this image;
Then, the first 15x9 matrix seems like following image; The contradiction is that if you take a closer look at the numerical array, for instance (1,4) member, it's a complete black where the numerical array is equal to 0.4326132099074307. For grayscale images, black means that it's close to 0 cause it makes white if it's close to 1. However, if it's making a row operation, there is another value closer to 0 and I was expecting to see it black at (1,5) location. If it does a column operation, there is again something wrong. As I said, this data has been already normalized and varies within 0 and 1. So, what's the logic that it converts the array into an image? What kind of operation it does?
Secondly, if I first get an RGB image of the data and then convert it into a grayscale image, why I am not having exactly the same image as what I obtained first? Should the image coming from direct grayscale conversion (L method, np.float64) and the one coming from RGB-based (first I get RGB then convert it to grayscale) be the same? There is a difference in black-white pixels in those images. I do not know why we have it.
---- EDIT 2 ----
.tiff image with F mode and np.float32 gives the following;
I don't really understand your question, but you seem to want to store image differences that are less than 1, i.e. less than the resolution of integer values.
To do so, you need to use an image format that can store floats. JPEG, PNG, GIF, TGA and BMP cannot store floats. Instead, use TIFF, EXR or PFM formats which can handle floats.
Alternatively, you can create 16-bit PNG images wherein each pixel can store values in range 0..65535. So, say the maximum difference you wanted to store was 60 you could calculate the difference and multiply it by 1000 and round it to make an integer in range 0..60000 and store as 16-bit PNG.
You could record the scale factor as a comment within the image if it is variable.

How to determine the number of bytes necessary to store an uncompressed grayscale image of size 8000 × 3400 pixels?

This is all of the information I was provided in the practice question. I am trying to figure out how to calculate it when prompted to do so on an exam...
How to determine the number of bytes necessary to store an uncompressed grayscale image of size 8000 × 3400 pixels?
I am also curious how the calculation changes if the image is a compressed binary image.
"I am trying to figure out how to calculate it when prompted to do so on an exam."
There are 8 bits to make 1 byte, so once you know how many bits-per-pixel (bpp) you have, this is a very simple calculation.
For 8 bits per pixel greyscale, just multiply the width by the height.
8000 * 3400 = 27200000 bytes.
For 1 bit per pixel black&white, multiply the width by the height and then divide by 8.
(8000 * 3400) / 8 = 3400000 bytes.
It's critical that the image is uncompressed, and that there's no padding at the end of each raster line. Otherwise the count will be off.
The first thing to work out is how many pixels you have. That is easy, it is just the width of the image multiplied by the height:
N = w * h
So, in your case:
N = 8000 * 3400 = 27200000 pixels
Next, in general you need to work out how many samples (S) you have at each of those 27200000 pixel locations in the image. That depends on the type of the image:
if the image is greyscale, you will have a single grey value at each location, so S=1
if the image is greyscale and has transparency as well, you will have a grey value plus a transparency (alpha) value at each location, so S=2
if the image is colour, you will have three samples for each pixel - one Red sample, one Green sample and one Blue sample, so S=3
if the image is colour and has transparency as well, you will get the 3 RGB values plus a transparency (alpha) value for each pixel, so S=4
there are others, but let's not get too complicated
The final piece of the jigsaw is how big each sample is, or how much storage it takes, i.e. the bytes per sample (B).
8-bit data takes 1 byte per sample, so B=1
16-bit data takes 2 bytes per sample, so B=2
32-bit floating point or integer data take 4 bytes per sample, so B=4
there are others, but let's not get too complicated
So, the actual answer for an uncompressed greyscale image is:
storage required = w * h * S * B
and in your specific case:
storage required = 8000 * 3400 * 1 * 1 = 27200000 bytes
If the image were compressed, the only thing you should hope and expect is that it takes less storage. The actual amount required will depend on:
how repetitive/predictable the image is - the more predictable the image is, in general, the better it will compress
how many colours the image contains - fewer colours generally means better compression
which image file format you require (PNG, JPEG, TIFF, GIF)
which compression algorithm you use (RLE, LZW, DCT)
how long you are prepared to wait for compression and decompression - the longer you can wait, the better you can compress in general
what losses/inaccuracies you are prepared to tolerate to save space - if you are prepared to accept a lower quality version of your image, you can get a smaller file

What is the type of this barcode found on some optical discs?

The barcode is found on the clear side of some CDs and DVDs (all of them bearing "DADC", "Sony DADC" or "Sony Music" somewhere on the ring)
There are only two widths and they are always in the configuration 1,2 or 2,1. I'll treat these as binary 0 and 1 from now on.
The data seems to be aligned in four bits, with 0x0 to 0x9 representing numbers 0-9 and some sort of encoding for other characters (for example 0xb0 produces 'A' and 0xd6 produces '-').
It seems like 0xa begins a text mode sequence, 0xe begins some different mode sequence (some of it seems to be a checksum) and 0xf ends it.
a few examples in hexadecimal, with corresponding human-readable text version from the ring after whitespace:
ab00100199443d60101e8085f A0100199443-0101
ab00100343510d60101e9880f A0100343510-0101
ab00100993638d6b0911e29420f A0100993638-A911
ab00100993638d6b1911e29421f A0100993638-B911
ac85107702000d60101e5688f S5107702000-0101
ac85107642000d60101e5388f S5107642000-0101
ab00100779256d6b0511e28211f A0100779256-A511
a32d6475824d610e6094f 32-475824-10
ab00100490591d6b0511e26302f A0100490591-A511
There may be errors, I decoded them by hand.
The only example I found with the barcode visible from the label side, resulting in a clear scan (the first example):
convert XiOSq.jpg -resize 314% -distort DePolar 0 -gravity southeast -crop 53x10% +repage -resize 100x16%\! output.jpg:
The shorter barcode, present on CDs (e6b007f in this example), is a mystery.
clean version of the first example:
(the 314% and 16% are just approximations of 100pi and 50/pi, to make the outer edge of the circle the same length, and the width of the ring match between the images; 53% is the percentage of the circle elapsed clockwise from the top to just after the "DADC" logo, and 10% is the percentage [from the outer edge of the circle to the middle] which I wanted to be the top of the output image; south = outer edge; east = clockwise)
Google for 'CD Matrix'
Until now I can't see any practical use for the consumer. Most barcode reader I'm working with even can't read the round barcode (it's a nice use of convert in your post!).
Maybe it is a kind of early 'genuine product' label (like the holographic pictures) to prevent music-piracy in pre-mp3 times.
Apologies for necro-ing this post, but the folks over on the Redump Forums cracked this custom encoding a little while back.
The encoding is a combination of 4-bit BCD for integers and a custom hex-encoding for characters, which can be viewed in the post linked above.
I created a decoder for this encoding while trying to find the same thing, which can be found here. It's very basic and incredibly messy, but it accepts the raw binary of a barcode and outputs a decoded string.

Read RGB image into binary and display it as RGB in Matlab

This question is based on the one asked earlier Understanding image steganography by LSB substitution method
In order to make the code efficient and reduce the mean square error (MSE) the suggestion was: "read the file as is with and convert it to bits with de2bi(fread(fopen(filename)), 8). Embed these bits to your cover image with the minimum k factor required, probably 1 or 2. When you extract your secret, you'll be able to reconstruct the original file." This is what I have been trying but somewhere I am doing wrong as I am not getting any display. However, the MSE has indeed reduced. Basically, I am confused as to how to convert the image to binary, perform the algorithm on that data and display the image after extraction.
Can somebody please help?
I've made some modifications to your code to get this to work regardless of what the actual image is. However, they both need to be either colour or grayscale. There are also some errors your code that would not allow me to run it on my version of MATLAB.
Firstly, you aren't reading in the images properly. You're opening up a byte stream for the images, then using imread on the byte stream to read in the image. That's wrong - just provide a path to the actual file.
Secondly, the images are already in uint8, so you can perform the permuting and shifting of bits natively on this.
The rest of your code is the same as before, except for the image resizing. You don't need to specify the number of channels. Also, there was a syntax error with bitcmp. I used 'uint8' instead of the value 8 as my version of MATLAB requires that you specify a string of the expected data type. The value 8 here I'm assuming you mean 8 bits, so it makes sense to put 'uint8' here.
I'll also read your images directly from Stack Overflow. I'll assume the dinosaur image is the cover while the flower is the message:
%%% Change
x = imread(''); % cover message
y = imread(''); % message image
n = input('Enter the no of LSB bits to be subsituted- ');
%%% Change
S = uint8(bitor(bitand(x,bitcmp(2^n-1,'uint8')),bitshift(y,n-8))); %Stego
E = uint8(bitand(255,bitshift(S,8-n))); %Extracted
origImg = double(y); %message image
distImg = double(E); %extracted image
[M N d] = size(origImg);
distImg1=imresize(distImg,[M N]); % Change
figure(1),imshow(x);title('1.Cover image')
figure(2),imshow(y);title('2.Message to be hide')
figure(3),imshow((abs(S)),[]);title('3.Stegnographic image')
figure(4),imshow(real(E),[]); title('4.Extracted image');
This runs for me and I manage to reconstruct the message image. Choosing the number of bits to be about 4 gives you a good compromise between the cover and message image.
Loading the byte stream instead of the pixel array of the secret will result to a smaller payload. How smaller it'll be depends on the image format and how repetitive the colours are.
imread() requires a filename and loads a pixel array if said filename is a valid image file. Loading the byte stream of the file and passing that to imread() makes no sense. What you want is this
% read in the byte stream of a file
fileID = fopen(filename);
secretBytes = fread(fileID);
% write it back to a file
fileID = fopen(filename);
fwrite(fileID, secretBytes);
Note that the cover image is loaded as a pixel array, because you'll need to modify it.
The size of your payload is length(secretBytes) * 8 and this must fit in your cover image. If you decide to embed k bits per pixel, for all your colour planes, the following requirement must be met
secretBytes * 8 <= prod(size(coverImage)) * k
If you want to embed in only one colour plane, regardless of whether your cover medium is an RGB or greyscale, you need to modify that to
secretBytes * 8 <= size(coverImage,1) * size(coverImage,2) * k
If this requirement isn't met, you can choose to
stop the process
ask the user for a smaller file to embed
increase k
include more colour planes, if available
The following is a prototype for embedding in one colour plane in the least significant bit only (k = 1).
coverImage = imread('lena.png');
secretBytes = uint8('Hello world'); % this could be any byte stream
coverPlane = coverImage(:,:,1); % this assumes an RGB image
bits = de2bi(secretBytes,8)';
bits = [de2bi(numel(bits), HEADER_LEN) bits(:)'];
nBits = length(bits);
coverPlane(1:nBits) = bitset(coverPlane(1:nBits),1,bits);
coverImage(:,:,1) = coverPlane;
nBits = bi2de(bitget(coverPlane(1:HEADER_LEN),1));
extBits = bitget(coverPlane(HEADER_LEN+1:HEADER_LEN+nBits),1);
extractedBytes = bi2de(reshape(extBits',8,length(extBits)/8)')';
Along with your message bytes you have to embed the length of the secret, so the extractor knows how many bits to extract.
If you embed with k > 1 or in more than one colour planes, the logic becomes more complicated and you have to be careful how you implement the changes.
For example, you can choose to embed in each colour plane at a time until you run out of bits to hide, or you can flatten the whole pixel array with coverImage(:), which will embed in the RGB of each pixel, one pixel at a time until you run out of bits.
If you embed with k > 1, you have to pad your bits vector with 0s until its length is divisible by k. Then you can combine your bits in groups of k with
bits = bi2de(reshape(a',k,length(bits)/k)')';
And to embed them, you want to resort back to using bitand() and bitor().
coverPlane(1:nBits) = bitor(bitand(coverPlane(1:nBits), bitcmp(2^k-1,'uint8')), bits);
There are more details, like extracting exactly 24 bits for the message length and I can't stress enough you have to think very carefully how you implement all of those things. You can't just stitch parts from different code snippets and expect everything to do what you want it to do.

How an image get converted by base64 algorithm?

After I read in about how the word Man gets converted into TWFu by using the base64 algorithm, I was wondering how an image get converted by the same algorithm, after all this conversion takes bytes ,divide them into groups of 6 and then looking for their ASCII value.
My question is, how an image becomes a base64-encoded string?
I want an answer that describes the flow from when we save the image in our computer until it becomes a base64-string.
Terms that I hope will be explained in the answer are:
Base64 isn't an image encoder, it's a byte encoder, important distinction. Whatever you pass it, whether it be a picture, an mp3, or the string "ilikepie" - it takes those bytes and generates a text representation of them. It has no understanding of anything in your pixels/dpi/ppi/1bit/8bit/24bit/Mime list, that would be the business of the software that reads those original bytes.
Per request I want an answer that describes the flow from when we save the image in our computer until it's become 64base string.
To get to a base64 representation:
Open paint and draw a smiley face.
Save that smiley face as smile.png
Paint uses its png encoder to convert the bitmap of pixels into a stream of bytes that it compresses and appends headers to so that when it sees those bytes again it knows how to display them.
Image is written to disk as series of bytes.
You run a base64 encoder on smile.png.
base64 reads the bytes from disk at the location smile.png refers to and converts their representation and displays the result.
To display that base64 representation in a browser:
browser is handed a resource encoded with base64, which looks something ...
Browser takes the image/png part and knows that the data following it will be the bytes of a png image.
It then sees base64, and knows that the next blob will need to be base64 decoded, before it can then be decoded by its png decoder.
It converts the base64 string to bytes.
It passes those bytes to its png decoder.
It gets a bitmap graphic that it can then display.
every image is consists of many pixels, the number of pixel is determined by the image resolution.
image resolution - the number of pixels in a row & number of rows.
for example image with resolution of 800x600 has 800 pixels in a row & 600 rows.
every pixel has bit depth - the number of bits represent pixel.
for example with bit depth of 1 every pixel is represent by one bit and has only 2 options (0 or 1 - black or white).
image can saved in many different formats. the most common are bitmap , jpeg, gif. whatever format is used an image always displayed in computer screens as bitmap (uncompressed format). every format is saved differently.
jpeg- is a 24 bit (bit depth) format. when you stored the image it work in compressed form and you loss some of the image data.
gif- up to 8 bit (bit depth) format. a gif image can be optimized by removing some of the colours in its palette. it is a lossless format.
Just throwing this in for the Bytes clarification :
"The word MAN gets converted into TWFu by using the base64 algorithm, I was wondering how an image gets converted by the same
algorithm, after all this conversion takes Bytes, divide them into
groups of 6 and then looking for their ASCII value."
"My question is, How an image becomes base64 string?"
correction : MAN becomes TUFO. It is actually Man that becomes TWFu as you've shown above.
Now onto the clarification...
The byte values (binary numbers) of the image can be represented in hex notation, which makes it possible to process those same bytes as a string. Hex has a range from 0 up to F which means.. ranging 0 to 9 then it's A = 10 up F = 15. Giving 16 possible values.
Hex is also called Base16.
Bytes conversion to Base64 is simply : Numbers converted from Base16 to Base64.
The Hex range of 0 to F is within Base64 valid chars and so can be written as Base64.
For example :
The beginning 3 bytes of JPEG format are always ff d8 ff
The same as Base64 is : /9j/ ...(see examples at these link1 and link2)
You can test by :
Open any .jpg image in a downloaded free Hex Editor. You can also try online Hex editors but most won't Copy to clipboard. This online HEX viewer will allow Select/Copy but you have to manually remove all those extra minus - in copied hex text (ie: use the Find & Replace option in some text editor), or skip/avoid selecting them before any copy/paste.
Go to this Data Converter and re-type or copy/paste as many bytes (from starting FF up to any X amount) into the [HEX] box and press decode below it. This will show you those bytes as Base64 and even tells you the decimal value of each byte.
When you upload any file in a html form using <input type="file>" it is transferred to server in the exactly same form as it is stored on your computer or device. Browser doesn't check what file format is and traits it as just block of bytes. For transfer details see How does HTTP file upload work?
