Trying to apply a clearcase command to all files in a list of filenames in a text file - cleartool

I need to re-label a list of specific files. I have those filenames (with full paths) in a text file. How do I pipe the contents of the text file into a cleartool command?
I found the following online but didn't work, as the ls command lists the files in the local directory, not the files in "fileList.txt":
cleartool ls < fileList.txt
Any help will be appreciated.
(my platform is windows 7).

You can check if one of the methods mentioned in "Using file contents as command line arguments in BASH".
xargs -n1 < fileList.txt echo mklabel -replace MyNewLabel
For that, use a bash like one provided with git-for-windows:
Unzip anywhere you want PortableGit-, and call:
In it, you will have access to xargs.


xargs -a [file] mv -t [new-directory] gives me mv: cannot stat `filename*': No such file or directory error

I have been trying to run this command (that I have run before in a different directory), and everything I've read on the message boards has not solved my unknown issue.
Of note: 1) the files exist in this directory 2) I have proper permissions to move these files around 3) I have run this exact line of code before and it has worked. 4) I tried listing files with and without '' to capture all the files (see below). 5) I also tired to list each file as 'Sample1', but that did not work.
xargs -a [filename.txt] mv -t [new-directory]
I have file beginnings (I have ~5 file for each beginning), and I want to move all the files associated with that beginning.
Example: Sample1.bam Sample1.sorted.bam, etc
The lines in the file are listed as such:
Sample3* ...etc.
What am I doing incorrectly and how can I fix it?
When you execute command using 'xargs' arguments are passed directly to the called program ('mv' in your case). Wildcard patterns in the input are not expanded - 'sample1*' is passed as is to "mv", which issue an error message about note having a file named 'sample1*'.
To get file name expansion, you want to use the shell. One way to handle this situation is
xargs -a FILENAME.TXT -I__ sh -c "mv -t NEW-FOLDER -- __"
Security Note: the code provides some protection against command line injection (e.g., file name starting with '-'). However, other possible attacks are possible. Safer version is
cat FILENAME.txt | grep '^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Z-z0-9._-]*$' | xargs I__ sh -c "mv -t NEW-FOLDER -- __"
which will limit the input to file with alphanumeric. The 'grep' patterns can be extend the pattern as needed.
With GNU Parallel you would do something like:
cat FILENAME.txt | parallel mv {} NEW-FOLDER
One of the benefits of GNU Parallel is that it deals correctly with file names like:
My brother's 12" records cost > $1000.txt

Script to copy directory of filenames to .txt file

This should be fairly easy and I understand the logic of it but my shell scripting is rather beginner.
Basically, I have a directory with a hundred files or so, and I want to copy their filenames to a .txt file. One line per filename. I know I'd want a loop for all the files in the directory, copy name to text file, repeat until there are no more files but not sure how to write that out in a .sh file.
(Also, just out of pure curiosity, how would I omit the file extensions? In this case, they're all the same extension but potentially in the future they may not be, and while I need the extensions right now I may not in the future. I'm assuming there might be a flag for this or would I use '.' as a delimiter to stop copying at that point?)
Thanks in advance!
It could be very easy with ls:
ls -1 [directory] > filename.txt
Note the flag -1, it tells ls to output filenames one per line regardless what the output is. Usually ls acts like ls -C if the stdout is a tty, and acts like ls -1 otherwise. Explicitly specifying this flag forces ls to output one per line.
If you want to do it manually, this is an example:
cd [directory]
for i in *
echo "$i"
done > filename.txt
To omit extensions, you can use string replacement:
echo "${i%.*}"
For the first part, you can do
ls <dirname> > files.txt
I alias ls to ls -F, so to avoid any extraneous characters in the output, you would do
printf "%s\n" * > ../filename.txt
I put the output txt file in a different directory so the list of files does not include "filename.txt"
If you want to omit file extensions:
printf "%s\n" * | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//' > ../filename.txt

Get full filepath while unzip in UNIX

I am stuck with one issue, and being a starter in shell script its getting confusing to achieve it.
I need to pull the file name while unzipping a file (which contains different file with different paths) in shell.
I should get below as output in some local variables:
Note: I am using unzip utility for this.
If you'e got the full filename including path in $Filename then
will give the path and
will give the filename.
You can done this using combination of sed.
unzip | sed 's/.*: \(.*\)\/.*$/\1/'
It will give you the directory names without file names. If you need a uniq value, then use uniq command with that.
unzip | sed 's/.*: \(.*\)\/.*$/\1/' | uniq
Just unzip the file normally
and then recurse through the folder and get the filepaths:
find $(pwd)/myfolder -type d
This last command gets (find) all folders (-type d) in extracted directory (myfolder) in the current directory (pwd).
Then you can redirect its output to a file
find $(pwd)/myfolder -type d > dirnames
or store it in a variable:
DIRNAMES=$(find $(pwd)/myfolder -type d)

Bash script to transverse a directory

I have a directory with XML files and other directories. All other directories have XML files and subdirectories, etc.
I need to write a script (bash probably) that for each directory runs java XMLBeautifier directory and since my skills at bash scripting are a bit rubbish, I would really appreciate a bit of help.
If you have to get the directories, you can use:
$ find . -type d
just pipe this to your program like this:
$ find . -type d | xargs java XMLBeautifier
Another approach would be to get all the files with find and pipe that to your program like this:
$ find . -name "*.xml" | xargs java XMLBeautifier
This takes all .xml files from the current directory and recursively through all subdirectories. Then hands them one by one over with xargs to java XMLBeautifier.
Find is an awesome tool ... however, if you are not sure of the file name but have a vague idea of what those xml file contains then you can use grep.
For instance, if you know for sure that all your xml files contains a phrase "correct xml file" (you can change this phrase to what you feel appropriate) then run the following at your command line ...
grep -IRw "correct xml file" /path/to/directory/*
-I option searches the file and returns the file name when pattern is matched
-R option reaches your directory recursively
-w ensure that the pattern given matches on the whole and not single word individually
Hope this helps!

How to archive files under certain dir that are not text files in Mac OS?

Hey, guys, I used zip command, but I only want to archive all the files except *.txt. For example, if two dirs file1, file2; both of them have some *.txt files. I want archive only the non-text ones from file1 and file2.
tl;dr: How to tell linux to give me all the files that don't match *.txt
$ zip -r zipfile -x'*.txt' folder1 folder2 ...
Move to you desired directory and run:
ls | grep -P '\.(?!txt$)' | zip -# zipname
This will create a file containing everything but .txt files. In short, what it does is:
List all files in the directory, one per line (this can be achieved by using the -1 option, however it is not needed here as it's the default when output is not the terminal, it is a pipe in this case).
Extract from that all lines that do not end in .txt. Note it's grep using a Perl regular expression (option -P) so the negative lookahead can be used.
Zip the list from stdin (-#) into zipname file.
The first method I posted fails with files with two ., like I described in the comments. For some reason though, I forgot about the -v option for grep which prints only what doesn't match the regex. Plus, go ahead and include a case insensitive option.
ls | grep -vi '\.txt$' | zip -# zipname
Simple, use bash's Extended Glob option like so:
shopt -s extglob
zip -some -options !(*.txt)
This isn't as good as the -x builtin option to zip but my solution is generic across any command that may not have this nice feature.
