WorkerPool example from LMAX Disruptor framework - lmax

Looking for a WorkerPool example from LMAX Disruptor Framework. The idea is to use it when we want to make sure that event is only consumed once ( Pollable Channel rather than subscribable Channel)

I didnt read the whole LMAX documentation and examples :-). Here are some of the examples i could find ( these use Disruptor DSL but the concept is pretty much same)


Refactoring a modelica library that doesn't use flow variable and stream variables

I am digging into a modelica library called ThermoSysPro, but the connectors in this library don't use any flow variable and stream variable. This affects the code in the other components.
So If I wanna refactoring the code in this library, could anyone show me a similar example? Especially how to rewrite the code in the components to use stream variables.
To my knowledge there is no such example available. Nevertheless quite some work has been carried out in that regard. As a starting point I would suggest to read this. It explains in detail, which concepts have been used and why they have been sub-optimal. This includes in-/output, flow and stream connectors, also covering the Modelica-related fundamentals of each approach. It should therefore pretty much answer your question.

Would it be appropriate to use Singles for RxAndroidBle reads and writes?

I'm still learning the Reactive paradigm, and just came across the Single<T> and SingleSubscriber<T> classes. It strikes me that these might be appropriate for "one-time" operations like reading or writing a control characteristic via BLE.
Does this make sense? What are the pros and cons? Would it require implementation by the authors of RxAndroidBle? Any explanation & discussion appreciated.
When the RxAndroidBle library was started there were no Single nor Completable classes in the RxJava library.
These constructs would fit well in the RxAndroidBle and are planned but it would need a bit of work from the library's author and would change the API - a version bump to 2.0.0 would be required.

Is there parallelism in Elm?

It's possible to write parallel code in Elm? Elm is pure functional, so no locking is needed. Of course, I can use Javascript FFI, spawn workers here and do it on my own. But, I want more user friendly "way" of doing this.
Short answer
No, not currently. But the next release (0.15) release will have new ways to handle effects inside Elm so you will need to use ports + JavaScript code less. So there may well be a way to spawn workers inside Elm in the next version.
More background
If you're feeling adventurous, try reading the published paper on Elm (or the longer original thesis), which shows that the original flavour of FRP that Elm uses is well suited for fine-grained concurrency. There is also an async construct which can potentially make part of the program run separately in a more coarse-grained manner. That might be support with OS-level threads (like JS Webworkers) and parallelism.
There have been earlier experiments with Webworkers. There is certainly an interest in concurrency within the community, but JavaScript doesn't offer (m)any great options for concurrency.
For reading tips on the paper, here's post of mine from the elm-discuss mailing list:
If you want to know more about signals and opt-in async, I suggest you try Evan's PLDI paper on Elm. Read from the introduction (1) up to building GUIs (4). You can skip the type system (3.2) and functional evaluation (3.3.1), that may save you some time. Most in and after building GUIs (4) is probably stuff you know already. Figure 8 is probably the best overview of what the async keyword does (note that the async keyword is not implemented in the current Elm compiler).

Is there a preferred way to design signal or event APIs in Go?

I am designing a package where I want to provide an API based on the observer pattern: that is, there are points where I'd like to emit a signal that will trigger zero or more interested parties. Those interested parties shouldn't necessarily need to know about each other.
I know I can implement an API like this from scratch (e.g. using a collection of channels or callback functions), but was wondering if there was a preferred way of structuring such APIs.
In many of the languages or frameworks I've played with, there has been standard ways to build these APIs so that they behave the way users expect: e.g. the g_signal_* functions for glib based applications, events and addEventListener() for JavaScript DOM apps, or multicast delegates for .NET.
Is there anything similar for Go? If not, is there some other way of structuring this type of API that is more idiomatic in Go?
I would say that a goroutine receiving from a channel is an analogue of an observer to a certain extent. An idiomatic way to expose events in Go would be thus IMHO to return channels from a package (function). Another observation is that callbacks are not used too often in Go programs. One of the reasons is also the existence of the powerful select statement.
As a final note: some people (me too) consider GoF patterns as Go antipatterns.
Go gives you a lot of tools for designing a signal api.
First you have to decide a few things:
Do you want a push or a pull model? eg. Does the publisher push events to the subscribers or do the subscribers pull events from the publisher?
If you want a push system then having the subscribers give the publisher a channel to send messages on would work really well. If you want a pull method then just a message box guarded with a mutex would work. Other than that without knowing more about your requirements it's hard to give much more detail.
I needed an "observer pattern" type thing in a couple of projects. Here's a reusable example from a recent project.
It's got a corresponding test that shows how to use it.
The basic theory is that an event emitter calls Submit with some piece of data whenever something interesting occurs. Any client that wants to be aware of that event will Register a channel it reads the event data off of. This channel you registered can be used in a select loop, or you can read it directly (or buffer and poll it).
When you're done, you Unregister.
It's not perfect for all cases (e.g. I may want a force-unregister type of event for slow observers), but it works where I use it.
I would say there is no standard way of doing this because channels are built into the language. There is no channel library with standard ways of doing things with channels, there are simply channels. Having channels as built in first class objects frees you from having to work with standard techniques and lets you solve problems in the simplest most natural way.
There is a basic Golang version of Node EventEmitter at

IObservable vs Plain Events or Why Should I use IObservable?

Microsoft introduced the IObservable<T> interface to the BCL with .NET Framework 4, and I thought, "Great, finally, I must use it!" So I dug deep and read posts and documentation and even implemented the pattern.
After doing so I've realized that the basic implementation actually sends all the T events to all of its subscribers without any filtering on it; i.e. plain broadcast. I read somewhere that the Observable pattern is meant for plain broadcast. I feel that this is not true and that I am missing something.
My questions:
If I add a filtering mechanism, what is the difference between using the Observable pattern and just using plain CLR events?
When should one use this pattern, and when should one choose to use plain CLR events?
What are the main advantages of the Observable pattern?
Observable is the cornerstone of the Rx library. They provide pretty much all the implementations and operators you'll need. The idea behind IObservable<T> and Rx is not just the "handling" of events, but enabling "LINQ to Events." So you can easily compose "event streams," which gives you a lot of power compared to regular event handling.
Note that the sample MSDN implementation of IObservable<T> is incorrect; the doc team has been notified.
