Spring social and facebook api 2.4 - spring

I'm using spring-social for facebook, <version>2.0.1.RELEASE</version> and it works fine if I use the 2.3 Facebook version API.
I create a new app with the version 2.4 and it doesn’t work correctly, since FB changed the API policies:
Fewer default fields for faster performance:
To help improve
performance on mobile network connections, we've reduced the number of
fields that the API returns by default. You should now use the
?fields=field1,field2 syntax to declare all the fields you want the
API to return.
For example the post contains only the id and message and not from-name and from-id, so the class Post contains only this two fields.
Now to read this value we need to add “?fields=from”.
The question is, is there a way to use spring social also with the version 2.4 ?

It seems that the problem persists. So, I am using as workaround the following method to bring back the fields I need:
Facebook facebook = new FacebookTemplate(accessToken);
Post post = facebook.fetchObject(postId, Post.class, "picture, message, source, story, caption, place, description, type, from, link, icon, shares, created_time, name");


How to read a Google People api response object [updated]

I'm new to Google's API and I'm having trouble reading the content of a People contact.
To get the details of a particular contact, references show this code should work [Edit: I updated the personfields]:
profile = service.people().get(resourceName='people/c63810788897573286', personFields='names')
The resourceName is the ID of a particular contact (that ID will only work for someone with access to my account). The server grabs it correctly and returns this:
<googleapiclient.discovery.Resource object at 0x10fd183c8>
How do I read the content of this object? I can't figure out from the documentation
I want to print out the Name. I'm pretty new to APIs, so maybe there is a standard way to read an HTTP object or maybe it's something unique to Google's API. Thanks for any advice
I found an answer in another somewhat related StackOverflow. I needed to the add .execute() to the call
profile = service.people().get(resourceName='people/c63810788897573286', personFields='names').execute()

Google+ Sign-in API shutdown - Profile.me

since Google announced that Google+ Sign-in will be fully deprecated in near future, I just want to confirm that I understand we are not using any of its deprecated features.
Currently in our code I can see that we are only using following two classes:
Under 1, part of the code we are worried about is
public class Me
which, as far as I understand, addresses plus.me (https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/quick-migration-guide), which is being deprecated.
Under 2, is this class also being deprecated? It seems like the part (or all) of the Google+ profile is contained in there.
Both classes mentioned above are part of the following library version:
The version of api-client is:
Many thnx
The Me class does not appear to be related to the plus.get endpoint. The Path specified in the Me.Get class is
private static final String REST_PATH = "userinfo/v2/me";
which specifies the userinfo endpoint, rather than the plus.get endpoint.
Similarly, although the Userinfoplus sure sounds like it is related to the plus endpoint, the fields in it appear to match the userinfo v2 endpoint. They certainly don't do anything to access the plus.me endpoint directly, anyway.

Does the JIRA REST API support querying a list of labels?

I see the is the ability to get all components of a project by doing
but I don't see any capability or documentation on how to get the list of labels that are available for a project (something like:
Does the JIRA REST API support querying the list of labels available on a project?
Just to clarify, labels (at least the built-in JIRA ones) are global entities so they can be attached to any Issue in any Project.
As to your question - no, there's no public REST endpoint to get/change/add labels to JIRA.
Jira Cloud has /rest/api/3/label.
Jira Server provides /rest/api/2/jql/autocompletedata/suggestions?fieldName=labels which is however not paginated and only returns the first few labels (label values can be queried using &fieldValue=X).
However, as hacky workaround you can misuse the API endpoints some Atlassian Jira Gadgets are communicating with. Though this has the following disadvantages:
Are internal APIs
Atlassian apparently plans to replace Gadgets with Dashboard Items eventually
Might change behavior, see e.g. JRASERVER-67446
No pagination (?), responses can be huge
Responses are designed for Gadgets, therefore contain irrelevant data
Labels Gadget
Where <PROJECT_ID> is the numeric ID of the project.
Heat Map Gadget
Where <PROJECT_OR_FILTER> can be either:

Google static map API getting 403 forbidden when loading from img tag

What I have is a Google map that shows the location of a property but when I come to print the dynamic maps dont print so good so I decided to implement the Google Static Map image API.
^^ is an example of a property in print view and should show a static map image but it fails to load and looking at my inspector I'm getting a 403 Forbiden response for the image.
But if I go to the URL directly the image loads...
What am I doing wrong?
This has gotten quite a lot of views, so I'm adding my solution to the problem here:
When using the new API, make sure you generate a Key for browser apps (with referers) and also make sure the patterns match your URL.
E.g. when requesting from example.com your pattern should be
When you're requesting from www.example.com:
So make sure you check whether a subdomain is present and allow both patterns in the developer console.
Visit the Developer Console.
Under API Keys, click the pencil icon to edit.
Under "Key restrictions", ensure that you have an entry for example.com/*, *.example.com/*, and any local testing domains you might want.
There seems to be some confusion here, and since this thread is highly ranked on Google, it seems relevant to clarify.
Google has a couple of different API's to use for their maps service:
Javascript API
The old version of this API was version 2, which required a key. This version is deprecated, and it is recommended to upgrade to the newer version 3. Note that the documentation still states that you need a key for this to function, except if you're using "Google Maps API for Business".
Static Maps API
This is a whole different story. Static maps is a service that does not require any javascript. You simply call an url, and Google will return a maps image, making it possible to insert the URL directly into your <img> tag.
The newest version is version 2, and this requires a key to function because a usage limit is applied.
A key can be requested here:
And the key should be added to the request for the correct image to be generated:
I hope this clears up some confusion.
I had this same problem but my solution was different. I had the V2 maps api enabled, but not the static maps api (I thought this was V2). I enabled the static maps api and it worked.
Oops I feel like such an idiot. I was using the old V2 maps API URL and not the new V3 API URL. I was getting a 403 because I was using the V2 URL without providing an API key :(
Be hundred percent sure of these points: (for static maps)
Enable your project at this url :
You have your localhost, staging and production - all urls with wildcards enabled in the referrer section.
Google has changed its policy and you now need an api key to display maps. refer this for more : Google Maps API without key?
Hope it helps.
Staticmaps V3 doesn't need the "Key" attribute and removing it seems to solve the <img> source problem.
Try with an URL like this:
For more information read this.
Yeah, Google Maps API version 3 were java-script version; "Google Static Maps" latest were 2.0. I suspect there might be some restriction on use.
I could also not display static maps and could see 403 error in the browser's network console.
http response headers:
I had an API key with a lot of Google Maps APIs enabled but the Google Static Maps API was missing, enabling it solved the issue.
now you should use 'signature' parameter, which you should add to request - otherwise static maps won't work.
here is few useful links
1) how to generate signature
2) how to make signature on BE side (code snippet)
I am using Wordpress 4.9.4 with ChurchThemes Exodus Theme. I had applied for & generated a New API_KEY.
I confirmed it was being used when calling the map:
Google Map Link
However the Js Console showed the following error:
Google Maps Error in Js Console
As Johnny White mentioned above I had to navigate to the API Library Screen via APIs & Services Menu:
enter image description here
You will be greeted by the API Library screen:
API Library Screen
Click on Maps(17) Lower LHS.
Search for & click Google Static Maps API - Enable it if needed:
Google Static Maps API
You may also need to enable Google Maps Javascript API (same process as for Static Maps:
Google Maps Javascript API
Once that is done your maps should start appearing on your site or app.
If they don't appear on refresh you may need to:
clear your cache (Wordpress or Drupal webistes),
wait the 5 min recommended for the API to Register the enabled API's
Try enabling billing on this Google Cloud Project/Firebase Project.
I was experiencing this same issue and just received the 403 error in the console.
Copying and pasting the Static Maps URL in to the URL bar and loading it showed the following error message:
The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at
https://console.cloud.google.com/project/_/billing/enable Learn more at https://developers.google.com/maps/gmp-get-started
Hope this helps!

strutrs2 and ajax(Displaying dynamic value on jsp)

Im pretty new to struts2 and Ajax ,Actually i have a drop down menu in JSP lets say first.jsp, When user select a choice from dropdown menu,I am calling a function of Action class lets say Method1.In this method i am fetching some value from DB(lets say:a,b,c) and one value from java memory lets say d.Then I am forwarding to second.jsp and display all the parameters(a,b,c and d) in tabular format.
Now problem is that the parameter d is dynamic ,this is updating by some other application and if its change then I have to show it on JSP wihout any action.
One solution is I use in second.jsp , so after interval of 10 second again Mehod1 will call and it will fetch value(a,b,c) from db and updated value of d from java memory. and disply it to second.jsp.But in this case i am unnecessary retrieving value from db while my purpose is just to get value d from memory.This is working but this is causing my application to slower.
Can any body suggetst some other solution? or can i do it using ajax and how?
Any other advice? any help is appreciated.try to be more clear, i'm in lack of ideas in this problem, even it sounds like a classic :I have spend hours trying to play around with this but have got nowhere
Okay... What you're asking is a little fuzzy so let me rephrase:
You have a user (USER1) who opens a web page and sees some data.
You have a second user (USER2) (who may be an application) who is able set a value from time to time.
When USER2 updates that value you want USER1 to see it change in their open browser window?
If this is the case you need to understand basic ajax. For that get these demo applications working:
This example uses dojo and perhaps the S2 ajax tag lib I don't remember I prefer not to use ajax tags (as they are deprecated and prefer jquery for ajax):
This example here shows a very similar application but using jquery, no tag library, upgraded to Spring 3, it still needs polish:
Now that you know how to get data via ajax, look at the request with firebug. You'll see that the request is just like a typical function call, the browser keeps waiting for the data to come back.
What you do is simply not return from the action until new data is provided. This is called long polling see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_%28programming%29#Ajax_with_long_polling
If you have not written a simple chat program, using just terminal windows I recommend you do so. Two windows per client (client-send, client-receive windows) and you'll need a server program. I remember hacking one together in a few hours using _Thinking In Java 2nd Edition (Later books took out the networking section if I remember correctly). Anyways between understanding client server interaction and long polling will let you get things working. It would be fun to extend the simple terminal based chat application to a S2 ajax chat application. Would make an awesome tutorial! PS: This is just an application of the producer/consumer problem (If you understand that then I guess you don't need to do the fun exercise).
The interfaces would look very pretty if the server was managed by spring. I know there must be nice servers already written but I am not familiar with any, but would love to hear of one.
