Delete specific image from loader - image

I have three images all from the same loader on screen. I need to delete a specific (targeted) bitmap once clicked. I have an onClick function below, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
var nb_images:int = 3;
var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap;
var img_margin:int = stage.stageHeight/3.5;
var img_request:URLRequest;
var img_loader:Loader;
var images_container:Sprite = new Sprite();
function remove_all_images():void {
for (var i:int = images_container.numChildren - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
function load_images():void {
for (var i:int = 0; i < nb_images; i++) {
img_request = new URLRequest('../img/planet' + (int(nb_images * Math.random())) + '.png');
img_loader = new Loader();
img_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on_img_loaded);
function on_img_loaded(e:Event):void {
e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on_img_loaded);
bmp = e.currentTarget.content;
bmp.x = 600, bmp.width = bmp.height = 80;
bmp.y = images_container.numChildren * (bmp.height + img_margin);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void {

Okay, first thing I did here was remove var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap. You're creating a reference you don't really need, so let's get rid of that altogether.
Now, in your on_img_loaded method, you're going to want to create a new Bitmap for each loaded image.
var bmp:Bitmap = e.currentTarget.content;
Then, you'll need to add the event listener directly to an InteractiveObject rather than the stage. Bitmaps are not InteractiveObjects, so we'll need to wrap it in something else before adding the listener.
var sprite: Sprite = new Sprite();
sprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
Finally, create a method to remove the clicked Bitmap from images_container (note here I removed the nested function - this prevents argument ambiguity and is generally good practice).
function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void
This is the relevant code in its entirety (untested).
//remove var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap from the beginning of the code
function on_img_loaded(e:Event):void {
e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on_img_loaded);
var bmp:Bitmap = e.currentTarget.content;
bmp.x = 600, bmp.width = bmp.height = 80;
bmp.y = images_container.numChildren * (bmp.height + img_margin);
var sprite: Sprite = new Sprite();
sprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void
e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick)
images_container.removeChild(e.currentTarget as DisplayObject);
Hope this helps!


Cocos Creator js animate sprite

I have animated a sprite using a sprite sheet and the update function,
like so:
Note: I have dragged the plist into the atlas field of the sprite node (the same node the monster.js script is attached to) in the Ccos Creator UI.
onLoad: function(){
// change monsters face
this.faces['1'] = 'monster1';
this.faces['2'] = 'monster2';
this.faces['3'] = 'Rmonster1';
this.faces['4'] = 'Rmonster2';
update: function (dt) {
this.timekeep += dt;
if(this.timekeep > 0.1){
var self = this;
cc.loader.loadRes('monsters', cc.SpriteAtlas, function (err, atlas) {
self.getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = atlas.getSpriteFrame(self.faces[self.monstersN]);
this.timekeep = 0;
if(this.monstersN > 4){
this.monstersN = 1;
It actually works fine. I have already thought I should export the cc.loader.loaderRes into the onLoad function and save the atlas as a global var instead of loading every time the update is called.
However…seeing that there are built in animation functions, this can’t be the correct solution. So I tried this:
onLoad: function () {
// change monster face
this.faces['1'] = 'monster1';
this.faces['2'] = 'monster2';
this.faces['3'] = 'Rmonster1';
this.faces['4'] = 'Rmonster2';
var self = this;
cc.loader.loadRes('monsters', cc.SpriteAtlas, function (err, atlas) {
var sprite = self.getComponent(cc.Sprite);
var animFrames = [];
for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
var spriteFrame = atlas.getSpriteFrame(self.faces[i]);
var animFrame = new cc.AnimationFrame();
animFrame.initWithSpriteFrame(spriteFrame, 1, null);
var animation = sprite.Animation.create(animFrames, 0.2, 100);
var animate = sprite.Animate.create(animation);
I get this error:
cc.AnimationFrame is not a constructor
So then I tried this:
onLoad: function () {
// change monster face
this.faces['1'] = 'monster1';
this.faces['2'] = 'monster2';
this.faces['3'] = 'Rmonster1';
this.faces['4'] = 'Rmonster2';
var self = this;
cc.loader.loadRes('monsters', cc.SpriteAtlas, function (err, atlas) {
self.atlasA = atlas;
var sprite = this.getComponent(cc.Sprite);
var animFrames = [];
for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
var spriteFrame = this.atlasA.getSpriteFrame(this.faces[i]);
var animFrame = new cc.AnimationFrame();
animFrame.initWithSpriteFrame(spriteFrame, 1, null);
var animation = sprite.Animation.create(animFrames, 0.2, 100);
var animate = sprite.Animate.create(animation);
I get this error:
Cannot read property ‘getSpriteFrame’ of undefined
How can I use cc.animate to change the sprite using the spritesheet I have. All I want to achieve is to move through the plist in the order the images are in the plist, repeated until the monster is put back into the pool it came from.
Here is the solution for anyone who may still be looking.....
cc.AnimationClip.createWithSpriteFrames([sf1, sf2, ...], fps)

Resizing dynamically loaded images Flash AS3

I have a series of banners (standard sizes) which all need to load the same corresponding image for each slide. I can load them fine but I want the image to match the size of the container MC that the image is being loaded to, is that possible? Either that or to set the height/width manually...
Everything I have tried doesnt work, here is the code for the working state (where it just loads the image which stretches across the stage)
var myImage:String = dynamicContent.Profile[0].propImage.Url;
function myImageLoader(file:String, x:Number, y:Number):StudioLoader{
var myImageLoader:StudioLoader = new StudioLoader();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(file);
myImageLoader.x = -52;
myImageLoader.y =-30;
return myImageLoader;
You can resize your loaded image after the Event.COMPLETE on the LoaderInfo (contentLoaderInfo) of your URLLoader is fired, so you can do like this :
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest('');
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on_loadComplete);
function on_loadComplete(e:Event):void {
var image:DisplayObject = loader.content;
image.x = 100;
image.y = 100;
image.width = 300;
image.height = 200;
Edit :
function load_image(url){
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on_loadComplete);
function on_loadComplete(e:Event):void {
function add_image(image:DisplayObject, _x:int = 0, _y:int = 0, _width:int = 100, _height:int = 100){
image.x = _x;
image.y = _y;
image.width = _width;
image.height = _height;
Hope that can help.

Flash AS2 - grouping enemies

So I have a Flash ActionScript 2 code, which creates a preset amount of enemies, gives enemies stats, and makes them move around randomly. Code:
var mapWidth:Number = 550;
var mapHeight:Number = 400;
var enemiesArray:Array = new Array();
var totalEnemies:Number;
var eClip:MovieClip;
//Math functions
function getdistance(x, y, x1, y1)
run = x1-x;
rise = y1-y;
return (hyp(run, rise));
function hyp(a, b)
return (Math.sqrt(a*a+b*b));
function resetDirection(mc:MovieClip)
mc.roamTime = random(50);
mc.t = mc.roamTime;
mc.roamDistance = random(60)+25;
mc.randomRoamDistanceX = (Math.random()*mc.roamDistance)+mc.xx-(mc.roamDistance/2);
mc.randomRoamDistanceY = (Math.random()*mc.roamDistance)+mc.yy-(mc.roamDistance/2);
mc.newRoamDistance = getdistance(mc._x, mc._y, mc.randomRoamDistanceX, mc.randomRoamDistanceY);
mc.norm = mc.roamSpeed/mc.newRoamDistance;
mc.finalRoamDistanceX = (mc.randomRoamDistanceX-mc.xx)*mc.norm;
mc.finalRoamDistanceY = (mc.randomRoamDistanceY-mc.yy)*mc.norm;
//function to move enemies
function moveIt(mc:MovieClip)
//reduce roamTime;
//move enemy to new position
if (getdistance(mc._x, mc._y, mc.randomRoamDistanceX, mc.randomRoamDistanceY)>mc.roamSpeed) {
mc._x += mc.finalRoamDistanceX;
mc._y += mc.finalRoamDistanceY;
//rotate enemy
XXXdiff = mc.xx-mc.randomRoamDistanceX;
YYYdiff = -(mc.yy-mc.randomRoamDistanceY);
rrradAngle = Math.atan(YYYdiff/XXXdiff);
if (XXXdiff<0) {
cccorrFactor = 270;
} else {
cccorrFactor = 90;
mc.ship_mc._rotation = -(rrradAngle*360/(2*Math.PI)+cccorrFactor);
//check if time to reset, based on roamTime
if (mc.t<=0) {
// Generate Enemies
// set and save enemy stats
// createEnemies(number of enemies you want, movieclip where you want to create the enemies);
function createEnemies(amount:Number, targetLocation:MovieClip) {
trace("createEnemies: "+amount);
for (var i = 0; i<amount; i++) {
randomXpos = Math.round(Math.random()*mapWidth);
randomYpos = Math.round(Math.random()*mapHeight);
//add new enemy to map
var newEnemy:MovieClip = targetLocation.attachMovie("enemy1", "enemy1_"+i, targetLocation.getNextHighestDepth());
//set enemy stats = i;
newEnemy._x = randomXpos;
newEnemy._y = randomYpos;
//save x and y position
newEnemy.xx = newEnemy._x;
newEnemy.yy = newEnemy._y;
newEnemy.roamSpeed = 2
newEnemy.roamTime = random(50);
newEnemy.roamDistance = random(60)+25;
newEnemy.t = 0;
newEnemy.myHealth = 10;
newEnemy.myName = "Small Scout";
//target enemy
newEnemy.onPress = function() {
trace("Enemy: "+this.tName+" ";
target_txt.text = this.myName+": "" Health: "+this.myHealth;
newEnemy.onEnterFrame = function() {
start_btn.onRelease = function() {
if (start_txt.text == "Start") {
//run the create enemies function to start the engine
createEnemies(box_mc.numberOfEnemies.text, map_mc);
//hide start button
start_txt._visible =false;
this._visible = false;
box_mc._visible = false;
I want program enemies to be grouped (based on fireflies algorithm). My idea is write for loop to define attractiveness, but I don't know how to make my objects move to the most attractiveness. Maybe someone would help me with this problem?
I change this line:
newEnemy.myHealth = 10;
on this
newEnemy.myHealth = Math.round(random(9)+1);
myHealth would be responsible for attractiveness. I try to use code from this site and modificate code to let objects with low attractiveness follow objects with large attractiveness. Also, I want to stop algorith, when they are in the groups.

Actionscript - randomly drop from moving plane MC

I wasn't quite sure how to describe my problem in the subject. I have a plane MC and a crate MC. The plane only flies along the y axis from the bottom of the screen to top. Along the way I want it to randomly drop the crate MC. My code is below. The problem is that the crates spontaneously keep spawning and not near the plane.
function movePlane():void
var tempY:Number;
var tempX:Number;
var tempCrate:MovieClip;
var tempPlane:MovieClip;
for (var j:int =planes.length-1; j>=0; j--)
tempPlane = planes[j];
tempPlane.y += tempPlane.planeSpeed;
tempCrate = new Crate();
tempY = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.y);
tempX = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.x);
tempCrate.y = tempY;
tempCrate.x = tempX;
Edited answer:
To make a crate drop on each plane once you can create this behavior by creating a timer on each plane with a random time value. Like this:
function addRandomCreation():void{
var animationTime:Number = 5000; //The time the planes will be animating in ms
for(var i:int = 0; i < planes.length; i++){
var planeTimer:Timer = new Timer(Math.round(animationTime * Math.random()));
planeTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerComplete(i));
function timerComplete(planeID:int):function{
return function(event:TimerEvent):void{;, arguments.callee);
var tempCrate:MovieClip = new Crate();
tempY = Math.round(Math.random() * planes[planeID].y);
tempCrate.y = tempY;
tempCrate.x = planes[planeID].x;
Edited answer:
This will create a crate on the same x axis as the plane it's being created by.
function movePlane():void
var tempY:Number;
var tempX:Number;
var tempCrate:MovieClip;
var tempPlane:MovieClip;
for (var j:int =planes.length-1; j>=0; j--)
tempPlane = planes[j];
tempPlane.y += tempPlane.planeSpeed;
tempCrate = new Crate();
tempY = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.y);
tempCrate.y = tempY;
tempCrate.x = tempPlane.x;
You have have to use addChild each time you create a new Crate otherwise it will just create a lot of crates which only the last one will be added to the stage. To do this you have to move the addChild into the loop.
function movePlane():void
var tempY:Number;
var tempX:Number;
var tempCrate:MovieClip;
var tempPlane:MovieClip;
for (var j:int =planes.length-1; j>=0; j--)
tempPlane = planes[j];
tempPlane.y += tempPlane.planeSpeed;
tempCrate = new Crate();
tempY = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.y);
tempX = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.x);
tempCrate.y = tempY;
tempCrate.x = tempX;

Add a child inside a newly created instance, inside of a loop in AS3

I am trying to create a gallery where each thumb is housed inside of it's own movie clip that will have more data, but it keeps failing because it won't let me refer to the newly created instance of the movie clip. Below is what I am trying to do.
var xml:XML;
var xmlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("xml.xml");
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var imageLoader:Loader;
var vidThumbn:ThumbNail;
var next_y:Number = 0;
for(var i:int = 0; i <; i++)
vidThumbn = new ThumbNail();
imageLoader = new Loader();
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest([i].ThumbnailImage));
vidThumbn.y = next_y;
vidThumbn.x = 0;
next_y += 117; =[i].Files[0].File.URL;
It dies every time on that last line. How do I refer to that vidThumbn instance so I can add the imageLoader? I don't know what I'm missing. It feels like it should work.
You have to refer to it as vidThumbn, not the extended address....
i think it fails because the imageLoader hasn't loaded the image. Furthermore imageLoader doesnt hold the "data" its iamgeLoader.content
best way:
create a "LoaderSprite class" instead of imageLoader = new Loader();
public class LoaderSprite extends Sprite
private var _ldr : Loader;
public function LoaderSprite(url : String)
_ldr = new Loader();
_ldr.load(new URLRequest(url));
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
private function onComplete(event : Event) : void
//Bitmap(_ldr.content).smoothing = true;
// Fireing your own event
//dispatchEvent(new LoaderSpriteEvent(LoaderSpriteEvent.LOADED));
