How to obtain JMSServerControl object - jms

I'm using an out of the box Wildfly 9 application server started with the
standalone-full configuration.
I want to create persistent topics at runtime, so the internet told me I need
an instance of JMSServerControl.
But I don't know how to get one.
I read:
, but that didn't really help me.
The doc says I can find the resource at jms.server
but when I use:
#Resource(mappedName = "jms.server")
private JMSServerControl control;
it isn't found.
I'm new to Wildfly, HornetQ and Dependency Injection so I'm a bit at a loss here.

Try doing an explicit JNDI lookup. Something along the lines of
Context context = new InitialContext();
JMSServerControl control = (JMSServerControl)context.lookup("jms.server");


Configuration Bean in Quarkus

This is regarding CDI spec of quarkus. Would want to understand is there a configuration bean for quarkus? How does one do any sort of configuration in quarkus?
If I get it right the original question is about #Configuration classes that can contain #Bean definitions. If so then CDI producer methods and fields annotated with #javax.enterprise.inject.Produces are the corresponding alternative.
Application configuration is a completely different question though and Jay is right that the Quarkus configuration reference is the ultimate source of information ;-).
First of all reading how cdi spec of quarkus differs from spring is important.
Please refer this guide:
The learnings from this guide is there is #Produces which is an alternative to #Configuration bean in Quarkus.
Let us take an example for libs that might require a configuration through code. Example: Microsoft Azure IOT Service Client.
public class IotHubConfiguration {
String connectionString;
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(IotHubConfiguration.class);
public ServiceClient getIot() throws URISyntaxException, IOException {"Inside Service Client bean");
if(connectionString==null) {"Connection String is null");
throw new RuntimeException("IOT CONNECTION STRING IS NULL");
ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceClient(connectionString, IotHubServiceClientProtocol.AMQPS);;"opened Service Client Successfully");
return serviceClient;
For all libs vertically intergrated with quarkus can be used and then you will get a driver obj for that broker/dbs available directly through #Inject in your #applicationScoped/#Singleton bean So, Why is that?
To Simplify and Unify Configuration
To Make Sure no code is required for configuring anything i.e. database config, broker config , quarkus config etc.
This drastically reduces the amount of code written for configuring and also Junits needed to cover that code.
Let us take an example where kafka producer configuration needs to be added: in
For full blown project reference:
Quarkus References for Config:
Example for reactive sql config:
Now let us talk about a bonus feature that quarkus provides which improves developer experience by atleast an order of magnitude that is profile driven development and testing.
Quarkus provides three profiles:
dev - Activated when in development mode (i.e. quarkus:dev)
test - Activated when running tests
prod - The default profile when not running in development or test
Let us just say that in the given example you wanted to have different topics for development and different topics for production. Let us achieve that!${KAFKA_INPUT_TOPIC_FOR_IOT_HUB:input_topic1}${KAFKA_INPUT_TOPIC_FOR_IOT_HUB:prod_topic}
This is how simple it is. This is extremely useful in cases where your deployments run with ssl enabled brokers/dbs etc and for dev purposes you have unsecure local brokers/dbs. This is a game changer.

Pre-bound JDBC Connection found

We have an app that is using hibernate, spring, and DB2 in websphere 7. We have audit triggers and we need to set so the triggers can know the logged in user (we use generic logon to the database). We came up with a new scheme for setting this in a new app so that it can automatically join in new transactions. We overrode the transaction manager and did the work in the doBegin.
These scheme worked great in one app, and seemed to work great in a second app, but now, weeks later, and not consistently (behavior is intermittent and does not happen in local development), we are getting this Pre-bound JDBC Connection found error. Looking online most posts say this is when you use two transaction managers against one data source. That is now what we are doing.
I also read one post wondering if it was because he mixed annotation and AOP based transactions. This app does some of that. I don't really buy that theory, but thought I'd mention it.
Caused by:
org.springframework.transaction.IllegalTransactionStateException: Pre-bound JDBC Connection found! HibernateTransactionManager does not support running within DataSourceTransactionManager if told to manage the DataSource itself. It is recommended to use a single HibernateTransactionManager for all transactions on a single DataSource, no matter whether Hibernate or JDBC access.
at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(
at org.springframework.core.NestedRuntimeException.<init>(
at org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException.<init>(
at org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager.doBegin(
at gov.usdoj.afms.umc.utils.hibernate.AfmsHibernateTransactionManager.doBegin(
Code (note that the exception comes from the super.doBegin()):
protected void doBegin(Object arg0, TransactionDefinition arg1) {
super.doBegin(arg0, arg1);
if (!Db2ClientInfo.exists()) {
} else {
setDBProperty(Db2ClientInfo.getClientUserId(), Db2ClientInfo.getClientApplicationId());
private void setDBProperty(String uId, String appName) {
Session session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty(WSConnection.CLIENT_ID, uId);
props.setProperty(WSConnection.CLIENT_APPLICATION_NAME, appName);
try {
Connection nativeConn = new SimpleNativeJdbcExtractor().getNativeConnection(session.connection());
if (nativeConn instanceof WSConnection) {
WSConnection wconn = (WSConnection) nativeConn;
} else {
logger.error("Connection was NOT an instance of WSConnection so client ID and app could not be set");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot set DB parameters!", e);
I just realized I never answered this. It turns out that the exception had nothing whatever to do with our Tx manager. It was the fact that this particular EAR has two apps in it, each pointing to the same data source. Evidently this confuses hibernate. We've plans to separate the apps some day, but creating an identical (except in name) data source and pointing the apps at them separately fixes the issue for now.
Instead of modifying the transaction manager it might be easier (better?) to create a wrapper around your datasource (extending DelegatingDataSource from spring) and override the 2 getConnection methods. For the cleanup you could wrap the connection in a proxy and intercept the close method.
That should be a safer (and easier I guess) way then trying to fiddle with the transaction manager and it works for every technology (JDBC, Hibernate, JPA etc.) as long as you use the wrapped datasource. (The registration could be done with a BeanPostProcessor which detects DataSource instances and simply wraps them in the delegate).
If that is to radical (as it means changing your current applications instead of updating a library). It could be a configuration problem, make sure that you are only loading your configuration (and thus DataSource and TransactionManager) only once, duplicating bean instances might lead to a similair behavior.
For posterity, I just got this problem and the answers here weren't very helpful. We resolved the problem by removing a double import of a core XML file which had the AOP transaction manager definition in it:
<tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="..."
proxy-target-class="true" />
I'm thinking that it causes there to be 2 transaction managers overlapping the same namespace. To fix it, we moved the imports around so they were being done once.
Hope this helps someone else.

Deploy Spring and Jersey App with JavaConfig on Grizzly

I am trying to make this run for days now and I can't figure out how to do it. Perhaps someone else has an idea or has done this already?
I want to deploy my application on a grizzly embedded server. I configured my Spring application using JavaConfig, and that worked out pretty good so far, but now I seem to be stuck. Here is the code I use to deploy my Jersey stuff to grizzly:
HttpServer server = new HttpServer();
NetworkListener listener = new NetworkListener("grizzly2", "localhost", 4433);
WebappContext ctx = new WebappContext("ctx","/");
final ServletRegistration reg = ctx.addServlet("spring", new SpringServlet());
reg.setInitParameter("", "com.myapp.http.webservices");
ctx.addContextInitParameter("contextConfigLocation", "com/myapp/config/beans.xml");
ctx.addFilter("springSecurityFilterChain", new DelegatingFilterProxy());
Now as far as I can tell the following line is the problem.
ctx.addContextInitParameter("contextConfigLocation", "com/myapp/config/beans.xml");
I have a beans.xml in which I configure the spring security stuff, but all the other beans I use are declared via JavaConfig. So, if I only pass the beans.xml, the application will only have access to the beans declared in there. What I really want to so is to pass my ApplicationContext so that all my beans can be retrieved properly.
I there a way to pass my ApplicationContext with the deployment as well? Or has someone a better idea on how to make this work?
Try this
ctx.addContextInitParameter("contextConfigLocation", "classpath:com/myapp/config/beans.xml")
And you should not use anymore as you already use Spring to manage the beans.

WebSphere: JNDI Context Lookup Failure

I have the following...
Context aContext = = new InitialContext(settings);
Also tried...
then in my ibm-web-bnd.xml...
<resource-ref name="DB2_DB" binding-name="jdbc/DB2DB" />
In Websphere I see the binding name in resources>JDBC>Data Sources
But when I run my application I see...
Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Context: Node04Cell/nodes/Node04/servers/server1, name: DB2_DB: First component in name DB2_DB not found. [Root exception is org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFound:]^M
This is a port project from WAS6-8.5
Well, this question is quite old, and I see that there's no accepted answer yet, so.
Here is what really happens:
Your code executes a JNDI lookup to java:comp/env/DB2_DB.
WebSphere uses the WAS-proprietary deployment descriptor (ibm-web-bnd.xml) to "translate" the application binding DB2_DB into a real name in the WebSphere JNDI tree (jdbc/DB2DB).
WebSphere looks up jdbc/DB2DB and returning it to the caller.
You are getting a NameNotFoundException on the first lookup - the lookup of java:comp/env/DB2_DB. The problem is not with finding jdbc/DB2DB; it's with finding DB2_DB inside your component's environment.
Your deployment descriptor looks OK to me, so I'm guessing that the reason for your problem is this:
Context aContext = new InitialContext(settings);
You are constructing an InitialContext instance by providing a Hashtable. The Hashtable is often useful when you need to provide special parameters for the construction, but you must know when to use it and when to avoid it. Code that runs inside a JavaEE container and needs simple access to the container's JNDI tree rarely, if ever, should provide any Hashtable to the InitialContext constructor.
I wouldn't be surprised if those settings that you're passing into InitialContext contain, for example, a PROVIDER_URL key instructing the lookup to happen on some distant foreign JNDI tree.
So, I would start by scrapping that parameter:
Context aContext = new InitialContext();
And then give it another shot.
If that still fails, use WebSphere's dumpNamespace utility to get a clear picture of WebSphere's JNDI tree.
I'm not sure what the ibm-web-bnd.xml does, however you could try two things.
First you can try doing a global lookup. Try:
I assume the datasource is named "jdbc/DB2DB" withing the datasource configuration.
Otherwise you should check if the datasource is mapped in your application. I guess the ibm-web-bnd.xml should when set up properly do that mapping.
Dump the namespace and find the jndi under target you want to find. If it is not found, update corbaloc URL to the one as given in the target. Because the look up was working in my local but not working in a clustered environment. I dumped the namespace and identified the corbaloc URL. Then used that corbaloc URL in the SIT environment.
Example: JMS_HOST was corbaloc::localhost:2809/NameServiceServerRoot in local but in clustered enviroment it was JMS_HOST=corbaloc::ABC-DEF-XYZ:9810/NameServiceServerRoot
This solved my issue.

how to read a jms queue from a non hosted java application?

I'm trying to read messages from a jms queue created in "Sun App Server" from a non-hosted application (console app) but I get the following error:
Cannot instantiate class: javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
with this code:
Properties env = new Properties( );
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory");
InitialContext jndi = new InitialContext(env);
and I have referenced the j2ee.jar library that contains the class but certainly, the class is an interface.
Can I access the queue from a non-hosted application??
When you say "Sun App Server", I'm not sure what that means, but I will assume it is Glassfish.
There are 2 separate steps to acquiring remote JMS resources.
You need to create a remote JNDI connection which requires a valid InitialContextFactory class name.
Once you have a the connection, you can look up the TopicConnectionFactory.
For item #1, this link demonstrates how to make a remote JNDI connection.
For item #2, once you have a JNDI context, you will also need to know the JNDI name of the TopicConnectionFactory which will look something like:
TopicConnectionFactory tcf = (TopicConnectionFactory) jndi.lookup("jms/TopicConnectionFactory");
One aspect you need to keep in mind is that the j2ee.jar library contains the generic Java EE interfaces for the JMS classes, but you will also need a library in your classpath that contain the JMS implementation concrete classes. This also goes for the JNDI connection. This tutorial provides a concise list as:
Applicationserver JNDI Lookup
/lib/javaee.jar /lib/j2ee.jar
Client Lib
